Public Class DiveTile Inherits Entity Dim diveUp As Integer = 0 Public Overrides Sub Initialize() MyBase.Initialize() Me.diveUp = Me.ActionValue Me.NeedsUpdate = True End Sub Public Overrides Sub Update() If Screen.Level.Surfing = True Then If CInt(Me.Position.X) = CInt(Screen.Camera.Position.X) And CInt(Me.Position.Y) = CInt(Screen.Camera.Position.Y) And CInt(Me.Position.Z) = CInt(Screen.Camera.Position.Z) Then If Controls.Accept(True, True, True) = True Then If Core.CurrentScreen.Identification = Screen.Identifications.OverworldScreen Then If CType(Core.CurrentScreen, OverworldScreen).ActionScript.IsReady Then Me.StartDive() End If End If End If End If End If End Sub Private Sub StartDive() If diveUp = 0 Then 'Down Dim t As String = Localization.GetString("fieldmove_dive_down_1", "The water seems to be~really deep at this point.") Dim d As String = GetDivePokemon() If d <> "" And Badge.CanUseHMMove(Badge.HMMoves.Dive) = True Or Core.Player.SandBoxMode = True Or GameController.IS_DEBUG_ACTIVE = True Then t &= Localization.GetString("fieldmove_dive_down_2", "*Do you want to~use Dive?") & "%" & Localization.GetString("global_yes", "Yes") & "|" & Localization.GetString("global_no", "No") & "%" End If Screen.TextBox.Show(t, {Me}) SoundManager.PlaySound("select") ElseIf diveUp = 1 Then 'Up Dim t As String = Localization.GetString("fieldmove_dive_up_type1", "Light shines down from~the surface.*Do you want to~use Dive?") & "%" & Localization.GetString("global_yes", "Yes") & "|" & Localization.GetString("global_no", "No") & "%" Screen.TextBox.Show(t, {Me}) SoundManager.PlaySound("select") ElseIf diveUp = 2 Then 'Up Dim t As String = Localization.GetString("fieldmove_dive_up_type2", "The boat's shadow is cast~upon the ocean floor.*Do you want to~use Dive?") & "%" & Localization.GetString("global_yes", "Yes") & "|" & Localization.GetString("global_no", "No") & "%" Screen.TextBox.Show(t, {Me}) SoundManager.PlaySound("select") End If End Sub Public Overrides Sub ResultFunction(ByVal result As Integer) If result = 0 Then If diveUp = 0 Then 'Down Dim s As String = "version=2" & Environment.NewLine & "" & GetDivePokemon() & " " & Localization.GetString("fieldmove_dive_used", "used~Dive!") & ")" & Environment.NewLine & "@screen.fadeout" & Environment.NewLine & "@player.warp(" & Me.AdditionalValue & ")" & Environment.NewLine & "@level.update" & Environment.NewLine & "@player.setmovement(0,-0.5,0)" & Environment.NewLine & "@screen.fadein" & Environment.NewLine & "@player.move(8)" & Environment.NewLine & "@player.resetmovement" & Environment.NewLine & ":end" CType(Core.CurrentScreen, OverworldScreen).ActionScript.StartScript(s, 2) ElseIf diveUp = 1 Then 'Up Dim s As String = "version=2" & Environment.NewLine & "" & GetDivePokemon() & " " & Localization.GetString("fieldmove_dive_used", "used~Dive!") & ")" & Environment.NewLine & "@player.setmovement(0,0.5,0)" & Environment.NewLine & "@player.move(8)" & Environment.NewLine & "@player.resetmovement" & Environment.NewLine & "@screen.fadeout" & Environment.NewLine & "@player.warp(" & Me.AdditionalValue & ")" & Environment.NewLine & "@level.update" & Environment.NewLine & "@screen.fadein" & Environment.NewLine & ":end" CType(Core.CurrentScreen, OverworldScreen).ActionScript.StartScript(s, 2) ElseIf diveUp = 2 Then 'Up Dim s As String = "version=2" & Environment.NewLine & "" & GetDivePokemon() & " " & Localization.GetString("fieldmove_dive_used", "used~Dive!") & ")" & Environment.NewLine & "@player.setmovement(0,0.5,0)" & Environment.NewLine & "@player.move(6)" & Environment.NewLine & "@player.resetmovement" & Environment.NewLine & "@screen.fadeout" & Environment.NewLine & "@player.warp(" & Me.AdditionalValue & ")" & Environment.NewLine & "@level.update" & Environment.NewLine & "@screen.fadein" & Environment.NewLine & ":end" CType(Core.CurrentScreen, OverworldScreen).ActionScript.StartScript(s, 2) End If End If End Sub Private Function GetDivePokemon() As String For Each p As Pokemon In Core.Player.Pokemons For Each a As BattleSystem.Attack In p.Attacks If a.Name.ToLower() = "dive" Then Return p.GetDisplayName() End If Next Next Return "" End Function Public Overrides Sub Render() If Me.Model Is Nothing Then Me.Draw(Me.BaseModel, Textures, False) Else UpdateModel() Draw(Me.BaseModel, Me.Textures, True, Me.Model) End If End Sub End Class