
224 lines
11 KiB

''' <summary>
''' The notification popup.
''' </summary>
Public Class NotificationPopup
Private _background As Texture2D
Private _icon As Texture2D
Private FrameSizeBack As Integer
Private FramesizeIcon As Integer
Private _positionY As Single = -12
Private _started As Boolean = False
Private _scale As Single = CInt(SpriteBatch.InterfaceScale * 2)
Private _soundEffect As String = ""
Private _text As String = ""
Private _size As Size = New Size(13, 3)
Private _backgroundIndex As Vector2 = New Vector2(0, 0)
Private _iconIndex As Vector2 = New Vector2(0, 0)
Private _delay As Integer = Nothing
Public _delayDate As Date = Nothing
Public _waitForInput As Boolean = False
Public _interacted As Boolean = False
Public _scriptFile As String = ""
Public _forceAccept As Boolean = False
Public IsReady As Boolean = False
''' <summary>
''' Sets the values of the NotificationPopup and displays it on the screen.
''' </summary>
Public Sub Setup(Text As String, Optional Delay As Integer = 500, Optional BackgroundIndex As Integer = 0, Optional IconIndex As Integer = 0, Optional SoundEffect As String = "", Optional ScriptFile As String = "", Optional ForceAccept As Boolean = False)
_text = Text
If Delay <> -1 Then
If Delay = 0 Then
_waitForInput = True
End If
_delay = Delay
_delay = 500
End If
If BackgroundIndex <> -1 Then
_backgroundIndex = New Vector2(BackgroundIndex, 0)
_backgroundIndex = New Vector2(0, 0)
End If
While _backgroundIndex.X >= 3
_backgroundIndex.X -= 3
_backgroundIndex.Y += 1
End While
If _backgroundIndex.X < 0 Then
_backgroundIndex.X = 0
End If
Dim BackTexture As Texture2D = TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Notifications\Backgrounds")
FrameSizeBack = CInt(BackTexture.Width / 3)
_background = TextureManager.GetTexture(BackTexture, New Rectangle(CInt(_backgroundIndex.X * FrameSizeBack), CInt(_backgroundIndex.Y * FrameSizeBack), FrameSizeBack, FrameSizeBack))
Dim BackGroundScaleY As Integer = 1
If SpriteBatch.InterfaceScale > 1 Then
BackGroundScaleY = 2
ElseIf SpriteBatch.InterfaceScale < 1 Then
BackGroundScaleY = -2
End If
_positionY = CInt(0 - CInt(CInt(_size.Height + BackGroundScaleY) * (FrameSizeBack / 3) * _scale) - (FrameSizeBack / 3 * _scale) - 5)
If IconIndex <> -1 Then
_iconIndex = New Vector2(IconIndex, 0)
_iconIndex = New Vector2(0, 0)
End If
While _iconIndex.X >= 3
_iconIndex.X -= 3
_iconIndex.Y += 1
End While
If _iconIndex.X < 0 Then
_iconIndex.X = 0
End If
Dim IconTexture As Texture2D = TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Notifications\Icons")
FramesizeIcon = CInt(IconTexture.Width / 3)
_icon = TextureManager.GetTexture(IconTexture, New Rectangle(CInt(_iconIndex.X * FramesizeIcon), CInt(_iconIndex.Y * FramesizeIcon), FramesizeIcon, FramesizeIcon))
_scriptFile = ScriptFile
_soundEffect = SoundEffect
_forceAccept = ForceAccept
End Sub
''' <summary>
''' Dismiss the Popup
''' </summary>
Public Sub Dismiss()
Me._waitForInput = False
Me._delayDate = Date.Now
_interacted = True
End Sub
''' <summary>
''' Update the NotificationPopup.
