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Public Class Entity
Inherits BaseEntity
Public Shared MakeShake As Boolean = False
Public Shared drawViewBox As Boolean = False
Public ID As Integer = -1
Public EntityID As String = ""
Public MapOrigin As String = ""
Public IsOffsetMapContent As Boolean = False
Public Offset As Vector3 = New Vector3(0)
Public Position As Vector3
Public Rotation As Vector3 = New Vector3(0)
Public Scale As Vector3 = New Vector3(1)
Public Textures() As Texture2D
Public TextureIndex() As Integer
Public ActionValue As Integer
Public AdditionalValue As String
Public ModelPath As String = ""
Public Visible As Boolean = True
Public Shader As New Vector3(1.0F)
Public Shaders As New List(Of Vector3)
Public Color As Vector3 = New Vector3(1.0F)
Public CameraDistanceDelta As Single = 0.0F
Public SeasonColorTexture As String = ""
Public FaceDirection As Integer = 0
Public Moved As Single = 0.0F
Public Speed As Single = 0.04F
Public CanMove As Boolean = False
Public isDancing As Boolean = False
Public Opacity As Single = 1.0F
Private _normalOpacity As Single = 1.0F
Public BaseModel As BaseModel
Public Model As Model = Nothing
Public Property NormalOpacity As Single
Return Me._normalOpacity
End Get
Set(value As Single)
Me.Opacity = value
Me._normalOpacity = value
End Set
End Property
Public boundingBoxScale As Vector3 = New Vector3(1.25F)
Public boundingBox As BoundingBox
Public ViewBox As BoundingBox
Public viewBoxScale As Vector3 = New Vector3(1.0F)
Public CameraDistance As Single
Public World As Matrix
Public CreatedWorld As Boolean = False
Public CreateWorldEveryFrame As Boolean = False
Public Collision As Boolean = True
Public CanBeRemoved As Boolean = False
Public NeedsUpdate As Boolean = False
Shared newRasterizerState As RasterizerState
Shared oldRasterizerState As RasterizerState
Private BoundingPositionCreated As Vector3 = New Vector3(1110)
Private BoundingRotationCreated As Vector3 = New Vector3(-1)
Public HasEqualTextures As Integer = -1
Private DrawnLastFrame As Boolean = True
Protected DropUpdateUnlessDrawn As Boolean = True
Public Sub New()
End Sub
Public Sub New(ByVal X As Single, ByVal Y As Single, ByVal Z As Single, ByVal EntityID As String, ByVal Textures() As Texture2D, ByVal TextureIndex() As Integer, ByVal Collision As Boolean, ByVal Rotation As Integer, ByVal Scale As Vector3, ByVal BaseModel As BaseModel, ByVal ActionValue As Integer, ByVal AdditionalValue As String, ByVal Shader As Vector3, Optional ModelPath As String = "")
Me.Position = New Vector3(X, Y, Z)
Me.EntityID = EntityID
Me.Textures = Textures
Me.TextureIndex = TextureIndex
Me.Collision = Collision
Me.Rotation = GetRotationFromInteger(Rotation)
Me.Scale = Scale
Me.BaseModel = BaseModel
Me.ModelPath = ModelPath
Me.ActionValue = ActionValue
Me.AdditionalValue = AdditionalValue
Me.Shader = Shader
End Sub
Public Overridable Sub Initialize()
If GetRotationFromVector(Me.Rotation) Mod 2 = 1 Then
ViewBox = New BoundingBox(
Vector3.Transform(New Vector3(-(Me.Scale.Z / 2), -(Me.Scale.Y / 2), -(Me.Scale.X / 2)), Matrix.CreateScale(viewBoxScale) * Matrix.CreateTranslation(Position)),
Vector3.Transform(New Vector3((Me.Scale.Z / 2), (Me.Scale.Y / 2), (Me.Scale.X / 2)), Matrix.CreateScale(viewBoxScale) * Matrix.CreateTranslation(Position)))
