Namespace BattleSystem
Public Class FieldEffects
'Client side stuff in PvP
Public ClientCanSwitch As Boolean = True 'Calculated by the host, sent to the client
'Own stuff
Public OwnSleepTurns As Integer = 0 'Sleep turns
Public OwnTruantRound As Integer = 0 'Truant move counter
Public OwnImprison As Integer = 0 'Imprison move counter
Public OwnTaunt As Integer = 0 'Taunt move counter
Public OwnTelekinesis As Integer = 0 'Telekinesis move counter
Public OwnRageCounter As Integer = 0 'Rage move counter
Public OwnUproar As Integer = 0 'Uproar move counter
Public OwnFocusEnergy As Integer = 0 'Focus energy move counter
Public OwnFlashFire As Integer = 0 'Flash Fire move counter
Public OwnEndure As Integer = 0 'Endure move counter
Public OwnProtectCounter As Integer = 0 'Protect move counter
Public OwnKingsShieldCounter As Integer = 0 'Kings Shield move counter
Public OwnSpikyShieldCounter As Integer = 0 'Spiky Shield move counter
Public OwnDetectCounter As Integer = 0 'Detect move counter
Public OwnBanefulBunkerCounter As Integer = 0 'Baneful Bunker move counter
Public OwnCraftyShieldCounter As Integer = 0 'Crafty Shield move counter
Public OwnMatBlockCounter As Integer = 0 'Mat Block move counter
Public OwnWideGuardCounter As Integer = 0 'Wide Guard move counter
Public OwnQuickGuardCounter As Integer = 0 'Quick Guard move counter
Public OwnIngrain As Integer = 0 'Ingrain move counter
Public OwnSubstitute As Integer = 0 'Substitute HP left
Public OwnLuckyChant As Integer = 0 'Lucky chant move counter
Public OwnMagnetRise As Integer = 0 'magnetrise move counter
Public OwnAquaRing As Integer = 0 'Aqua ring move counter
Public OwnPoisonCounter As Integer = 0 'Poison counter for bad poison
Public OwnNightmare As Integer = 0 'Nightmare move counter
Public OwnCurse As Integer = 0 'Curse move counter
Public OwnOutrage As Integer = 0 'Outrage move counter
Public OwnThrash As Integer = 0 'Thrash move counter
Public OwnPetalDance As Integer = 0 'Petaldance move counter
Public OwnEncore As Integer = 0 'Encore move counter
Public OwnEncoreMove As Attack = Nothing 'Encore move used
Public OwnEmbargo As Integer = 0 'Embargo move counter
Public OwnYawn As Integer = 0 'Yawn move counter
Public OwnPerishSongCount As Integer = 0 'Perishsong move counter
Public OwnConfusionTurns As Integer = 0 'Turns until confusion runs out
Public TempOwnConfusionTurns As Integer = 0 'For the functionality of Berserk Gene
Public OwnTorment As Integer = 0 'Torment move counter
Public OwnTormentMove As Attack = Nothing 'Torment move
Public OwnMetronomeItemCount As Integer = 0 'The counter for the item Metronome
Public OwnChoiceMove As Attack = Nothing 'The move chosen to use for choice items
Public OwnRolloutCounter As Integer = 0 'Rollout move counter
Public OwnIceBallCounter As Integer = 0 'IceBall move counter
Public OwnRecharge As Integer = 0 'Recharge counter for moves like Hyperbeam
Public OwnDefenseCurl As Integer = 0 'Checks if defense curl was used
Public OwnCharge As Integer = 0 'Charge move counter
Public OwnPayDayCounter As Integer = 0 'Counter for the payday move
Public OwnRazorWindCounter As Integer = 0 'Razor Wind move counter
Public OwnSkullBashCounter As Integer = 0 'Skull Bash move counter
Public OwnSkyAttackCounter As Integer = 0 'Sky Attack move counter
Public OwnMinimize As Integer = 0 'Set if user used the move Minimize
Public OwnLastDamage As Integer = 0 'Last Damage the own Pokémon has done by moves.
