305 lines
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305 lines
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Public Class NewTrainerScreen
Inherits Screen
Private _backTexture As Texture2D
Private _paperClipTexture As Texture2D
Private _charTexture As Texture2D
Private _papersTexture As Texture2D
Private _isIntro As Boolean = True
Private _introY As Single = -100.0F
Private _rotation As Single = 0F
Private _badgeRegionIndex As Integer = 0
Private _badgeIndex As Integer = 0
Private _spriteBatch As SpriteBatch
Private _textBatch As SpriteBatch
Private _charBatch As SpriteBatch
Private _cardBatch As SpriteBatch
Private _badgeAnimation As BadgeAnimation = New BadgeAnimation()
Private target As RenderTarget2D
Private target2 As RenderTarget2D
Private Class BadgeAnimation
Public _shakeV As Single
Public _shakeLeft As Boolean
Public _shakeCount As Integer
End Class
Public Sub New(ByVal currentScreen As Screen)
Me.Identification = Identifications.TrainerScreen
Me.PreScreen = currentScreen
''Requires file restructure
'_backTexture = Content.Load(Of Texture2D)("SharedResources\Textures\UI\TrainerCard\Back")
'_paperClipTexture = Content.Load(Of Texture2D)("SharedResources\Textures\UI\TrainerCard\Paperclip")
'_papersTexture = Content.Load(Of Texture2D)("SharedResources\Textures\UI\TrainerCard\Papers")
_backTexture = TextureManager.LoadDirect("Textures\UI\TrainerCard\Back.png")
_paperClipTexture = TextureManager.LoadDirect("Textures\UI\TrainerCard\Paperclip.png")
_papersTexture = TextureManager.LoadDirect("Textures\UI\TrainerCard\Papers.png")
target = New RenderTarget2D(GraphicsDevice, _backTexture.Width, _backTexture.Height + _paperClipTexture.Height, False, SurfaceFormat.Color, DepthFormat.Depth24Stencil8)
target2 = New RenderTarget2D(GraphicsDevice, Core.windowSize.Width, Core.windowSize.Height, False, SurfaceFormat.Color, DepthFormat.Depth24Stencil8)
If Screen.Level.Surfing = True Then
_charTexture = TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\NPC\" & Core.Player.TempSurfSkin)
If Screen.Level.Riding = True Then
_charTexture = TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\NPC\" & Core.Player.TempRideSkin)
_charTexture = Screen.Level.OwnPlayer.Texture
End If
End If
Dim frameSize As Size = New Size(CInt(_charTexture.Width / 3), CInt(_charTexture.Height / 4))
_charTexture = TextureManager.GetTexture(_charTexture, New Rectangle(0, frameSize.Height * 2, frameSize.Width, frameSize.Height))
_spriteBatch = New SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice)
_textBatch = New SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice)
_charBatch = New SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice)
_cardBatch = New SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice)
Dim hasKanto As Boolean = True
For i = 1 To 8
If Core.Player.Badges.Contains(i) = False Then
hasKanto = False
End If
Dim hasJohto As Boolean = True
For i = 9 To 16
If Core.Player.Badges.Contains(i) = False Then
hasJohto = False
End If
If hasKanto = True Then
End If
If hasJohto = True Then
End If
End Sub
Public Overrides Sub Draw()
'Dim target As New RenderTarget2D(GraphicsDevice, _backTexture.Width, _backTexture.Height + _paperClipTexture.Height)
'Dim target2 As New RenderTarget2D(GraphicsDevice, Core.windowSize.Width, Core.windowSize.Height)
_spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Deferred, BlendState.NonPremultiplied, SamplerState.PointClamp, DepthStencilState.None, RasterizerState.CullCounterClockwise)
_charBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Deferred, BlendState.NonPremultiplied, SamplerState.PointClamp, DepthStencilState.None, RasterizerState.CullCounterClockwise)
_spriteBatch.Draw(_backTexture, New Rectangle(0, _paperClipTexture.Height, _backTexture.Width, _backTexture.Height), Color.White)
_textBatch.Draw(_papersTexture, New Vector2(48, 8 + _paperClipTexture.Height), Color.White)
_charBatch.Draw(_paperClipTexture, New Rectangle(85, 50, 47, 88), Color.White)
_charBatch.Draw(_charTexture, New Rectangle(70, 36 + _paperClipTexture.Height, 128, 128), Color.White)
If Core.Player.IsGameJoltSave Then
_spriteBatch.Draw(GameJolt.Emblem.GetEmblemBackgroundTexture(GameJoltSave.Emblem), New Rectangle(-10, 290, 256, 64), Nothing, Color.White, 0F, Vector2.Zero, SpriteEffects.None, 0F)