''' </summary>
Public Sub Update()
If _started = False Then
_delayDate = Date.Now.AddMilliseconds(CDbl(_delay * 10))
_started = True
End If
Dim BackGroundScaleY As Integer = 1
If SpriteBatch.InterfaceScale > 1 Then
BackGroundScaleY = 2
ElseIf SpriteBatch.InterfaceScale < 1 Then
BackGroundScaleY = -2
End If
If _waitForInput = True Then
If Me._positionY < 5.0F Then
Me._positionY += CInt((0.7 * (FrameSizeBack / 3) / (_size.Height + BackGroundScaleY)) * SpriteBatch.InterfaceScale)
If _soundEffect IsNot "" Then
SoundManager.PlaySound("Notifications\" & _soundEffect)
_soundEffect = ""
End If
End If
If Date.Now < _delayDate Then
If Me._positionY < 5.0F Then
Me._positionY += CInt((0.7 * (FrameSizeBack / 3) / (_size.Height + BackGroundScaleY)) * SpriteBatch.InterfaceScale)
If _soundEffect IsNot "" Then
SoundManager.PlaySound("Notifications\" & _soundEffect)
_soundEffect = ""
End If
End If
Dim BackY As Integer = CInt(0 - CInt(CInt(_size.Height + BackGroundScaleY) * (FrameSizeBack / 3) * _scale) - (FrameSizeBack / 3 * _scale) - 5)
If Me._interacted = True OrElse _forceAccept = True Then
If Me._positionY > BackY Then
Me._positionY -= CInt((1.6 * (FrameSizeBack / 3) / (_size.Height + BackGroundScaleY)) * SpriteBatch.InterfaceScale)
If Me._positionY <= BackY Then
Me._positionY = BackY
If Me._scriptFile <> "" Then
CType(Core.CurrentScreen, OverworldScreen).ActionScript.StartScript(Me._scriptFile, 0, False,, "Notification")
End If
Me.IsReady = True
End If
End If
If Me._positionY > BackY Then
Me._positionY -= CInt((1.0 * (FrameSizeBack / 3) / (_size.Height + BackGroundScaleY)) * SpriteBatch.InterfaceScale)
If Me._positionY <= BackY Then
Me._positionY = BackY
Me.IsReady = True
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
''' <summary>
''' Renders the NotificationPopup.
''' </summary>
Public Sub Draw()
Dim TextHeader As String = _text.GetSplit(0, "*").Replace(CChar("~"), Environment.NewLine)
Dim TextBody As String = _text.GetSplit(1, "*").Replace(CChar("~"), Environment.NewLine)
While FontManager.InGameFont.MeasureString(TextHeader).X * CInt(_scale) > CInt((_size.Width * (FrameSizeBack / 3) - FrameSizeBack / 3 * 4) * _scale)
_size.Width += 1
End While
TextHeader = TextHeader.CropStringToWidth(FontManager.InGameFont, CInt(_scale), CInt((_size.Width * (FrameSizeBack / 3) - FrameSizeBack / 3 * 4) * _scale))
While FontManager.InGameFont.MeasureString(TextHeader).Y * CInt(_scale) + FontManager.InGameFont.MeasureString(TextBody).Y > CInt(((_size.Height * FrameSizeBack / 3) - FrameSizeBack / 3) * _scale - 5)
_size.Height += 1
End While
Dim BackGroundOffsetX As Integer = CInt(Core.windowSize.Width - (_size.Width * (FrameSizeBack / 3 * _scale)) - (FrameSizeBack / 3) * _scale - (5 * SpriteBatch.InterfaceScale))
Dim BackGroundScaleY As Integer = 0
If SpriteBatch.InterfaceScale > 1 Then
BackGroundScaleY = 2
ElseIf SpriteBatch.InterfaceScale < 1 Then
BackGroundScaleY = -2
End If
'Draw the frame.
Canvas.DrawImageBorder(_background, CInt(_scale), New Rectangle(BackGroundOffsetX, CInt(Me._positionY), CInt(_size.Width * (FrameSizeBack / 3) * _scale), CInt(CInt(_size.Height + BackGroundScaleY) * (FrameSizeBack / 3) * _scale)))
'Draw the icon.