Public OwnLeechSeed As Integer = 0 'The opponent used leech seed
Public OwnSolarBeam As Integer = 0 'Charge counter for solar beam
Public OwnSolarBlade As Integer = 0 'Charge counter for solar blade
Public OwnLockOn As Integer = 0 'Counter for the moves lock-on and mind reader
Public OwnBideCounter As Integer = 0 'Counter for the Bide move
Public OwnBideDamage As Integer = 0 'Half of the damage dealt by bide
Public OwnRageFistPower As Integer = 0 'how much the Power of the attack Rage Fist increases
Public OwnLansatBerry As Integer = 0 'Raise critical hit ration when Lansat got eaten
Public OwnCustapBerry As Integer = 0 'Raises the attack speed once when Custap got eaten
Public OwnTrappedCounter As Integer = 0 'If the pokemon is trapped (for example by Spider Web), this is =1
Public OwnForesight As Integer = 0 'Own Ghost Pokémon can be hit by Normal/Fighting attacks
Public OwnOdorSleuth As Integer = 0 'Same as Foresight
Public OwnMiracleEye As Integer = 0 'Own Dark type Pokémon can be hit by Psychic type attacks
Public OwnProtectMovesCount As Integer = 0 'Counts uses of protect moves
Public OwnFuryCutter As Integer = 0 'Counter for the move fury cutter
Public OwnEchoedVoice As Integer = 0 'Counter for the move echoed voice
Public OwnPokemonTurns As Integer = 0 'Turns for how long the own pokemon has been in battle
Public OwnStockpileCount As Integer = 0 'A counter for the stockpile moves used for Swallow and Spit Up
Public OwnIceBurnCounter As Integer = 0 'Counter for the Ice Burn move.
Public OwnFreezeShockCounter As Integer = 0
Public OwnWaterPledge As Integer = 0 'Doubles effect propability for four turns
Public OwnGrassPledge As Integer = 0 'Halves the opponent's speed for four turns
Public OwnFirePledge As Integer = 0 'Deals damage of 1/8 HP at the end of turn for four turns
Public OwnPokemonDamagedThisTurn As Boolean = False
Public OwnPokemonDamagedLastTurn As Boolean = False
Public OwnFlyCounter As Integer = 0
Public OwnDigCounter As Integer = 0
Public OwnBounceCounter As Integer = 0
Public OwnDiveCounter As Integer = 0
Public OwnShadowForceCounter As Integer = 0
Public OwnPhantomForceCounter As Integer = 0
Public OwnSkyDropCounter As Integer = 0
Public OwnGeomancyCounter As Integer = 0
Public OwnWrap As Integer = 0
Public OwnWhirlpool As Integer = 0
Public OwnBind As Integer = 0
Public OwnClamp As Integer = 0
Public OwnFireSpin As Integer = 0
Public OwnMagmaStorm As Integer = 0
Public OwnSandTomb As Integer = 0
Public OwnInfestation As Integer = 0
Public OwnUsedMoves As New List(Of Integer)
Public OwnMagicCoat As Integer = 0
Public OwnConsumedItem As Item = Nothing
Public OwnSmacked As Integer = 0 'Smack Down effect condition
Public OwnPursuit As Boolean = False
Public OwnMegaEvolved As Boolean = False
Public OwnRoostUsed As Boolean = False 'If roost got used, this is true and will get set false and revert types at the end of a turn.
Public OwnDestinyBond As Boolean = False 'If own Pokémon used destiny bond, this is true. If the opponent knocks the own Pokémon out, it will faint as well.
Public OwnHealingWish As Boolean = False 'True, if healing wish got used. Heals the next switched in Pokémon.
