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@Text.show(Hold it right there!)
@text.show(We can't have a ~brat like you on~the loose.*It's harmful to~Team Rocket's~pride, you see.*However strong you~may be, you can't*take both of us at~the same time.*Sorry, baby. Now~get ready to be~thrashed.)
@text.show(Lance: Hey! Don't be so~selfish. Spread~the fun around.)
@text.show(What? You had an~accomplice?*Where is your~sense of honor?)
@text.show(...This hideout is~done for...*But that's fine.~The broadcast~experiment was a~total success.*It doesn't matter~what happens to~this hideout now.*We have much~bigger plans.*You'll come to~appreciate Team*Rocket's true~power soon enough.*Enjoy yourself~while you can...*Fufufufu...)
@text.show(Lance: That did~it. We defeated*all the Rockets here.*But I'm concerned~about the young*guy I battled in~the process...)
@text.show(Sorry, <player.name>.~I saw how well you*were doing, so I~just hung back.*Now all there is~left to do is to*turn off that odd~radio signal.)
@text.show(It's this machine~that's causing all~the problems.*I don't see a~switch on it...*We have no choice.~We have to make*all the Electrode~faint.*That should stop~this machine from*transmitting that~strange signal.*It's no fault of~the Pokémon, so it*makes me feel~guilty.*<player.name>, let's~split the job.)