Namespace BattleSystem Public Class BattleScreen Inherits Screen 'Used for after fainting switching Public OwnFaint As Boolean = False Public OppFaint As Boolean = False 'Used for lead picking in PvP Battles Public Shared OwnLeadIndex As Integer = 0 Public Shared OppLeadIndex As Integer = 0 #Region "BattleValues" Public IsChoiced As Boolean = False Public ClearMainMenuTime As Boolean = False Public ClearMoveMenuTime As Boolean = False Public Shared CanCatch As Boolean = True Public Shared CanRun As Boolean = True Public Shared CanBlackout As Boolean = True Public Shared CanReceiveEXP As Boolean = True Public Shared RoamingBattle As Boolean = False Public Shared RoamingPokemonStorage As RoamingPokemon = Nothing Public Shared CanUseItems As Boolean = True Public Shared DiveBattle As Boolean = False Public Shared TempPokeFile As String = "" Public Shared IsInverseBattle As Boolean = False Public Shared CustomBattleMusic As String = "" #End Region Public Enum BattleModes Standard Safari BugContest PVP End Enum Public Battle As Battle Public FieldEffects As FieldEffects Public SavedOverworld As OverworldStorage Public BattleMenu As BattleMenu Public BattleQuery As New List(Of QueryObject) 'Remove when new system gets put in place: Public OwnPokemon As Pokemon Public OppPokemon As Pokemon Public IsMegaEvolvingOwn As Boolean = False Public IsMegaEvolvingOpp As Boolean = False Public OppPokemonNPC As NPC Public OwnPokemonNPC As NPC Public OwnTrainerNPC As NPC Public OppTrainerNPC As NPC Public OwnPokemonModel As ModelEntity Public OppPokemonModel As ModelEntity Public OwnPokemonIndex As Integer = 0 Public OppPokemonIndex As Integer = 0 Public ParticipatedPokemon As New List(Of Integer) 'New multi pokemon system: Public PokemonOnSide As Integer = 1 'How many Pokémon are present on one side of the field. Public Profiles As New List(Of PokemonProfile) 'The collection of Pokémon Profiles representing the Pokémon on the field. 'Battle settings: Public IsTrainerBattle As Boolean = False Public BattleMode As BattleModes = BattleModes.Standard Public PokemonSafariStatus As Integer = 0 Public WildPokemon As Pokemon Public OverworldScreen As Screen Public defaultMapType As Integer Public Trainer As Trainer Public DrawColoredScreen As Boolean = True Public ColorOverlay As Color = Color.Black Public BattleMapOffset As New Vector3(0) Public Overrides Function GetScreenStatus() As String Dim pokemonString As String = "OwnPokemon=OWNEMPTY" & Environment.NewLine & "OppPokemon=OPPEMPTY" If Not Me.OwnPokemon Is Nothing Then pokemonString = pokemonString.Replace("OWNEMPTY", Me.OwnPokemon.GetSaveData()) End If If Not Me.OppPokemon Is Nothing Then pokemonString = pokemonString.Replace("OPPEMPTY", Me.OppPokemon.GetSaveData()) End If Dim values As String = "Values=; CanCatch=" & CanCatch.ToString() & "; CanRun=" & CanRun.ToString() & "; CanBlackout=" & CanBlackout.ToString() & "; CanReceiveEXP=" & CanReceiveEXP.ToString() & "; RoamingBattle=" & RoamingBattle.ToString() & "; CanUseItems=" & CanUseItems.ToString() & "; DiveBattle=" & DiveBattle.ToString() & "; TempPokeFile=" & TempPokeFile & "; IsInverseBattle=" & IsInverseBattle.ToString() Dim s As String = "BattleMode=" & Me.BattleMode.ToString() & Environment.NewLine & "IsTrainerBattle=" & Me.IsTrainerBattle.ToString() & Environment.NewLine & "IsPVPBattle=" & Me.IsPVPBattle.ToString() & Environment.NewLine & "LoadedBattleMap=" & Level.LevelFile & Environment.NewLine & pokemonString & Environment.NewLine & values & Environment.NewLine & "IsRemoteBattle=" & Me.IsRemoteBattle.ToString() & Environment.NewLine & "IsHost=" & Me.IsHost.ToString() & Environment.NewLine & "MenuVisible=" & BattleMenu.Visible.ToString() Return s End Function Public Sub New(ByVal WildPokemon As Pokemon, ByVal OverworldScreen As Screen, ByVal defaultMapType As Integer) Me.WildPokemon = WildPokemon Me.OverworldScreen = OverworldScreen Me.defaultMapType = defaultMapType Me.IsTrainerBattle = False Me.MouseVisible = False Me.PVPGameJoltID = "" End Sub Public Sub New(ByVal Trainer As Trainer, ByVal OverworldScreen As Screen, ByVal defaultMapType As Integer) Me.Trainer = Trainer Me.OverworldScreen = OverworldScreen Me.defaultMapType = defaultMapType Me.IsTrainerBattle = True Me.MouseVisible = False Me.PVPGameJoltID = "" End Sub #Region "Initialize" Private Sub InitializeScreen() Me.Identification = Identifications.BattleScreen Me.CanBePaused = True Me.MouseVisible = True Me.CanChat = True Me.CanDrawDebug = True Me.CanMuteMusic = True Me.CanTakeScreenshot = True Screen.TextBox.Showing = False Screen.PokemonImageView.Showing = False Screen.ChooseBox.Showing = False Effect = New BasicEffect(Core.GraphicsDevice) Effect.FogEnabled = True SkyDome = New SkyDome() Camera = New BattleCamera() Battle = New Battle() FieldEffects = New FieldEffects() Level = New Level() LoadBattleMap() If Core.Player.Badges.Count > 0 Then 'Only have weather effects carry over from the Overworld if the player has at least one badge. FieldEffects.Weather = BattleWeather.GetBattleWeather(SavedOverworld.Level.World.CurrentMapWeather) End If Me.UpdateFadeIn = True ReceivedInput = "" ReceivedQuery = "" Me.BattleMenu = New BattleMenu() BattleMenu.Reset() End Sub Public Sub InitializeWild(ByVal WildPokemon As Pokemon, ByVal OverworldScreen As Screen, ByVal defaultMapType As Integer) SavedOverworld = New OverworldStorage() SavedOverworld.OverworldScreen = OverworldScreen SavedOverworld.Camera = Screen.Camera SavedOverworld.Level = Screen.Level SavedOverworld.Effect = Screen.Effect SavedOverworld.SkyDome = Screen.SkyDome InitializeScreen() PlayerStatistics.Track("Wild battles", 1) If CustomBattleMusic = "" OrElse MusicManager.SongExists(CustomBattleMusic) = False Then If RoamingBattle = True AndAlso RoamingPokemonStorage.MusicLoop <> "" AndAlso MusicManager.SongExists(RoamingPokemonStorage.MusicLoop) = True Then MusicManager.Play(RoamingPokemonStorage.MusicLoop, True, 0.0F) Else If MusicManager.SongExists(SavedOverworld.Level.CurrentRegion.Split(CChar(","))(0) & "_wild") = True Then MusicManager.Play(SavedOverworld.Level.CurrentRegion.Split(CChar(","))(0) & "_wild", True, 0.0F) Else MusicManager.Play("johto_wild", True, 0.0F) End If End If Else MusicManager.Play(CustomBattleMusic, True, 0.0F) End If Me.defaultMapType = defaultMapType Me.OppPokemon = WildPokemon If Core.Player.Pokemons.Count = 0 Then Dim p1 As Pokemon = Pokemon.GetPokemonByID(247) p1.Generate(15, True) Core.Player.Pokemons.Add(p1) End If Dim meIndex As Integer = 0 For i = 0 To Core.Player.Pokemons.Count - 1 If Core.Player.Pokemons(i).IsEgg() = False And Core.Player.Pokemons(i).HP > 0 And Core.Player.Pokemons(i).Status <> Pokemon.StatusProblems.Fainted Then meIndex = i Exit For End If Next Me.OwnPokemon = Core.Player.Pokemons(meIndex) OwnPokemonIndex = meIndex Me.IsTrainerBattle = False Me.ParticipatedPokemon.Add(meIndex) Dim ownShiny As String = "N" If OwnPokemon.IsShiny = True Then ownShiny = "S" End If Dim oppShiny As String = "N" If OppPokemon.IsShiny = True Then oppShiny = "S" End If Dim ownModel As String = GetModelName(True) Dim oppModel As String = GetModelName(False) If ownModel = "" Then OwnPokemonNPC = CType(Entity.GetNewEntity("NPC", New Vector3(12, 0, 13) + BattleMapOffset, {Nothing}, {0, 0}, False, New Vector3(0), New Vector3(1), BaseModel.BillModel, 0, "", True, New Vector3(1), 1, "", "", New Vector3(0), {PokemonForms.GetOverworldSpriteName(OwnPokemon), 3, WildPokemon.GetDisplayName(), 0, True, "Still", New List(Of Rectangle)}), NPC) OwnPokemonModel = CType(Entity.GetNewEntity("ModelEntity", New Vector3(12, -0.5F, 13) + BattleMapOffset, {}, {}, False, New Vector3(MathHelper.Pi * 0.5F, MathHelper.Pi * 0.5F, 0), New Vector3(0.07F), BaseModel.BlockModel, 0, "Models\Bulbasaur\Normal", False, New Vector3(1), 0, "", "", New Vector3(0), Nothing), ModelEntity) Else