Public OwnGastroAcid As Boolean = False 'If own Pokémon is affected by Gastro Acid
Public OwnTarShot As Boolean = False 'If own Pokémon is affected by Tar Shot
Public OwnLastMove As Attack = Nothing 'Last move used
Public OwnSpikes As Integer = 0 'Trap move counter
Public OwnStealthRock As Integer = 0 'Trap move counter
Public OwnStickyWeb As Integer = 0 'Trap move counter
Public OwnToxicSpikes As Integer = 0 'Trap move counter
Public OwnMist As Integer = 0 'Mist move counter
Public OwnGuardSpec As Integer = 0 'Guard spec item counter
Public OwnTurnCounts As Integer = 0 'Own turns
Public OwnLightScreen As Integer = 0 'Lightscreen move counter
Public OwnReflect As Integer = 0 'Reflect move counter
Public OwnTailWind As Integer = 0 'Tailwind move counter
Public OwnHealBlock As Integer = 0 'Healblock move counter
Public OwnSafeguard As Integer = 0 'Safeguard move counter
Public OwnWish As Integer = 0 'Wish move counter
Public OwnFutureSightDamage As Integer = 0 'stored Futuresight move damage
Public OwnFutureSightTurns As Integer = 0 'Turns until Futuresight hits
Public OwnFutureSightID As Integer = 0 'Move ID for the Futuresight move
'Opp stuff
Public OppSpikes As Integer = 0
Public OppStealthRock As Integer = 0
Public OppStickyWeb As Integer = 0
Public OppToxicSpikes As Integer = 0
Public OppMist As Integer = 0
Public OppGuardSpec As Integer = 0
Public OppTurnCounts As Integer = 0
Public OppLastMove As Attack = Nothing
Public OppLightScreen As Integer = 0
Public OppReflect As Integer = 0
Public OppTailWind As Integer = 0
Public OppSleepTurns As Integer = 0
Public OppTruantRound As Integer = 0
Public OppImprison As Integer = 0
Public OppHealBlock As Integer = 0
Public OppTaunt As Integer = 0
Public OppTelekinesis As Integer = 0
Public OppRageCounter As Integer = 0
Public OppUproar As Integer = 0
Public OppFocusEnergy As Integer = 0
Public OppFlashFire As Integer = 0
Public OppEndure As Integer = 0
Public OppProtectCounter As Integer = 0
Public OppKingsShieldCounter As Integer = 0
Public OppSpikyShieldCounter As Integer = 0
Public OppDetectCounter As Integer = 0
Public OppBanefulBunkerCounter As Integer = 0
Public OppCraftyShieldCounter As Integer = 0
Public OppMatBlockCounter As Integer = 0
Public OppWideGuardCounter As Integer = 0
Public OppQuickGuardCounter As Integer = 0
Public OppIngrain As Integer = 0
Public OppSubstitute As Integer = 0
Public OppSafeguard As Integer = 0
Public OppLuckyChant As Integer = 0
Public OppWish As Integer = 0
Public OppMagnetRise As Integer = 0
Public OppAquaRing As Integer = 0
Public OppPoisonCounter As Integer = 0
Public OppNightmare As Integer = 0
Public OppCurse As Integer = 0
Public OppOutrage As Integer = 0
Public OppThrash As Integer = 0
Public OppPetalDance As Integer = 0
Public OppEncore As Integer = 0
Public OppEncoreMove As Attack
Public OppEmbargo As Integer = 0
Public OppYawn As Integer = 0
Public OppFutureSightDamage As Integer = 0
Public OppFutureSightTurns As Integer = 0
Public OppFutureSightID As Integer = 0
Public OppPerishSongCount As Integer = 0
Public OppConfusionTurns As Integer = 0
Public TempOppConfusionTurns As Integer = 0
Public OppTorment As Integer = 0
Public OppTormentMove As Attack = Nothing
Public OppMetronomeItemCount As Integer = 0
Public OppChoiceMove As Attack = Nothing
Public OppRolloutCounter As Integer = 0
Public OppIceBallCounter As Integer = 0
Public OppRecharge As Integer = 0
Public OppDefenseCurl As Integer = 0
Public OppCharge As Integer = 0
Public OppPayDayCounter As Integer = 0
Public OppRazorWindCounter As Integer = 0
Public OppSkullBashCounter As Integer = 0
Public OppSkyAttackCounter As Integer = 0
Public OppMinimize As Integer = 0
Public OppLastDamage As Integer = 0
Public OppLeechSeed As Integer = 0
Public OppSolarBeam As Integer = 0
Public OppSolarBlade As Integer = 0
Public OppLockOn As Integer = 0
