version=2 @battle.starttrainer(viridian_gym\leader) @player.AchieveEmblem(earth) :if:=False @register.register(earthbadge_obtain) @npc.unregister(ceruleancave\bf1.dat|0|remove|0) @npc.register(routes\route10.dat|3|position|2,0,10) @npc.register(gates\league.dat|1|remove|0) @player.GetBadge(8) way!*How the heck did~I lose to you?*...*Tch, all right...*Here, take this.*It's the Earth Badge.*With this Badge,~you'll be able to~use the HM move~Rock Climb!*In all of Kanto~and Johto there is only~one other person who has~beaten me the~way you just did.*He is currently~training alone on~Mt. Silver.*I think you would~enjoy battling each~other.*I will make arrangments~for you to be allowed~to go to the mountain.*Just take Route 22~from here to the~League Gate and pass~straight through to~take the road to~Mt. Silver.*Here!*Take this as well!*) @item.give(376,1) @item.messagegive(376,1) contains Metronome!*It uses ANY move at random!*It's a very tricky~move, isn't it?) :endif :end