OwnPokemonNPC = CType(Entity.GetNewEntity("NPC", New Vector3(12, 0, 13) + BattleMapOffset, {Nothing}, {0, 0}, False, New Vector3(0), New Vector3(1), BaseModel.BillModel, 0, "", False, New Vector3(1), 0, "", "", New Vector3(0), {PokemonForms.GetOverworldSpriteName(OwnPokemon), 3, WildPokemon.GetDisplayName(), 0, True, "Still", New List(Of Rectangle)}), NPC) OwnPokemonModel = CType(Entity.GetNewEntity("ModelEntity", New Vector3(12, -0.5F, 13) + BattleMapOffset, {}, {}, False, New Vector3(MathHelper.Pi * 0.5F, MathHelper.Pi * 0.5F, 0), New Vector3(0.07F), BaseModel.BlockModel, 1, ownModel, True, New Vector3(1), 0, "", "", New Vector3(0), Nothing), ModelEntity) End If Screen.Level.Entities.Add(OwnPokemonNPC) Screen.Level.Entities.Add(OwnPokemonModel) If oppModel = "" Then OppPokemonNPC = CType(Entity.GetNewEntity("NPC", New Vector3(15, 0, 13) + BattleMapOffset, {Nothing}, {0, 0}, False, New Vector3(0), New Vector3(1), BaseModel.BillModel, 0, "", True, New Vector3(1), 1, "", "", New Vector3(0), {PokemonForms.GetOverworldSpriteName(WildPokemon), 1, WildPokemon.GetDisplayName(), 1, True, "Still", New List(Of Rectangle)}), NPC) OppPokemonModel = CType(Entity.GetNewEntity("ModelEntity", New Vector3(15, -0.5F, 13) + BattleMapOffset, {}, {}, False, New Vector3(MathHelper.Pi * 0.5F, MathHelper.Pi * 1.5F, 0), New Vector3(0.07F), BaseModel.BlockModel, 0, "Models\Bulbasaur\Normal", False, New Vector3(1), 0, "", "", New Vector3(0), Nothing), ModelEntity) Else OppPokemonNPC = CType(Entity.GetNewEntity("NPC", New Vector3(15, 0, 13) + BattleMapOffset, {Nothing}, {0, 0}, False, New Vector3(0), New Vector3(1), BaseModel.BillModel, 0, "", False, New Vector3(1), 0, "", "", New Vector3(0), {PokemonForms.GetOverworldSpriteName(WildPokemon), 1, WildPokemon.GetDisplayName(), 1, True, "Still", New List(Of Rectangle)}), NPC) OppPokemonModel = CType(Entity.GetNewEntity("ModelEntity", New Vector3(15, -0.5F, 13) + BattleMapOffset, {}, {}, False, New Vector3(MathHelper.Pi * 0.5F, MathHelper.Pi * 1.5F, 0), New Vector3(0.07F), BaseModel.BlockModel, 1, oppModel, True, New Vector3(1), 0, "", "", New Vector3(0), Nothing), ModelEntity) End If Screen.Level.Entities.Add(OppPokemonNPC) Screen.Level.Entities.Add(OppPokemonModel) Dim ownSkin As String = Core.Player.Skin If SavedOverworld.Level.Surfing = True Then ownSkin = Core.Player.TempSurfSkin End If If SavedOverworld.Level.Riding = True Then ownSkin = Core.Player.TempRideSkin End If OwnTrainerNPC = CType(Entity.GetNewEntity("NPC", New Vector3(10, 0, 13) + BattleMapOffset, {Nothing}, {0, 0}, False, New Vector3(0), New Vector3(1), BaseModel.BillModel, 0, "", True, New Vector3(1), 0, "", "", New Vector3(0), {ownSkin, 3, "Player", 2, False, "Still", New List(Of Rectangle)}), NPC) Screen.Level.Entities.Add(OwnTrainerNPC) Dim cq As ScreenFadeQueryObject = New ScreenFadeQueryObject(ScreenFadeQueryObject.FadeTypes.Vertical, Color.Black, False, 5) cq.PassThis = True Dim q As CameraQueryObject = New CameraQueryObject(New Vector3(13, 0, 15), New Vector3(21, 0, 15), 0.05F, 0.05F, -0.8F, 1.4F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.016F, 0.016F) q.PassThis = True Dim q1 As New PlaySoundQueryObject(OppPokemon.Number.ToString(), True, 5.0F) If OppPokemon.IsShiny = True Then q1 = New PlaySoundQueryObject("Battle\shiny", False, 5.0F) End If Dim q2 As TextQueryObject = New TextQueryObject("Wild " & OppPokemon.GetDisplayName() & " appeared!") Dim q22 As CameraQueryObject = New CameraQueryObject(New Vector3(14, 0, 15), New Vector3(13, 0, 15), 0.05F, 0.05F, MathHelper.PiOver2, -0.8F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.05F, 0.05F) Dim q3 As CameraQueryObject = New CameraQueryObject(New Vector3(14, 0, 11), New Vector3(14, 0, 15), 0.01F, 0.01F, MathHelper.PiOver2, MathHelper.PiOver2, 0.0F, 0.0F) q3.PassThis = True Dim q31 As New PlaySoundQueryObject(OwnPokemon.Number.ToString(), True, 3.0F) Dim q4 As TextQueryObject = New TextQueryObject("GO, " & Me.OwnPokemon.GetDisplayName() & "!") Dim q5 As ToggleMenuQueryObject = New ToggleMenuQueryObject(Me.BattleMenu.Visible) Dim cq1 As ScreenFadeQueryObject = New ScreenFadeQueryObject(ScreenFadeQueryObject.FadeTypes.Vertical, Color.Black, True, 16) Dim cq2 As ScreenFadeQueryObject = New ScreenFadeQueryObject(ScreenFadeQueryObject.FadeTypes.Vertical, Color.Black, False, 16) cq2.PassThis = True Me.BattleQuery.AddRange({cq, q1, q, q2, q22, q3, q31, q4}) Battle.SwitchInOwn(Me, meIndex, True, -1) Battle.SwitchInOpp(Me, True, 0) Me.BattleQuery.AddRange({cq1, q5, cq2}) For i = 0 To 99 InsertCasualCameramove() Next Me.BattleMode = BattleModes.Standard BattleMenu.Reset() Me.DownloadOnlineSprites() End Sub Public Sub InitializeTrainer(ByVal Trainer As Trainer, ByVal OverworldScreen As Screen, ByVal defaultMapType As Integer) SavedOverworld = New OverworldStorage() SavedOverworld.OverworldScreen = OverworldScreen SavedOverworld.Camera = Screen.Camera SavedOverworld.Level = Screen.Level SavedOverworld.Effect = Screen.Effect SavedOverworld.SkyDome = Screen.SkyDome InitializeScreen() If IsPVPBattle = False And IsRemoteBattle = False Then PlayerStatistics.Track("Trainer battles", 1) End If If IsPVPBattle = True Then MusicManager.Play("pvp", True, 0.0F) Else MusicManager.Play(Trainer.GetBattleMusicName(), True, 0.0F) End If Me.defaultMapType = defaultMapType Me.OppPokemon = Trainer.Pokemons(0) If Core.Player.Pokemons.Count = 0 Then Dim p1 As Pokemon = Pokemon.GetPokemonByID(247) p1.Generate(15, True) Core.Player.Pokemons.Add(p1) End If Dim meIndex As Integer = 0 For i = 0 To Core.Player.Pokemons.Count - 1 If Core.Player.Pokemons(i).IsEgg() = False And Core.Player.Pokemons(i).HP > 0 And Core.Player.Pokemons(i).Status <> Pokemon.StatusProblems.Fainted Then meIndex = i Exit For End If Next Me.OwnPokemon = Core.Player.Pokemons(meIndex) OwnPokemonIndex = meIndex If IsPVPBattle Then OwnPokemon = Core.Player.Pokemons(OwnLeadIndex) OwnPokemonIndex = OwnLeadIndex OppPokemon = Trainer.Pokemons(OppLeadIndex) OppPokemonIndex = OppLeadIndex End If Me.IsTrainerBattle = True Me.ParticipatedPokemon.Add(meIndex) Dim ownShiny As String = "N" If OwnPokemon.IsShiny = True Then ownShiny = "S" End If Dim oppShiny As String = "N" If OppPokemon.IsShiny = True Then oppShiny = "S" End If Dim ownModel As String = GetModelName(True) Dim oppModel As String = GetModelName(False) If ownModel = "" Then OwnPokemonNPC = CType(Entity.GetNewEntity("NPC", New Vector3(12, 0, 12.5F) + BattleMapOffset, {Nothing}, {0, 0}, False, New Vector3(0), New Vector3(1), BaseModel.BillModel, 0, "", True, New Vector3(1), 1, "", "", New Vector3(0), {PokemonForms.GetOverworldSpriteName(OwnPokemon), 3, OwnPokemon.GetDisplayName(), 0, True, "Still", New List(Of Rectangle)}), NPC) OwnPokemonModel = CType(Entity.GetNewEntity("ModelEntity", New Vector3(12, -0.5F, 12.5F) + BattleMapOffset, {}, {}, False, New Vector3(MathHelper.Pi * 0.5F, MathHelper.Pi * 0.5F, 0), New Vector3(0.07F), BaseModel.BlockModel, 0, "Models\Bulbasaur\Normal", False, New Vector3(1), 0, "", "", New Vector3(0), Nothing), ModelEntity) Else OwnPokemonNPC = CType(Entity.GetNewEntity("NPC", New Vector3(12, 0, 12.5F) + BattleMapOffset, {Nothing}, {0, 0}, False, New Vector3(0), New Vector3(1), BaseModel.BillModel, 0, "", False, New Vector3(1), 0, "", "", New Vector3(0), {PokemonForms.GetOverworldSpriteName(OwnPokemon), 3, OwnPokemon.GetDisplayName(), 0, True, "Still", New List(Of Rectangle)}), NPC) OwnPokemonModel = CType(Entity.GetNewEntity("ModelEntity", New Vector3(12, -0.5F, 12.5F) + BattleMapOffset, {}, {}, False, New Vector3(MathHelper.Pi * 0.5F, MathHelper.Pi * 0.5F, 0), New Vector3(0.07F), BaseModel.BlockModel, 1, ownModel, True, New Vector3(1), 0, "", "", New Vector3(0), Nothing), ModelEntity) End If Screen.Level.Entities.Add(OwnPokemonNPC) Screen.Level.Entities.Add(OwnPokemonModel) If oppModel = "" Then OppPokemonNPC = CType(Entity.GetNewEntity("NPC", New Vector3(15, 0, 12.5F) + BattleMapOffset, {Nothing}, {0, 0}, False, New Vector3(0), New Vector3(1), BaseModel.BillModel, 0, "", True, New Vector3(1), 1, "", "", New Vector3(0), {PokemonForms.GetOverworldSpriteName(OppPokemon), 1, OppPokemon.GetDisplayName(), 1, True, "Still", New List(Of Rectangle)}), NPC) OppPokemonModel = CType(Entity.GetNewEntity("ModelEntity", New Vector3(15, -0.5F, 12.5F) + BattleMapOffset, {}, {}, False, New Vector3(MathHelper.Pi * 0.5F, MathHelper.Pi * 1.5F, 0), New Vector3(0.07F), BaseModel.BlockModel, 0, "Models\Bulbasaur\Normal", False, New Vector3(1), 0, "", "", New Vector3(0), Nothing), ModelEntity) Else OppPokemonNPC = CType(Entity.GetNewEntity("NPC", New Vector3(15, 0, 12.5F) + BattleMapOffset, {Nothing}, {0, 0}, False, New Vector3(0), New Vector3(1), BaseModel.BillModel, 0, "", False, New Vector3(1), 0, "", "", New Vector3(0), {PokemonForms.GetOverworldSpriteName(OppPokemon), 1, OppPokemon.GetDisplayName(), 1, True, "Still", New List(Of Rectangle)}), NPC) OppPokemonModel = CType(Entity.GetNewEntity("ModelEntity", New Vector3(15, -0.5F, 12.5F) + BattleMapOffset, {}, {}, False, New Vector3(MathHelper.Pi * 0.5F, MathHelper.Pi * 1.5F, 0), New Vector3(0.07F), BaseModel.BlockModel, 1, oppModel, True, New Vector3(1), 0, "", "", New Vector3(0), Nothing), ModelEntity) End If Screen.Level.Entities.Add(OppPokemonNPC) Screen.Level.Entities.Add(OppPokemonModel) Dim ownSkin As String = Core.Player.Skin If SavedOverworld.Level.Surfing = True Then ownSkin = Core.Player.TempSurfSkin End If If SavedOverworld.Level.Riding = True Then ownSkin = Core.Player.TempRideSkin End If OwnTrainerNPC = CType(Entity.GetNewEntity("NPC", New Vector3(10, 0, 13) + BattleMapOffset, {Nothing}, {0, 0}, False, New Vector3(0), New Vector3(1), BaseModel.BillModel, 0, "", True, New Vector3(1), 0, "", "", New Vector3(0), {ownSkin, 3, "Player", 2, False, "Still", New List(Of Rectangle)}), NPC) Screen.Level.Entities.Add(OwnTrainerNPC) OppTrainerNPC = CType(Entity.GetNewEntity("NPC", New Vector3(17, 0, 13) + BattleMapOffset, {Nothing}, {0, 0}, False, New Vector3(0), New Vector3(1), BaseModel.BillModel, 0, "", True, New Vector3(1), 0, "", "", New Vector3(0), {Trainer.SpriteName, 1, "Player", 3, False, "Still", New List(Of Rectangle)}), NPC) Screen.Level.Entities.Add(OppTrainerNPC) Dim cq As ScreenFadeQueryObject = New ScreenFadeQueryObject(ScreenFadeQueryObject.FadeTypes.Vertical, Color.Black, False, 5) cq.PassThis = True Dim q As CameraQueryObject = New CameraQueryObject(New Vector3(13, 0, 15), New Vector3(21, 0, 15), 0.05F, 0.05F, -0.8F, 1.4F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.016F, 0.016F) q.PassThis = True Dim hisher As String = "his" If Trainer.Gender = 1 Then hisher = "her" End If Dim q1 As New PlaySoundQueryObject(OppPokemon.Number.ToString(), True, 5.0F) Dim q2 As TextQueryObject = New TextQueryObject(Trainer.Name & " and " & hisher & " " & Me.OppPokemon.GetDisplayName() & " want to battle!") Dim q22 As CameraQueryObject = New CameraQueryObject(New Vector3(14, 0, 15), New Vector3(13, 0, 15), 0.05F, 0.05F, MathHelper.PiOver2, -0.8F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.05F, 0.05F) Dim q3 As CameraQueryObject = New CameraQueryObject(New Vector3(14, 0, 11), New Vector3(14, 0, 15), 0.01F, 0.01F, MathHelper.PiOver2, MathHelper.PiOver2, 0.0F, 0.0F) q3.PassThis = True Dim q31 As New PlaySoundQueryObject(OwnPokemon.Number.ToString(), True, 3.0F) Dim q4 As TextQueryObject = New TextQueryObject("GO, " & Me.OwnPokemon.GetDisplayName() & "!") Dim q5 As ToggleMenuQueryObject = New ToggleMenuQueryObject(Me.BattleMenu.Visible) Dim cq1 As ScreenFadeQueryObject = New ScreenFadeQueryObject(ScreenFadeQueryObject.FadeTypes.Vertical, Color.Black, True, 16) Dim cq2 As ScreenFadeQueryObject = New ScreenFadeQueryObject(ScreenFadeQueryObject.FadeTypes.Vertical, Color.Black, False, 16) cq2.PassThis = True Me.BattleQuery.AddRange({cq, q, q1, q2, q22, q3, q31, q4}) Battle.SwitchInOwn(Me, meIndex, True, OwnPokemonIndex) Battle.SwitchInOpp(Me, True, OppPokemonIndex) TempPVPBattleQuery.Clear() Me.BattleQuery.AddRange({cq1, q5, cq2}) For i = 0 To 99 InsertCasualCameramove() Next If Pokedex.GetEntryType(Core.Player.PokedexData, OppPokemon.Number) = 0 Then Core.Player.PokedexData = Pokedex.ChangeEntry(Core.Player.PokedexData, OppPokemon.Number, 1) End If Me.BattleMode = BattleModes.Standard BattleMenu.Reset() Me.DownloadOnlineSprites() End Sub Public Sub InitializeSafari(ByVal WildPokemon As Pokemon, ByVal OverworldScreen As Screen, ByVal defaultMapType As Integer) SavedOverworld = New OverworldStorage() SavedOverworld.OverworldScreen = OverworldScreen SavedOverworld.Camera = Screen.Camera SavedOverworld.Level = Screen.Level SavedOverworld.Effect = Screen.Effect SavedOverworld.SkyDome = Screen.SkyDome InitializeScreen() FieldEffects.Weather = BattleWeather.WeatherTypes.Clear PlayerStatistics.Track("Safari battles", 1) If MusicManager.SongExists(SavedOverworld.Level.CurrentRegion.Split(CChar(","))(0) & "_wild") = True Then MusicManager.Play(SavedOverworld.Level.CurrentRegion.Split(CChar(","))(0) & "_wild", True, 0.0F) Else MusicManager.Play("johto_wild", True, 0.0F) End If Me.defaultMapType = defaultMapType Me.OppPokemon = WildPokemon If Core.Player.Pokemons.Count = 0 Then Dim p1 As Pokemon = Pokemon.GetPokemonByID(247) p1.Generate(15, True) Core.Player.Pokemons.Add(p1) End If Dim meIndex As Integer = 0 For i = 0 To Core.Player.Pokemons.Count - 1 If Core.Player.Pokemons(i).IsEgg() = False And Core.Player.Pokemons(i).HP > 0 And Core.Player.Pokemons(i).Status <> Pokemon.StatusProblems.Fainted Then meIndex = i Exit For End If Next Me.OwnPokemon = Core.Player.Pokemons(meIndex) OwnPokemonIndex = meIndex Me.IsTrainerBattle = False Me.ParticipatedPokemon.Add(meIndex) Dim ownShiny As String = "N" If OwnPokemon.IsShiny = True Then ownShiny = "S" End If Dim oppShiny As String = "N" If OppPokemon.IsShiny = True Then oppShiny = "S" End If Dim ownModel As String = GetModelName(True) Dim oppModel As String = GetModelName(False) If ownModel = "" Then OwnPokemonNPC = CType(Entity.GetNewEntity("NPC", New Vector3(12, 0, 12.5F) + BattleMapOffset, {Nothing}, {0, 0}, False, New Vector3(0), New Vector3(1), BaseModel.BillModel, 0, "", False, New Vector3(1), 1, "", "", New Vector3(0), {PokemonForms.GetOverworldSpriteName(OwnPokemon), 3, WildPokemon.GetDisplayName(), 0, True, "Still", New List(Of Rectangle)}), NPC) OwnPokemonModel = CType(Entity.GetNewEntity("ModelEntity", New Vector3(12, -0.5F, 12.5F) + BattleMapOffset, {}, {}, False, New Vector3(MathHelper.Pi * 0.5F, MathHelper.Pi * 0.5F, 0), New Vector3(0.07F), BaseModel.BlockModel, 0, "Models\Bulbasaur\Normal", False, New Vector3(1), 0, "", "", New Vector3(0), Nothing), ModelEntity) Else OwnPokemonNPC = CType(Entity.GetNewEntity("NPC", New Vector3(12, 0, 12.5F) + BattleMapOffset, {Nothing}, {0, 0}, False, New Vector3(0), New Vector3(1), BaseModel.BillModel, 0, "", False, New Vector3(1), 0, "", "", New Vector3(0), {PokemonForms.GetOverworldSpriteName(OwnPokemon), 3, WildPokemon.GetDisplayName(), 0, True, "Still", New List(Of Rectangle)}), NPC) OwnPokemonModel = CType(Entity.GetNewEntity("ModelEntity", New Vector3(12, -0.5F, 12.5F) + BattleMapOffset, {}, {}, False, New Vector3(MathHelper.Pi * 0.5F, MathHelper.Pi * 0.5F, 0), New Vector3(0.07F), BaseModel.BlockModel, 1, ownModel, False, New Vector3(1), 0, "", "", New Vector3(0), Nothing), ModelEntity) End If Screen.Level.Entities.Add(OwnPokemonNPC) Screen.Level.Entities.Add(OwnPokemonModel) If oppModel = "" Then OppPokemonNPC = CType(Entity.GetNewEntity("NPC", New Vector3(15, 0, 12.5F) + BattleMapOffset, {Nothing}, {0, 0}, False, New Vector3(0), New Vector3(1), BaseModel.BillModel, 0, "", True, New Vector3(1), 1, "", "", New Vector3(0), {PokemonForms.GetOverworldSpriteName(WildPokemon), 