version=2 :if:=true may pass!) :end :endif am sorry but~only a certain~few may pass here.*I must ask you~to turn back.) :if:>0! The Silver Wing!*You may pass!) @register.register(sagepasswhirl) @npc.turn(0,3) :select: :when:26,1,20 @npc.turn(0,1) :endwhen @npc.move(0,1) @npc.register(whirlislands\bf1main.dat|0|remove|0) @npc.turn(0,1) :select: :when:26,1,20 @npc.turn(0,3) :endwhen :end :endif :if:>0 my!~I never thought I would see it!*The Crystal Wing!*This is a rare and precious item!*It definately proves your worth,~however, beyond this point you~will need the Silver Wing.*I can give you one,~but, in exchange~I will need your Crystal Wing.*Is this acceptable?),No) :when:Yes @item.remove(56,1) @item.give(71,1) @item.messagegive(71,1) you!*I wish you the best of luck!) @register.register(sagepasswhirl) @npc.register(whirlislands\bf1main.dat|0|remove|0) :when:No understand.*If you ever change your mind,~I will remain here waiting.) :end :endwhen @npc.turn(0,3) :select: :when:26,1,20 @npc.turn(0,1) :endwhen @npc.move(0,1) @npc.turn(0,1) :select: :when:26,1,20 @npc.turn(0,3) :endwhen :end :endif :end