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(_icon, New Rectangle(CInt(BackGroundOffsetX + ((FrameSizeBack / 3 + 3) * _scale) - (_icon.Width / 3 * _scale) + 8 * _scale), CInt(Me._positionY + CInt(CInt(_size.Height + BackGroundScaleY) * (FrameSizeBack / 3) * _scale * 0.5) - (_icon.Height / 2 * _scale)), CInt(_icon.Width * _scale), CInt(_icon.Height * _scale)), Color.White)
Dim TextOffset = CInt(BackGroundOffsetX + FrameSizeBack / 3 * _scale * 4)
If TextBody <> "" Then
If TextHeader <> "" Then
'Draw the header, then the body
Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.InGameFont, TextHeader.CropStringToWidth(FontManager.InGameFont, CInt(_scale), CInt((_size.Width * (FrameSizeBack / 3) - FrameSizeBack / 3 * 4) * _scale)), New Vector2(TextOffset, CInt(Me._positionY + FrameSizeBack / 3)), Color.Black, 0.0F, Vector2.Zero, CSng(_scale), SpriteEffects.None, 0.0F)
Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.InGameFont, TextBody.CropStringToWidth(FontManager.InGameFont, CInt(_scale / 2), CInt((_size.Width * (FrameSizeBack / 3) - FrameSizeBack / 3 * 4) * _scale)), New Vector2(TextOffset, CInt(Me._positionY + FrameSizeBack / 3 + (FontManager.InGameFont.MeasureString(TextHeader).Y * _scale))), Color.Black, 0.0F, Vector2.Zero, CSng(_scale / 2), SpriteEffects.None, 0.0F)
'Just draw the body
Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.InGameFont, TextBody.CropStringToWidth(FontManager.InGameFont, CInt(_scale / 2), CInt((_size.Width * (FrameSizeBack / 3) - FrameSizeBack / 3 * 4) * _scale)), New Vector2(TextOffset, CInt(Me._positionY + FrameSizeBack / 3)), Color.Black, 0.0F, Vector2.Zero, CSng(_scale / 2), SpriteEffects.None, 0.0F)
End If
'Just draw the header
Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.InGameFont, TextHeader.CropStringToWidth(FontManager.InGameFont, CInt(_scale), CInt((_size.Width * (FrameSizeBack / 3) - FrameSizeBack / 3 * 4) * _scale)), New Vector2(TextOffset, CInt(Me._positionY + FrameSizeBack / 3)), Color.Black, 0.0F, Vector2.Zero, CSng(_scale), SpriteEffects.None, 0.0F)
End If
Dim InteractText As String = "[" & Localization.GetString("game_notification_dismiss") & "]"
If Me._scriptFile <> "" OrElse _waitForInput = True Then
InteractText = "[" & Localization.GetString("game_notification_accept") & "]"
End If
Dim InteractOffset As Vector2 = New Vector2(CInt(BackGroundOffsetX + (_size.Width * (FrameSizeBack / 3 * _scale)) - FontManager.InGameFont.MeasureString(InteractText).X * _scale / 2), CInt(Me._positionY + ((CInt(_size.Height + BackGroundScaleY) * (FrameSizeBack / 3 * _scale)) + (5 * _scale))))
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(_background, New Rectangle(CInt(InteractOffset.X), CInt(InteractOffset.Y), CInt(FontManager.InGameFont.MeasureString(InteractText).X * _scale / 2), CInt(FontManager.InGameFont.MeasureString(InteractText).Y * _scale / 2)), New Rectangle(CInt(FrameSizeBack / 3), CInt(FrameSizeBack / 3), CInt(FrameSizeBack / 3), CInt(FrameSizeBack / 3)), Color.White)
Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.InGameFont, InteractText, New Vector2(CInt(InteractOffset.X), CInt(InteractOffset.Y)), Color.Black, 0.0F, Vector2.Zero, CSng(_scale / 2), SpriteEffects.None, 0.0F)
End Sub
End Class