version=2 :if:=True @register.unregister(rocketkantointerferance) @npc.register(icefall\bay.dat|0|remove|0) @npc.register(floe\1.dat|0|position|2,0,3) @npc.register(ceruleancave\1f.dat|2|remove|0) :endif :if:=False @entity.warp(0,46,-0.15,28) @player.move(0) @level.update @entity.showmessagebulb(1|46|1|28) @level.wait(50) @entity.remove(0) @npc.warp(1,46,0,28) @level.update @npc.setspeed(1,2) @npc.move(1,2) @npc.turn(1,2) @npc.setspeed(1,2) @npc.move(1,4) you perhaps~?*I overheard the~Team Rocket Boss~tell his followers~to watch for you,~and decided to~wait for you here.*I am a globe-trotting elite~of the International Police.*My name...*Ah, no.*I shall inform you only~of my code name.*My code name, it is Looker.*I was sent here to~investigate Team Rocket's~recent activities.*I request your cooperation.*I will be sneaking around~the cave looking for~a good opportunity to~capture their boss~but I cannot be certain~of the outcome.*If you a could be a~distraction, I would be~very thankful.*I will see you again when~I capture the boss.) @screen.fadeout @npc.remove(1) @register.register(lookercerulean) @screen.fadein :endif :end