version=2 :if:=true =false @player.move(0) @player.turnto(1) @player.move(2) @npc.remove(1) @level.wait(20) @entity.showmessagebulb(1|4|1|5) @npc.turn(0,3) @npc.move(0,1)!~I found the Light Stone...~Its beauty is immeasurable!*It is said that when a certain~legendary Pokémon lost their~physical form, they fell into a~slumber and were transformed~into this encapsulated sphere.*It holds the essence of its~previous existence and could~possibly be used to awaken the~ancient Pokémon.) similar artifact is hidden~somewhere else around this~archipelago.~Locating that other item is my~next objective.*Say, why don't you try looking~for it as well?~In the future I envision, you~are the one to obtain it.*Perhaps it's destiny?) @npc.turn(0,2) @npc.move(0,1) @npc.turn(0,3) @npc.move(0,2) @npc.turn(0,0) @npc.move(0,1) @npc.turn(0,3) @npc.move(0,1) @npc.turn(0,0) @npc.remove(0) @npc.unregister(mtember\braille2.dat|0|position|4,0,5) @npc.register(mtember\braille2.dat|1|remove|0) @register.register(nlightstone) :endif :end