Public OppBideCounter As Integer = 0
Public OppRageFistPower As Integer = 0
Public OppBideDamage As Integer = 0
Public OppLansatBerry As Integer = 0
Public OppCustapBerry As Integer = 0
Public OppTrappedCounter As Integer = 0
Public OppForesight As Integer = 0
Public OppOdorSleuth As Integer = 0
Public OppMiracleEye As Integer = 0
Public OppProtectMovesCount As Integer = 0
Public OppFuryCutter As Integer = 0
Public OppEchoedVoice As Integer = 0
Public OppPokemonTurns As Integer = 0
Public OppStockpileCount As Integer = 0
Public OppIceBurnCounter As Integer = 0
Public OppFreezeShockCounter As Integer = 0
Public OppWaterPledge As Integer = 0
Public OppGrassPledge As Integer = 0
Public OppFirePledge As Integer = 0
Public OppPokemonDamagedThisTurn As Boolean = False
Public OppPokemonDamagedLastTurn As Boolean = False
Public OppMagicCoat As Integer = 0
Public OppConsumedItem As Item = Nothing
Public OppSmacked As Integer = 0
Public OppPursuit As Boolean = False
Public OppMegaEvolved As Boolean = False
Public OppRoostUsed As Boolean = False
Public OppDestinyBond As Boolean = False
Public OppHealingWish As Boolean = False
Public OppGastroAcid As Boolean = False
Public OppTarShot As Boolean = False 'If opponent Pokémon is affected by Tar Shot
Public OppFlyCounter As Integer = 0
Public OppDigCounter As Integer = 0
Public OppBounceCounter As Integer = 0
Public OppDiveCounter As Integer = 0
Public OppShadowForceCounter As Integer = 0
Public OppPhantomForceCounter As Integer = 0
Public OppSkyDropCounter As Integer = 0
Public OppGeomancyCounter As Integer = 0
Public OppWrap As Integer = 0
Public OppWhirlpool As Integer = 0
Public OppBind As Integer = 0
Public OppClamp As Integer = 0
Public OppFireSpin As Integer = 0
Public OppMagmaStorm As Integer = 0
Public OppSandTomb As Integer = 0
Public OppInfestation As Integer = 0
Public OppUsedMoves As New List(Of Integer)
Private _weather As BattleWeather.WeatherTypes = BattleWeather.WeatherTypes.Clear
Public WeatherRounds As Integer = 0
Public Property Weather() As BattleWeather.WeatherTypes
Return Me._weather
End Get
Set(value As BattleWeather.WeatherTypes)
Me._weather = value
Screen.Level.World.CurrentMapWeather = BattleWeather.GetWorldWeather(value)
End Set
End Property
'Field stuff
Public TrickRoom As Integer = 0
Public Gravity As Integer = 0
Public MudSport As Integer = 0
Public WaterSport As Integer = 0
Public Rounds As Integer = 0
Public AmuletCoin As Integer = 0
Public ElectricTerrain As Integer = 0
Public GrassyTerrain As Integer = 0
Public MistyTerrain As Integer = 0
Public PsychicTerrain As Integer = 0
'Special stuff
Public RunTries As Integer = 0
Public UsedPokemon As New List(Of Integer)
Public StolenItemIDs As New List(Of String)
Public DefeatedTrainerPokemon As Boolean = False
Public RoamingFled As Boolean = False
'Moves that swap out Pokémon
Public OwnSwapIndex As Integer = -1
Public OppSwapIndex As Integer = -1
Public OwnUsedBatonPass As Boolean = False
Public OwnBatonPassStats As List(Of Integer)
Public OwnBatonPassConfusion As Boolean = False
Public OwnBatonPassIndex As Integer = -1
Public OppUsedBatonPass As Boolean = False
Public OppBatonPassStats As List(Of Integer)
Public OppBatonPassConfusion As Boolean = False
Public OppBatonPassIndex As Integer = -1
Public Function CanUseItem(ByVal own As Boolean) As Boolean
Dim embargo As Integer = OwnEmbargo
If own = False Then
embargo = OppEmbargo
End If
If embargo > 0 Then
Return False
End If
Return True
End Function
Public Function CanUseOwnItem(ByVal own As Boolean, ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen) As Boolean
Dim p As Pokemon = BattleScreen.OwnPokemon
If own = False Then
p = BattleScreen.OppPokemon
End If
If p.Ability.Name.ToLower() = "klutz" Then
Return False
End If
Return True
End Function
''' Checks if a Pokémon can use its ability.
''' Which Pokémon?
''' The BattleScreen reference.