ViewBox = New BoundingBox(
Vector3.Transform(New Vector3(-(Me.Scale.X / 2), -(Me.Scale.Y / 2), -(Me.Scale.Z / 2)), Matrix.CreateScale(viewBoxScale) * Matrix.CreateTranslation(Position)),
Vector3.Transform(New Vector3((Me.Scale.X / 2), (Me.Scale.Y / 2), (Me.Scale.Z / 2)), Matrix.CreateScale(viewBoxScale) * Matrix.CreateTranslation(Position)))
End If
boundingBox = New BoundingBox(
Vector3.Transform(New Vector3(-0.5F), Matrix.CreateScale(boundingBoxScale) * Matrix.CreateTranslation(Position)),
Vector3.Transform(New Vector3(0.5F), Matrix.CreateScale(boundingBoxScale) * Matrix.CreateTranslation(Position)))
Me.BoundingPositionCreated = Me.Position
Me.BoundingRotationCreated = Me.Rotation
If newRasterizerState Is Nothing Then
newRasterizerState = New RasterizerState
oldRasterizerState = New RasterizerState
newRasterizerState.CullMode = CullMode.None
oldRasterizerState.CullMode = CullMode.CullCounterClockwiseFace
End If
End Sub
Public Shared Function GetNewEntity(ByVal EntityID As String, ByVal Position As Vector3, ByVal Textures() As Texture2D, ByVal TextureIndex() As Integer, ByVal Collision As Boolean, ByVal Rotation As Vector3, ByVal Scale As Vector3, ByVal BaseModel As BaseModel, ByVal ActionValue As Integer, ByVal AdditionalValue As String, ByVal Visible As Boolean, ByVal Shader As Vector3, ByVal ID As Integer, ByVal MapOrigin As String, ByVal SeasonColorTexture As String, ByVal Offset As Vector3, Optional ByVal Params() As Object = Nothing, Optional ByVal Opacity As Single = 1.0F, Optional ByVal AnimationData As List(Of List(Of Integer)) = Nothing, Optional ByVal CameraDistanceDelta As Single = 0.0F, Optional ModelPath As String = "") As Entity
Dim newEnt As New Entity()
Dim propertiesEnt As New Entity()
propertiesEnt.EntityID = EntityID
propertiesEnt.Position = Position
propertiesEnt.Textures = Textures
propertiesEnt.TextureIndex = TextureIndex
propertiesEnt.Collision = Collision
propertiesEnt.Rotation = Rotation
propertiesEnt.Scale = Scale
propertiesEnt.BaseModel = BaseModel
propertiesEnt.ModelPath = ModelPath
propertiesEnt.ActionValue = ActionValue
propertiesEnt.AdditionalValue = AdditionalValue
propertiesEnt.Visible = Visible
propertiesEnt.Shader = Shader
propertiesEnt.NormalOpacity = Opacity
propertiesEnt.ID = ID
propertiesEnt.MapOrigin = MapOrigin
propertiesEnt.SeasonColorTexture = SeasonColorTexture
propertiesEnt.Offset = Offset
propertiesEnt.CameraDistanceDelta = CameraDistanceDelta
If ModelManager.ModelExist(ModelPath) = True Then
propertiesEnt.Scale *= ModelManager.MODELSCALE
propertiesEnt.ModelPath = ModelPath
propertiesEnt.Model = ModelManager.GetModel(ModelPath)
End If
Select Case EntityID.ToLower()
Case "animatedblock"
newEnt = New AnimatedBlock()
SetProperties(newEnt, propertiesEnt)
CType(newEnt, AnimatedBlock).Initialize(AnimationData)
Case "wallblock"
newEnt = New WallBlock()
SetProperties(newEnt, propertiesEnt)
CType(newEnt, WallBlock).Initialize()
Case "cube", "allsidesobject"
newEnt = New AllSidesObject()
SetProperties(newEnt, propertiesEnt)
CType(newEnt, AllSidesObject).Initialize()
Case "slideblock"
newEnt = New SlideBlock()
SetProperties(newEnt, propertiesEnt)
CType(newEnt, SlideBlock).Initialize()
Case "wallbill"
newEnt = New WallBill()
SetProperties(newEnt, propertiesEnt)
CType(newEnt, WallBill).Initialize()
Case "signblock"
