345 lines
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345 lines
12 KiB
Public Class BerryPlant
Inherits Entity
Dim Phase As Integer = 0
Dim Grow As Integer = 0
Dim BerryIndex As Integer = 0
Dim BerryGrowTime As Integer = 0
Dim Berry As Items.Berry
Dim Berries As Integer = 0
Dim PlantDate As String = ""
Dim FullGrown As Boolean = False
Dim Watered As New List(Of Boolean)
Dim LastUpdateDate As Date
Public Overloads Sub Initialize(ByVal BerryIndex As Integer, ByVal BerriesYield As Integer, ByVal Watered As String, ByVal Time As String, ByVal FullGrown As Boolean)
Me.Berry = CType(Item.GetItemByID(CStr(BerryIndex + 2000)), Items.Berry)
Me.Berries = BerriesYield
Me.PlantDate = Time
Me.BerryIndex = BerryIndex
Me.FullGrown = FullGrown
Me.LastUpdateDate = Date.Now
If Watered.CountSplits(",") <> 4 Then
Me.Watered.AddRange({False, False, False, False})
For Each b As String In Watered.Split(CChar(","))
End If
Me.NeedsUpdate = True
Me.CreateWorldEveryFrame = True
End Sub
Private Sub InitBerry(ByVal oldDate As String)
Dim Data() As String = oldDate.Split(CChar(","))
Dim d As New Date(CInt(Data(0)), CInt(Data(1)), CInt(Data(2)), CInt(Data(3)), CInt(Data(4)), CInt(Data(5)))
If FullGrown = True Then
Me.Phase = 4
With My.Computer.Clock.LocalTime
Dim diff As Integer = CInt((Date.Now - d).TotalSeconds)
Grow += diff
While Grow >= Berry.PhaseTime
Grow -= Berry.PhaseTime
Me.Phase += 1
If Me.Phase > 4 Then
Me.Phase = 0
End If
End While
End With
End If
End Sub
Public Overrides Sub Update()
If Me.LastUpdateDate.Year = 1 Then
Me.LastUpdateDate = Date.Now
End If
Dim diff As Integer = (Date.Now - LastUpdateDate).Seconds
If diff > 0 Then
Me.Grow += diff
If Me.Grow >= Me.Berry.PhaseTime Then
While Grow >= Berry.PhaseTime
Grow -= Berry.PhaseTime
Me.Phase += 1
If Me.Phase > 4 Then
Me.Phase = 0
End If
End While
End If
End If
Me.LastUpdateDate = Date.Now
End Sub
Public Overrides Sub UpdateEntity()
If Me.Rotation.Y <> Screen.Camera.Yaw Then
Me.Rotation.Y = Screen.Camera.Yaw
End If
End Sub
Private Sub NewTexture()
Dim t As Texture2D
If Me.Phase > 1 Then
Dim x As Integer = Me.Berry.BerryIndex * 128 + ((Phase - 1) * 32)
Dim y As Integer = 0
While x > 512
x -= 512
y += 32
End While
Dim r As New Rectangle(x, y, 32, 32)
t = P3D.TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Berries", r, "")
Dim r As Rectangle
Select Case Me.Phase
Case 0
r = New Rectangle(448, 480, 32, 32)
Case 1
r = New Rectangle(480, 480, 32, 32)
End Select
t = P3D.TextureManager.GetTexture("Items\ItemSheet", r, "")
End If
Me.Textures(0) = t
End Sub
Dim ResultIndex As Integer = 0
Public Overrides Sub ClickFunction()
Dim text As String = ""
Dim hasBottle As Boolean = False
If Core.Player.Inventory.GetItemAmount(175.ToString) > 0 Then
hasBottle = True
End If
Select Case Me.Phase
Case 0
Me.ResultIndex = 1
If hasBottle = True Then
text = "One " & Me.Berry.Name & " Berry was~planted here.*Do you want to~water it?%Yes|No%"
text = "One " & Me.Berry.Name & " Berry was~planted here."
End If
Case 1
Me.ResultIndex = 1
If hasBottle = True Then
text = Berry.Name & " has sprouted.*Do you want to~water it?%Yes|No%"
text = Berry.Name & " has sprouted."
End If
Case 2
Me.ResultIndex = 1
If hasBottle = True Then
text = "This " & Berry.Name & " plant is~growing taller.*Do you want to~water it?%Yes|No%"
text = "This " & Berry.Name & " plant is~growing taller."
End If
Case 3
Me.ResultIndex = 1
If hasBottle = True Then
text = "These " & Berry.Name & " flowers~are blooming.*Do you want to~water it?%Yes|No%"
text = "These " & Berry.Name & " flowers~are blooming."
End If
Case 4
Me.ResultIndex = 0
If Me.Berries = 1 Then
text = "There is a~" & Berry.Name & " Berry!*Do you want to pick~it?%Yes|No%"
text = "There are " & Berries & "~" & Berry.Name & " Berries!*Do you want to pick~them?%Yes|No%"
End If
End Select
Screen.TextBox.Show(text, {Me})
End Sub
Public Overrides Sub ResultFunction(ByVal Result As Integer)
If Result = 0 Then
Select Case Me.ResultIndex
Case 0
Core.Player.Inventory.AddItem(Me.Berry.ID.ToString, Me.Berries)
Dim Text As String = ""
If Me.Berries = 1 Then
Text = Core.Player.Name & " picked the~" & Berry.Name & " Berry.*" & Core.Player.Inventory.GetMessageReceive(Berry, Me.Berries)
Text = Core.Player.Name & " picked the " & Berries & "~" & Berry.Name & " Berries.*" & Core.Player.Inventory.GetMessageReceive(Berry, Me.Berries)
End If
Core.Player.AddPoints(2, "Picked berries.")
