Public Class Waterfall Inherits Entity Shared WaterfallTexturesTemp As New Dictionary(Of String, Texture2D) Shared WaterTexturesTemp As New Dictionary(Of String, Texture2D) Dim waterFallTextureName As String = "" Dim waterTextureName As String = "" Dim WaterAnimation As Animation Dim currentRectangle As New Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0) Public Shared Sub ClearAnimationResources() WaterfallTexturesTemp.Clear() WaterTexturesTemp.Clear() End Sub Public Shared Sub AddDefaultWaterAnimationResources() Waterfall.WaterTexturesTemp.Add("_0", TextureManager.GetTexture("Routes", New Rectangle(0, 220, 20, 20))) Waterfall.WaterTexturesTemp.Add("_1", TextureManager.GetTexture("Routes", New Rectangle(20, 220, 20, 20))) Waterfall.WaterTexturesTemp.Add("_2", TextureManager.GetTexture("Routes", New Rectangle(40, 220, 20, 20))) Waterfall.WaterTexturesTemp.Add("_3", TextureManager.GetTexture("Routes", New Rectangle(60, 220, 20, 20))) Waterfall.WaterTexturesTemp.Add("_4", TextureManager.GetTexture("Routes", New Rectangle(80, 220, 20, 20))) Waterfall.WaterTexturesTemp.Add("_5", TextureManager.GetTexture("Routes", New Rectangle(100, 220, 20, 20))) Waterfall.WaterTexturesTemp.Add("_6", TextureManager.GetTexture("Routes", New Rectangle(120, 220, 20, 20))) Waterfall.WaterTexturesTemp.Add("_7", TextureManager.GetTexture("Routes", New Rectangle(140, 220, 20, 20))) Waterfall.WaterTexturesTemp.Add("_8", TextureManager.GetTexture("Routes", New Rectangle(160, 220, 20, 20))) Waterfall.WaterTexturesTemp.Add("_9", TextureManager.GetTexture("Routes", New Rectangle(180, 220, 20, 20))) Waterfall.WaterTexturesTemp.Add("_10", TextureManager.GetTexture("Routes", New Rectangle(200, 220, 20, 20))) Waterfall.WaterTexturesTemp.Add("_11", TextureManager.GetTexture("Routes", New Rectangle(220, 220, 20, 20))) End Sub Public Overrides Sub Initialize() MyBase.Initialize() WaterAnimation = New Animation(TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Routes"), 1, 3, 16, 16, GameModeManager.ActiveGameMode.WaterSpeed, 13, 0) CreateWaterTextureTemp() ChangeTexture() End Sub Private Sub CreateWaterTextureTemp() Dim textureData As List(Of String) = Me.AdditionalValue.Split(CChar(",")).ToList() Dim RotationOffsetVertical As Boolean = False '''False = Horizontal, True = Vertical If textureData.Count >= 5 Then Dim r As New Rectangle(CInt(textureData(1)), CInt(textureData(2)), CInt(textureData(3)), CInt(textureData(4))) Dim texturePath As String = textureData(0) Me.waterFallTextureName = AdditionalValue If Waterfall.WaterfallTexturesTemp.ContainsKey(AdditionalValue & "_0") = False Then Waterfall.WaterfallTexturesTemp.Add(AdditionalValue & "_0", TextureManager.GetTexture(texturePath, New Rectangle(r.X, r.Y, r.Width, r.Height))) Waterfall.WaterfallTexturesTemp.Add(AdditionalValue & "_1", TextureManager.GetTexture(texturePath, New Rectangle(r.X + r.Width, r.Y, r.Width, r.Height))) Waterfall.WaterfallTexturesTemp.Add(AdditionalValue & "_2", TextureManager.GetTexture(texturePath, New Rectangle(r.X + r.Width * 2, r.Y, r.Width, r.Height))) End If Else If