version=2 :if:=false, I'm Bill. And~who are you?*Hmm, , huh?~You've come at the~right time.*I just finished~adjustments on my~GTS Card.*You know that~Pokémon can be~traded, right?*My GTS Card~was developed to*enable trades with~your friends.*But you can't send~more than 6~Pokémon at once.*If you did, the PC~storing them would~have a breakdown.*Don't worry.~I'm done with the~adjustments.*From now on, the~GTS Card will be given~out at all Pokémon Centers.*I have to hurry on~back to Goldenrod~and see my folks.*Bye-bye!) :select: :when:7,0,4 @NPC.Turn(6,3) @Player.Turnto(3) @NPC.Move(6,1) @NPC.Turn(6,2) @NPC.Move(6,2) @NPC.Turn(6,1) @NPC.Move(6,1) @Player.Turnto(2) @NPC.Turn(6,2) @NPC.Move(6,4) :when:8,0,3 @NPC.Turn(6,2) @Player.Turnto(2) @NPC.Move(6,6) :when:6,0,3 @NPC.Turn(6,2) @Player.Turnto(2) @NPC.Move(6,6) :endwhen @NPC.Warp(6,7,-3,9) @NPC.Register(ecruteak\center.dat|6|remove|0) @NPC.Register(goldenrod\bill.dat|0|position|2,0,2) @NPC.Register(goldenrod\center_friends.dat|0|position|3,0,7) @Register.register(bill_encounter) :endif :end