newEnt = New SignBlock()
SetProperties(newEnt, propertiesEnt)
CType(newEnt, SignBlock).Initialize()
Case "warpblock"
newEnt = New WarpBlock()
SetProperties(newEnt, propertiesEnt)
CType(newEnt, WarpBlock).Initialize()
Case "floor"
newEnt = New Floor()
SetProperties(newEnt, propertiesEnt)
CType(newEnt, Floor).Initialize(True, False, True)
Case "step"
newEnt = New StepBlock()
SetProperties(newEnt, propertiesEnt)
CType(newEnt, StepBlock).Initialize()
Case "cuttree"
newEnt = New CutDownTree()
SetProperties(newEnt, propertiesEnt)
CType(newEnt, CutDownTree).Initialize()
Case "water"
newEnt = New Water()
SetProperties(newEnt, propertiesEnt)
CType(newEnt, Water).Initialize()
Case "grass"
newEnt = New Grass()
SetProperties(newEnt, propertiesEnt)
CType(newEnt, Grass).Initialize()
Case "berryplant"
newEnt = New BerryPlant()
SetProperties(newEnt, propertiesEnt)
CType(newEnt, BerryPlant).Initialize()
Case "loamysoil"
newEnt = New LoamySoil()
SetProperties(newEnt, propertiesEnt)
CType(newEnt, LoamySoil).Initialize()
Case "itemobject"
newEnt = New ItemObject()
SetProperties(newEnt, propertiesEnt)
CType(newEnt, ItemObject).Initialize()
Case "scriptblock"
newEnt = New ScriptBlock()
SetProperties(newEnt, propertiesEnt)
CType(newEnt, ScriptBlock).Initialize()
Case "turningsign"
newEnt = New TurningSign()
SetProperties(newEnt, propertiesEnt)
CType(newEnt, TurningSign).Initialize()
Case "apricornplant"
newEnt = New ApricornPlant()
SetProperties(newEnt, propertiesEnt)
CType(newEnt, ApricornPlant).Initialize()
Case "headbutttree"
newEnt = New HeadbuttTree()
SetProperties(newEnt, propertiesEnt)
CType(newEnt, HeadbuttTree).Initialize()
Case "smashrock"
newEnt = New SmashRock()
SetProperties(newEnt, propertiesEnt)
CType(newEnt, SmashRock).Initialize()
Case "strengthrock"
newEnt = New StrengthRock()
SetProperties(newEnt, propertiesEnt)
CType(newEnt, StrengthRock).Initialize()
Case "npc"
newEnt = New NPC()
SetProperties(newEnt, propertiesEnt)
CType(newEnt, NPC).Initialize(CStr(Params(0)), CInt(Params(1)), CStr(Params(2)), CInt(Params(3)), CBool(Params(4)), CStr(Params(5)), CType(Params(6), List(Of Rectangle)))
Case "waterfall"
newEnt = New Waterfall()
SetProperties(newEnt, propertiesEnt)
CType(newEnt, Waterfall).Initialize()
Case "whirlpool"
newEnt = New Whirlpool()
SetProperties(newEnt, propertiesEnt)
CType(newEnt, Whirlpool).Initialize()
Case "strengthtrigger"
newEnt = New StrengthTrigger()
SetProperties(newEnt, propertiesEnt)
CType(newEnt, StrengthTrigger).Initialize()
Case "modelentity"
newEnt = New ModelEntity()
SetProperties(newEnt, propertiesEnt)
CType(newEnt, ModelEntity).Initialize()
Case "rotationtile"
newEnt = New RotationTile()
SetProperties(newEnt, propertiesEnt)
CType(newEnt, RotationTile).Initialize()
Case "divetile"
newEnt = New DiveTile()
SetProperties(newEnt, propertiesEnt)
CType(newEnt, DiveTile).Initialize()
Case "rockclimbentity"
newEnt = New RockClimbEntity()
SetProperties(newEnt, propertiesEnt)
CType(newEnt, RockClimbEntity).Initialize()
Case "holeblock"
newEnt = New HoleBlock()
SetProperties(newEnt, propertiesEnt)
CType(newEnt, HoleBlock).Initialize()
End Select
Return newEnt
End Function
Friend Shared Sub SetProperties(ByRef newEnt As Entity, ByVal PropertiesEnt As Entity)
newEnt.EntityID = PropertiesEnt.EntityID