Waterfall.WaterfallTexturesTemp.ContainsKey("_0") = False Then Waterfall.WaterfallTexturesTemp.Add("_0", TextureManager.GetTexture("Routes", New Rectangle(0, 192, 16, 16))) Waterfall.WaterfallTexturesTemp.Add("_1", TextureManager.GetTexture("Routes", New Rectangle(16, 192, 16, 16))) Waterfall.WaterfallTexturesTemp.Add("_2", TextureManager.GetTexture("Routes", New Rectangle(32, 192, 16, 16))) End If End If If textureData.Count >= 11 Then RotationOffsetVertical = CBool(textureData(10)) End If If textureData.Count >= 10 Then Dim r As New Rectangle(CInt(textureData(6)), CInt(textureData(7)), CInt(textureData(8)), CInt(textureData(9))) Dim texturePath As String = textureData(5) Me.waterTextureName = AdditionalValue If RotationOffsetVertical = True Then If Waterfall.WaterTexturesTemp.ContainsKey(AdditionalValue & "_0") = False Then Waterfall.WaterTexturesTemp.Add(AdditionalValue & "_0", TextureManager.GetTexture(texturePath, New Rectangle(r.X, r.Y, r.Width, r.Height))) Waterfall.WaterTexturesTemp.Add(AdditionalValue & "_1", TextureManager.GetTexture(texturePath, New Rectangle(r.X + r.Width, r.Y, r.Width, r.Height))) Waterfall.WaterTexturesTemp.Add(AdditionalValue & "_2", TextureManager.GetTexture(texturePath, New Rectangle(r.X + r.Width * 2, r.Y, r.Width, r.Height))) Waterfall.WaterTexturesTemp.Add(AdditionalValue & "_3", TextureManager.GetTexture(texturePath, New Rectangle(r.X, r.Y + r.Height, r.Width, r.Height))) Waterfall.WaterTexturesTemp.Add(AdditionalValue & "_4", TextureManager.GetTexture(texturePath, New Rectangle(r.X + r.Width, r.Y + r.Height, r.Width, r.Height))) Waterfall.WaterTexturesTemp.Add(AdditionalValue & "_5", TextureManager.GetTexture(texturePath, New Rectangle(r.X + r.Width * 2, r.Y + r.Height, r.Width, r.Height))) Waterfall.WaterTexturesTemp.Add(AdditionalValue & "_6", TextureManager.GetTexture(texturePath, New Rectangle(r.X, r.Y + r.Height * 2, r.Width, r.Height))) Waterfall.WaterTexturesTemp.Add(AdditionalValue & "_7", TextureManager.GetTexture(texturePath, New Rectangle(r.X + r.Width, r.Y + r.Height * 2, r.Width, r.Height))) Waterfall.WaterTexturesTemp.Add(AdditionalValue & "_8", TextureManager.GetTexture(texturePath, New Rectangle(r.X + r.Width * 2, r.Y + r.Height * 2, r.Width, r.Height))) Waterfall.WaterTexturesTemp.Add(AdditionalValue & "_9", TextureManager.GetTexture(texturePath, New Rectangle(r.X, r.Y + r.Height * 3, r.Width, r.Height))) Waterfall.WaterTexturesTemp.Add(AdditionalValue & "_10", TextureManager.GetTexture(texturePath, New Rectangle(r.X + r.Width, r.Y + r.Height * 3, r.Width, r.Height))) Waterfall.WaterTexturesTemp.Add(AdditionalValue & "_11", TextureManager.GetTexture(texturePath, New Rectangle(r.X + r.Width * 2, r.Y + r.Height * 3, r.Width, r.Height))) End If Else If Waterfall.WaterTexturesTemp.ContainsKey(AdditionalValue & "_0") = False Then Waterfall.WaterTexturesTemp.Add(AdditionalValue & "_0", TextureManager.GetTexture(texturePath, New Rectangle(r.X, r.Y, r.Width, r.Height))) Waterfall.WaterTexturesTemp.Add(AdditionalValue & "_1", TextureManager.GetTexture(texturePath, New Rectangle(r.X + r.Width, r.Y, r.Width, r.Height))) Waterfall.WaterTexturesTemp.Add(AdditionalValue & "_2", TextureManager.GetTexture(texturePath, New Rectangle(r.X + r.Width * 2, r.Y, r.Width, r.Height))) Waterfall.WaterTexturesTemp.Add(AdditionalValue & "_3", TextureManager.GetTexture(texturePath, New Rectangle(r.X + r.Width * 3, r.Y, r.Width, r.Height))) Waterfall.WaterTexturesTemp.Add(AdditionalValue & "_4", TextureManager.GetTexture(texturePath, New Rectangle(r.X + r.Width * 4, r.Y, r.Width, r.Height))) Waterfall.WaterTexturesTemp.Add(AdditionalValue & "_5", TextureManager.GetTexture(texturePath, New Rectangle(r.X + r.Width * 5, r.Y, r.Width, r.Height))) Waterfall.WaterTexturesTemp.Add(AdditionalValue & "_6", TextureManager.GetTexture(texturePath, New Rectangle(r.X + r.Width * 6, r.Y, r.Width, r.Height))) Waterfall.WaterTexturesTemp.Add(AdditionalValue & "_7", TextureManager.GetTexture(texturePath, New Rectangle(r.X + r.Width * 7, r.Y, r.Width, r.Height))) Waterfall.WaterTexturesTemp.Add(AdditionalValue & "_8", TextureManager.GetTexture(texturePath, New Rectangle(r.X + r.Width * 8, r.Y, r.Width, r.Height))) Waterfall.WaterTexturesTemp.Add(AdditionalValue & "_9", TextureManager.GetTexture(texturePath, New Rectangle(r.X + r.Width * 9, r.Y, r.Width, r.Height))) Waterfall.WaterTexturesTemp.Add(AdditionalValue & "_10", TextureManager.GetTexture(texturePath, New Rectangle(r.X + r.Width * 10, r.Y, r.Width, r.Height))) Waterfall.WaterTexturesTemp.Add(AdditionalValue & "_11", TextureManager.GetTexture(texturePath, New Rectangle(r.X + r.Width * 11, r.Y, r.Width, r.Height))) End If End If Else If Waterfall.WaterTexturesTemp.ContainsKey("_0") = False Then Waterfall.WaterTexturesTemp.Add("_0", TextureManager.GetTexture("Routes", New Rectangle(0, 220, 20, 20))) Waterfall.WaterTexturesTemp.Add("_1", TextureManager.GetTexture("Routes", New Rectangle(20, 220, 20, 20))) Waterfall.WaterTexturesTemp.Add("_2", TextureManager.GetTexture("Routes", New Rectangle(40, 220, 20, 20))) Waterfall.WaterTexturesTemp.Add("_3", TextureManager.GetTexture("Routes", New Rectangle(60, 220, 20, 20))) Waterfall.WaterTexturesTemp.Add("_4", TextureManager.GetTexture("Routes", New Rectangle(80, 220, 20, 20))) Waterfall.WaterTexturesTemp.Add("_5", TextureManager.GetTexture("Routes", New Rectangle(100, 220, 20, 20))) Waterfall.WaterTexturesTemp.Add("_6", TextureManager.GetTexture("Routes", New Rectangle(120, 220, 20, 20))) Waterfall.WaterTexturesTemp.Add("_7", TextureManager.GetTexture("Routes", New Rectangle(140, 220, 20, 20))) Waterfall.WaterTexturesTemp.Add("_8", TextureManager.GetTexture("Routes", New Rectangle(160, 220, 20, 20))) Waterfall.WaterTexturesTemp.Add("_9", TextureManager.GetTexture("Routes", New Rectangle(180, 220, 20, 20))) Waterfall.WaterTexturesTemp.Add("_10", TextureManager.GetTexture("Routes", New Rectangle(200, 220, 20, 20))) Waterfall.WaterTexturesTemp.Add("_11", TextureManager.GetTexture("Routes", New Rectangle(220, 220, 20, 20))) End If End If End Sub Public Overrides Sub UpdateEntity() If Core.GameOptions.GraphicStyle = 1 Then If Not WaterAnimation Is Nothing Then WaterAnimation.Update(0.01) If currentRectangle <> WaterAnimation.TextureRectangle Then ChangeTexture() currentRectangle = WaterAnimation.TextureRectangle End If End If End If MyBase.UpdateEntity() End Sub Private Sub ChangeTexture() If WaterfallTexturesTemp.Count = 0 Or WaterTexturesTemp.Count = 0 OrElse Waterfall.WaterTexturesTemp.ContainsKey("_0") = False OrElse Waterfall.WaterTexturesTemp.ContainsKey(AdditionalValue & "_0") = False Then ClearAnimationResources() AddDefaultWaterAnimationResources() CreateWaterTextureTemp() End If Select Case WaterAnimation.CurrentColumn Case 0 Me.Textures(0) = Waterfall.WaterfallTexturesTemp(waterFallTextureName & "_0") Case 1 Me.Textures(0) = Waterfall.WaterfallTexturesTemp(waterFallTextureName & "_1") Case 2 Me.Textures(0) = Waterfall.WaterfallTexturesTemp(waterFallTextureName & "_2") End Select Select Case Me.Rotation.Y Case 0, MathHelper.TwoPi Select Case WaterAnimation.CurrentColumn Case 0 Me.Textures(1) = Waterfall.WaterTexturesTemp(waterTextureName & "_0") Case 1 Me.Textures(1) = Waterfall.WaterTexturesTemp(waterTextureName & "_1") Case 2 Me.Textures(1) = Waterfall.WaterTexturesTemp(waterTextureName & "_2") End Select Case MathHelper.Pi * 0.5F Select Case WaterAnimation.CurrentColumn Case 0 Me.Textures(1) = Waterfall.WaterTexturesTemp(waterTextureName & "_3") Case 1 Me.Textures(1) = Waterfall.WaterTexturesTemp(waterTextureName & "_4") Case 2 Me.Textures(1) = Waterfall.WaterTexturesTemp(waterTextureName & "_5") End Select Case MathHelper.Pi Select Case WaterAnimation.CurrentColumn Case 0 Me.Textures(1) = Waterfall.WaterTexturesTemp(waterTextureName & "_6") Case 1 Me.Textures(1) = Waterfall.WaterTexturesTemp(waterTextureName & "_7") Case 2 Me.Textures(1) = Waterfall.WaterTexturesTemp(waterTextureName & "_8") End Select Case MathHelper.Pi * 1.5 Select Case WaterAnimation.CurrentColumn Case 0 Me.Textures(1) = Waterfall.WaterTexturesTemp(waterTextureName & "_9") Case 1 Me.Textures(1) = Waterfall.WaterTexturesTemp(waterTextureName & "_10") Case 2 Me.Textures(1) = Waterfall.WaterTexturesTemp(waterTextureName & "_11") End Select End Select End Sub Public Overrides Sub Render() If Me.Model Is Nothing Then Me.Draw(Me.BaseModel, Textures, False) Else UpdateModel() Draw(Me.BaseModel, Me.Textures, True, Me.Model) End If End Sub Private Function ReturnWaterFallPokemonName() As Pokemon For Each p As Pokemon In Core.Player.Pokemons If p.IsEgg() = False Then For Each a As BattleSystem.Attack In p.Attacks If a.Name.ToLower() = "waterfall" Then Return p End If Next End If Next Return Nothing End Function Public Overrides Sub WalkOntoFunction() If Me.ActionValue = 1 Then Exit Sub End If Dim isOnTop As Boolean = True Dim OnTopcheckPosition As Vector3 = New Vector3(Me.Position.X, Me.Position.Y + 1, Me.Position.Z) Dim Oe As Entity = GetEntity(Screen.Level.Entities, OnTopcheckPosition, True, {GetType(Waterfall)}) If Not Oe Is Nothing Then If Oe.EntityID = "Waterfall" Then isOnTop = False End If End If If isOnTop = True Then Dim s As String = "" Dim Steps As Integer = 0 If Screen.Level.Surfing = False Then Steps = 1 End If Dim checkPosition As New