1474 lines
80 KiB
1474 lines
80 KiB
Imports P3D.Screens.UI
Namespace VoltorbFlip
Public Class VoltorbFlipScreen
Inherits Screen
' Variables & Properties
Private _screenTransitionY As Single = 0F
Public Shared _interfaceFade As Single = 0F
Private Delay As Integer = 0
Private MemoMenuX As Single = 0F
Private MemoMenuSize As New Size(112, 112)
Private Shared ReadOnly GameSize As New Size(576, 544)
Public Shared ReadOnly BoardSize As New Size(384, 384)
Public Shared ReadOnly TileSize As New Size(64, 64)
Private Shared ReadOnly GridSize As Integer = 5
Public Shared GameOrigin As New Vector2(CInt(windowSize.Width / 2 - GameSize.Width / 2 - 32), CInt(windowSize.Height / 2 - GameSize.Height / 2))
Public Shared BoardOrigin As New Vector2(GameOrigin.X + 32, GameOrigin.Y + 160)
Public Shared TutorialRectangle As New Rectangle(CInt(windowSize.Width / 2 - 512 / 2), CInt(windowSize.Height / 2 - 384 / 2), 512, 384)
Private BoardCursorPosition As New Vector2(0, 0)
Private BoardCursorDestination As New Vector2(0, 0)
Private NewLevelMenuIndex As Integer = 0
Private MemoIndex As Integer = 0
Public Shared GameState As States = States.Opening
Public Shared Property PreviousLevel As Integer = 1
Public Shared Property CurrentLevel As Integer = 1
Public Shared ReadOnly MinLevel As Integer = 1
Public Shared ReadOnly MaxLevel As Integer = 7
Public Shared Property CurrentFlips As Integer = 0
Public Shared Property TotalFlips As Integer = 0
Public Shared Property CurrentCoins As Integer = 0
Public Shared Property TotalCoins As Integer = -1
Public Shared Property ConsecutiveWins As Integer = 0
Public Shared MaxCoins As Integer = 1
Public Board As List(Of List(Of Tile))
Public VoltorbSums As List(Of List(Of Integer))
Public CoinSums As List(Of List(Of Integer))
Public Enum States
End Enum
'Stuff related to blurred PreScreens
Private _blur As Resources.Blur.BlurHandler
Private _preScreenTexture As RenderTarget2D
Private _preScreenTarget As RenderTarget2D
Private _blurScreens As Identifications() = {Identifications.BattleScreen,
Public Sub New(ByVal currentScreen As Screen)
GameState = States.Opening
GameOrigin = New Vector2(CInt(windowSize.Width / 2 - GameSize.Width / 2 - 32), CInt(windowSize.Height / 2 - _screenTransitionY))
BoardOrigin = New Vector2(GameOrigin.X + 32, GameOrigin.Y + 160)
TutorialRectangle = New Rectangle(CInt(windowSize.Width / 2 - 512 / 2), CInt(windowSize.Height / 2 - 384 / 2), 512, 384)
BoardCursorDestination = GetCursorOffset(0, 0)
BoardCursorPosition = GetCursorOffset(0, 0)
Board = CreateBoard(CurrentLevel)
TotalCoins = 0
_preScreenTarget = New RenderTarget2D(GraphicsDevice, windowSize.Width, windowSize.Height, False, SurfaceFormat.Color, DepthFormat.Depth24Stencil8)
_blur = New Resources.Blur.BlurHandler(windowSize.Width, windowSize.Height)
Identification = Identifications.VoltorbFlipScreen
PreScreen = currentScreen
Me.MouseVisible = True
Me.CanChat = Me.PreScreen.CanChat
Me.CanBePaused = Me.PreScreen.CanBePaused
End Sub
Public Overrides Sub Draw()
If _blurScreens.Contains(PreScreen.Identification) Then
End If
If Board IsNot Nothing Then
End If
End Sub
Private Sub DrawPrescreen()
If _preScreenTexture Is Nothing OrElse _preScreenTexture.IsContentLost Then
Dim target As RenderTarget2D = _preScreenTarget
_preScreenTexture = target
End If
If _interfaceFade < 1.0F Then
SpriteBatch.Draw(_preScreenTexture, windowSize, Color.White)
End If
SpriteBatch.Draw(_blur.Perform(_preScreenTexture), windowSize, New Color(255, 255, 255, CInt(255 * _interfaceFade * 2).Clamp(0, 255)))
End Sub
Private Sub DrawBackground()
Dim mainBackgroundColor As Color = New Color(255, 255, 255)
If GameState = States.Closing Or GameState = States.Opening Then
mainBackgroundColor = New Color(255, 255, 255, CInt(255 * _interfaceFade))
End If
Canvas.DrawImageBorder(TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\VoltorbFlip\Background"), 2, New Rectangle(CInt(GameOrigin.X), CInt(GameOrigin.Y), CInt(GameSize.Width), CInt(GameSize.Height)), mainBackgroundColor, False)
End Sub
Private Sub DrawHUD()
Dim mainBackgroundColor As Color = New Color(255, 255, 255)
If GameState = States.Closing Or GameState = States.Opening Then
mainBackgroundColor = New Color(255, 255, 255, CInt(255 * _interfaceFade))
End If
Dim Fontcolor As Color = New Color(0, 0, 0)
If GameState = States.Closing Or GameState = States.Opening Then
Fontcolor = New Color(0, 0, 0, CInt(255 * _interfaceFade))
End If
Dim LevelText As String = Localization.GetString("VoltorbFlip_LV.", "LV.") & CurrentLevel.ToString
Canvas.DrawImageBorder(TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\VoltorbFlip\HUD"), 2, New Rectangle(CInt(GameOrigin.X + 32), CInt(GameOrigin.Y + 32), 96, 96), mainBackgroundColor, False)
SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, LevelText, New Vector2(CInt(GameOrigin.X + 80 + 4 - FontManager.MainFont.MeasureString(LevelText).X / 2), CInt(GameOrigin.Y + 80 + 4 - FontManager.MainFont.MeasureString(LevelText).Y / 2)), Fontcolor)
'Current Coins
Canvas.DrawImageBorder(TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\VoltorbFlip\HUD"), 2, New Rectangle(CInt(GameOrigin.X + 128 + 24), CInt(GameOrigin.Y + 32), 192, 96), mainBackgroundColor, False)
Dim CurrentCoinsText1 As String = Localization.GetString("VoltorbFlip_CurrentCoins_Line1", "Coins found")
Dim CurrentCoinsText2 As String = Localization.GetString("VoltorbFlip_CurrentCoins_Line2", "in this LV.")