newEnt.Position = PropertiesEnt.Position
newEnt.Textures = PropertiesEnt.Textures
newEnt.TextureIndex = PropertiesEnt.TextureIndex
newEnt.Collision = PropertiesEnt.Collision
newEnt.Rotation = PropertiesEnt.Rotation
newEnt.Scale = PropertiesEnt.Scale
newEnt.BaseModel = PropertiesEnt.BaseModel
newEnt.ModelPath = PropertiesEnt.ModelPath
newEnt.Model = PropertiesEnt.Model
newEnt.ActionValue = PropertiesEnt.ActionValue
newEnt.AdditionalValue = PropertiesEnt.AdditionalValue
newEnt.Visible = PropertiesEnt.Visible
newEnt.Shader = PropertiesEnt.Shader
newEnt.ID = PropertiesEnt.ID
newEnt.MapOrigin = PropertiesEnt.MapOrigin
newEnt.SeasonColorTexture = PropertiesEnt.SeasonColorTexture
newEnt.Offset = PropertiesEnt.Offset
newEnt.NormalOpacity = PropertiesEnt.Opacity
newEnt.CameraDistanceDelta = PropertiesEnt.CameraDistanceDelta
End Sub
Public Shared Function GetRotationFromInteger(ByVal i As Integer) As Vector3
Select Case i
Case 0
Return New Vector3(0, 0, 0)
Case 1
Return New Vector3(0, MathHelper.PiOver2, 0)
Case 2
Return New Vector3(0, MathHelper.Pi, 0)
Case 3
Return New Vector3(0, MathHelper.Pi * 1.5F, 0)
End Select
End Function
Public Shared Function GetRotationFromVector(ByVal v As Vector3) As Integer
Select Case v.Y
Case 0
Return 0
Case MathHelper.PiOver2
Return 1
Case MathHelper.Pi
Return 2
Case MathHelper.Pi * 1.5F
Return 3
End Select
Return 0
End Function
Protected Friend Sub LoadSeasonTextures()
If SeasonColorTexture <> "" Then
Dim newTextures As New List(Of Texture2D)
For Each t As Texture2D In Textures
newTextures.Add(P3D.World.GetSeasonTexture(TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\Seasons\" & Me.SeasonColorTexture), t))
Me.Textures = newTextures.ToArray()
End If
End Sub
Public Overridable Sub Update()
End Sub
Public Sub UpdateModel()
If Not Me.Model Is Nothing Then
ViewBox = New BoundingBox(
Vector3.Transform(New Vector3(-1, -1, -1), Matrix.CreateScale(viewBoxScale) * Matrix.CreateTranslation(Position)),
Vector3.Transform(New Vector3(1, 1, 1), Matrix.CreateScale(viewBoxScale) * Matrix.CreateTranslation(Position)))
End If
End Sub
Public Overridable Sub OpacityCheck()
If Me.CameraDistance > 10.0F Or
Screen.Level.OwnPlayer IsNot Nothing AndAlso CameraDistance > Screen.Level.OwnPlayer.CameraDistance Then
Me.Opacity = Me._normalOpacity
Exit Sub
End If
Dim notNames() As String = {"Floor", "OwnPlayer", "Water", "Whirlpool", "Particle", "OverworldPokemon", "ItemObject", "NetworkPokemon", "NetworkPlayer"}
If Screen.Camera.Name = "Overworld" AndAlso notNames.Contains(Me.EntityID) = False Then
Me.Opacity = Me._normalOpacity
If CType(Screen.Camera, OverworldCamera).ThirdPerson = True Then
Dim Ray As Ray = Screen.Camera.Ray
Dim result As Single? = Ray.Intersects(Me.boundingBox)
If result.HasValue = True Then
If result.Value < 0.3F + (CType(Screen.Camera, OverworldCamera).ThirdPersonOffset.Z - 1.5F) Then
Me.Opacity = Me._normalOpacity - 0.5F
If Me.Opacity < 0.3F Then
Me.Opacity = 0.3F
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Protected Overridable Function GetCameraDistanceCenterPoint() As Vector3
Return Me.Position + Me.GetCenter()
End Function
Protected Overridable Function CalculateCameraDistance(CPosition As Vector3) As Single
Return Vector3.Distance(Me.GetCameraDistanceCenterPoint(), CPosition) + CameraDistanceDelta
End Function
