
79 lines
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Namespace BattleSystem.Moves.Normal
Public Class Growl
Inherits Attack
Public Sub New()
Me.Type = New Element(Element.Types.Normal)
Me.ID = 45
Me.OriginalPP = 40
Me.CurrentPP = 40
Me.MaxPP = 40
Me.Power = 0
Me.Accuracy = 100
Me.Category = Categories.Status
Me.ContestCategory = ContestCategories.Cute
Me.Name = Localization.GetString("move_name_" & Me.ID,"Growl")
Me.Description = "The user growls in an endearing way, making the opposing team less wary. The foes' Attack stats are lowered."
Me.CriticalChance = 0
Me.IsHMMove = False
Me.Target = Targets.AllAdjacentFoes
Me.Priority = 0
Me.TimesToAttack = 1
Me.MakesContact = False
Me.ProtectAffected = True
Me.MagicCoatAffected = True
Me.SnatchAffected = False
Me.MirrorMoveAffected = True
Me.KingsrockAffected = False
Me.CounterAffected = False
Me.DisabledWhileGravity = False
Me.UseEffectiveness = False
Me.ImmunityAffected = False
Me.HasSecondaryEffect = False
Me.RemovesOwnFrozen = False
Me.IsHealingMove = False
Me.IsRecoilMove = False
Me.IsDamagingMove = False
Me.IsProtectMove = False
Me.IsSoundMove = True
Me.IsAffectedBySubstitute = True
Me.IsOneHitKOMove = False
Me.IsWonderGuardAffected = False
Me.AIField1 = AIField.LowerAttack
Me.AIField2 = AIField.Nothing
End Sub
Public Overrides Sub MoveHits(own As Boolean, BattleScreen As BattleScreen)
Dim b As Boolean = BattleScreen.Battle.LowerStat(Not own, own, BattleScreen, "Attack", 1, "", "move:growl")
If b = False Then
BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject(Me.Name & " failed!"))
End If
End Sub
Public Overrides Sub InternalUserPokemonMoveAnimation(ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen, ByVal BattleFlip As Boolean, ByVal CurrentPokemon As Pokemon, ByVal CurrentEntity As NPC)
Dim MoveAnimation As AnimationQueryObject = New AnimationQueryObject(CurrentEntity, BattleFlip)
MoveAnimation.AnimationPlaySound(CStr(CurrentPokemon.Number), 0, 0,, True)
Dim SoundwaveEntity As Entity = MoveAnimation.SpawnEntity(New Vector3(0.25, -0.25, 0), TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\Normal\Growl", New Rectangle(0, 0, 32, 32), ""), New Vector3(0.5F), 1, 0, 1)
MoveAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(SoundwaveEntity, False, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\Normal\Growl", New Rectangle(0, 32, 32, 32), ""), 1, 1)
MoveAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(SoundwaveEntity, False, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\Normal\Growl", New Rectangle(0, 0, 32, 32), ""), 2, 1)
MoveAnimation.AnimationChangeTexture(SoundwaveEntity, True, TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Battle\Normal\Growl", New Rectangle(0, 32, 32, 32), ""), 3, 1)
End Sub
End Class
End Namespace