Dim CurrentCoinsText3 As String = ""
CurrentCoinsText3 &= "["
If CurrentCoins < 10000 Then
CurrentCoinsText3 &= "0"
End If
If CurrentCoins < 1000 Then
CurrentCoinsText3 &= "0"
End If
If CurrentCoins < 100 Then
CurrentCoinsText3 &= "0"
End If
If CurrentCoins < 10 Then
CurrentCoinsText3 &= "0"
End If
CurrentCoinsText3 &= CurrentCoins.ToString & "]"
SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, CurrentCoinsText1, New Vector2(CInt(GameOrigin.X + 232 + 24 - FontManager.MainFont.MeasureString(CurrentCoinsText1).X / 2), CInt(GameOrigin.Y + 80 + 4 - FontManager.MainFont.MeasureString(CurrentCoinsText2).Y / 2 - FontManager.MainFont.MeasureString(CurrentCoinsText1).Y)), Fontcolor)
SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, CurrentCoinsText2, New Vector2(CInt(GameOrigin.X + 232 + 24 - FontManager.MainFont.MeasureString(CurrentCoinsText2).X / 2), CInt(GameOrigin.Y + 80 + 4 - FontManager.MainFont.MeasureString(CurrentCoinsText2).Y / 2)), Fontcolor)
SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, CurrentCoinsText3, New Vector2(CInt(GameOrigin.X + 232 + 24 - FontManager.MainFont.MeasureString(CurrentCoinsText3).X / 2), CInt(GameOrigin.Y + 80 + 4 + FontManager.MainFont.MeasureString(CurrentCoinsText2).Y / 2)), Fontcolor)
'Total Coins
Canvas.DrawImageBorder(TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\VoltorbFlip\HUD"), 2, New Rectangle(CInt(GameOrigin.X + 336 + 32), CInt(GameOrigin.Y + 32), 192, 96), mainBackgroundColor, False)
Dim TotalCoinsText1 As String = Localization.GetString("VoltorbFlip_TotalCoins_Line1", "<player.name>'s")
Dim TotalCoinsText2 As String = Localization.GetString("VoltorbFlip_TotalCoins_Line2", "earned Coins")
Dim TotalCoinsText3 As String = ""
TotalCoinsText3 &= "["
If TotalCoins + Core.Player.Coins < 10000 Then
TotalCoinsText3 &= "0"
End If
If TotalCoins < 1000 + Core.Player.Coins Then
TotalCoinsText3 &= "0"
End If
If TotalCoins < 100 + Core.Player.Coins Then
TotalCoinsText3 &= "0"
End If
If TotalCoins < 10 + Core.Player.Coins Then
TotalCoinsText3 &= "0"
End If
TotalCoinsText3 &= CInt(TotalCoins + Core.Player.Coins).ToString & "]"
SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, TotalCoinsText1, New Vector2(CInt(GameOrigin.X + 440 + 32 - FontManager.MainFont.MeasureString(TotalCoinsText1).X / 2), CInt(GameOrigin.Y + 80 + 4 - FontManager.MainFont.MeasureString(TotalCoinsText2).Y / 2 - FontManager.MainFont.MeasureString(TotalCoinsText1).Y)), Fontcolor)
SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, TotalCoinsText2, New Vector2(CInt(GameOrigin.X + 440 + 32 - FontManager.MainFont.MeasureString(TotalCoinsText2).X / 2), CInt(GameOrigin.Y + 80 + 4 - FontManager.MainFont.MeasureString(TotalCoinsText2).Y / 2)), Fontcolor)
SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, TotalCoinsText3, New Vector2(CInt(GameOrigin.X + 440 + 32 - FontManager.MainFont.MeasureString(TotalCoinsText3).X / 2), CInt(GameOrigin.Y + 80 + 4 + FontManager.MainFont.MeasureString(TotalCoinsText2).Y / 2)), Fontcolor)
End Sub
Private Sub DrawTutorial()
Dim MainColor As Color = New Color(255, 255, 255)
If GameState = States.Closing Or GameState = States.Opening Then
MainColor = New Color(255, 255, 255, CInt(255 * _interfaceFade))
End If
Dim FontColor As Color = New Color(0, 0, 0)
If GameState = States.Closing Or GameState = States.Opening Then
FontColor = New Color(0, 0, 0, CInt(255 * _interfaceFade))
End If
If GameState = States.NewLevelQuestion Then
Select Case NewLevelMenuIndex
Case 2 'How to Play
SpriteBatch.DrawRectangle(New Rectangle(CInt(GameOrigin.X), CInt(GameOrigin.Y), GameSize.Width + 64, GameSize.Height + 32), New Color(0, 0, 0, 128))
Dim TutorialString1 As String = Localization.GetString("VoltorbFlip_Tutorial_HowToPlay_Image1", "If you flip the cards in this order, you'll collect: 3 x 1 x 2 x 1 x 3... A total of 18 Coins! And then...")
Dim TutorialString2 As String = Localization.GetString("VoltorbFlip_Tutorial_HowToPlay_Image2", "If you select ""Quit"", you'll keep those 18 Coins.")
Dim TutorialString3 As String = Localization.GetString("VoltorbFlip_Tutorial_HowToPlay_Image3", "But if you find Voltorb, you'll lose all your Coins!")
SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\VoltorbFlip\Tutorial_HowToPlay"), New Rectangle(CInt(TutorialRectangle.X), CInt(TutorialRectangle.Y), TutorialRectangle.Width, TutorialRectangle.Height), MainColor)
SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, TutorialString1.CropStringToWidth(FontManager.MainFont, 1, 448), New Vector2(CInt(TutorialRectangle.X + 256 - FontManager.MainFont.MeasureString(TutorialString1.CropStringToWidth(FontManager.MainFont, 1, 448)).X / 2), CInt(TutorialRectangle.Y + 128 - FontManager.MainFont.MeasureString(TutorialString1.CropStringToWidth(FontManager.MainFont, 1, 448)).Y / 2)), FontColor)
SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, TutorialString2.CropStringToWidth(FontManager.MainFont, 1, 304), New Vector2(CInt(TutorialRectangle.X + 336 - FontManager.MainFont.MeasureString(TutorialString2.CropStringToWidth(FontManager.MainFont, 1, 304)).X / 2), CInt(TutorialRectangle.Y + 256 - FontManager.MainFont.MeasureString(TutorialString2.CropStringToWidth(FontManager.MainFont, 1, 304)).Y / 2)), FontColor)
SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, TutorialString3.CropStringToWidth(FontManager.MainFont, 1, 304), New Vector2(CInt(TutorialRectangle.X + 336 - FontManager.MainFont.MeasureString(TutorialString2.CropStringToWidth(FontManager.MainFont, 1, 304)).X / 2), CInt(TutorialRectangle.Y + 336 - FontManager.MainFont.MeasureString(TutorialString3.CropStringToWidth(FontManager.MainFont, 1, 304)).Y / 2)), FontColor)
Dim QuitButtonText As String = Localization.GetString("VoltorbFlip_QuitButton", "Quit")
SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, QuitButtonText, New Vector2(CInt(TutorialRectangle.X + 8 + 128 / 2 - FontManager.MainFont.MeasureString(QuitButtonText).X / 2), CInt(TutorialRectangle.Y + 228 + 56 / 2 - FontManager.MainFont.MeasureString(QuitButtonText).Y / 2)), FontColor)
SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, QuitButtonText, New Vector2(CInt(TutorialRectangle.X + 8 + 128 / 2 - FontManager.MainFont.MeasureString(QuitButtonText).X / 2 - 2), CInt(TutorialRectangle.Y + 228 + 56 / 2 - FontManager.MainFont.MeasureString(QuitButtonText).Y / 2 - 2)), MainColor)
Case 3 'Hint
SpriteBatch.DrawRectangle(New Rectangle(CInt(GameOrigin.X), CInt(GameOrigin.Y), GameSize.Width + 64, GameSize.Height + 32), New Color(0, 0, 0, 128))
Dim TutorialString As String = Localization.GetString("VoltorbFlip_Tutorial_Hint_Image", "By looking at the numbers on the sides of the cards, you can see the hidden number and Voltorb totals.")
SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\VoltorbFlip\Tutorial_Hint"), New Rectangle(CInt(TutorialRectangle.X), CInt(TutorialRectangle.Y), TutorialRectangle.Width, TutorialRectangle.Height), MainColor)
SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, TutorialString.CropStringToWidth(FontManager.MainFont, 1, 448), New Vector2(CInt(TutorialRectangle.X + 256 - FontManager.MainFont.MeasureString(TutorialString.CropStringToWidth(FontManager.MainFont, 1, 448)).X / 2), CInt(TutorialRectangle.Y + 320 - FontManager.MainFont.MeasureString(TutorialString.CropStringToWidth(FontManager.MainFont, 1, 448)).Y / 2)), FontColor)
Case 4 'About Memos
SpriteBatch.DrawRectangle(New Rectangle(CInt(GameOrigin.X), CInt(GameOrigin.Y), GameSize.Width + 64, GameSize.Height + 32), New Color(0, 0, 0, 128))
Dim TutorialString As String = Localization.GetString("VoltorbFlip_Tutorial_AboutMemos_Image", "Select ""Open Memo"" to open the Memo Window. Select the cards and press [<system.button(enter1)>] to add and [<system.button(back1)>] to remove marks.")