Public Overridable Sub UpdateEntity()
Dim CPosition As Vector3 = Screen.Camera.Position
Dim ActionScriptActive As Boolean = False
If Not Core.CurrentScreen Is Nothing Then
CPosition = Screen.Camera.CPosition
If Core.CurrentScreen.Identification = Screen.Identifications.OverworldScreen Then
ActionScriptActive = Not CType(Core.CurrentScreen, OverworldScreen).ActionScript.IsReady
End If
End If
CameraDistance = CalculateCameraDistance(CPosition)
If Me.DropUpdateUnlessDrawn = True And Me.DrawnLastFrame = False And Me.Visible = True And ActionScriptActive = False Then
Exit Sub
End If
If Me.Moved > 0.0F And Me.CanMove = True Then
Me.Moved -= Me.Speed
Dim movement As Vector3 = Vector3.Zero
Select Case Me.FaceDirection
Case 0
movement = New Vector3(0, 0, -1)
Case 1
movement = New Vector3(-1, 0, 0)
Case 2
movement = New Vector3(0, 0, 1)
Case 3
movement = New Vector3(1, 0, 0)
End Select
movement *= Speed
Me.Position += movement
Me.CreatedWorld = False
If Me.Moved <= 0.0F Then
Me.Moved = 0.0F
If Me.EntityID.ToLower = "strengthrock" Then
CType(Screen.Camera, OverworldCamera).IsPushingStrengthRock = False
End If
Me.Position.X = CInt(Me.Position.X)
Me.Position.Z = CInt(Me.Position.Z)
End If
End If
If Me.IsOffsetMapContent = False Then
End If
If CreatedWorld = False Or CreateWorldEveryFrame = True Then
World = Matrix.CreateScale(Scale) * Matrix.CreateFromYawPitchRoll(Rotation.Y, Rotation.X, Rotation.Z) * Matrix.CreateTranslation(Position)
CreatedWorld = True
End If
If CameraDistance < Screen.Camera.FarPlane * 2 Then
If Me.Position <> Me.BoundingPositionCreated Then
Dim diff As New List(Of Single)
diff.AddRange({Me.BoundingPositionCreated.X - Me.Position.X, Me.BoundingPositionCreated.Y - Me.Position.Y, Me.BoundingPositionCreated.Z - Me.Position.Z})
ViewBox.Min.X -= diff(0)
ViewBox.Min.Y -= diff(1)
ViewBox.Min.Z -= diff(2)
ViewBox.Max.X -= diff(0)
ViewBox.Max.Y -= diff(1)
ViewBox.Max.Z -= diff(2)
boundingBox.Min.X -= diff(0)
boundingBox.Min.Y -= diff(1)
boundingBox.Min.Z -= diff(2)
boundingBox.Max.X -= diff(0)
boundingBox.Max.Y -= diff(1)
boundingBox.Max.Z -= diff(2)
Me.BoundingPositionCreated = Me.Position
End If
End If
If MakeShake = True Then
If Core.Random.Next(0, 1) = 0 Then
Me.Rotation.X += CSng((Core.Random.Next(1, 6) - 3) / 100)
Me.Rotation.Z += CSng((Core.Random.Next(1, 6) - 3) / 100)
Me.Rotation.Y += CSng((Core.Random.Next(1, 6) - 3) / 100)
Me.Position.X += CSng((Core.Random.Next(1, 6) - 3) / 100)
Me.Position.Z += CSng((Core.Random.Next(1, 6) - 3) / 100)
Me.Position.Y += CSng((Core.Random.Next(1, 6) - 3) / 100)
Me.Scale.X += CSng((Core.Random.Next(1, 6) - 3) / 100)
Me.Scale.Z += CSng((Core.Random.Next(1, 6) - 3) / 100)
Me.Scale.Y += CSng((Core.Random.Next(1, 6) - 3) / 100)
CreatedWorld = False
End If
End If
If Not Screen.Level.World Is Nothing Then
Select Case Screen.Level.World.EnvironmentType
Case P3D.World.EnvironmentTypes.Outside
Me.Shader = New Vector3(1.0F)
Case P3D.World.EnvironmentTypes.Dark
Me.Shader = New Vector3(0.5F)
Case Else
Me.Shader = New Vector3(1.0F)
End Select
End If
If Screen.Level.LightingType = 6 Then
Me.Shader = New Vector3(0.5F)
End If
For Each s As Vector3 In Me.Shaders
Me.Shader *= s
End Sub
Dim tempCenterVector As Vector3 = Vector3.Zero
''' <summary>
''' Returns the offset from the 0,0,0 center of the position of the entity.