Canvas.DrawRectangle(_textBatch, New Rectangle(-10, 300, 190, 30), New Color(0, 0, 0, 150))
Dim emblemName = GameJoltSave.Emblem
_textBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MiniFont, emblemName(0).ToString().ToUpper() & emblemName.Substring(1, emblemName.Length - 1), New Vector2(15, 305), Color.White)
End If
_textBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, "Trainer Card", New Vector2(260, 100), Color.Black, 0F, Vector2.Zero, 1.5F, SpriteEffects.None, 0F)
_textBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, "Name: ", New Vector2(270, 160), Color.Black, 0F, Vector2.Zero, 1.0F, SpriteEffects.None, 0F)
_textBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, "Money: ", New Vector2(270, 190), Color.Black, 0F, Vector2.Zero, 1.0F, SpriteEffects.None, 0F)
_textBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, "OT: ", New Vector2(270, 220), Color.Black, 0F, Vector2.Zero, 1.0F, SpriteEffects.None, 0F)
_textBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, "Time: ", New Vector2(270, 250), Color.Black, 0F, Vector2.Zero, 1.0F, SpriteEffects.None, 0F)
_textBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, "Points: ", New Vector2(270, 280), Color.Black, 0F, Vector2.Zero, 1.0F, SpriteEffects.None, 0F)
_textBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MiniFont, Core.Player.Name, New Vector2(390, 165), New Color(80, 80, 80), 0F, Vector2.Zero, 1.0F, SpriteEffects.None, 0F)
_textBatch.DrawString(FontManager.TextFont, "$", New Vector2(390, 195), New Color(80, 80, 80), 0F, Vector2.Zero, 1.1F, SpriteEffects.None, 0F)
_textBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MiniFont, Core.Player.Money.ToString(), New Vector2(400, 195), New Color(80, 80, 80), 0F, Vector2.Zero, 1.0F, SpriteEffects.None, 0F)
_textBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MiniFont, Core.Player.OT, New Vector2(390, 225), New Color(80, 80, 80), 0F, Vector2.Zero, 1.0F, SpriteEffects.None, 0F)
_textBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MiniFont, TimeHelpers.GetDisplayTime(TimeHelpers.GetCurrentPlayTime(), True), New Vector2(390, 255), New Color(80, 80, 80), 0F, Vector2.Zero, 1.0F, SpriteEffects.None, 0F)
Dim points = Core.Player.Points
If Core.Player.IsGameJoltSave Then
points = GameJoltSave.Points
End If
_textBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MiniFont, points.ToString(), New Vector2(390, 285), New Color(80, 80, 80), 0F, Vector2.Zero, 1.0F, SpriteEffects.None, 0F)
_cardBatch.Draw(target, New Rectangle(CInt(Core.ScreenSize.Width / 2 - target.Width / 2) + 42, CInt(60 + _introY), target.Width, target.Height), Nothing, Color.White, _rotation, Vector2.Zero, SpriteEffects.None, 0F)
SpriteBatch.Draw(target2, New Vector2(0, 0), Color.White)
End Sub
Private Sub DrawBadges()
_textBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MiniFont, Localization.GetString("trainer_screen_collected_badges") & ": " & Core.Player.Badges.Count, New Vector2(50, 360), Color.Black)
Dim selectedRegion As String = Badge.GetRegion(_badgeRegionIndex)
Dim badgesCount As Integer = Badge.GetBadgesCount(selectedRegion)
Dim badgeName As String = ""
For i = 0 To badgesCount - 1
Dim badgeID As Integer = Badge.GetBadgeID(selectedRegion, i)
Dim c As Color = Color.White
Dim t As String = Badge.GetBadgeName(badgeID) & Localization.GetString("trainer_screen_badge")
Dim shake As Single = 0F
If Badge.PlayerHasBadge(badgeID) = False Then
c = Color.Black
t = Localization.GetString("trainer_screen_empty_badge")
End If
If i = CInt(_badgeIndex) Then
badgeName = t
shake = _badgeAnimation._shakeV
End If
_spriteBatch.Draw(Badge.GetBadgeTexture(badgeID), New Rectangle(16 + (i + 1) * 64, 412, 50, 50), Nothing, c, shake, New Vector2(CInt(Badge.GetBadgeTexture(badgeID).Width / 2), CInt(Badge.GetBadgeTexture(badgeID).Height / 2)), SpriteEffects.None, 0F)
_textBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MiniFont, badgeName, New Vector2(555 - FontManager.MiniFont.MeasureString(badgeName).X.ToInteger(), 360), Color.Black)
End Sub
Private Sub DrawLevelProgress()
Dim currentLevel As Integer = GameJolt.Emblem.GetPlayerLevel(Core.GameJoltSave.Points)
Dim needPoints As Integer = 0
Dim totalNeedPoints As Integer = 0
Dim hasPointsThisLevel As Integer = 0
Dim hasPoints As Integer = Core.GameJoltSave.Points
Dim needPointsCurrentLevel As Integer = GameJolt.Emblem.GetPointsForLevel(currentLevel)