Dim ButtonTextTop As String = Localization.GetString("VoltorbFlip_MemoButton_Open_Line1", "Open")
Dim ButtonTextBottom As String = Localization.GetString("VoltorbFlip_MemoButton_Open_Line2", "Memos")
SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\VoltorbFlip\Tutorial_AboutMemos"), New Rectangle(CInt(TutorialRectangle.X), CInt(TutorialRectangle.Y), TutorialRectangle.Width, TutorialRectangle.Height), MainColor)
SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, TutorialString.CropStringToWidth(FontManager.MainFont, 1, 448), New Vector2(CInt(TutorialRectangle.X + 256 - FontManager.MainFont.MeasureString(TutorialString.CropStringToWidth(FontManager.MainFont, 1, 448)).X / 2), CInt(TutorialRectangle.Y + 304 - FontManager.MainFont.MeasureString(TutorialString.CropStringToWidth(FontManager.MainFont, 1, 448)).Y / 2)), FontColor)
SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, ButtonTextTop, New Vector2(CInt(TutorialRectangle.X + 64 + MemoMenuSize.Width / 2 - FontManager.MainFont.MeasureString(ButtonTextTop).X / 2), CInt(TutorialRectangle.Y + 104)), FontColor)
SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, ButtonTextBottom, New Vector2(CInt(TutorialRectangle.X + 64 + MemoMenuSize.Width / 2 - FontManager.MainFont.MeasureString(ButtonTextBottom).X / 2), CInt(TutorialRectangle.Y + 104 + FontManager.MainFont.MeasureString(ButtonTextTop).Y)), FontColor)
End Select
End If
End Sub
Private Sub DrawBoard()
Dim mainBackgroundColor As Color = New Color(255, 255, 255)
If GameState = States.Closing Or GameState = States.Opening Then
mainBackgroundColor = New Color(255, 255, 255, CInt(255 * _interfaceFade))
End If
SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\VoltorbFlip\Board"), New Rectangle(CInt(BoardOrigin.X), CInt(BoardOrigin.Y), BoardSize.Width, BoardSize.Height), mainBackgroundColor)
End Sub
Private Sub DrawTiles()
For _row = 0 To GridSize - 1
For _column = 0 To GridSize - 1
Dim _tile As Tile = Board(_row)(_column)
End Sub
Private Sub DrawSums()
Dim mainBackgroundColor As Color = New Color(255, 255, 255)
If GameState = States.Closing Or GameState = States.Opening Then
mainBackgroundColor = New Color(255, 255, 255, CInt(255 * _interfaceFade))
End If
'Draw Rows
For RowIndex = 0 To GridSize - 1
Dim CoinSumString As String = "00"
If GameState = States.Game Or GameState = States.Memo Or GameState = States.QuitQuestion Then
Dim CoinSumInteger As Integer = CoinSums(0)(RowIndex)
If CoinSumInteger < 10 Then
CoinSumString = "0" & CoinSumInteger.ToString
CoinSumString = CoinSumInteger.ToString
End If
End If
SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.VoltorbFlipFont, CoinSumString, New Vector2(CInt(BoardOrigin.X + TileSize.Width * (GridSize + 1) - 8 - FontManager.VoltorbFlipFont.MeasureString(CoinSumString).X), BoardOrigin.Y + TileSize.Height * RowIndex + 8), mainBackgroundColor)
For RowIndex = 0 To GridSize - 1
Dim VoltorbSumString As String = "0"
If GameState = States.Game Or GameState = States.Memo Or GameState = States.QuitQuestion Then
VoltorbSumString = VoltorbSums(0)(RowIndex).ToString
End If
SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.VoltorbFlipFont, VoltorbSumString, New Vector2(CInt(BoardOrigin.X + TileSize.Width * (GridSize + 1) - 8 - FontManager.VoltorbFlipFont.MeasureString(VoltorbSumString).X), BoardOrigin.Y + TileSize.Height * RowIndex + 34), mainBackgroundColor)
'Draw Columns
For ColumnIndex = 0 To GridSize - 1
Dim CoinSumString As String = "00"
If GameState = States.Game Or GameState = States.Memo Or GameState = States.QuitQuestion Then
Dim CoinSumInteger As Integer = CoinSums(1)(ColumnIndex)
If CoinSumInteger < 10 Then
CoinSumString = "0" & CoinSumInteger.ToString
CoinSumString = CoinSumInteger.ToString
End If
End If
SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.VoltorbFlipFont, CoinSumString, New Vector2(CInt(BoardOrigin.X + TileSize.Width * ColumnIndex + TileSize.Width - 8 - FontManager.VoltorbFlipFont.MeasureString(CoinSumString).X), BoardOrigin.Y + TileSize.Height * GridSize + 8), mainBackgroundColor)
For ColumnIndex = 0 To GridSize - 1
Dim VoltorbSumString As String = "0"
If GameState = States.Game Or GameState = States.Memo Or GameState = States.QuitQuestion Then
VoltorbSumString = VoltorbSums(1)(ColumnIndex).ToString
End If
SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.VoltorbFlipFont, VoltorbSumString, New Vector2(CInt(BoardOrigin.X + TileSize.Width * ColumnIndex + TileSize.Width - 8 - FontManager.VoltorbFlipFont.MeasureString(VoltorbSumString).X), BoardOrigin.Y + TileSize.Height * GridSize + 34), mainBackgroundColor)
End Sub
Private Sub DrawMemoMenuAndButton()
Dim mainBackgroundColor As Color = New Color(255, 255, 255)
If GameState = States.Closing Or GameState = States.Opening Then
mainBackgroundColor = New Color(255, 255, 255, CInt(255 * _interfaceFade))
End If
Dim Fontcolor As Color = New Color(0, 0, 0)
If GameState = States.Closing Or GameState = States.Opening Then
Fontcolor = New Color(0, 0, 0, CInt(255 * _interfaceFade))
End If
'Draw Button
Dim ButtonOriginX As Integer = CInt(BoardOrigin.X + BoardSize.Width + TileSize.Width / 4)
SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("VoltorbFlip\Memo_Button", New Rectangle(0, 0, 56, 56)), New Rectangle(ButtonOriginX, CInt(BoardOrigin.Y), MemoMenuSize.Width, MemoMenuSize.Height), mainBackgroundColor)
Dim ButtonTextTop As String = Localization.GetString("VoltorbFlip_MemoButton_Open_Line1", "Open")
Dim ButtonTextBottom As String = Localization.GetString("VoltorbFlip_MemoButton_Open_Line2", "Memos")
If GameState = States.Memo Then
ButtonTextTop = Localization.GetString("VoltorbFlip_MemoButton_Close_Line1", "Close")
ButtonTextBottom = Localization.GetString("VoltorbFlip_MemoButton_Close_Line2", "Memos")
End If
SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, ButtonTextTop, New Vector2(CInt(ButtonOriginX + MemoMenuSize.Width / 2 - FontManager.MainFont.MeasureString(ButtonTextTop).X / 2), CInt(BoardOrigin.Y + 40)), Fontcolor)
SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, ButtonTextBottom, New Vector2(CInt(ButtonOriginX + MemoMenuSize.Width / 2 - FontManager.MainFont.MeasureString(ButtonTextBottom).X / 2), CInt(BoardOrigin.Y + 40 + FontManager.MainFont.MeasureString(ButtonTextTop).Y)), Fontcolor)
'Draw Memo Menu
If MemoMenuX > 0 Then
Dim CurrentTile As Tile = Board(CInt(GetCurrentTile.Y))(CInt(GetCurrentTile.X))
'Draw Background
SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("VoltorbFlip\Memo_Background", New Rectangle(0, 0, 56, 56)), New Rectangle(CInt(BoardOrigin.X + BoardSize.Width - MemoMenuSize.Width + MemoMenuX), CInt(BoardOrigin.Y + MemoMenuSize.Height + TileSize.Height / 2), MemoMenuSize.Width, MemoMenuSize.Height), mainBackgroundColor)
If GameState = States.Memo Then
'Draw lit up Memos in the Memo menu when it's enabled on a tile
If CurrentTile.GetMemo(0) = True Then 'Voltorb
SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("VoltorbFlip\Memo_Enabled", New Rectangle(0, 0, 56, 56)), New Rectangle(CInt(BoardOrigin.X + BoardSize.Width - MemoMenuSize.Width + MemoMenuX), CInt(BoardOrigin.Y + MemoMenuSize.Height + TileSize.Height / 2), MemoMenuSize.Width, MemoMenuSize.Height), mainBackgroundColor)
End If
If CurrentTile.GetMemo(1) = True Then 'x1
SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("VoltorbFlip\Memo_Enabled", New Rectangle(56, 0, 56, 56)), New Rectangle(CInt(BoardOrigin.X + BoardSize.Width - MemoMenuSize.Width + MemoMenuX), CInt(BoardOrigin.Y + MemoMenuSize.Height + TileSize.Height / 2), MemoMenuSize.Width, MemoMenuSize.Height), mainBackgroundColor)
End If
If CurrentTile.GetMemo(2) = True Then 'x2
SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("VoltorbFlip\Memo_Enabled", New Rectangle(56 + 56, 0, 56, 56)), New Rectangle(CInt(BoardOrigin.X + BoardSize.Width - MemoMenuSize.Width + MemoMenuX), CInt(BoardOrigin.Y + MemoMenuSize.Height + TileSize.Height / 2), MemoMenuSize.Width, MemoMenuSize.Height), mainBackgroundColor)
End If
If CurrentTile.GetMemo(3) = True Then 'x3
SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("VoltorbFlip\Memo_Enabled", New Rectangle(56 + 56 + 56, 0, 56, 56)), New Rectangle(CInt(BoardOrigin.X + BoardSize.Width - MemoMenuSize.Width + MemoMenuX), CInt(BoardOrigin.Y + MemoMenuSize.Height + TileSize.Height / 2), MemoMenuSize.Width, MemoMenuSize.Height), mainBackgroundColor)
End If
'Draw indicator of currently selected Memo
SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("VoltorbFlip\Memo_Index", New Rectangle(56 * MemoIndex, 0, 56, 56)), New Rectangle(CInt(BoardOrigin.X + BoardSize.Width - MemoMenuSize.Width + MemoMenuX), CInt(BoardOrigin.Y + MemoMenuSize.Height + TileSize.Height / 2), MemoMenuSize.Width, MemoMenuSize.Height), mainBackgroundColor)
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub DrawCursor()
If GameState = States.Game OrElse GameState = States.Memo Then
Dim mainBackgroundColor As Color = New Color(255, 255, 255)
If GameState = States.Closing Or GameState = States.Opening Then
mainBackgroundColor = New Color(255, 255, 255, CInt(255 * _interfaceFade))
End If
Dim CursorImage As Texture2D = TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\VoltorbFlip\Cursor_Game")
If GameState = States.Memo Then
CursorImage = TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\VoltorbFlip\Cursor_Memo")
End If
SpriteBatch.Draw(CursorImage, New Rectangle(CInt(VoltorbFlipScreen.BoardOrigin.X + BoardCursorPosition.X), CInt(VoltorbFlipScreen.BoardOrigin.Y + BoardCursorPosition.Y), TileSize.Width, TileSize.Height), mainBackgroundColor)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub DrawQuitButton()
Dim mainColor As Color = New Color(255, 255, 255)
If GameState = States.Closing Or GameState = States.Opening Then
mainColor = New Color(255, 255, 255, CInt(255 * _interfaceFade))
End If
Dim ShadowColor As Color = New Color(0, 0, 0)
If GameState = States.Closing Or GameState = States.Opening Then
ShadowColor = New Color(0, 0, 0, CInt(255 * _interfaceFade))
End If
Dim QuitButtonRectangle As New Rectangle(CInt(GameOrigin.X + 424), CInt(GameOrigin.Y + 448), 128, 56)
SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\VoltorbFlip\Quit_Button"), QuitButtonRectangle, mainColor)
Dim QuitButtonText As String = Localization.GetString("VoltorbFlip_QuitButton", "Quit")
SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, QuitButtonText, New Vector2(CInt(QuitButtonRectangle.X + QuitButtonRectangle.Width / 2 - FontManager.MainFont.MeasureString(QuitButtonText).X / 2), CInt(QuitButtonRectangle.Y + QuitButtonRectangle.Height / 2 - FontManager.MainFont.MeasureString(QuitButtonText).Y / 2)), ShadowColor)
SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, QuitButtonText, New Vector2(CInt(QuitButtonRectangle.X + QuitButtonRectangle.Width / 2 - FontManager.MainFont.MeasureString(QuitButtonText).X / 2 - 2), CInt(QuitButtonRectangle.Y + QuitButtonRectangle.Height / 2 - FontManager.MainFont.MeasureString(QuitButtonText).Y / 2 - 2)), mainColor)
End Sub
Private Function CreateBoard(ByVal Level As Integer) As List(Of List(Of Tile))
Dim Board As List(Of List(Of Tile)) = CreateGrid()
Dim Data As List(Of Integer) = GetLevelData(Level)
Dim Spots As List(Of List(Of Integer)) = New List(Of List(Of Integer))
For i = 0 To Data(0) + Data(1) + Data(2) - 1
If Spots.Count > 0 Then
Dim ValueX As Integer = Random.Next(0, 5)
Dim ValueY As Integer = Random.Next(0, 5)
Dim IsUnique As Boolean = True
For SpotIndex = 0 To Spots.Count - 1
If Spots(SpotIndex)(0) = ValueX AndAlso Spots(SpotIndex)(1) = ValueY Then
IsUnique = False
Exit For
End If
If IsUnique = False Then
ValueX = Random.Next(0, 5)
ValueY = Random.Next(0, 5)
GoTo TryAgain
Spots.Add(New List(Of Integer)({ValueX, ValueY}.ToList))
End If
Spots.Add(New List(Of Integer)({Random.Next(0, 5), Random.Next(0, 5)}.ToList))
End If
If Data(0) > 0 Then
For a = 0 To Data(0) - 1
Dim TileX As Integer = Spots(a)(0)
Dim TileY As Integer = Spots(a)(1)
Board(TileY)(TileX).Value = Tile.Values.Two
End If
If Data(1) > 0 Then
For b = 0 To Data(1) - 1
Dim TileX As Integer = Spots(b + Data(0))(0)
Dim TileY As Integer = Spots(b + Data(0))(1)
Board(TileY)(TileX).Value = Tile.Values.Three
End If
If Data(2) > 0 Then
For c = 0 To Data(2) - 1
Dim TileX As Integer = Spots(c + Data(0) + Data(1))(0)
Dim TileY As Integer = Spots(c + Data(0) + Data(1))(1)
Board(TileY)(TileX).Value = Tile.Values.Voltorb
End If
If Data(0) > 0 AndAlso Data(1) > 0 Then
MaxCoins = CInt(Math.Pow(2, Data(0)) * Math.Pow(3, Data(1)))
End If
If Data(0) > 0 AndAlso Data(1) = 0 Then
MaxCoins = CInt(Math.Pow(2, Data(0)))
End If
If Data(0) = 0 AndAlso Data(1) > 0 Then
MaxCoins = CInt(Math.Pow(3, Data(1)))
End If
VoltorbSums = GenerateSums(Board, True)
CoinSums = GenerateSums(Board, False)
Return Board
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Returns an empty grid of Tiles
''' </summary>
''' <returns></returns>
Private Function CreateGrid() As List(Of List(Of Tile))
Dim Grid As New List(Of List(Of Tile))
For _row = 0 To VoltorbFlipScreen.GridSize - 1
Dim Column As New List(Of Tile)
For _column = 0 To VoltorbFlipScreen.GridSize - 1
Column.Add(New VoltorbFlip.Tile(_row, _column, VoltorbFlip.Tile.Values.One, False))
Return Grid
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Returns amount of either Coins or Voltorbs in each row and column of a grid of Tiles
''' </summary>
''' <param name="Board"></param> A grid of Tiles
''' <param name="CoinsOrVoltorbs"></param> True returns amount of Voltorbs, False returns amount of Coins
''' <returns></returns>
Private Function GenerateSums(ByVal Board As List(Of List(Of Tile)), ByVal CoinsOrVoltorbs As Boolean) As List(Of List(Of Integer))
Dim RowSums As New List(Of Integer)
Dim ColumnSums As New List(Of Integer)
Dim RowBombs As New List(Of Integer)
Dim ColumnBombs As New List(Of Integer)
RowSums.AddRange({0, 0, 0, 0, 0}.ToList)
ColumnSums.AddRange({0, 0, 0, 0, 0}.ToList)
RowBombs.AddRange({0, 0, 0, 0, 0}.ToList)
ColumnBombs.AddRange({0, 0, 0, 0, 0}.ToList)
For _row = 0 To GridSize - 1
For _column = 0 To GridSize - 1
If Board(_row)(_column).Value = Tile.Values.Voltorb Then
RowBombs(_row) += 1
RowSums(_row) += Board(_row)(_column).Value
End If
For _column = 0 To GridSize - 1
For _row = 0 To GridSize - 1
If Board(_row)(_column).Value = Tile.Values.Voltorb Then
ColumnBombs(_column) += 1
ColumnSums(_column) += Board(_row)(_column).Value
End If
If CoinsOrVoltorbs = False Then
Dim Sums As New List(Of List(Of Integer))
Sums.AddRange({RowSums, ColumnSums})
Return Sums
Dim Voltorbs As New List(Of List(Of Integer))
