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:if:<register.registered(ilex_farfetchd_caught)>=True <and> <register.registered(ilex_farfetchd_complete)>=False <and> <register.registered(rocket_defeat_slowpokewell)>=True
@Text.show(Wow! Thanks a~whole bunch!*My Boss's Pokémon~won't obey me be-~cause I don't have~a Badge.)
@Text.show(Ah! My Farfetch'd!)
@Text.show(You found it for~us, kid?*Without it, we~wouldn't be able*to Cut trees for~charcoal.*Thanks, kid!*Now, how can I~thank you...*I know! Here, take~this.)
@Text.show(That's the Cut HM.~Teach that to a*Pokémon to clear~small trees.*Of course, you~have to have the*Gym Badge from~Azalea to use it.)
@Text.show(Do you want to~apprentice as a*charcoal maker~with me?*You'll be first-~rate in ten years!)
:if:<register.registered(ilex_farfetchd_intro)>=False <and> <register.registered(ilex_farfetchd_complete)>=False <and> <register.registered(rocket_defeat_slowpokewell)>=True
@Text.show(Oh, man... My Boss~is going to be~steaming...*The Farfetch'd~that Cuts trees*for charcoal took~off on me.*I can't go looking~for it here in the~Ilex Forest.*It's too big, dark~and scary for me...)