Dim needPointsNextLevel As Integer = GameJolt.Emblem.GetPointsForLevel(currentLevel + 1)
totalNeedPoints = needPointsNextLevel - needPointsCurrentLevel
hasPointsThisLevel = hasPoints - needPointsCurrentLevel
needPoints = totalNeedPoints - hasPointsThisLevel
Dim nextSprite As Texture2D = GameJolt.Emblem.GetPlayerSprite(currentLevel + 1, Core.GameJoltSave.GameJoltID, Core.GameJoltSave.Gender)
Dim frameSize As Size = New Size(CInt(nextSprite.Width / 3), CInt(nextSprite.Height / 4))
_spriteBatch.Draw(nextSprite, New Rectangle(570, 310, frameSize.Width, frameSize.Height), New Rectangle(0, frameSize.Height * 2, frameSize.Width, frameSize.Height), Color.White)
Dim value = Clamp(hasPointsThisLevel / totalNeedPoints * 310, 0, 310)
If currentLevel >= 100 Then
value = 310
needPoints = 0
End If
Canvas.DrawRectangle(_spriteBatch, New Rectangle(260, 312, 310, 32), New Color(0, 0, 0, 180))
Canvas.DrawRectangle(_spriteBatch, New Rectangle(260, 316, CInt(value), 24), New Color(255, 165, 0))
Canvas.DrawRectangle(_spriteBatch, New Rectangle(260, 316, CInt(value), 8), New Color(255, 203, 108))
Dim nxtLvl As Integer = currentLevel + 1
If currentLevel = 100 Then
nxtLvl = 100
End If
Dim rankStr = "Rank: " & nxtLvl
_textBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MiniFont, rankStr, New Vector2(600 - FontManager.MiniFont.MeasureString(rankStr).X.ToInteger(), 290), Color.Black)
If needPoints = 1 Then
_textBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MiniFont, "Need " & needPoints & " point", New Vector2(280, 318), Color.Black)
_textBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MiniFont, "Need " & needPoints & " points", New Vector2(280, 318), Color.Black)
End If
'If totalNeedPoints > 0 Then
' Canvas.DrawScrollBar(New Vector2(140, 380), totalNeedPoints, hasPointsThisLevel, 0, New Size(320, 16), True, Color.Black, New Color(255, 165, 0))
' Canvas.DrawScrollBar(New Vector2(140, 380), totalNeedPoints, hasPointsThisLevel, 0, New Size(320, 6), True, Color.Black, New Color(255, 203, 108))
' Canvas.DrawRectangle(New Rectangle(140, 380, 320, 16), Color.Black)
'End If
'Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MiniFont, "Rank: " & currentLevel, New Vector2(100, 400), Color.Black)
'Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MiniFont, "Rank: " & currentLevel + 1, New Vector2(430, 400), Color.Black)
End Sub
Public Overrides Sub Update()
If _isIntro Then
If _rotation < 0.12F Then
_rotation = MathHelper.Lerp(_rotation, 0.12F, 0.1F)
_introY = MathHelper.Lerp(_introY, 0, 0.1F)
If _rotation + 0.01F >= 0.12F Then
_isIntro = False
End If
End If
If Controls.Dismiss() Then
End If
End If
If Controls.Right(True, False, False, True, True, False) = True Then
_badgeIndex += 1
End If
If Controls.Left(True, False, False, True, True, False) = True Then
_badgeIndex -= 1
End If
If Controls.Up(True, False, False, True, True, False) = True Then
_badgeRegionIndex -= 1
End If
If Controls.Down(True, False, False, True, True, False) = True Then
_badgeRegionIndex += 1
End If
_badgeRegionIndex = _badgeRegionIndex.Clamp(0, Badge.GetRegionCount() - 1)
_badgeIndex = _badgeIndex.Clamp(0, Badge.GetBadgesCount(Badge.GetRegion(_badgeRegionIndex)) - 1)
If Core.Player.IsGameJoltSave = True Then
Dim EmblemName As String = Core.GameJoltSave.Emblem
Dim newIndex As Integer = Core.GameJoltSave.AchievedEmblems.IndexOf(EmblemName)
If Controls.Up(True, True, False, False, False, True) OrElse Controls.Left(True, True, False, False, False, True) Or ControllerHandler.ButtonPressed(Buttons.LeftShoulder) Then
newIndex -= 1
End If
If Controls.Down(True, True, False, False, False, True) OrElse Controls.Right(True, True, False, False, False, True) Or ControllerHandler.ButtonPressed(Buttons.RightShoulder) Then
newIndex += 1
End If
If newIndex >= 0 And newIndex < Core.GameJoltSave.AchievedEmblems.Count Then
Core.GameJoltSave.Emblem = Core.GameJoltSave.AchievedEmblems(newIndex)
End If
End If
If _badgeAnimation._shakeLeft Then
_badgeAnimation._shakeV -= 0.035F
If _badgeAnimation._shakeV <= -0.4F Then
_badgeAnimation._shakeCount -= 1
_badgeAnimation._shakeLeft = False
End If
_badgeAnimation._shakeV += 0.035F
If _badgeAnimation._shakeV >= 0.4F Then
_badgeAnimation._shakeCount -= 1
_badgeAnimation._shakeLeft = True
End If
End If
End Sub
End Class |