1, WildPokemon.GetDisplayName(), 1, True, "Still", New List(Of Rectangle)}), NPC) OppPokemonModel = CType(Entity.GetNewEntity("ModelEntity", New Vector3(15, -0.5F, 12.5F) + BattleMapOffset, {}, {}, False, New Vector3(MathHelper.Pi * 0.5F, MathHelper.Pi * 1.5F, 0), New Vector3(0.07F), BaseModel.BlockModel, 0, "Models\Bulbasaur\Normal", False, New Vector3(1), 0, "", "", New Vector3(0), Nothing), ModelEntity) Else OppPokemonNPC = CType(Entity.GetNewEntity("NPC", New Vector3(15, 0, 12.5F) + BattleMapOffset, {Nothing}, {0, 0}, False, New Vector3(0), New Vector3(1), BaseModel.BillModel, 0, "", False, New Vector3(1), 0, "", "", New Vector3(0), {PokemonForms.GetOverworldSpriteName(WildPokemon), 1, WildPokemon.GetDisplayName(), 1, True, "Still", New List(Of Rectangle)}), NPC) OppPokemonModel = CType(Entity.GetNewEntity("ModelEntity", New Vector3(15, -0.5F, 12.5F) + BattleMapOffset, {}, {}, False, New Vector3(MathHelper.Pi * 0.5F, MathHelper.Pi * 1.5F, 0), New Vector3(0.07F), BaseModel.BlockModel, 1, oppModel, True, New Vector3(1), 0, "", "", New Vector3(0), Nothing), ModelEntity) End If Screen.Level.Entities.Add(OppPokemonNPC) Screen.Level.Entities.Add(OppPokemonModel) Dim ownSkin As String = Core.Player.Skin If SavedOverworld.Level.Surfing = True Then ownSkin = Core.Player.TempSurfSkin End If If SavedOverworld.Level.Riding = True Then ownSkin = Core.Player.TempRideSkin End If OwnTrainerNPC = CType(Entity.GetNewEntity("NPC", New Vector3(10, 0, 13) + BattleMapOffset, {Nothing}, {0, 0}, False, New Vector3(0), New Vector3(1), BaseModel.BillModel, 0, "", True, New Vector3(1), 0, "", "", New Vector3(0), {ownSkin, 3, "Player", 2, False, "Still", New List(Of Rectangle)}), NPC) Screen.Level.Entities.Add(OwnTrainerNPC) Dim cq As ScreenFadeQueryObject = New ScreenFadeQueryObject(ScreenFadeQueryObject.FadeTypes.Vertical, Color.Black, False, 5) cq.PassThis = True Dim q As CameraQueryObject = New CameraQueryObject(New Vector3(13, 0, 15), New Vector3(21, 0, 15), 0.05F, 0.05F, -0.8F, 1.4F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.016F, 0.016F) q.PassThis = True Dim q1 As New PlaySoundQueryObject(OppPokemon.Number.ToString(), True, 5.0F) Dim q2 As TextQueryObject = New TextQueryObject("Wild " & OppPokemon.GetDisplayName() & " appeared!") Dim q5 As ToggleMenuQueryObject = New ToggleMenuQueryObject(Me.BattleMenu.Visible) Dim cq1 As ScreenFadeQueryObject = New ScreenFadeQueryObject(ScreenFadeQueryObject.FadeTypes.Vertical, Color.Black, True, 16) Dim cq2 As ScreenFadeQueryObject = New ScreenFadeQueryObject(ScreenFadeQueryObject.FadeTypes.Vertical, Color.Black, False, 16) cq2.PassThis = True Me.BattleQuery.AddRange({cq, q, q1, q2}) Me.BattleQuery.AddRange({cq1, q5, cq2}) For i = 0 To 99 InsertCasualCameramove() Next Me.BattleMode = BattleModes.Safari BattleMenu.Reset() Me.DownloadOnlineSprites() End Sub Public Sub InitializeBugCatch(ByVal WildPokemon As Pokemon, ByVal OverworldScreen As Screen, ByVal defaultMapType As Integer) SavedOverworld = New OverworldStorage() SavedOverworld.OverworldScreen = OverworldScreen SavedOverworld.Camera = Screen.Camera SavedOverworld.Level = Screen.Level SavedOverworld.Effect = Screen.Effect SavedOverworld.SkyDome = Screen.SkyDome InitializeScreen() PlayerStatistics.Track("Bug-Catching contest battles", 1) If MusicManager.SongExists(SavedOverworld.Level.CurrentRegion.Split(CChar(","))(0) & "_wild") = True Then MusicManager.Play(SavedOverworld.Level.CurrentRegion.Split(CChar(","))(0) & "_wild", True, 0.0F) Else MusicManager.Play("johto_wild", True, 0.0F) End If Me.defaultMapType = defaultMapType Me.OppPokemon = WildPokemon If Core.Player.Pokemons.Count = 0 Then Dim p1 As Pokemon = Pokemon.GetPokemonByID(10) p1.Generate(15, True) Core.Player.Pokemons.Add(p1) End If Dim meIndex As Integer = 0 For i = 0 To Core.Player.Pokemons.Count - 1 If Core.Player.Pokemons(i).IsEgg() = False And Core.Player.Pokemons(i).HP > 0 And Core.Player.Pokemons(i).Status <> Pokemon.StatusProblems.Fainted Then meIndex = i Exit For End If Next Me.OwnPokemon = Core.Player.Pokemons(meIndex) OwnPokemonIndex = meIndex Me.IsTrainerBattle = False Me.ParticipatedPokemon.Add(meIndex) Dim ownShiny As String = "N" If OwnPokemon.IsShiny = True Then ownShiny = "S" End If Dim oppShiny As String = "N" If OppPokemon.IsShiny = True Then oppShiny = "S" End If Dim ownModel As String = GetModelName(True) Dim oppModel As String = GetModelName(False) If ownModel = "" Then OwnPokemonNPC = CType(Entity.GetNewEntity("NPC", New Vector3(12, 0, 12.5F) + BattleMapOffset, {Nothing}, {0, 0}, False, New Vector3(0), New Vector3(1), BaseModel.BillModel, 0, "", True, New Vector3(1), 1, "", "", New Vector3(0), {PokemonForms.GetOverworldSpriteName(OwnPokemon), 3, WildPokemon.GetDisplayName(), 0, True, "Still", New List(Of Rectangle)}), NPC) OwnPokemonModel = CType(Entity.GetNewEntity("ModelEntity", New Vector3(12, -0.5F, 12.5F) + BattleMapOffset, {}, {}, False, New Vector3(MathHelper.Pi * 0.5F, MathHelper.Pi * 0.5F, 0), New Vector3(0.07F), BaseModel.BlockModel, 0, "Models\Bulbasaur\Normal", False, New Vector3(1), 0, "", "", New Vector3(0), Nothing), ModelEntity) Else OwnPokemonNPC = CType(Entity.GetNewEntity("NPC", New Vector3(12, 0, 12.5F) + BattleMapOffset, {Nothing}, {0, 0}, False, New Vector3(0), New Vector3(1), BaseModel.BillModel, 0, "", False, New Vector3(1), 0, "", "", New Vector3(0), {PokemonForms.GetOverworldSpriteName(OwnPokemon), 3, WildPokemon.GetDisplayName(), 0, True, "Still", New List(Of Rectangle)}), NPC) OwnPokemonModel = CType(Entity.GetNewEntity("ModelEntity", New Vector3(12, -0.5F, 12.5F) + BattleMapOffset, {}, {}, False, New Vector3(MathHelper.Pi * 0.5F, MathHelper.Pi * 0.5F, 0), New Vector3(0.07F), BaseModel.BlockModel, 1, ownModel, True, New Vector3(1), 0, "", "", New Vector3(0), Nothing), ModelEntity) End If Screen.Level.Entities.Add(OwnPokemonNPC) Screen.Level.Entities.Add(OwnPokemonModel) If oppModel = "" Then OppPokemonNPC = CType(Entity.GetNewEntity("NPC", New Vector3(15, 0, 12.5F) + BattleMapOffset, {Nothing}, {0, 0}, False, New Vector3(0), New Vector3(1), BaseModel.BillModel, 0, "", True, New Vector3(1), 1, "", "", New Vector3(0), {PokemonForms.GetOverworldSpriteName(WildPokemon), 1, WildPokemon.GetDisplayName(), 1, True, "Still", New List(Of Rectangle)}), NPC) OppPokemonModel = CType(Entity.GetNewEntity("ModelEntity", New Vector3(15, -0.5F, 12.5F) + BattleMapOffset, {}, {}, False, New Vector3(MathHelper.Pi * 0.5F, MathHelper.Pi * 1.5F, 0), New Vector3(0.07F), BaseModel.BlockModel, 0, "Models\Bulbasaur\Normal", False, New Vector3(1), 0, "", "", New Vector3(0), Nothing), ModelEntity) Else OppPokemonNPC = CType(Entity.GetNewEntity("NPC", New Vector3(15, 0, 12.5F) + BattleMapOffset, {Nothing}, {0, 0}, False, New Vector3(0), New Vector3(1), BaseModel.BillModel, 0, "", False, New Vector3(1), 0, "", "", New Vector3(0), {PokemonForms.GetOverworldSpriteName(WildPokemon), 1, WildPokemon.GetDisplayName(), 1, True, "Still", New List(Of Rectangle)}), NPC) OppPokemonModel = CType(Entity.GetNewEntity("ModelEntity", New Vector3(15, -0.5F, 12.5F) + BattleMapOffset, {}, {}, False, New Vector3(MathHelper.Pi * 0.5F, MathHelper.Pi * 1.5F, 0), New Vector3(0.07F), BaseModel.BlockModel, 1, oppModel, True, New Vector3(1), 0, "", "", New Vector3(0), Nothing), ModelEntity) End If Screen.Level.Entities.Add(OppPokemonNPC) Screen.Level.Entities.Add(OppPokemonModel) Dim ownSkin As String = Core.Player.Skin If SavedOverworld.Level.Surfing = True Then ownSkin = Core.Player.TempSurfSkin End If If SavedOverworld.Level.Riding = True Then ownSkin = Core.Player.TempRideSkin End If OwnTrainerNPC = CType(Entity.GetNewEntity("NPC", New Vector3(10, 0, 13) + BattleMapOffset, {Nothing}, {0, 0}, False, New Vector3(0), New Vector3(1), BaseModel.BillModel, 0, "", True, New Vector3(1), 0, "", "", New Vector3(0), {ownSkin, 