''' </summary>
Private Function GetCenter() As Vector3
If CreatedWorld = False Or CreateWorldEveryFrame = True Then
Dim v As Vector3 = Vector3.Zero '(Me.ViewBox.Min - Me.Position) + (Me.ViewBox.Max - Me.Position)
If Not Me.BaseModel Is Nothing Then
Select Case Me.BaseModel.ID
Case 0, 9, 10, 11
v.Y -= 0.5F
End Select
End If
Me.tempCenterVector = v
End If
Return Me.tempCenterVector
End Function
Public Overridable Sub Draw(ByVal BaseModel As BaseModel, ByVal Textures() As Texture2D, ByVal setRasterizerState As Boolean, Optional Model As Model = Nothing)
If Visible = True Then
If Not Model Is Nothing Then
Model.Draw(Me.World, Screen.Camera.View, Screen.Camera.Projection)
If drawViewBox = True Then
BoundingBoxRenderer.Render(ViewBox, Core.GraphicsDevice, Screen.Camera.View, Screen.Camera.Projection, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color.Red)
End If
If Me.IsInFieldOfView() = True Then
If setRasterizerState = True Then
Core.GraphicsDevice.RasterizerState = newRasterizerState
End If
BaseModel.Draw(Me, Textures)
If setRasterizerState = True Then
Core.GraphicsDevice.RasterizerState = oldRasterizerState
End If
Me.DrawnLastFrame = True
If Me.EntityID <> "Floor" And Me.EntityID <> "Water" Then
If drawViewBox = True Then
BoundingBoxRenderer.Render(ViewBox, GraphicsDevice, Screen.Camera.View, Screen.Camera.Projection, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color.LightCoral)
End If
End If
Me.DrawnLastFrame = False
End If
End If
Me.DrawnLastFrame = False
End If
End Sub
Public Overridable Sub Render()
End Sub
Public Overridable Sub ClickFunction()
End Sub
Public Overridable Function WalkAgainstFunction() As Boolean
Return True
End Function
Public Overridable Function WalkIntoFunction() As Boolean
Return False
End Function
Public Overridable Sub WalkOntoFunction()
End Sub
Public Overridable Sub ResultFunction(ByVal Result As Integer)
End Sub
Public Overridable Function LetPlayerMove() As Boolean
Return True
End Function
Public _visibleLastFrame As Boolean = False
Public _occluded As Boolean = False
Public Function IsInFieldOfView() As Boolean
If Not Screen.Camera.BoundingFrustum.Contains(Me.ViewBox) = ContainmentType.Disjoint Then
Me._visibleLastFrame = True
Return True
Me._visibleLastFrame = False
Return False
End If
End Function
Dim _cachedVertexCount As Integer = -1 'Stores the vertex count so it doesnt need to be recalculated.
Public ReadOnly Property VertexCount() As Integer
If Me._cachedVertexCount = -1 Then
If Not Me.BaseModel Is Nothing Then
Dim c As Integer = CInt(Me.BaseModel.vertexBuffer.VertexCount / 3)
Dim min As Integer = 0
For i = 0 To Me.TextureIndex.Length - 1
If i <= c - 1 Then
If TextureIndex(i) > -1 Then
min += 1
End If
End If
Me._cachedVertexCount = min
Me._cachedVertexCount = 0
End If
End If
Return Me._cachedVertexCount
End Get
End Property
Protected Function GetEntity(ByVal List As List(Of Entity), ByVal Position As Vector3, ByVal IntComparison As Boolean, ByVal validEntitytypes As Type()) As Entity
For Each e As Entity In (From selEnt As Entity In List Select selEnt Where validEntitytypes.Contains(selEnt.GetType()))
If IntComparison = True Then
If e.Position.X.ToInteger() = Position.X.ToInteger() And e.Position.Y.ToInteger() = Position.Y.ToInteger() And e.Position.Z.ToInteger() = Position.Z.ToInteger() Then
Return e
End If
If e.Position.X = Position.X And e.Position.Y = Position.Y And e.Position.Z = Position.Z Then
Return e
End If
End If
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Sub ApplyEffect()
If Not Me.Model Is Nothing Then
For Each mesh As ModelMesh In Me.Model.Meshes
For Each part As ModelMeshPart In mesh.MeshParts
With CType(part.Effect, BasicEffect)
Lighting.UpdateLighting(CType(part.Effect, BasicEffect), True)
.Alpha = Me.Opacity
.DiffuseColor = Screen.Effect.DiffuseColor
If Not Screen.Level.World Is Nothing Then
If Screen.Level.World.EnvironmentType = P3D.World.EnvironmentTypes.Outside Then
.DiffuseColor *= SkyDome.GetDaytimeColor(True).ToVector3()
End If
End If
.FogEnabled = True
.FogColor = Screen.Effect.FogColor
.FogEnd = Screen.Effect.FogEnd
.FogStart = Screen.Effect.FogStart
End With
End If
End Sub
End Class