Voltorbs.AddRange({RowBombs, ColumnBombs})
Return Voltorbs
End If
End Function
Public Function GetCursorOffset(Optional ByVal Column As Integer = 0, Optional ByVal Row As Integer = 0) As Vector2
Return New Vector2(TileSize.Width * Column, TileSize.Height * Row)
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Get the tile that the cursor is on
''' </summary>
''' <returns></returns>
Public Function GetCurrentTile() As Vector2
Return New Vector2((BoardCursorDestination.X / TileSize.Width).Clamp(0, GridSize - 1), (BoardCursorDestination.Y / TileSize.Height).Clamp(0, GridSize - 1))
End Function
Public Function GetTileUnderMouse() As Vector2
Dim AbsoluteMousePosition As Vector2 = MouseHandler.MousePosition.ToVector2
Dim RelativeMousePosition As Vector2 = New Vector2(Clamp(AbsoluteMousePosition.X - BoardOrigin.X, 0, BoardSize.Width), Clamp(AbsoluteMousePosition.Y - BoardOrigin.Y, 0, BoardSize.Height))
Return New Vector2(CInt(Math.Floor(RelativeMousePosition.X / TileSize.Width).Clamp(0, GridSize - 1)), CInt(Math.Floor(RelativeMousePosition.Y / TileSize.Height).Clamp(0, GridSize - 1)))
End Function
Public Function GetLevelData(ByVal LevelNumber As Integer) As List(Of Integer)
Select Case LevelNumber
Case 1
Dim chance As Integer = CInt(Random.Next(0, 5))
Select Case chance
Case 0
Return {3, 1, 6}.ToList
Case 1
Return {0, 3, 6}.ToList
Case 2
Return {5, 0, 6}.ToList
Case 3
Return {2, 2, 6}.ToList
Case 4
Return {4, 1, 6}.ToList
End Select
Case 2
Dim chance As Integer = CInt(Random.Next(0, 5))
Select Case chance
Case 0
Return {1, 3, 7}.ToList
Case 1
Return {6, 0, 7}.ToList
Case 2
Return {3, 2, 7}.ToList
Case 3
Return {0, 4, 7}.ToList
Case 4
Return {5, 1, 7}.ToList
End Select
Case 3
Dim chance As Integer = CInt(Random.Next(0, 5))
Select Case chance
Case 0
Return {2, 3, 8}.ToList
Case 1
Return {7, 0, 8}.ToList
Case 2
Return {4, 2, 8}.ToList
Case 3
Return {1, 4, 8}.ToList
Case 4
Return {6, 1, 8}.ToList
End Select
Case 4
Dim chance As Integer = CInt(Random.Next(0, 5))
Select Case chance
Case 0
Return {3, 3, 8}.ToList
Case 1
Return {0, 5, 8}.ToList
Case 2
Return {8, 0, 10}.ToList
Case 3
Return {5, 2, 10}.ToList
Case 4
Return {2, 4, 10}.ToList
End Select
Case 5
Dim chance As Integer = CInt(Random.Next(0, 5))
Select Case chance
Case 0
Return {7, 1, 10}.ToList
Case 1
Return {4, 3, 10}.ToList
Case 2
Return {1, 5, 10}.ToList
Case 3
Return {9, 0, 10}.ToList
Case 4
Return {6, 2, 10}.ToList
End Select
Case 6
Dim chance As Integer = CInt(Random.Next(0, 5))
Select Case chance
Case 0
Return {3, 4, 10}.ToList
Case 1
Return {0, 6, 10}.ToList
Case 2
Return {8, 1, 10}.ToList
Case 3
Return {5, 3, 10}.ToList
Case 4
Return {2, 5, 10}.ToList
End Select
Case 7
Dim chance As Integer = CInt(Random.Next(0, 5))
Select Case chance
Case 0
Return {7, 2, 10}.ToList
Case 1
Return {4, 4, 10}.ToList
Case 2
Return {1, 6, 13}.ToList
Case 3
Return {9, 1, 13}.ToList
Case 4
Return {6, 3, 10}.ToList
End Select
Case 8
Dim chance As Integer = CInt(Random.Next(0, 5))
Select Case chance
Case 0
Return {0, 7, 10}.ToList
Case 1
Return {8, 2, 10}.ToList
Case 2
Return {5, 4, 10}.ToList
Case 3
Return {2, 6, 10}.ToList
Case 4
Return {7, 3, 10}.ToList
End Select
Case Else
Return Nothing
End Select
Return Nothing
End Function
Protected Overrides Function GetFontRenderer() As SpriteBatch
If IsCurrentScreen() AndAlso _interfaceFade + 0.01F >= 1.0F Then
Return FontRenderer
Return SpriteBatch
End If
End Function
Public Overrides Sub SizeChanged()
GameOrigin = New Vector2(CInt(windowSize.Width / 2 - GameSize.Width / 2 - 32), CInt(windowSize.Height / 2 - _screenTransitionY))
BoardOrigin = New Vector2(GameOrigin.X + 32, GameOrigin.Y + 160)
TutorialRectangle = New Rectangle(CInt(windowSize.Width / 2 - 512 / 2), CInt(windowSize.Height / 2 - 384 / 2), 512, 384)
BoardCursorDestination = GetCursorOffset(0, 0)
BoardCursorPosition = GetCursorOffset(0, 0)
End Sub
Public Sub UpdateTiles()
For _row = 0 To GridSize - 1
For _column = 0 To GridSize - 1
Dim _tile As Tile = Board(_row)(_column)
End Sub
Public Overrides Sub Update()
If ChooseBox.Showing = False Then
End If
If ChooseBox.Showing = False AndAlso TextBox.Showing = False Then
If Delay > 0 Then
Delay -= 1
If Delay <= 0 Then
Delay = 0
End If
End If
End If
If Board IsNot Nothing Then
End If
If Delay = 0 Then
If ChooseBox.Showing = False AndAlso TextBox.Showing = False Then
If GameState = States.Game Or GameState = States.Memo Then
'Moving the cursor between Tiles on the board
If Controls.Up(True, True, False) Then
If BoardCursorDestination.Y > GetCursorOffset(Nothing, 0).Y Then
BoardCursorDestination.Y -= GetCursorOffset(Nothing, 1).Y
BoardCursorDestination.Y = GetCursorOffset(Nothing, 4).Y
End If
End If
If Controls.Down(True, True, False) = True Then
If BoardCursorDestination.Y < GetCursorOffset(Nothing, 4).Y Then
BoardCursorDestination.Y += GetCursorOffset(Nothing, 1).Y
BoardCursorDestination.Y = GetCursorOffset(Nothing, 0).Y
End If
End If
If Controls.Left(True, True, False) = True Then
If BoardCursorDestination.X > GetCursorOffset(0, Nothing).X Then
BoardCursorDestination.X -= GetCursorOffset(1, Nothing).X
BoardCursorDestination.X = GetCursorOffset(4, Nothing).X
End If
End If
If Controls.Right(True, True, False) = True Then
If BoardCursorDestination.X < GetCursorOffset(4, Nothing).X Then
BoardCursorDestination.X += GetCursorOffset(1, Nothing).X
BoardCursorDestination.X = GetCursorOffset(0, Nothing).X
End If
End If
'Animation of Cursor
BoardCursorPosition.X = MathHelper.Lerp(BoardCursorPosition.X, BoardCursorDestination.X, 0.6F)
BoardCursorPosition.Y = MathHelper.Lerp(BoardCursorPosition.Y, BoardCursorDestination.Y, 0.6F)
'Reset cursor position between levels
BoardCursorDestination = GetCursorOffset(0, 0)
BoardCursorPosition = GetCursorOffset(0, 0)
End If
'Switching between Game and Memo GameStates (Keys & GamePad)
If KeyBoardHandler.KeyPressed(KeyBindings.RunKey) Or ControllerHandler.ButtonPressed(Buttons.X) Then
If GameState = States.Game Then
GameState = States.Memo
ElseIf GameState = States.Memo Then
GameState = States.Game
End If
End If
'Switching between Game and Memo GameStates (Mouse)
Dim ButtonRectangle As Rectangle = New Rectangle(CInt(BoardOrigin.X + BoardSize.Width + TileSize.Width / 4), CInt(BoardOrigin.Y), MemoMenuSize.Width, MemoMenuSize.Height)
If Controls.Accept(True, False, False) = True AndAlso MouseHandler.IsInRectangle(ButtonRectangle) AndAlso Delay = 0 Then
If GameState = States.Game Then
GameState = States.Memo
ElseIf GameState = States.Memo Then
GameState = States.Game
End If
End If
If GameState = States.Memo Then
'Animate opening the Memo window
If MemoMenuX < MemoMenuSize.Width + TileSize.Width / 4 Then
MemoMenuX = MathHelper.Lerp(CSng(MemoMenuSize.Width + TileSize.Width / 4), MemoMenuX, 0.9F)
If MemoMenuX >= MemoMenuSize.Width + TileSize.Width / 4 Then
MemoMenuX = CInt(MemoMenuSize.Width + TileSize.Width / 4)
End If
End If
'Cycling through the 4 Memo types (Voltorb, One, Two, Three)
If Controls.Left(True, False, True, False, False, False) = True OrElse ControllerHandler.ButtonPressed(Buttons.LeftShoulder) Then
MemoIndex -= 1
If MemoIndex < 0 Then
MemoIndex = 3
End If
End If
If Controls.Right(True, False, True, False, False, False) = True OrElse ControllerHandler.ButtonPressed(Buttons.RightShoulder) Then
MemoIndex += 1
If MemoIndex > 3 Then
MemoIndex = 0
