103 lines
3.7 KiB
103 lines
3.7 KiB
Namespace BattleSystem.Moves.Fighting
Public Class Counter
Inherits Attack
Public Sub New()
Me.Type = New Element(Element.Types.Fighting)
Me.ID = 68
Me.OriginalPP = 20
Me.CurrentPP = 20
Me.MaxPP = 20
Me.Power = 0
Me.Accuracy = 100
Me.Category = Categories.Physical
Me.ContestCategory = ContestCategories.Cool
Me.Name = Localization.GetString("move_name_" & Me.ID,"Counter")
Me.Description = "A retaliation move that counters any physical attack, inflicting double the damage taken."
Me.CriticalChance = 0
Me.IsHMMove = False
Me.Target = Targets.OneAdjacentTarget
Me.Priority = -5
Me.TimesToAttack = 1
Me.MakesContact = True
Me.ProtectAffected = True
Me.MagicCoatAffected = False
Me.SnatchAffected = False
Me.MirrorMoveAffected = False
Me.KingsrockAffected = False
Me.CounterAffected = True
Me.DisabledWhileGravity = False
Me.UseEffectiveness = True
Me.ImmunityAffected = True
Me.HasSecondaryEffect = False
Me.RemovesOwnFrozen = False
Me.IsHealingMove = False
Me.IsRecoilMove = False
Me.IsDamagingMove = True
Me.IsProtectMove = False
Me.IsAffectedBySubstitute = True
Me.IsOneHitKOMove = False
Me.IsWonderGuardAffected = True
End Sub
Public Overrides Function MoveFailBeforeAttack(Own As Boolean, BattleScreen As BattleScreen) As Boolean
Dim hasBeenDamaged As Boolean = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppPokemonDamagedLastTurn
If Own = True Then
hasBeenDamaged = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnPokemonDamagedLastTurn
End If
If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppTurnCounts = 0 OrElse BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnTurnCounts = 0 Then
If Own = False Then
hasBeenDamaged = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppPokemonDamagedThisTurn
hasBeenDamaged = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnPokemonDamagedThisTurn
End If
End If
If hasBeenDamaged = True Then
Dim damage As Integer = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnLastDamage
If Own = True Then
damage = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppLastDamage
End If
If damage > 0 Then
Dim lastMove As Attack = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnLastMove
If Own = True Then
lastMove = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppLastMove
End If
If Not lastMove Is Nothing Then
If lastMove.CounterAffected = True Then
Return False
End If
End If
End If
End If
BattleScreen.BattleQuery.Add(New TextQueryObject("But it failed!"))
Return True
End Function
Public Overrides Function GetDamage(Critical As Boolean, Own As Boolean, targetPokemon As Boolean, BattleScreen As BattleScreen, Optional ExtraParameter As String = "") As Integer
Dim damage As Integer = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnLastDamage
If Own = True Then
damage = BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppLastDamage
End If
Return damage * 2
End Function
End Class
End Namespace |