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Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
Imports NAudio.Wave
Imports NAudio.Wave.SampleProviders
Public Class LoopStream
Inherits WaveStream
Private _sourceStream As WaveStream
Public Sub New(ByVal sourceStream As WaveStream, Optional ByVal Looping As Boolean = True)
Me._sourceStream = sourceStream
Me._enableLooping = Looping
End Sub
Public Property _enableLooping As Boolean
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property WaveFormat As WaveFormat
Return _sourceStream.WaveFormat
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property Length As Long
Return _sourceStream.Length
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Property Position As Long
Return _sourceStream.Position
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Long)
_sourceStream.Position = value
End Set
End Property
Public Overrides Function Read(buffer() As Byte, offset As Integer, count As Integer) As Integer
Dim totalBytesRead As Integer = 0
While totalBytesRead < count
Dim bytesRead As Integer = _sourceStream.Read(buffer, offset + totalBytesRead, count - totalBytesRead)
If bytesRead = 0 Then
If _enableLooping Then
_sourceStream.Position = 0
If Not _sourceStream.Position = 0 Then
If MusicManager.Playlist.Count > 1 Then
End If
Dim NextSong As SongContainer = MusicManager.Playlist(0)
If NextSong IsNot Nothing Then
Logger.Debug($"Play song [{NextSong.Name}]")
If NextSong.AudioType = ".ogg" Then
_sourceStream = New VorbisWaveReader(NextSong.Song)
ElseIf NextSong.AudioType = ".mp3" Then
_sourceStream = New Mp3FileReader(NextSong.Song)
ElseIf NextSong.AudioType = ".wma" Then
_sourceStream = New MediaFoundationReader(NextSong.Song)
End If
_sourceStream.Position = 0
MusicManager._currentSongName = NextSong.Name
MusicManager._currentSong = NextSong
_enableLooping = NextSong.IsLoop
If MusicManager.GetSong("silence").AudioType = ".ogg" Then
_sourceStream = New VorbisWaveReader(MusicManager.GetSong("silence").Song)
ElseIf MusicManager.GetSong("silence").AudioType = ".mp3" Then
_sourceStream = New Mp3FileReader(MusicManager.GetSong("silence").Song)
ElseIf MusicManager.GetSong("silence").AudioType = ".wma" Then
_sourceStream = New MediaFoundationReader(MusicManager.GetSong("silence").Song)
End If
_enableLooping = True
_sourceStream.Position = 0
MusicManager._currentSong = Nothing
MusicManager._currentSongName = "silence"
Logger.Debug($"Play song [silence]")
End If
Exit While
End If
End If
End If
totalBytesRead += bytesRead
End While
Return totalBytesRead
End Function
End Class
Public Class MusicManager
Private Const DEFAULT_FADE_SPEED As Single = 0.5F
Private Const NO_MUSIC As String = "silence"
Private Shared _songs As Dictionary(Of String, SongContainer) = New Dictionary(Of String, SongContainer)()
Public Shared Property Volume As Single = 1.0F
Private Shared _lastVolume As Single = 1.0F
Private Shared _muted As Boolean = False
Private Shared _paused As Boolean = False
Public Shared ReadOnly Property IsLooping As Boolean
If Playlist IsNot Nothing AndAlso Playlist.Count <= 1 Then
Return True
Return False
End If
End Get
End Property
Public Shared Playlist As List(Of SongContainer)
' currently playing song
Public Shared _currentSongName As String = NO_MUSIC
' if the song in _currentSong is an actual existing song
Public Shared _currentSong As SongContainer = Nothing
' time until music playback is paused for sound effect
Private Shared _pausedUntil As Date
Private Shared _isPausedForSound As Boolean = False
' time until the intro of a song plays
Private Shared _introMuteTime As Date
Public Shared _introEndTime As Date
Public Shared _isIntroStarted As Boolean = False
' song that gets played after the intro finished
Public Shared _introContinueSong As String
' song that plays after fading is finished
Private Shared _nextSong As String
' speeds that get added/subtracted from the volume to fade the song
Private Shared _fadeSpeed As Single = DEFAULT_FADE_SPEED
' if the song that gets played after fading completed is an intro to another song
Public Shared _isFadingIn As Boolean = False
Private Shared _isFadingOut As Boolean = False
' NAudio properties
Public Shared outputDevice As WaveOutEvent
Public Shared audioFileOGG As VorbisWaveReader
Public Shared audioFileMP3 As Mp3FileReader
Public Shared audioFileWMA As MediaFoundationReader
Public Shared _stream As WaveChannel32
Public Shared Property MasterVolume As Single = 1.0F
Public Shared ReadOnly Property CurrentSong As SongContainer
If Playlist(0) IsNot Nothing Then
Return Playlist(0)
Return MusicManager.GetSong("silence")
End If
End Get
End Property
Public Shared Property Muted As Boolean
Return _muted
End Get
Set(value As Boolean)
If _muted <> value Then
_muted = value
If _muted = True Then
If outputDevice IsNot Nothing Then
Volume = 0.0F
Core.GameMessage.ShowMessage(Localization.GetString("game_message_audio_off"), 12, FontManager.MainFont, Color.White)