End If
End If
'Set the Memo type to the one under the mouse
Dim MemoMenuRectangle As New Rectangle(CInt(BoardOrigin.X + BoardSize.Width - MemoMenuSize.Width + MemoMenuX), CInt(BoardOrigin.Y + MemoMenuSize.Height + TileSize.Height / 2), MemoMenuSize.Width, MemoMenuSize.Height)
If Controls.Accept(True, False, False) = True Then
If MouseHandler.IsInRectangle(New Rectangle(MemoMenuRectangle.X, MemoMenuRectangle.Y, CInt(MemoMenuRectangle.Width / 2), CInt(MemoMenuRectangle.Height / 2))) = True Then
MemoIndex = 0
End If
If MouseHandler.IsInRectangle(New Rectangle(MemoMenuRectangle.X + CInt(MemoMenuRectangle.Width / 2), MemoMenuRectangle.Y, CInt(MemoMenuRectangle.Width / 2), CInt(MemoMenuRectangle.Height / 2))) = True Then
MemoIndex = 1
End If
If MouseHandler.IsInRectangle(New Rectangle(MemoMenuRectangle.X, MemoMenuRectangle.Y + CInt(MemoMenuRectangle.Height / 2), CInt(MemoMenuRectangle.Width / 2), CInt(MemoMenuRectangle.Height / 2))) = True Then
MemoIndex = 2
End If
If MouseHandler.IsInRectangle(New Rectangle(MemoMenuRectangle.X + CInt(MemoMenuRectangle.Width / 2), MemoMenuRectangle.Y + CInt(MemoMenuRectangle.Height / 2), CInt(MemoMenuRectangle.Width / 2), CInt(MemoMenuRectangle.Height / 2))) = True Then
MemoIndex = 3
End If
End If
'Animate Closing the Memo window
If MemoMenuX > 0F Then
MemoMenuX = MathHelper.Lerp(0F, MemoMenuX, 0.9F)
If MemoMenuX <= 0F Then
MemoMenuX = 0F
End If
End If
End If
Dim QuitQuestionText As String = Localization.GetString("VoltorbFlip_QuitQuestion_Question_1", "If you quit now, you will~receive") & " " & CurrentCoins.ToString & " " & Localization.GetString("VoltorbFlip_QuitQuestion_Question_2", "Coin(s).*Will you quit?") & "%" & Localization.GetString("VoltorbFlip_QuitQuestion_AnswerYes", "Yes") & "|" & Localization.GetString("VoltorbFlip_QuitQuestion_AnswerNo", "No") & "%"
'Quiting Voltorb Flip
If Controls.Dismiss(False, True, True) AndAlso GameState = States.Game AndAlso Delay = 0 Then
GameState = States.QuitQuestion
End If
'Quiting Voltorb Flip using the mouse
Dim QuitButtonRectangle As New Rectangle(CInt(GameOrigin.X + 424), CInt(GameOrigin.Y + 448), 128, 56)
If Controls.Accept(True, False, False) AndAlso MouseHandler.IsInRectangle(QuitButtonRectangle) AndAlso GameState = States.Game AndAlso Delay = 0 Then
GameState = States.QuitQuestion
End If
If GameState = States.QuitQuestion Then
If ChooseBox.readyForResult = True Then
If ChooseBox.result = 0 Then
ChooseBox.readyForResult = False
Delay = 15
GameState = States.Game
ChooseBox.readyForResult = False
End If
End If
End If
'Flip currently selected Tile
If Controls.Accept(False, True, True) AndAlso GameState = States.Game AndAlso Delay = 0 Then
Dim CurrentTile As Vector2 = GetCurrentTile()
If Board(CInt(CurrentTile.Y))(CInt(CurrentTile.X)).Flipped = False Then
End If
End If
'Flip the Tile that the mouse is on
If Controls.Accept(True, False, False) AndAlso GameState = States.Game AndAlso MouseHandler.IsInRectangle(New Rectangle(CInt(BoardOrigin.X), CInt(BoardOrigin.Y), BoardSize.Width, BoardSize.Height)) AndAlso Delay = 0 Then
Dim TileUnderMouse As Vector2 = GetTileUnderMouse()
BoardCursorDestination = GetCursorOffset(CInt(TileUnderMouse.X), CInt(TileUnderMouse.Y))
If Board(CInt(TileUnderMouse.Y))(CInt(TileUnderMouse.X)).Flipped = False Then
End If
End If
'Adding currently selected Memo to currently selected Tile
If Controls.Accept(False, True, True) AndAlso GameState = States.Memo AndAlso Board(CInt(GetCurrentTile.Y))(CInt(GetCurrentTile.X)).Flipped = False AndAlso Delay = 0 Then
If Board(CInt(GetCurrentTile.Y))(CInt(GetCurrentTile.X)).GetMemo(MemoIndex) = False Then
End If
Board(CInt(GetCurrentTile.Y))(CInt(GetCurrentTile.X)).SetMemo(MemoIndex, True)
End If
'Adding currently selected Memo to Tile that the mouse is on
If Controls.Accept(True, False, False) AndAlso GameState = States.Memo AndAlso MouseHandler.IsInRectangle(New Rectangle(CInt(BoardOrigin.X), CInt(BoardOrigin.Y), BoardSize.Width, BoardSize.Height)) AndAlso Delay = 0 Then
Dim TileUnderMouse As Vector2 = GetTileUnderMouse()
BoardCursorDestination = GetCursorOffset(CInt(TileUnderMouse.X), CInt(TileUnderMouse.Y))
If Board(CInt(TileUnderMouse.Y))(CInt(TileUnderMouse.X)).Flipped = False Then
If Board(CInt(TileUnderMouse.Y))(CInt(TileUnderMouse.X)).GetMemo(MemoIndex) = False Then
End If
Board(CInt(TileUnderMouse.Y))(CInt(TileUnderMouse.X)).SetMemo(MemoIndex, True)
End If
End If
'Removing currently selected Memo from currently selected Tile
If Controls.Dismiss(False, True, True) AndAlso GameState = States.Memo AndAlso Board(CInt(GetCurrentTile.Y))(CInt(GetCurrentTile.X)).Flipped = False AndAlso Delay = 0 Then
If Board(CInt(GetCurrentTile.Y))(CInt(GetCurrentTile.X)).GetMemo(MemoIndex) = True Then
End If
Board(CInt(GetCurrentTile.Y))(CInt(GetCurrentTile.X)).SetMemo(MemoIndex, False)
End If
'Removing currently selected Memo from Tile that the mouse is on
If Controls.Dismiss(True, False, False) AndAlso GameState = States.Memo AndAlso MouseHandler.IsInRectangle(New Rectangle(CInt(BoardOrigin.X), CInt(BoardOrigin.Y), BoardSize.Width, BoardSize.Height)) AndAlso Delay = 0 Then
Dim TileUnderMouse As Vector2 = GetTileUnderMouse()
BoardCursorDestination = GetCursorOffset(CInt(TileUnderMouse.X), CInt(TileUnderMouse.Y))
If Board(CInt(TileUnderMouse.Y))(CInt(TileUnderMouse.X)).Flipped = False Then
If Board(CInt(TileUnderMouse.Y))(CInt(TileUnderMouse.X)).GetMemo(MemoIndex) = True Then
End If
Board(CInt(TileUnderMouse.Y))(CInt(TileUnderMouse.X)).SetMemo(MemoIndex, False)
End If
End If
End If
End If
'Level complete!
If CurrentCoins >= MaxCoins AndAlso GameState = States.Game Then
Dim GameClearText = Localization.GetString("VoltorbFlip_GameWon_1", "Game clear!~You've found all of the~hidden x2 and x3 cards.*<player.name> received~") & CurrentCoins.ToString & " " & Localization.GetString("VoltorbFlip_GameWon_2", "Coin(s)!")
If Delay = 0 Then
PreviousLevel = CurrentLevel
If CurrentFlips >= 8 Then
TotalFlips += 1
End If
CurrentFlips = 0
ConsecutiveWins += 1
If ConsecutiveWins = 5 AndAlso TotalFlips = 5 Then
CurrentLevel = MaxLevel + 1
If CurrentLevel + 1 > MaxLevel Then
CurrentLevel = MaxLevel
CurrentLevel += 1
End If
End If
GameState = States.GameWon
Delay = 5
End If
End If
'Completed the level
If GameState = States.GameWon Then
If CInt(GameModeManager.GetGameRuleValue("CoinCaseCap", "0")) > 0 AndAlso Core.Player.Coins + TotalCoins > CInt(GameModeManager.GetGameRuleValue("CoinCaseCap", "0")) Then
TotalCoins = CInt(GameModeManager.GetGameRuleValue("CoinCaseCap", "0")) - Core.Player.Coins
CurrentCoins = 0
TextBox.Show(Localization.GetString("VoltorbFlip_MaxCoins", "Your Coin Case can't fit~any more Coin(s)!"))
TotalCoins += CurrentCoins
CurrentCoins = 0
End If
'Flip all Tiles to reveal contents
Dim ReadyAmount As Integer = 0
For _row = 0 To GridSize - 1
For _column = 0 To GridSize - 1
If Board(_row)(_column).FlipProgress = 0 Then
ReadyAmount += 1
End If
If Controls.Accept = True AndAlso ReadyAmount = CInt(GridSize * GridSize) AndAlso TextBox.Showing = False Then
If Delay = 0 Then
Delay = 5
End If
If Delay > 3 Then
If CurrentLevel > PreviousLevel Then
TextBox.Show(Localization.GetString("VoltorbFlip_NewLevel_Higher1", "Advanced to Game Lv.") & " " & CurrentLevel & Localization.GetString("VoltorbFlip_NewLevel_Higher2", "!"))
