version=2 :if:=true =false back~.*It's good to see that such~a talented trainer has time~to visit me again.*I suspect you have only~gotten stronger since our~last encounter?*If you don't mind I would~like to test that again.*Say, there is this new~battle bar in Goldenrod,~how about we meet up Tuesday~or Thursday evenings?*I can show you what this~elder still has to offer.) @register.register(PryceRematchTalk) @register.change(clubregisters,+1) :end :endif @battle.starttrainer(mahogany_gym\leader) @player.AchieveEmblem(glacier) :if:=False @register.register(glacierbadge_obtain) @register.register(trainer_mahogany_gym\001) @register.register(trainer_mahogany_gym\002) @register.register(trainer_mahogany_gym\003) @register.register(trainer_mahogany_gym\004) @register.register(trainer_mahogany_gym\005) @player.GetBadge(15) Badge will~raise the Special stats~of Pokémon.*It also lets your~Pokémon use Whirlpool~to get across real Whirlpools.*And this...~This is a gift from me!) @item.give(206,1) @item.messagegive(206,1) TM contains Icy Wind.*It inflicts damage~and lowers speed.*It demonstrates~the harshness of winter.) :endif :end