
123 lines
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Namespace ScriptVersion2
Partial Class ScriptCommander
' --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Contains the @entity commands.
' --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Private Shared Sub DoEntity(ByVal subClass As String)
Dim command As String = ScriptComparer.GetSubClassArgumentPair(subClass).Command
Dim argument As String = ScriptComparer.GetSubClassArgumentPair(subClass).Argument
Select Case command.ToLower()
Case "showmessagebulb"
If ScriptV2.started = False Then
ScriptV2.started = True
Dim Data() As String = argument.Split(CChar("|"))
Dim newData As New List(Of String)
For Each d As String In Data
Data = newData.ToArray()
Dim ID As Integer = int(Data(0))
Dim Position As New Vector3(sng(Data(1).Replace(".", GameController.DecSeparator)), sng(Data(2).Replace(".", GameController.DecSeparator)), sng(Data(3).Replace(".", GameController.DecSeparator)))
Dim noType As MessageBulb.NotificationTypes = MessageBulb.NotificationTypes.Waiting
Select Case ID
Case 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
noType = CType(ID, MessageBulb.NotificationTypes)
Case Else
noType = MessageBulb.NotificationTypes.Exclamation
End Select
Screen.Level.Entities.Add(New MessageBulb(Position, noType))
End If
Dim contains As Boolean = False
Screen.Level.Entities = (From e In Screen.Level.Entities Order By e.CameraDistance Descending).ToList()
For Each e As Entity In Screen.Level.Entities
If e.EntityID = "MessageBulb" Then
contains = True
End If
If contains = False Then
IsReady = True
For i = 0 To Screen.Level.Entities.Count - 1
If i <= Screen.Level.Entities.Count - 1 Then
If Screen.Level.Entities(i).CanBeRemoved = True Then
i -= 1
End If
Exit For
End If
End If
Case Else
Dim entID As Integer = int(argument.GetSplit(0))
Dim ents = (From ent As Entity In Screen.Level.Entities Select ent Where ent.ID = entID)
For Each ent As Entity In ents
Select Case command.ToLower()
Case "warp"
Dim PositionList As List(Of String) = argument.Split(CChar(",")).ToList()
Dim newPosition As Vector3 = New Vector3(sng(PositionList(1).Replace("~", CStr(ent.Position.X)).Replace(".", GameController.DecSeparator)),
sng(PositionList(2).Replace("~", CStr(ent.Position.Y)).Replace(".", GameController.DecSeparator)),
sng(PositionList(3).Replace("~", CStr(ent.Position.Z)).Replace(".", GameController.DecSeparator)))
ent.Position = newPosition
ent.CreatedWorld = False
Case "setscale"
Dim ScaleList As List(Of String) = argument.Split(CChar(",")).ToList()
Dim newScale As Vector3 = New Vector3(sng(ScaleList(1).Replace("~", CStr(ent.Position.X)).Replace(".", GameController.DecSeparator)),
sng(ScaleList(2).Replace("~", CStr(ent.Position.Y)).Replace(".", GameController.DecSeparator)),
sng(ScaleList(3).Replace("~", CStr(ent.Position.Z)).Replace(".", GameController.DecSeparator)))
ent.Scale = newScale
ent.CreatedWorld = False
Case "remove"
ent.CanBeRemoved = True
Case "setid"
ent.ID = int(argument.GetSplit(1))
Case "setopacity"
ent.NormalOpacity = sng(int(argument.GetSplit(1)) / 100)
Case "setvisible"
ent.Visible = CBool(argument.GetSplit(1))
Case "setadditionalvalue"
ent.AdditionalValue = argument.GetSplit(1)
Case "setcollision"
ent.Collision = CBool(argument.GetSplit(1))
Case "settexture"
' Data structure for the entire argument: entID,textureID,[texturename,x,y,width,height]
Dim textureID As Integer = int(argument.GetSplit(1))
Dim textureData As String = argument.Remove(0, argument.IndexOf("[") + 1)
textureData = textureData.Remove(textureData.Length - 1, 1)
Dim textureInformation() As String = textureData.Split(CChar(","))
ent.Textures(textureID) = TextureManager.GetTexture(textureInformation(0), New Rectangle(int(textureInformation(1)), int(textureInformation(2)), int(textureInformation(3)), int(textureInformation(4))))
Case "addtoposition"
Dim PositionList As List(Of String) = argument.Split(CChar(",")).ToList()
Dim newPosition As Vector3 = New Vector3(sng(PositionList(1).Replace("~", CStr(ent.Position.X)).Replace(".", GameController.DecSeparator)),
sng(PositionList(2).Replace("~", CStr(ent.Position.Y)).Replace(".", GameController.DecSeparator)),
sng(PositionList(3).Replace("~", CStr(ent.Position.Z)).Replace(".", GameController.DecSeparator)))
ent.Position += newPosition
ent.CreatedWorld = False
CanContinue = False
End Select
IsReady = True
End Select
End Sub
End Class
End Namespace