Vector3(Me.Position.X, Me.Position.Y - 1, Me.Position.Z) Dim foundSteps As Boolean = True While foundSteps = True Dim e As Entity = GetEntity(Screen.Level.Entities, checkPosition, True, {GetType(Waterfall)}) If Not e Is Nothing Then If e.EntityID = "Waterfall" Then Steps += 1 checkPosition.Y -= 1 Else foundSteps = False End If Else foundSteps = False End If End While s = "version=2" & Environment.NewLine & "@player.preventmovement" & Environment.NewLine & "@player.stopmovement" & Environment.NewLine & "@player.move(2)" & Environment.NewLine & "@player.setmovement(0,-1,0)" & Environment.NewLine & "@player.move(" & Steps & ")" & Environment.NewLine & "@player.resetmovement" & Environment.NewLine & "@player.allowmovement" & Environment.NewLine & ":end" CType(Core.CurrentScreen, OverworldScreen).ActionScript.StartScript(s, 2) If CType(Core.CurrentScreen, OverworldScreen).ActionScript.IsReady = True And CType(Screen.Camera, OverworldCamera).PreventMovement = True Then CType(Screen.Camera, OverworldCamera).PreventMovement = False End If End If End Sub Public Overrides Function WalkAgainstFunction() As Boolean If Me.ActionValue = 1 Then Return Me.Collision End If Dim p As Pokemon = ReturnWaterFallPokemonName() If GameController.IS_DEBUG_ACTIVE = True OrElse Core.Player.SandBoxMode = True OrElse Badge.CanUseHMMove(Badge.HMMoves.Waterfall) = True AndAlso Not p Is Nothing Then Dim s As String = "" Dim pName As String = "" Dim pNumber As Integer = 1 If Not p Is Nothing Then pName = p.GetDisplayName() pNumber = p.Number End If Dim Steps As Integer = 1 If Screen.Level.Surfing = False Then Steps = 0 End If Dim checkPosition As New Vector3(Me.Position.X, Me.Position.Y + 1, Me.Position.Z) Dim foundSteps As Boolean = True While foundSteps = True Dim e As Entity = GetEntity(Screen.Level.Entities, checkPosition, True, {GetType(Waterfall)}) If Not e Is Nothing Then If e.EntityID = "Waterfall" Then Steps += 1 checkPosition.Y += 1 Else foundSteps = False End If Else foundSteps = False End If End While s = "version=2" & Environment.NewLine & "@player.preventmovement" & Environment.NewLine & "@player.stopmovement" & Environment.NewLine & "@pokemon.cry(" & pNumber & ")" & Environment.NewLine & "" & Environment.NewLine & "" & pName & " " & Localization.GetString("fieldmove_waterfall_used", "used~Waterfall!") & ")" & Environment.NewLine & "@player.setmovement(0,1,0)" & Environment.NewLine & "@player.move(" & Steps & ")" & Environment.NewLine & "@player.resetmovement" & Environment.NewLine & "@player.move(2)" & Environment.NewLine & "@player.allowmovement" & Environment.NewLine & ":end" PlayerStatistics.Track("Waterfall used", 1) CType(Core.CurrentScreen, OverworldScreen).ActionScript.StartScript(s, 2) If CType(Core.CurrentScreen, OverworldScreen).ActionScript.IsReady = True And CType(Screen.Camera, OverworldCamera).PreventMovement = True Then CType(Screen.Camera, OverworldCamera).PreventMovement = False End If Return False Else CType(Screen.Camera, OverworldCamera).PreventMovement = False End If If Me.Collision = True Then Return False Else Return True End If End Function End Class