3, "Player", 2, False, "Still", New List(Of Rectangle)}), NPC) Screen.Level.Entities.Add(OwnTrainerNPC) Dim cq As ScreenFadeQueryObject = New ScreenFadeQueryObject(ScreenFadeQueryObject.FadeTypes.Vertical, Color.Black, False, 5) cq.PassThis = True Dim q As CameraQueryObject = New CameraQueryObject(New Vector3(13, 0, 15), New Vector3(21, 0, 15), 0.05F, 0.05F, -0.8F, 1.4F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.016F, 0.016F) q.PassThis = True Dim q1 As New PlaySoundQueryObject(OppPokemon.Number.ToString(), True, 5.0F) Dim q2 As TextQueryObject = New TextQueryObject("Wild " & OppPokemon.GetDisplayName() & " appeared!") Dim q22 As CameraQueryObject = New CameraQueryObject(New Vector3(14, 0, 15), New Vector3(13, 0, 15), 0.05F, 0.05F, MathHelper.PiOver2, -0.8F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.05F, 0.05F) Dim q3 As CameraQueryObject = New CameraQueryObject(New Vector3(14, 0, 11), New Vector3(14, 0, 15), 0.01F, 0.01F, MathHelper.PiOver2, MathHelper.PiOver2, 0.0F, 0.0F) q3.PassThis = True Dim q31 As New PlaySoundQueryObject(OwnPokemon.Number.ToString(), True, 3.0F) Dim q4 As TextQueryObject = New TextQueryObject("GO, " & Me.OwnPokemon.GetDisplayName() & "!") Dim q5 As ToggleMenuQueryObject = New ToggleMenuQueryObject(Me.BattleMenu.Visible) Dim cq1 As ScreenFadeQueryObject = New ScreenFadeQueryObject(ScreenFadeQueryObject.FadeTypes.Vertical, Color.Black, True, 16) Dim cq2 As ScreenFadeQueryObject = New ScreenFadeQueryObject(ScreenFadeQueryObject.FadeTypes.Vertical, Color.Black, False, 16) cq2.PassThis = True Me.BattleQuery.AddRange({cq, q, q1, q2, q22, q3, q31, q4}) Battle.SwitchInOwn(Me, meIndex, True, -1) Battle.SwitchInOpp(Me, True, 0) Me.BattleQuery.AddRange({cq1, q5, cq2}) For i = 0 To 99 InsertCasualCameramove() Next Me.BattleMode = BattleModes.BugContest BattleMenu.Reset() Me.DownloadOnlineSprites() End Sub Public Sub InitializePVP(ByVal PVPTrainer As Trainer, ByVal OverworldScreen As Screen) Me.IsPVPBattle = True Me.BattleMode = BattleModes.PVP BattleScreen.CanReceiveEXP = False BattleScreen.CanBlackout = False BattleScreen.CanRun = False BattleScreen.CanUseItems = False PVPLobbyScreen.StoppedBattle = True PVPLobbyScreen.DisconnectMessage = "The battle has ended." & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine & "Press any key to exit." PVPLobbyScreen.ScreenState = PVPLobbyScreen.ScreenStates.Stopped InitializeTrainer(PVPTrainer, OverworldScreen, 0) Me.CanBePaused = False End Sub Public Sub LoadBattleMap() Dim levelfile As String = SavedOverworld.Level.LevelFile Dim cRegion As String = SavedOverworld.Level.CurrentRegion.Split(CChar(","))(0) Dim battleMapData() As String = SavedOverworld.Level.BattleMapData.Split(CChar(",")) Dim surfingBattleMapData() As String = SavedOverworld.Level.SurfingBattleMapData.Split(CChar(",")) If Me.IsPVPBattle = True Then levelfile = "pvp.dat" Else If SavedOverworld.Level.BattleMapData <> "" Then Select Case battleMapData.Length Case 1 levelfile = battleMapData(0) Case 3 BattleMapOffset = New Vector3(CSng(battleMapData(0).Replace(".", GameController.DecSeparator)), CSng(battleMapData(1).Replace(".", GameController.DecSeparator)), CSng(battleMapData(2).Replace(".", GameController.DecSeparator))) Case 4 levelfile = battleMapData(0) BattleMapOffset = New Vector3(CSng(battleMapData(1).Replace(".", GameController.DecSeparator)), CSng(battleMapData(2).Replace(".", GameController.DecSeparator)), CSng(battleMapData(3).Replace(".", GameController.DecSeparator))) End Select End If If File.Exists(GameController.GamePath & "\Content\Data\maps\battle\" & levelfile) = False And File.Exists(GameController.GamePath & GameModeManager.ActiveGameMode.MapPath & "battle\" & levelfile) = False Then Select Case Me.defaultMapType Case 0 levelfile = cRegion & "0.dat" Case 2 levelfile = cRegion & "1.dat" Case Else levelfile = cRegion & "0.dat" End Select BattleMapOffset = New Vector3(0) End If If SavedOverworld.Level.Surfing = True Then If SavedOverworld.Level.SurfingBattleMapData <> "" Then Select Case surfingBattleMapData.Length Case 1 levelfile = surfingBattleMapData(0) Case 4 levelfile = surfingBattleMapData(0) BattleMapOffset = New Vector3(CSng(surfingBattleMapData(1).Replace(".", GameController.DecSeparator)), CSng(surfingBattleMapData(2).Replace(".", GameController.DecSeparator)), CSng(surfingBattleMapData(3).Replace(".", GameController.DecSeparator))) Case Else levelfile = cRegion & "1.dat" BattleMapOffset = New Vector3(0) End Select DiveBattle = True Else levelfile = cRegion & "1.dat" DiveBattle = True BattleMapOffset = New Vector3(0) End If End If End If If File.Exists(GameController.GamePath & "\Content\Data\maps\battle\" & levelfile) = False And File.Exists(GameController.GamePath & GameModeManager.ActiveGameMode.MapPath & "battle\" & levelfile) = False Then Select Case Me.defaultMapType Case 0 levelfile = "battle0.dat" Case 2 levelfile = "battle1.dat" Case Else levelfile = "battle0.dat" End Select BattleMapOffset = New Vector3(0) End If Level.Load("battle\" & levelfile) Level.MapName = SavedOverworld.Level.MapName End Sub #End Region Public Overrides Sub Draw() SkyDome.Draw(45.0F) Level.Draw() World.DrawWeather(Screen.Level.World.CurrentMapWeather) If HasToWaitPVP() = True Then Canvas.DrawRectangle(New Rectangle(0, CInt(Core.windowSize.Height / 2 - 60), CInt(Core.windowSize.Width), 120), New Color(0, 0, 0, 150)) Dim t As String = "Waiting for the other player " Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, t.Remove(t.Length - 2, 2) & LoadingDots.Dots, New Vector2(CSng(Core.windowSize.Width / 2 - FontManager.MainFont.MeasureString(t).X / 2), CSng(Core.windowSize.Height / 2 - FontManager.MainFont.MeasureString(t).Y / 2)), Color.White) Else If BattleMenu.Visible = True Then BattleMenu.Draw(Me) End If End If If BattleQuery.Count > 0 Then Dim cIndex As Integer = 0 Dim cQuery As New List(Of QueryObject) nextIndex: If BattleQuery.Count > cIndex Then Dim cQueryObject As QueryObject = BattleQuery(cIndex) cQuery.Add(cQueryObject) If cQueryObject.PassThis = True Then cIndex += 1 GoTo nextIndex End If End If cQuery.Reverse() For Each cQueryObject As QueryObject In cQuery cQueryObject.Draw(Me) Next End If 'Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MiniFont, "Battle system not final!", New Vector2(0, Core.windowSize.Height - 20), Color.White) TextBox.Draw() If DrawColoredScreen = True Then Canvas.DrawRectangle(Core.windowSize, Me.ColorOverlay) End If End Sub Public Overrides Sub Update() If CheckNetworkPlayer() = False Then Exit Sub End If If IsRemoteBattle = True And IsHost = False And SentInput = True And ReceivedQuery <> "" Then BattleMenu.Visible = False End If If IsRemoteBattle = True And IsHost = False Then If ReceivedPokemonData = True And ClientWaitForData = True Then ClientWaitForData = False ReceivedPokemonData = False BattleMenu.Reset() ClearMainMenuTime = True ClearMoveMenuTime = True BattleMenu.Update(Me) End If End If If Me.IsHost = False And Me.LockData <> "{}" And ReceivedPokemonData = False And ClientWaitForData = False And IsRemoteBattle = True Then Dim lockArgument As String = LockData.Remove(LockData.Length - 1, 1).Remove(0, 1) BattleQuery.Clear() BattleQuery.Add(FocusBattle()) BattleQuery.Insert(0, New ToggleMenuQueryObject(True)) If StringHelper.IsNumeric(lockArgument) = True Then SendClientCommand("MOVE|" & CStr(CInt(lockArgument))) Else SendClientCommand("TEXT|" & lockArgument) End If LockData = "{}" End If Lighting.UpdateLighting(Screen.Effect) Camera.Update() Level.Update() SkyDome.Update() TextBox.Update() If TextBox.Showing = False Then Dim cIndex As Integer = 0 nextIndex: If BattleQuery.Count > cIndex Then Dim cQueryObject As QueryObject = BattleQuery(cIndex) cQueryObject.Update(Me) If cQueryObject.IsReady = True Then BattleQuery.RemoveAt(cIndex) If cQueryObject.PassThis = True Then GoTo