''' 0: Supression abilities, 1: GastroAcid, 2: both
Public Function CanUseAbility(ByVal own As Boolean, ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen, Optional ByVal CheckType As Integer = 0) As Boolean
If CheckType = 0 Or CheckType = 2 Then
Dim p As Pokemon = BattleScreen.OppPokemon
If own = False Then
p = BattleScreen.OwnPokemon
End If
Dim supressAbilities() As String = {"mold breaker", "turboblaze", "teravolt"}
If supressAbilities.Contains(p.Ability.Name.ToLower()) = True Then
Return False
End If
End If
If CheckType = 1 Or CheckType = 2 Then
If own = True Then
If OwnGastroAcid = True Then
Return False
End If
If OppGastroAcid = True Then
Return False
End If
End If
End If
Return True
End Function
Public Function IsGrounded(ByVal own As Boolean, ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen) As Boolean
Dim p As Pokemon = BattleScreen.OwnPokemon
Dim grounded As Boolean = True
If own = True Then
If p.Type1.Type = Element.Types.Flying Or p.Type2.Type = Element.Types.Flying Or p.Ability.Name.ToLower() = "levitate" And BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseAbility(True, BattleScreen) = True Then
grounded = False
End If
If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.Gravity > 0 Or BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnSmacked > 0 Or BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnIngrain > 0 Then
grounded = True
If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnTelekinesis > 0 Or BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnMagnetRise > 0 Then
grounded = False
End If
If Not p.Item Is Nothing Then
If p.Item.OriginalName.ToLower() = "air balloon" And BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseItem(True) = True And BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseOwnItem(True, BattleScreen) = True Then
grounded = False
End If
If p.Item.OriginalName.ToLower() = "iron ball" And BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseItem(True) = True And BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseOwnItem(True, BattleScreen) = True Then
grounded = True
End If
End If
End If
If OwnBounceCounter > 0 Or OwnDigCounter > 0 Or OwnDiveCounter > 0 Or OwnFlyCounter > 0 Or OwnPhantomForceCounter > 0 Or OwnShadowForceCounter > 0 Or OwnSkyDropCounter > 0 Then
grounded = False
End If
p = BattleScreen.OppPokemon
If p.Type1.Type = Element.Types.Flying Or (p.Type2 IsNot Nothing AndAlso p.Type2.Type = Element.Types.Flying) Or p.Ability.Name.ToLower() = "levitate" And BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseAbility(False, BattleScreen) = True Then
grounded = False
End If
If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.Gravity > 0 Or BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppSmacked > 0 Or BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppIngrain > 0 Then
grounded = True
If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppTelekinesis > 0 Or BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppMagnetRise > 0 Then
grounded = False
End If
If Not p.Item Is Nothing Then
If p.Item.OriginalName.ToLower() = "air balloon" And BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseItem(False) = True And BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseOwnItem(False, BattleScreen) = True Then
grounded = False
End If
If p.Item.OriginalName.ToLower() = "iron ball" And BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseItem(False) = True And BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseOwnItem(False, BattleScreen) = True Then
grounded = True
End If
End If
End If
If OppBounceCounter > 0 Or OppDigCounter > 0 Or OppDiveCounter > 0 Or OppFlyCounter > 0 Or OppPhantomForceCounter > 0 Or OppShadowForceCounter > 0 Or OppSkyDropCounter > 0 Then
grounded = False
End If
End If
If grounded = True Then
Return True
Return False
End If
End Function
Public Function GetPokemonWeight(ByVal own As Boolean, ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen) As Single
Dim p As Pokemon = BattleScreen.OwnPokemon
Dim op As Pokemon = BattleScreen.OppPokemon
If own = False Then
p = BattleScreen.OppPokemon
op = BattleScreen.OwnPokemon
End If
Dim weigth As Single = p.PokedexEntry.Weight
If p.Ability.Name.ToLower() = "light metal" And CanUseAbility(own, BattleScreen) = True Then
weigth /= 2
End If
If p.Ability.Name.ToLower() = "heavy metal" And CanUseAbility(own, BattleScreen) = True Then
weigth *= 2
End If
Return weigth
End Function
Public Function MovesFirst(ByVal own As Boolean) As Boolean
If own = True Then
If OwnTurnCounts > OppTurnCounts Then
Return True
Return False
End If
If OppTurnCounts > OwnTurnCounts Then
Return True
Return False
End If
End If
End Function
End Class
End Namespace