End If
GameState = States.FlipWon
End If
End If
End If
'Revealed a Voltorb
If GameState = States.GameLost Then
CurrentCoins = 0
'Flip all Tiles to reveal contents
Dim ReadyAmount As Integer = 0
For _row = 0 To GridSize - 1
For _column = 0 To GridSize - 1
If Board(_row)(_column).FlipProgress = 0 Then
ReadyAmount += 1
End If
If Controls.Accept = True AndAlso ReadyAmount = CInt(GridSize * GridSize) AndAlso TextBox.Showing = False Then
PreviousLevel = CurrentLevel
If CurrentFlips < CurrentLevel Then
CurrentLevel = Math.Max(1, CurrentFlips)
End If
If Delay = 0 Then
Delay = 5
End If
If Delay > 3 Then
If CurrentLevel < PreviousLevel Then
TextBox.Show(Localization.GetString("VoltorbFlip_NewLevel_Lower1", "Dropped to Game Lv.") & " " & CurrentLevel & Localization.GetString("VoltorbFlip_NewLevel_Lower2", "!"))
End If
GameState = States.FlipLost
End If
End If
End If
'Increase Level, reset Tiles
If GameState = States.FlipWon Then
Dim ReadyAmount As Integer = 0
For _row = 0 To GridSize - 1
For _column = 0 To GridSize - 1
If Board(_row)(_column).FlipProgress = 0 Then
ReadyAmount += 1
End If
If ReadyAmount = CInt(GridSize * GridSize) Then
GameState = States.NewLevelQuestion
End If
End If
'Drop Level, reset Tiles
If GameState = States.FlipLost AndAlso TextBox.Showing = False Then
Dim ReadyAmount As Integer = 0
For _row = 0 To GridSize - 1
For _column = 0 To GridSize - 1
If Board(_row)(_column).FlipProgress = 0 Then
ReadyAmount += 1
End If
CurrentFlips = 0
If ReadyAmount = CInt(GridSize * GridSize) Then
GameState = States.NewLevelQuestion
End If
End If
'The menu that appears before starting a new level
If GameState = States.NewLevelQuestion Then
Select Case NewLevelMenuIndex
Case 0 'Main Menu
If Delay = 0 AndAlso TextBox.Showing = False AndAlso ChooseBox.Showing = False Then
TextBox.Show(Localization.GetString("VoltorbFlip_BeforeNewLevel_Main_Question_1", "Play Voltorb Flip Lv.") & " " & CurrentLevel.ToString & Localization.GetString("VoltorbFlip_BeforeNewLevel_Main_Question_2", "?") & "%" & Localization.GetString("VoltorbFlip_BeforeNewLevel_Main_Answer_Play", "Play") & "|" & Localization.GetString("VoltorbFlip_BeforeNewLevel_Main_Answer_GameInfo", "Game Info") & "|" & Localization.GetString("VoltorbFlip_BeforeNewLevel_Main_Answer_Quit", "Quit") & "%")
Delay = 5
End If
If ChooseBox.readyForResult = True Then
Select Case ChooseBox.result
Case 0
GameState = States.NewLevel
ChooseBox.readyForResult = False
Case 1
NewLevelMenuIndex = 1
ChooseBox.readyForResult = False
Case 2
GameState = States.Closing
ChooseBox.readyForResult = False
End Select
End If
Case 1 'Info Menu
If Delay = 0 AndAlso TextBox.Showing = False AndAlso ChooseBox.Showing = False Then
TextBox.Show(Localization.GetString("VoltorbFlip_BeforeNewLevel_GameInfo_Question", "Which set of info?") & "%" & Localization.GetString("VoltorbFlip_BeforeNewLevel_GameInfo_Answer_HowToPlay", "How to Play") & "|" & Localization.GetString("VoltorbFlip_BeforeNewLevel_GameInfo_Answer_Hint", "Hint!") & "|" & Localization.GetString("VoltorbFlip_BeforeNewLevel_GameInfo_Answer_AboutMemos", "About Memos") & "|" & Localization.GetString("VoltorbFlip_BeforeNewLevel_GameInfo_Back", "Back") & "%")
Delay = 5
End If
If ChooseBox.readyForResult = True Then
Select Case ChooseBox.result
Case 0
NewLevelMenuIndex = 2
Case 1
NewLevelMenuIndex = 3
Case 2
NewLevelMenuIndex = 4
Case 3
NewLevelMenuIndex = 0
End Select
End If
Case 2 'How to Play
If Delay = 0 Then
TextBox.Show(Localization.GetString("VoltorbFlip_Tutorial_HowToPlay_Message", "Voltorb Flip is a game in which~you flip over cards to find~numbers hidden beneath them.*The cards are hiding the~numbers 1 through 3...~and Voltorb as well.*The first number you flip over~will give you that many Coins.*From then on, the next number~you find will multiply the~total amount of Coins you've~collected by that number.*If it's a 2, your total will~be multiplied by ""x2"".*If it's a 3, your total will~be multiplied by ""x3"".*But if you flip over a~Voltorb, it's game over.*When that happens, you'll lose~all the Coins you've collected~in the current level.*If you select ""Quit"", you'll~withdraw from the level.*If you get to a difficult~spot, you might want to end~the game early.*Once you've found all the~hidden 2 and 3 cards,~you've cleared the game.*Once you've flipped over~all these cards, then you'll~advance to the next level.*As you move up in levels,~you will be able to receive~more Coins. Do your best!"))
Delay = 5
End If
If TextBox.Showing = False AndAlso Delay > 3 Then
ChooseBox.readyForResult = False
NewLevelMenuIndex = 1
End If
Case 3 'Hint!
If Delay = 0 Then
TextBox.Show(Localization.GetString("VoltorbFlip_Tutorial_Hint_Message", "The numbers at the side~of the board give you a clue~about the numbers hidden on~the backs of the cards.*The larger the number, the~more likely it is that there~are many large numbers hidden~in that row or column.*In the same way, you can tell~how many Voltorb are hidden~in the row or column.*Consider the hidden number~totals and the Voltorb~totals carefully as you~flip over cards."))
Delay = 5
End If
If TextBox.Showing = False AndAlso Delay > 3 Then
ChooseBox.readyForResult = False
NewLevelMenuIndex = 1
End If
Case 4 'About Memos
If Delay = 0 Then
TextBox.Show(Localization.GetString("VoltorbFlip_Tutorial_AboutMemos_Message", "Select ""Open Memo"" or press~[<system.button(run)>] to open the~Memo Window.*You can mark the cards with~the numbers 1 through 3,~but also with a Voltorb mark.*When you have an idea of the~numbers hidden on the back~of the cards, open the Memo~Window, choose the type of~mark you want to use with~the Mouse Wheel or the~Gamepad's Shoulder Buttons~and then press [<system.button(enter1)>]~while highlighting the card~you want to mark.*If you want to remove a mark,~choose the type of mark you~want to remove with the~Mouse Wheel or the Gamepad's~Shoulder Buttons and then~press [<system.button(back1)>] while~highlighting the card you~want to remove the mark from.*You can also use the~mouse to select a~mark type or a card."))
Delay = 5
End If
If TextBox.Showing = False AndAlso Delay > 3 Then
ChooseBox.readyForResult = False
NewLevelMenuIndex = 1
End If
End Select
End If
'Prepare new Level
If GameState = States.NewLevel Then
If TextBox.Showing = False Then
Board = CreateBoard(CurrentLevel)
If CurrentLevel = 8 Then
TotalFlips = 0
ConsecutiveWins = 0
End If
TextBox.Show(Localization.GetString("VoltorbFlip_NewLevel_Ready1", "Ready to play Game Lv.") & " " & CurrentLevel & Localization.GetString("VoltorbFlip_NewLevel_Ready2", "!"))
Delay = 15
GameState = States.Game
End If
End If
'Animation of opening/closing the window
If GameState = States.Closing Then
CurrentCoins = 0
If _interfaceFade > 0F Then
_interfaceFade = MathHelper.Lerp(0, _interfaceFade, 0.8F)
If _interfaceFade < 0F Then
_interfaceFade = 0F
End If
End If
If _screenTransitionY > 0 Then
_screenTransitionY = MathHelper.Lerp(0, _screenTransitionY, 0.8F)
If _screenTransitionY <= 0 Then
_screenTransitionY = 0
End If
End If
GameOrigin.Y = CInt(windowSize.Height / 2 - _screenTransitionY)
BoardOrigin = New Vector2(GameOrigin.X + 32, GameOrigin.Y + 160)
If _screenTransitionY <= 2.0F Then
End If
Dim maxWindowHeight As Integer = CInt(GameSize.Height / 2)
If _screenTransitionY < maxWindowHeight Then
_screenTransitionY = MathHelper.Lerp(maxWindowHeight, _screenTransitionY, 0.8F)
If _screenTransitionY >= maxWindowHeight - 0.8 Then
If GameState = States.Opening Then
GameState = States.NewLevelQuestion
End If
_screenTransitionY = maxWindowHeight
End If
End If
GameOrigin.Y = CInt(windowSize.Height / 2 - _screenTransitionY)
BoardOrigin = New Vector2(GameOrigin.X + 32, GameOrigin.Y + 160)
If _interfaceFade < 1.0F Then
_interfaceFade = MathHelper.Lerp(1, _interfaceFade, 0.95F)
If _interfaceFade = 1.0F Then
_interfaceFade = 1.0F
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Public Sub Quit()
SoundManager.PlaySound("VoltorbFlip\QuitGame", True)
TextBox.Show(Localization.GetString("VoltorbFlip_QuitGame_1", "<player.name> received~") & CurrentCoins.ToString & " " & Localization.GetString("VoltorbFlip_QuitGame_2", "Coin(s)!"))