nextIndex End If Else If cQueryObject.PassThis = True Then cIndex += 1 GoTo nextIndex End If End If End If If HasToWaitPVP() = False Then If BattleMenu.Visible = True Then BattleMenu.Update(Me) End If End If End If If GameController.IS_DEBUG_ACTIVE = True Or Core.Player.SandBoxMode = True Then If KeyBoardHandler.KeyPressed(Keys.K) = True Then Battle.Won = True EndBattle(False) End If End If 'Update the world: Screen.Level.World.Initialize(Screen.Level.EnvironmentType, World.GetWeatherTypeFromWeather(Screen.Level.World.CurrentMapWeather)) End Sub #Region "CameraStuffs" Private lastCameraSettings As New List(Of Integer) Private lastCamera As Integer = 2 Private cameraSettingCount As Integer = 4 Public Sub InsertCasualCameramove() If lastCameraSettings.Count = cameraSettingCount Then lastCameraSettings.Clear() End If Dim r As Integer = Core.Random.Next(0, cameraSettingCount) While lastCameraSettings.Contains(r) = True Or lastCamera = r r = Core.Random.Next(0, cameraSettingCount) End While lastCameraSettings.Add(r) lastCamera = r Dim q As CameraQueryObject = Nothing Select Case r Case 0 q = New CameraQueryObject(New Vector3(17, 1, 15), New Vector3(9, 1, 15), 0.01F, 0.01F, 1.2F, -1.2F, -0.3F, -0.3F, 0.003F, 0.003F) Case 1 q = New CameraQueryObject(New Vector3(10.3, 0.5F, 10), New Vector3(17, 0.5F, 10), 0.01F, 0.01F, MathHelper.Pi + 0.5F, MathHelper.Pi - 0.5F, -0.1F, -0.1F, 0.0015F, 0.0015F) Case 2 q = New CameraQueryObject(New Vector3(14, 0, 11), New Vector3(14, 0, 15), 0.01F, 0.01F, MathHelper.PiOver2, MathHelper.PiOver2, 0.0F, 0.0F) Case 3 q = New CameraQueryObject(New Vector3(13, 0, 12), New Vector3(17, 0, 12), 0.01F, 0.01F, MathHelper.PiOver2 + 0.4F, MathHelper.PiOver2, 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.001F, 0.001F) End Select If Not q Is Nothing Then BattleQuery.Add(q) End If End Sub Public Function FocusOwnPokemon() As QueryObject Dim q As New CameraQueryObject(New Vector3(Me.OwnPokemonNPC.Position.X + 1.0F, Me.OwnPokemonNPC.Position.Y + 0.5F, Me.OwnPokemonNPC.Position.Z + 1.0F) - BattleMapOffset, Screen.Camera.Position, 0.06F, 0.06F, CSng(MathHelper.PiOver4) + 0.05F, Screen.Camera.Yaw, -0.3F, Screen.Camera.Pitch, 0.04F, 0.04F) Return q End Function Public Function FocusOppPokemon() As QueryObject Dim q As New CameraQueryObject(New Vector3(Me.OppPokemonNPC.Position.X - 1.0F, Me.OppPokemonNPC.Position.Y + 0.5F, Me.OppPokemonNPC.Position.Z + 1.0F) - BattleMapOffset, Screen.Camera.Position, 0.06F, 0.06F, -CSng(MathHelper.PiOver4) - 0.05F, Screen.Camera.Yaw, -0.3F, Screen.Camera.Pitch, 0.04F, 0.04F) Return q End Function Public Function FocusOwnPlayer() As QueryObject Dim q As New CameraQueryObject(New Vector3(11, 0.0F, 13.5F), Screen.Camera.Position, 0.1F, 0.1F, CSng(MathHelper.PiOver4), Screen.Camera.Yaw, -0.1F, Screen.Camera.Pitch, 0.04F, 0.04F) Return q End Function Public Function FocusBattle() As QueryObject Dim q As New CameraQueryObject(New Vector3(13.5F, 0.5F, 15.0F), Screen.Camera.Position, 0.1F, 0.1F, 0, Screen.Camera.Yaw, -0.1F, Screen.Camera.Pitch, 0.04F, 0.04F) Return q End Function #End Region Public Sub EndBattle(ByVal blackout As Boolean) 'Level.StopOffsetMapUpdate() Dim str As String = "" 'Call the EndBattle function of the abilities and Reverts battle only Pokemon formes. For Each p As Pokemon In Core.Player.Pokemons str = p.AdditionalData.ToLower() Select Case str Case "mega", "mega_x", "mega_y", "primal", "blade" p.AdditionalData = PokemonForms.GetInitialAdditionalData(p) p.ReloadDefinitions() p.CalculateStats() If str <> "blade" Then p.RestoreAbility() 'currently only used for mega evolutions End If End Select If Not p.Ability Is Nothing Then p.Ability.EndBattle(p) End If Next 'Remove fainted Pokémon from player's team if the DeathInsteadOfFaint GameRule is activated. If CBool(GameModeManager.GetGameRuleValue("DeathInsteadOfFaint", "0")) = True Then For i = 0 To Core.Player.Pokemons.Count - 1 If i <= Core.Player.Pokemons.Count - 1 Then If Core.Player.Pokemons(i).HP <= 0 Or Core.Player.Pokemons(i).Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.Fainted Then Core.Player.Pokemons.RemoveAt(i) i -= 1 End If End If Next End If 'Shift the Roaming Pokemon. If RoamingBattle = True Then If FieldEffects.RoamingFled = False AndAlso Battle.Fled = False Then Core.Player.RoamingPokemonData = RoamingPokemon.RemoveRoamingPokemon(RoamingPokemonStorage) Else Core.Player.RoamingPokemonData = RoamingPokemon.ReplaceRoamingPokemon(RoamingPokemonStorage) End If RoamingPokemon.ShiftRoamingPokemon(RoamingPokemonStorage.WorldID) End If 'Reverse this variable temp > Battle.Fled = False 'Add the Pokefile to the visited pokefiles list. If IsTrainerBattle = False Then If TempPokeFile <> "" Then If Core.Player.PokeFiles.Contains(TempPokeFile) = False Then Core.Player.PokeFiles.Add(TempPokeFile) End If End If End If TempPokeFile = "" OwnPokemon.ResetTemp() If IsRemoteBattle = False Then If ConnectScreen.Connected = True Then If Battle.Won = False Then If IsTrainerBattle = True Then Core.ServersManager.ServerConnection.SendGameStateMessage("got defeated by " & Trainer.TrainerType & " " & Trainer.Name & ".") Else Core.ServersManager.ServerConnection.SendGameStateMessage("got defeated by a wild " & OppPokemon.GetDisplayName() & ".") End If End If End If Else If IsHost = True Then If Battle.Won = False Then Core.ServersManager.ServerConnection.SendGameStateMessage("hosted a battle: ""Player " & Core.Player.Name & " got defeated by Player " & Trainer.Name & """.") Else Core.ServersManager.ServerConnection.SendGameStateMessage("hosted a battle: ""Player " & Trainer.Name & " got defeated by Player " & Core.Player.Name & """.") End If Else Battle.Won = ClientWonBattle End If PVPLobbyScreen.SetupBattleResults(Me) End If If CanBlackout = False Then blackout = False End If If blackout = False Then ResetVars() If IsTrainerBattle = True Then ActionScript.RegisterID("trainer_" & Trainer.TrainerFile) End If If Me.BattleMode <> BattleModes.PVP Then Abilities.HoneyGather.GatherHoney() Abilities.Pickup.Pickup() End If Dim hasLevelUp As Boolean = False For Each p As Pokemon In Core.Player.Pokemons If p.hasLeveledUp = True Then hasLevelUp = True End If p.ResetTemp() Next If hasLevelUp = False Then Core.SetScreen(New TransitionScreen(Me, SavedOverworld.OverworldScreen, New Color(255, 255, 254), False, AddressOf ChangeSavedScreen)) Else Dim EvolvePokeList As New List(Of Integer) For i = 0 To Core.Player.Pokemons.Count - 1 Dim p As Pokemon = Core.Player.Pokemons(i) If p.hasLeveledUp = True And p.EvolutionConditions.Count > 0 Then p.hasLeveledUp = False If p.CanEvolve(EvolutionCondition.EvolutionTrigger.LevelUp, "") = True Then EvolvePokeList.Add(i) End If End If Next If EvolvePokeList.Count = 0 Then Core.SetScreen(New TransitionScreen(Me, SavedOverworld.OverworldScreen, New Color(255, 255, 254), False, AddressOf ChangeSavedScreen)) Else Core.SetScreen(New TransitionScreen(Me, New EvolutionScreen(Core.CurrentScreen, EvolvePokeList, "", EvolutionCondition.EvolutionTrigger.LevelUp, True), Color.Black, False)) End If End If For Each p As Pokemon In Core.Player.Pokemons If p.Number = 213 Then If Not p.Item Is Nothing Then If p.Item.IsBerry = True Then If Core.Random.Next(0, 3) = 0 Then p.Item = Item.GetItemByID(139) End If End If End If End If Next Else ResetVars() Core.SetScreen(New TransitionScreen(Me, New BlackOutScreen(Me), Color.Black, False)) End If OwnLeadIndex = 0 OppLeadIndex = 0 End Sub Public Sub ChangeSavedScreen() Screen.Level = SavedOverworld.Level Screen.Camera = SavedOverworld.Camera Screen.Effect = SavedOverworld.Effect Screen.SkyDome = SavedOverworld.SkyDome Screen.Level.World.Initialize(Screen.Level.EnvironmentType, Screen.Level.WeatherType) End Sub Public Function TrainerHasFightablePokemon() As Boolean For Each p As Pokemon In Trainer.Pokemons If p.Status <> Pokemon.StatusProblems.Fainted Then Return True End If Next Return False End Function Public Sub SendInNewTrainerPokemon(ByVal index As Integer) Dim i As Integer = index If i = -1 Then If IsPVPBattle Then i = 0 While Trainer.Pokemons(i).Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.Fainted OrElse OppPokemonIndex = i OrElse Trainer.Pokemons(i).HP <= 0 i += 1 End While Else i = Core.Random.Next(0, Trainer.Pokemons.Count) While Trainer.Pokemons(i).Status = Pokemon.StatusProblems.Fainted OrElse OppPokemonIndex = i OrElse Trainer.Pokemons(i).HP <= 0 i = Core.Random.Next(0, Trainer.Pokemons.Count) End While End If End If OppPokemonIndex = i OppPokemon = Trainer.Pokemons(i) If Pokedex.GetEntryType(Core.Player.PokedexData, OppPokemon.Number) = 0 Then Core.Player.PokedexData = Pokedex.ChangeEntry(Core.Player.PokedexData, OppPokemon.Number, 1) End If End Sub Public Function GetModelName(ByVal own As Boolean) As String If Core.Player.ShowModelsInBattle = False Or Me.IsRemoteBattle = True Then Return "" End If Dim poke As Pokemon = OwnPokemon If own = False Then poke = OppPokemon End If Dim n As String = poke.AnimationName Dim s As String = "Normal" If poke.IsShiny = True Then s = "Shiny" End If Dim p As String = "Models\" & n & "\" & s If ModelManager.ModelExist(p) = True Then Return p End If Return "" End Function Public Shared Sub ResetVars() CanCatch = True CanRun = True CanBlackout = True CanReceiveEXP = True RoamingBattle = False CanUseItems = True DiveBattle = False IsInverseBattle = False CustomBattleMusic = "" RoamingPokemonStorage = Nothing End Sub Public Function GetTrainerMoney() As Integer Dim money As Integer = Trainer.Money If FieldEffects.AmuletCoin > 0 Then money *= 2 End If money += FieldEffects.OwnPayDayCounter For Each mysteryEvent As MysteryEventScreen.MysteryEvent In MysteryEventScreen.ActivatedMysteryEvents If mysteryEvent.EventType = MysteryEventScreen.EventTypes.MoneyMultiplier Then money = CInt(money * CSng(mysteryEvent.Value.Replace(".", GameController.DecSeparator))) End If Next Return money End Function Public Sub AddToQuery(ByVal index As Integer, ByVal o As QueryObject) If index = -1 Then BattleQuery.Add(o) Else BattleQuery.Insert(index, o) End If End Sub #Region "Networking" Public IsPVPBattle As Boolean = False Public IsRemoteBattle As Boolean = False Public IsHost As Boolean = False Public PartnerNetworkID As Integer = 0 Public OwnStatistics As New NetworkPlayerStatistics() Public OppStatistics As New NetworkPlayerStatistics() Public PVPGameJoltID As String = "" Class NetworkPlayerStatistics Public Critical As Integer = 0 Public SuperEffective As Integer = 0 Public NotVeryEffective As Integer = 0 Public NoEffect As Integer = 0 Public Turns As Integer = 0 Public Switches As Integer = 0 Public Moves As Integer = 0 Public Overrides Function ToString() As String Return "{" & Critical & "|" & SuperEffective & "|" & NotVeryEffective & "|" & NoEffect & "|" & Turns & "|" & Switches & "|" & Moves & "}" End Function Public Sub FromString(ByVal s As String) s = s.Remove(s.Length - 1, 1).Remove(0, 1) Dim data() As String = s.Split(CChar("|")) Me.Critical = CInt(data(0)) Me.SuperEffective = CInt(data(1)) Me.NotVeryEffective = CInt(data(2)) Me.NoEffect = CInt(data(3)) Me.Turns = CInt(data(4)) Me.Switches = CInt(data(5)) Me.Moves = CInt(data(6)) End Sub End Class Public Function HasToWaitPVP() As Boolean If IsPVPBattle = True And IsRemoteBattle = True Then If IsHost = True Then If ReceivedInput = "" Then Return True End If Else If ClientWaitForData = True Then Return True End If If ReceivedQuery = "" And SentInput = True Then Return True End If End If End If Return False End Function Private Function CheckNetworkPlayer() As Boolean If Me.IsRemoteBattle = True Then If Core.ServersManager.ServerConnection.Connected = True Then Dim partnerOnServer As Boolean = False For Each p As Servers.Player In Core.ServersManager.PlayerCollection If p.ServersID = PartnerNetworkID Then partnerOnServer = True Exit For End If Next If partnerOnServer = False Then PVPLobbyScreen.StoppedBattle = True PVPLobbyScreen.DisconnectMessage = "The other player disconnected." & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine & "Press any key to exit." PVPLobbyScreen.ScreenState = PVPLobbyScreen.ScreenStates.Stopped Battle.Won = True EndBattle(False) PVPLobbyScreen.BattleSuccessful = False Return False End If Else PVPLobbyScreen.StoppedBattle = True PVPLobbyScreen.DisconnectMessage = "You got disconnected from the server." & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine & "Press any key to exit." PVPLobbyScreen.ScreenState = PVPLobbyScreen.ScreenStates.Stopped Battle.Won = False EndBattle(False) PVPLobbyScreen.BattleSuccessful = False Return False End If End If Return True End Function #Region "Client" 'Client: Public SentInput As Boolean = False Public Shared ReceivedQuery As String = "" Public ClientWaitForData As Boolean = False Public ReceivedPokemonData As Boolean = False Public TempPVPBattleQuery As New Dictionary(Of Integer, QueryObject) Public LockData As String = "{}" Public ClientWonBattle As Boolean = True 'Sends the decided step to the host Public Sub SendClientCommand(ByVal c As String) Core.ServersManager.ServerConnection.SendPackage(New Servers.Package(Servers.Package.PackageTypes.BattleClientData, Core.ServersManager.ID, Servers.Package.ProtocolTypes.TCP, {PartnerNetworkID.ToString(), c}.ToList())) Me.SentInput = True Logger.Debug("[Battle]: Sent Client command") End Sub 'Receives the current status of the battle from the host Public Shared Sub ReceiveHostEndRoundData(ByVal data As String) Dim newQueries As New List(Of String) Dim tempData As String = "" Dim cData As String = data If GameController.IS_DEBUG_ACTIVE Then If Directory.Exists(GameController.GamePath & "\PvP Log\") = False Then Directory.CreateDirectory(GameController.GamePath & "\PvP Log\") End If Dim shownData As String = data.Replace("}{", "}" & Environment.NewLine & "{").Replace("}|{", "}|" & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine & "{") IO.File.WriteAllText(GameController.GamePath & "\PvP Log\HostEndRoundData.dat", shownData) End If 'Converts the single string received as data into a list of string While cData.Length > 0 If cData(0).ToString() = "|" AndAlso tempData(tempData.Length - 1).ToString() = "}" Then newQueries.Add(tempData) tempData = "" Else tempData &= cData(0).ToString() End If cData = cData.Remove(0, 1) End While If tempData.StartsWith("{") = True And tempData.EndsWith("}") = True Then newQueries.Add(tempData) tempData = "" End If Dim s As Screen = Core.CurrentScreen While Not s.PreScreen Is Nothing And s.Identification <> Identifications.BattleScreen s = s.PreScreen End While If s.Identification = Identifications.BattleScreen Then 'First set of queries are read and converted into BattleScreen values for the client side. CType(s, BattleScreen).LockData = newQueries(0) 'when locked into certain situations that do not allow the client to take actions (like multi turn moves) CType(s, BattleScreen).OppStatistics.FromString(newQueries(1)) CType(s, BattleScreen).OwnStatistics.FromString(newQueries(2)) CType(s, BattleScreen).OppPokemon = Pokemon.GetPokemonByData(newQueries(3)) CType(s, BattleScreen).OwnPokemon = Pokemon.GetPokemonByData(newQueries(4)) Dim weatherInfo As String = newQueries(5) weatherInfo = weatherInfo.Remove(weatherInfo.Length - 1, 1).Remove(0, 1) CType(s, BattleScreen).FieldEffects.Weather = CType(CInt(weatherInfo), BattleWeather.WeatherTypes) Dim CanSwitchInfo As String = newQueries(6) CanSwitchInfo = CanSwitchInfo.Remove(CanSwitchInfo.Length - 1, 1).Remove(0, 1) CType(s, BattleScreen).FieldEffects.ClientCanSwitch = CType(CanSwitchInfo, Boolean) For i = 0 To 6 newQueries.RemoveAt(0) Next 'Next queries contain the data from the party of the host and the client. Dim