''' Used to convert strings into various types.
Public Class ScriptConversion
Enum Associativity
End Enum
''' Converts an expression into a .
Public Shared Function ToDouble(ByVal expression As Object) As Double
Dim input As String = expression.ToString()
Dim retError As Boolean = False
Dim retDbl As Double = 0D
retDbl = InternalToDouble(input, retError)
If retError = False Then
Return retDbl
If IsArithmeticExpression(expression) = True Then
Dim postFix As String = ToPostfix(expression.ToString())
Return EvaluatePostfix(postFix)
Return 0D
End If
End If
End Function
''' If the input can be evaluated into a number.
Public Shared Function IsArithmeticExpression(ByVal expression As Object) As Boolean
Dim retError As Boolean = False
Dim postfix As String = ToPostfix(expression.ToString(), retError)
If retError = False Then
EvaluatePostfix(postfix, retError)
Return retError = False
Return False
End If
End Function
''' Evaluates a math expression in the postfix notation. Example: "2 3 +".
''' The postfix string.
Private Shared Function EvaluatePostfix(ByVal input As String, Optional ByRef hasError As Boolean = False) As Double
Dim stack As New List(Of Double)
Dim tokens As List(Of Char) = input.ToCharArray().ToList()
Dim cNumber As String = ""
While tokens.Count > 0
Dim token As Char = tokens(0)
If IsNumber(token) = True Then
cNumber &= token.ToString()
ElseIf cNumber.Length > 0 Then
stack.Insert(0, InternalToDouble(cNumber))
cNumber = ""
End If
If cNumber.Length > 0 And tokens.Count = 0 Then
stack.Insert(0, InternalToDouble(cNumber))
cNumber = ""
End If
If IsOperator(token) = True Then
If stack.Count >= 2 Then
Dim v2 As Double = stack(0)
Dim v1 As Double = stack(1)
Dim result As Double = 0
Select Case token.ToString()
Case "+"
result = v1 + v2
Case "-"
result = v1 - v2
Case "*"
result = v1 * v2
Case "/"
If v2 = 0 Then
Logger.Log(Logger.LogTypes.Warning, "Script.vb: Cannot evaluate """ & input.ToString() & """ as an arithmetic expression.")
hasError = True
Return 0
result = v1 / v2
End If
Case "^"
result = v1 ^ v2
Case "%"
result = v1 Mod v2
End Select
stack.Insert(0, result)
Logger.Log(Logger.LogTypes.Warning, "Script.vb: Cannot evaluate """ & input.ToString() & """ as an arithmetic expression.")
hasError = True
Return 0
End If
End If
End While
If stack.Count = 1 Then
Return stack(0)
Logger.Log(Logger.LogTypes.Warning, "Script.vb: Cannot evaluate """ & input.ToString() & """ as an arithmetic expression.")
hasError = True
Return 0
End If
End Function
''' Converts an infix notation to postfix notation.
''' The infix notation. Example: "2+3".
Private Shared Function ToPostfix(ByVal input As String, Optional ByRef hasError As Boolean = False) As String
If input.Trim().StartsWith("-") Then
input = "0" & input
End If
Dim tokens As List(Of Char) = input.ToCharArray().ToList()
Dim stack As New List(Of Char)
Dim output As String = ""
Dim cNumber As String = ""
While tokens.Count > 0
Dim token As Char = tokens(0)
' Token is a number:
If IsNumber(token) = True Then
cNumber &= token.ToString()
ElseIf cNumber.Length > 0 Then
output &= cNumber.ToString() & " " ' Add to the output.
cNumber = ""
End If
If cNumber.Length > 0 And tokens.Count = 0 Then
output &= cNumber.ToString() & " "
cNumber = ""
End If
' Token is an operator:
If IsOperator(token) = True Then
Dim o1 As Char = token
While stack.Count > 0 AndAlso IsOperator(stack(0)) = True AndAlso ((GetAssociativity(o1) = Associativity.Left And GetPrecedence(o1) <= GetPrecedence(stack(0))) Or (GetAssociativity(o1) = Associativity.Right And GetPrecedence(o1) < GetPrecedence(stack(0))))
output &= stack(0).ToString() & " "
End While
stack.Insert(0, o1)
End If
' Token is a left parenthesis:
If token = "("c Then
stack.Insert(0, token)
End If
' Token is a right parenthesis:
If token = ")"c Then
If stack.Count > 0 Then
While stack.Count > 0
If stack(0) = "("c Then
Exit While
output &= stack(0).ToString() & " "
End If
End While
Logger.Log(Logger.LogTypes.Warning, "Script.vb: Cannot convert """ & input.ToString() & """ to an arithmetic expression.")
hasError = True
Return "0"
End If
End If
End While
While stack.Count > 0
If stack(0) = "("c Or stack(0) = ")"c Then
Logger.Log(Logger.LogTypes.Warning, "Script.vb: Cannot convert """ & input.ToString() & """ to an arithmetic expression.")
hasError = True
Return "0"
output &= stack(0).ToString() & " "
End If
End While
Return output
End Function
''' If the token is a number or part of one.
''' The token.
Private Shared Function IsNumber(ByVal token As Char) As Boolean
Return "0123456789.,".ToCharArray().Contains(token)
End Function
''' If the token is an operator.
''' The token.
Private Shared Function IsOperator(ByVal token As Char) As Boolean
Return "+-*/^%".ToCharArray().Contains(token)
End Function
''' Returns the precedence for an operator.
''' The operator.
Private Shared Function GetPrecedence(ByVal [Operator] As Char) As Integer
Select Case [Operator]
Case "+"c, "-"c
Return 2
Case "*"c, "/"c, "%"c
Return 3
Case "^"c
Return 4
End Select
Return -1
End Function
''' Returns if an operator has a Left or Right Associativity.
''' The operator
Private Shared Function GetAssociativity(ByVal [Operator] As Char) As Associativity
Select Case [Operator]
Case "^"c
Return Associativity.Right
Case Else
Return Associativity.Left
End Select
End Function
''' Tries to convert a single number into a .
Private Shared Function InternalToDouble(ByVal expression As String, Optional ByRef hasError As Boolean = False) As Double
expression = expression.Replace(".", My.Application.Culture.NumberFormat.NumberDecimalSeparator)
If StringHelper.IsNumeric(expression) Then
Return System.Convert.ToDouble(expression)
If expression.ToLower() = "false" Then
Return 0
ElseIf expression.ToLower() = "true" Then
Return 1
hasError = True
Return 0
End If
End If
End Function
''' Converts an expression into an .
''' The expression to convert.
Public Shared Function ToInteger(ByVal expression As Object) As Integer
Return CInt(Math.Round(ToDouble(expression)))
End Function
''' Converts an expression to a .
''' The expression to convert.
Public Shared Function ToSingle(ByVal expression As Object) As Single
Return CSng(ToDouble(expression))
End Function
''' Converts an expression into a .
''' The expression to convert.
Public Shared Function ToBoolean(ByVal expression As Object) As Boolean
Select Case expression.ToString().ToLower()
Case "true", "1"
Return True
Case Else
Return False
End Select
End Function
''' Performs a check if an expression is a valid .
''' The expression to perform the check on.
Public Shared Function IsBoolean(ByVal expression As Object) As Boolean
Dim s As String = expression.ToString()
Dim validBools() As String = {"0", "1", "true", "false"}
Return validBools.Contains(s.ToLower())
End Function
End Class