PlayerStatistics.Track("[2006]Berries picked", Me.Berries)
SoundManager.PlaySound("Receive_Item", True)
Screen.TextBox.TextColor = TextBox.PlayerColor
Screen.TextBox.Show(Text, {Me})
Case 1
Dim Text As String = Core.Player.Name & " watered~the " & Berry.Name & "."
Screen.TextBox.Show(Text, {Me})
End Select
End If
End Sub
Public Overrides Sub Render()
If Me.Model Is Nothing Then
Me.Draw(Me.BaseModel, Textures, False)
Draw(Me.BaseModel, Me.Textures, True, Me.Model)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub RemoveBerry()
Dim Data() As String = Core.Player.BerryData.SplitAtNewline()
Dim OutData As String = ""
For Each Berry As String In Data
If Berry <> "" Then
If Berry.ToLower().StartsWith("{" & Screen.Level.LevelFile.ToLower() & "|" & (Me.Position.X & "," & Me.Position.Y & "," & Me.Position.Z).ToLower() & "|") = False Then
If OutData <> "" Then
OutData &= Environment.NewLine
End If
OutData &= Berry
End If
End If
Core.Player.BerryData = OutData
End Sub
Public Shared Sub AddBerryPlant(ByVal LevelFile As String, ByVal Position As Vector3, ByVal BerryIndex As Integer)
Dim cD As Date = Date.Now
Dim DateData As String = cD.Year & "," & cD.Month & "," & cD.Day & "," & cD.TimeOfDay.Hours & "," & cD.TimeOfDay.Minutes & "," & cD.TimeOfDay.Seconds
Dim Berry As Items.Berry = CType(Item.GetItemByID(CStr(BerryIndex + 2000)), Items.Berry)
Dim BerryAmount As Integer = GetBerryAmount(Berry, 0)
Dim WateredData As String = "0,0,0,0"
Dim FullGrownData As String = "0"
Dim Data As String = "{" & LevelFile & "|" & Position.X & "," & Position.Y & "," & Position.Z & "|" & BerryIndex & "|" & BerryAmount & "|" & WateredData & "|" & DateData & "|" & FullGrownData & "}"
Dim OldData As String = Core.Player.BerryData
If OldData <> "" Then
OldData &= Environment.NewLine
End If
OldData &= Data
Core.Player.BerryData = OldData
Dim newEnt As Entity = Entity.GetNewEntity("BerryPlant", Position, {Nothing}, {0, 0}, True, New Vector3(0), New Vector3(1), BaseModel.BillModel, 0, "", True, New Vector3(1.0F), -1, "", "", New Vector3(0))
CType(newEnt, BerryPlant).Initialize(BerryIndex, 0, "", DateData, False)
Core.Player.Inventory.RemoveItem(CStr(BerryIndex + 2000), 1)
End Sub
Private Shared Function GetBerryAmount(ByVal Berry As Items.Berry, ByVal Watered As Integer) As Integer
If Watered > 0 Then
Dim a As Integer = Berry.maxBerries
Dim b As Integer = Berry.minBerries
Dim c As Integer = Core.Random.Next(b, a + 1)
Dim d As Integer = Watered
Dim amount As Integer = CInt((((a - b) * (d - 1) + c) / 4) + b)
If amount < Berry.minBerries Then
amount = Berry.minBerries
End If
Dim seasonGrow As Integer = 0
Select Case P3D.World.CurrentSeason
Case P3D.World.Seasons.Winter
seasonGrow = Berry.WinterGrow
Case P3D.World.Seasons.Spring
seasonGrow = Berry.SpringGrow
Case P3D.World.Seasons.Summer
seasonGrow = Berry.SummerGrow
Case P3D.World.Seasons.Fall
seasonGrow = Berry.FallGrow
End Select
Select Case seasonGrow
Case 0
amount = Berry.minBerries
Case 1
amount -= 1
Case 2
'Do nothing here.
Case 3
amount += 1
End Select
amount = amount.Clamp(Berry.minBerries, Berry.maxBerries)
Return amount
Return Berry.minBerries
End If
End Function
Private Sub WaterBerry()
Dim b As Boolean = Me.Watered(Me.Phase)
If b = False Then
Me.Watered(Me.Phase) = True
Dim DateData As String = PlantDate
Dim Berry As Items.Berry = CType(Item.GetItemByID(CStr(BerryIndex + 2000)), Items.Berry)
Dim WateredData As String = ""
Dim wateredCount As Integer = 0
For Each w As Boolean In Me.Watered
If WateredData <> "" Then
WateredData &= ","
End If
If w = True Then
WateredData &= "1"
wateredCount += 1
WateredData &= "0"
End If
Dim BerryAmount As Integer = GetBerryAmount(Berry, wateredCount)
Dim Data As String = "{" & Screen.Level.LevelFile & "|" & Me.Position.X & "," & Me.Position.Y & "," & Me.Position.Z & "|" & BerryIndex & "|" & BerryAmount & "|" & WateredData & "|" & DateData & "}"
Dim OldData As String = Core.Player.BerryData
If OldData <> "" Then
OldData &= Environment.NewLine
End If
OldData &= Data
Core.Player.BerryData = OldData
End If
End Sub
End Class |