ownCount As Integer = Core.Player.Pokemons.Count Dim oppCount As Integer = CType(s, BattleScreen).Trainer.Pokemons.Count CType(s, BattleScreen).Trainer.Pokemons.Clear() Core.Player.Pokemons.Clear() For i = 0 To oppCount - 1 CType(s, BattleScreen).Trainer.Pokemons.Add(Pokemon.GetPokemonByData(newQueries(i))) If CType(s, BattleScreen).Trainer.Pokemons.Last().GetSaveData() = CType(s, BattleScreen).OppPokemon.GetSaveData() Then CType(s, BattleScreen).OppPokemonIndex = CType(s, BattleScreen).Trainer.Pokemons.Count - 1 End If Next For i = oppCount To oppCount + ownCount - 1 Core.Player.Pokemons.Add(Pokemon.GetPokemonByData(newQueries(i))) If Core.Player.Pokemons.Last().GetSaveData() = CType(s, BattleScreen).OwnPokemon.GetSaveData() Then CType(s, BattleScreen).OwnPokemonIndex = Core.Player.Pokemons.Count - 1 End If Next Logger.Debug("[Battle]: Received Host End Round data") CType(s, BattleScreen).ReceivedPokemonData = True End If End Sub 'Receives the "movie" from the host, and stores it in the BattleQuery list. Also checks for After Fainting Switch conditions. Public Shared Sub ReceiveHostData(ByVal data As String) Dim newQueries As New List(Of String) Dim tempData As String = "" Dim cData As String = data Dim s As Screen = Core.CurrentScreen While Not s.PreScreen Is Nothing And s.Identification <> Identifications.BattleScreen s = s.PreScreen End While If s.Identification = Identifications.BattleScreen Then If GameController.IS_DEBUG_ACTIVE Then If Directory.Exists(GameController.GamePath & "\PvP Log\") = False Then Directory.CreateDirectory(GameController.GamePath & "\PvP Log\") End If Dim shownData As String = data.Replace("}{", "}" & Environment.NewLine & "{").Replace("}|{", "}|" & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine & "{") IO.File.WriteAllText(GameController.GamePath & "\PvP Log\HostData.dat", shownData) End If End If While cData.Length > 0 If cData(0).ToString() = "|" AndAlso tempData(tempData.Length - 1).ToString() = "}" Then newQueries.Add(tempData) tempData = "" Else tempData &= cData(0).ToString() End If cData = cData.Remove(0, 1) End While If tempData.StartsWith("{") = True And tempData.EndsWith("}") = True Then newQueries.Add(tempData) tempData = "" End If If s.Identification = Identifications.BattleScreen Then CType(s, BattleScreen).BattleQuery.Clear() For Each q As String In newQueries Dim Query As QueryObject = QueryObject.FromString(q) If Query IsNot Nothing Then CType(s, BattleScreen).BattleQuery.Add(Query) End If Next For i = 0 To 99 CType(s, BattleScreen).InsertCasualCameramove() Next For Each q As QueryObject In CType(s, BattleScreen).BattleQuery If q.QueryType = QueryObject.QueryTypes.Textbox Then If CType(q, TextQueryObject).Text = "You lost the battle!" Then CType(s, BattleScreen).ClientWonBattle = False End If End If Next End If Logger.Debug("[Battle]: Received Host data (movie)") ReceivedQuery = data End Sub #End Region #Region "Host" 'Host: Public SentHostData As Boolean = False Public Shared ReceivedInput As String = "" 'After the client has decided its next step, the host receives the information about this step, so it can now decide his own. Public Shared Sub ReceiveClientData(ByVal data As String) Logger.Debug("[Battle]: Received Client data") ReceivedInput = data If GameController.IS_DEBUG_ACTIVE Then If Directory.Exists(GameController.GamePath & "\PvP Log\") = False Then Directory.CreateDirectory(GameController.GamePath & "\PvP Log\") End If Dim shownData As String = data.Replace("}{", "}" & Environment.NewLine & "{").Replace("}|{", "}|" & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine & "{") IO.File.WriteAllText(GameController.GamePath & "\PvP Log\ClientCommand.dat", shownData) End If Dim s As Screen = Core.CurrentScreen While Not s.PreScreen Is Nothing And s.Identification <> Identifications.BattleScreen s = s.PreScreen End While Dim BV2Screen As BattleScreen = CType(s, BattleScreen) BV2Screen.BattleMenu.Visible = False 'prevents multi turn action to take place in an after fainting switching turn If Not (BV2Screen.OppFaint And BV2Screen.IsRemoteBattle) Then BV2Screen.Battle.StartMultiTurnAction(BV2Screen) Else BV2Screen.BattleMenu.Visible = True End If End Sub 'Sends some variables that let the client know the current state of the battle Public Sub SendEndRoundData() Dim lockData As String = "{}" Dim oppStep As Battle.RoundConst = Battle.GetOppStep(Me, Battle.OwnStep) If Battle.SelectedMoveOpp = False Then If oppStep.StepType = BattleSystem.Battle.RoundConst.StepTypes.Move Then lockData = "{" & CType(oppStep.Argument, Attack).ID.ToString() & "}" Else lockData = "{" & CStr(oppStep.Argument) & "}" End If End If Dim d As String = lockData & "|" & OwnStatistics.ToString() & "|" & OppStatistics.ToString() & "|" & OwnPokemon.GetSaveData() & "|" & OppPokemon.GetSaveData() & "|" & "{" & CInt(FieldEffects.Weather).ToString() & "}" & "|" & "{" & BattleCalculation.CanSwitch(Me, False).ToString & "}" For Each p As Pokemon In Core.Player.Pokemons If d <> "" Then d &= "|" End If d &= p.GetSaveData() Next For Each p As Pokemon In Trainer.Pokemons If d <> "" Then d &= "|" End If d &= p.GetSaveData() Next If GameController.IS_DEBUG_ACTIVE Then If Directory.Exists(GameController.GamePath & "\PvP Log\") = False Then Directory.CreateDirectory(GameController.GamePath & "\PvP Log\") End If Dim shownData As String = d.Replace("}{", "}" & Environment.NewLine & "{").Replace("}|{", "}|" & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine & "{") IO.File.WriteAllText(GameController.GamePath & "\PvP Log\SentEndRoundData.dat", shownData) End If Logger.Debug("[Battle]: Sent End Round data") Core.ServersManager.ServerConnection.SendPackage(New Servers.Package(Servers.Package.PackageTypes.BattlePokemonData, Core.ServersManager.ID, Servers.Package.ProtocolTypes.TCP, {PartnerNetworkID.ToString(), d}.ToList())) End Sub 'Sends the "movie" to the client Public Sub SendHostQuery() Dim d As String = "" Dim sendQuery As New List(Of QueryObject) For i = 0 To Me.BattleQuery.Count - 1 If Me.TempPVPBattleQuery.ContainsKey(i) = False Then sendQuery.Add(Me.BattleQuery(i)) Else sendQuery.Add(Me.TempPVPBattleQuery(i)) End If Next For Each q As QueryObject In sendQuery If d <> "" Then d &= "|" End If d &= q.ToString() Next Me.TempPVPBattleQuery.Clear() Logger.Debug("[Battle]: Sent Host Query") If GameController.IS_DEBUG_ACTIVE Then If Directory.Exists(GameController.GamePath & "\PvP Log\") = False Then Directory.CreateDirectory(GameController.GamePath & "\PvP Log\") End If Dim shownData As String = d.Replace("}{", "}" & Environment.NewLine & "{").Replace("}|{", "}|" & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine & "{") IO.File.WriteAllText(GameController.GamePath & "\PvP Log\SentHostQuery.dat", shownData) End If Core.ServersManager.ServerConnection.SendPackage(New Servers.Package(Servers.Package.PackageTypes.BattleHostData, Core.ServersManager.ID, Servers.Package.ProtocolTypes.TCP, {PartnerNetworkID.ToString(), d}.ToList())) SentHostData = True End Sub #End Region #Region "GameJolt" ''' ''' Use this to download the sprites for the players. ''' Private Sub DownloadOnlineSprites() If Core.Player.IsGameJoltSave = True Then 'Dim t As New Threading.Thread(AddressOf DownloadSprites) 't.IsBackground = True 't.Start() DownloadSprites() End If End Sub Private Sub DownloadSprites() OwnTrainerNPC.SetupSprite(OwnTrainerNPC.TextureID, Core.GameJoltSave.GameJoltID, True) If PVPGameJoltID <> "" Then OppTrainerNPC.SetupSprite(OppTrainerNPC.TextureID, PVPGameJoltID, True) End If End Sub #End Region #End Region #Region "Profiles and Targets" Public Function GetProfile(ByVal Target As PokemonTarget) As PokemonProfile For Each p As PokemonProfile In Me.Profiles If p.FieldPosition = Target Then Return p End If Next Return Nothing End Function #End Region End Class End Namespace