If CurrentFlips < CurrentLevel Then
CurrentLevel = Math.Max(1, CurrentFlips)
End If
If Delay = 0 Then
If GameState = States.QuitQuestion OrElse GameState = States.GameWon Then
TotalCoins += CurrentCoins
CurrentFlips = 0
CurrentCoins = 0
End If
Delay = 5
End If
If Delay > 3 Then
If CInt(GameModeManager.GetGameRuleValue("CoinCaseCap", "0")) > 0 AndAlso Core.Player.Coins + TotalCoins > CInt(GameModeManager.GetGameRuleValue("CoinCaseCap", "0")) Then
If CurrentLevel < PreviousLevel Then
TextBox.Show(Localization.GetString("VoltorbFlip_NewLevel_Lower1", "Dropped to Game Lv.") & " " & CurrentLevel & Localization.GetString("VoltorbFlip_NewLevel_Lower2", "!"))
End If
GameState = States.Closing
ChooseBox.readyForResult = False
If CurrentLevel < PreviousLevel Then
TextBox.Show(Localization.GetString("VoltorbFlip_NewLevel_Lower1", "Dropped to Game Lv.") & " " & CurrentLevel & Localization.GetString("VoltorbFlip_NewLevel_Lower2", "!"))
End If
ChooseBox.readyForResult = False
GameState = States.NewLevelQuestion
End If
End If
End Sub
End Class
Public Class Tile
Public Enum Values
End Enum
Public Property Row As Integer = 0
Public Property Column As Integer = 0
Public Property Value As Integer = Tile.Values.Voltorb
Public Property Flipped As Boolean = False
Private Property MemoVoltorb As Boolean = False
Private Property Memo1 As Boolean = False
Private Property Memo2 As Boolean = False
Private Property Memo3 As Boolean = False
Private Property FlipWidth As Single = 1.0F
Private Property Activated As Boolean = False
Public Property FlipProgress As Integer = 0
Public Sub Flip()
If Flipped = False Then
FlipProgress = 3
If Value <> Values.Voltorb Then
VoltorbFlipScreen.CurrentFlips += 1
End If
End If
End Sub
Public Sub Reveal()
If Flipped = False Then
FlipProgress = 1
End If
End Sub
Public Sub Reset()
If Flipped = True Then
FlipProgress = 1
Activated = False
End If
End Sub
Public Sub Draw()
Dim mainBackgroundColor As Color = New Color(255, 255, 255)
If VoltorbFlipScreen.GameState = VoltorbFlipScreen.States.Closing Or VoltorbFlipScreen.GameState = VoltorbFlipScreen.States.Opening Then
mainBackgroundColor = New Color(255, 255, 255, CInt(255 * VoltorbFlipScreen._interfaceFade))
End If
Dim TileWidth = VoltorbFlipScreen.TileSize.Width
Dim TileHeight = VoltorbFlipScreen.TileSize.Height
If FlipProgress = 1 OrElse FlipProgress = 3 Then
If FlipWidth > 0F Then
FlipWidth -= 0.1F
End If
If FlipWidth <= 0F Then
FlipWidth = 0F
If Flipped = False Then
SetMemo(0, False)
SetMemo(1, False)
SetMemo(2, False)
SetMemo(3, False)
Flipped = True
Flipped = False
End If
FlipProgress += 1
End If
End If
If FlipProgress = 2 OrElse FlipProgress = 4 Then
If FlipWidth < 1.0F Then
FlipWidth += 0.1F
End If
If FlipWidth >= 1.0F Then
FlipWidth = 1.0F
FlipProgress = 0
End If
End If
'Draw Tile
SpriteBatch.Draw(GetImage, New Rectangle(CInt(VoltorbFlipScreen.BoardOrigin.X + TileWidth * Column + (TileWidth - FlipWidth * TileWidth) / 2), CInt(VoltorbFlipScreen.BoardOrigin.Y + TileHeight * Row), CInt(TileWidth * FlipWidth), TileHeight), mainBackgroundColor)
'Draw Memos
If GetMemo(0) = True Then 'Voltorb
SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("VoltorbFlip\Tile_MemoIcons", New Rectangle(0, 0, 32, 32)), New Rectangle(CInt(VoltorbFlipScreen.BoardOrigin.X + TileWidth * Column + (TileWidth - FlipWidth * TileWidth)), CInt(VoltorbFlipScreen.BoardOrigin.Y + TileHeight * Row), CInt(TileWidth * FlipWidth), TileHeight), mainBackgroundColor)
End If
If GetMemo(1) = True Then 'x1
SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("VoltorbFlip\Tile_MemoIcons", New Rectangle(32, 0, 32, 32)), New Rectangle(CInt(VoltorbFlipScreen.BoardOrigin.X + TileWidth * Column + (TileWidth - FlipWidth * TileWidth)), CInt(VoltorbFlipScreen.BoardOrigin.Y + TileHeight * Row), CInt(TileWidth * FlipWidth), TileHeight), mainBackgroundColor)
End If
If GetMemo(2) = True Then 'x2
SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("VoltorbFlip\Tile_MemoIcons", New Rectangle(32 + 32, 0, 32, 32)), New Rectangle(CInt(VoltorbFlipScreen.BoardOrigin.X + TileWidth * Column + (TileWidth - FlipWidth * TileWidth)), CInt(VoltorbFlipScreen.BoardOrigin.Y + TileHeight * Row), CInt(TileWidth * FlipWidth), TileHeight), mainBackgroundColor)
End If
If GetMemo(3) = True Then 'x3
SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("VoltorbFlip\Tile_MemoIcons", New Rectangle(32 + 32 + 32, 0, 32, 32)), New Rectangle(CInt(VoltorbFlipScreen.BoardOrigin.X + TileWidth * Column + (TileWidth - FlipWidth * TileWidth)), CInt(VoltorbFlipScreen.BoardOrigin.Y + TileHeight * Row), CInt(TileWidth * FlipWidth), TileHeight), mainBackgroundColor)
End If
End Sub
Public Sub Update()
If FlipProgress <= 2 Then
Activated = False
If Flipped = True Then
If Activated = False Then
If Me.Value = Values.Voltorb Then
If VoltorbFlipScreen.GameState = VoltorbFlipScreen.States.Game Then
SoundManager.PlaySound("VoltorbFlip\LoseGame", True)
End If
Screen.TextBox.Show(Localization.GetString("VoltorbFlip_GameLost", "Oh no! You get 0 Coins!"))
VoltorbFlipScreen.ConsecutiveWins = 0
VoltorbFlipScreen.GameState = VoltorbFlipScreen.States.GameLost
If VoltorbFlipScreen.CurrentCoins = 0 Then
VoltorbFlipScreen.CurrentCoins = Me.Value
VoltorbFlipScreen.CurrentCoins *= Me.Value
End If
Activated = True
End If
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Public Function GetImage() As Texture2D
If Flipped = True Then
Return TextureManager.GetTexture("VoltorbFlip\Tile_Front", New Rectangle(Value * 32, 0, 32, 32))
Return TextureManager.GetTexture("VoltorbFlip\Tile_Back", New Rectangle(0, 0, 32, 32))
End If
End Function
Public Function GetMemo(ByVal MemoNumber As Integer) As Boolean
Select Case MemoNumber
Case 0
Return MemoVoltorb
Case 1
Return Memo1
Case 2
Return Memo2
Case 3
Return Memo3
Case Else
Return Nothing
End Select
End Function
Public Sub SetMemo(ByVal MemoNumber As Integer, ByVal Value As Boolean)
Select Case MemoNumber
Case Tile.Values.Voltorb
MemoVoltorb = Value
Case Tile.Values.One
Memo1 = Value
Case Tile.Values.Two
Memo2 = Value
Case Tile.Values.Three
Memo3 = Value
End Select
End Sub
Public Sub New(ByVal Row As Integer, ByVal Column As Integer, ByVal Value As Integer, ByVal Flipped As Boolean)
Me.Row = Row
Me.Column = Column
Me.Value = Value
Me.Flipped = Flipped
End Sub
End Class
End Namespace |