
107 lines
7.8 KiB

@text.notification(Juggler Irwin*Receiving call.......,500,5,5,phone,phone\016)
@Text.Show(Hey, <player.name>!~How are you?)
@Options.show(Good,Not so good)
:when:Not so good
@Text.show(Oh, that's good!)
@text.show(Sorry to hear that.)
@text.show(The weather here~on Route 35 has been~a little cold but~my jacket has been~keeping me nice~and warm.)
@text.show(The weather here~on Route 35 hasn't~been all that great.*The wind is~fridgid and snow~is getting in~my boots.)
@text.show(Also I have been~training alot.*Would you like~to battle?*I will be waiting~for you on Route 35.)
@text.show(It has been~rather nice out~here on Route 35.*The weather is~getting warmer and~the sky has~been clear.)
@text.show(The weather here~on Route 35 hasn't~been all that great.*It has been~raining alot recently.)
@text.show(Oh, by the way,~I recently found~this item.*I have no~need for it.*If you want~it I will be~waiting on Route 35.)
@Text.show(It is warming~up nicely here~on Route 35.*I sometimes see~the local kids~running around playing.*It is nice~to see them~having fun.)
@text.show(The weather here~on Route 35 hasn't~been all that great.*It is really~hot out and~Walt insists on~letting his Magmar~out to play,~which just makes~it worse.)
@text.show(Also I have been~training alot.*Would you like~to battle?*I will be waiting~for you on Route 35.)
@Text.show(Here on Route 35~the trees are starting~to change colors and~it looks very beautiful~all around.)
@text.show(The weather here~on Route 35 hasn't~been all that great.*The wind is~getting really cold~and it sometimes~stats raining~unexpectedly.)
@text.show(Oh, by the way,~I recently found~this item.*I have no~need for it.*If you want~it I will be~waiting on Route 35.)
@Text.show(Talk to you later.)
@text.show(Hope you feel~better soon.)