End If
If outputDevice IsNot Nothing Then
If _isPausedForSound = True Then
_muted = True
Volume = 0.0F
Volume = 1.0F
Core.GameMessage.ShowMessage(Localization.GetString("game_message_audio_on"), 12, FontManager.MainFont, Color.White)
End If
End If
End If
End If
End Set
End Property
Public Shared Property Paused As Boolean
Return _paused
End Get
Set(value As Boolean)
If _paused <> value Then
_paused = value
If _paused = True Then
If outputDevice IsNot Nothing Then
_introMuteTime = Date.Now
End If
End If
End If
End Set
End Property
Public Shared Sub Setup()
MasterVolume = 1.0F
If Muted = True Then
Volume = 0.0F
Volume = 1.0F
End If
Playlist = New List(Of SongContainer)
_isFadingOut = False
End Sub
Public Shared Sub Clear()
End Sub
Public Shared Sub ClearCurrentlyPlaying()
' cleans all remains of currently playing songs
_currentSong = Nothing
_currentSongName = NO_MUSIC
_isIntroStarted = False
End Sub
Public Shared Sub PlayNoMusic()
' fades out current track and sets to NO_MUSIC
End Sub
Public Shared Sub Update()
If _isPausedForSound Then
If Date.Now >= _pausedUntil Then
If Paused = True Then
_isPausedForSound = False
Paused = False
End If
End If
' fading
If _isFadingOut Then
Volume -= _fadeSpeed
If Volume <= 0F Then
Volume = 0F
_isFadingOut = False
If Playlist.Count > 1 Then
End If
Dim song = Playlist(0)
If Not song Is Nothing Then
If _isFadingIn Then
_isFadingIn = False
_introEndTime = Date.Now + song.Duration
_isIntroStarted = True
End If
If Muted = True Then
Volume = 0.0F
Volume = 1.0F
End If
' no song found, do not fade into anything
_isFadingIn = False
If Muted = True Then
Volume = 0.0F
Volume = 1.0F
End If
If _nextSong = NO_MUSIC Then
_nextSong = "Silence"
End If
End If
End If
' intro
' If _isIntroStarted Then
' If Paused = False Then
'If Date.Now >= _introEndTime Then
'Dim song = GetSong(_introContinueSong)
'_isLooping = True
'_isIntroStarted = False
'End If
'End If
'End If
End If
End If
If Core.GameInstance.IsActive AndAlso _lastVolume <> (Volume * MasterVolume) Then
End If
End Sub
Public Shared Sub UpdateVolume()
_lastVolume = Volume * MasterVolume
If Not _stream Is Nothing Then
_stream.Volume = Volume * MasterVolume
End If
End Sub
Public Shared Sub PauseForSound(ByVal sound As SoundEffect)
_isPausedForSound = True
_pausedUntil = Date.Now + sound.Duration
End Sub
Public Shared Sub Pause()
MusicManager.Paused = True
End Sub
Public Shared Sub [Stop]()
MusicManager.Play(NO_MUSIC, False, 0.0F)
_isIntroStarted = False
End Sub
Public Shared Sub ResumePlayback()
If Not CurrentSong Is Nothing Then
If outputDevice IsNot Nothing Then
' if an intro was playing while the music player was paused, calculate its end time
If outputDevice.PlaybackState = PlaybackState.Paused AndAlso _isIntroStarted Then
Dim pauseTime As TimeSpan = Date.Now.Subtract(_introMuteTime)
_introEndTime = _introEndTime + pauseTime
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Shared Sub Play(song As SongContainer)
If Not song Is Nothing Then
Logger.Debug($"Play song [{song.Name}]")
If Not outputDevice Is Nothing Then
End If
outputDevice = New WaveOutEvent()
If _stream IsNot Nothing Then
End If
If song.AudioType = ".ogg" Then
audioFileOGG = New VorbisWaveReader(song.Song)
_stream = New NAudio.Wave.WaveChannel32(New LoopStream(audioFileOGG, song.IsLoop))
ElseIf song.AudioType = ".mp3" Then
audioFileMP3 = New Mp3FileReader(song.Song)
_stream = New NAudio.Wave.WaveChannel32(New LoopStream(audioFileMP3, song.IsLoop))
ElseIf song.AudioType = ".wma" Then
audioFileWMA = New MediaFoundationReader(song.Song)
_stream = New NAudio.Wave.WaveChannel32(New LoopStream(audioFileWMA, song.IsLoop))
End If
If Paused = False Then
End If
_stream.Volume = Volume * MasterVolume
_currentSongName = song.Name
_currentSong = song
_currentSongName = NO_MUSIC
_currentSong = Nothing
End If
End Sub
Private Shared Sub FadeInto(song As SongContainer, fadeSpeed As Single)
_isFadingOut = True
If Not song Is Nothing Then
End If
_fadeSpeed = fadeSpeed
End Sub
Public Shared Function Play(song As String) As SongContainer
Return Play(song, True, DEFAULT_FADE_SPEED)
End Function
Public Shared Function Play(song As String, playIntro As Boolean, Optional loopSong As Boolean = True) As SongContainer
Return Play(song, playIntro, DEFAULT_FADE_SPEED, loopSong)
End Function
Public Shared Function Play(song As String, playIntro As Boolean, fadeSpeed As Single, Optional loopSong As Boolean = True, Optional AfterBattleIntroSong As String = "") As SongContainer
Dim playedSong As SongContainer = Nothing
' get the current song, only play if it's different
Dim currentSong = GetCurrentSong().ToLowerInvariant()
Dim songName = GetSongName(song)
Dim AfterBattleIntroSongName As String = GetSongName(AfterBattleIntroSong)
If currentSong = NO_MUSIC OrElse currentSong <> songName Then
If AfterBattleIntroSongName <> "" Then
Dim battleIntroSong = GetSong(songName)
Dim regularIntroSong = GetSong("intro\" + AfterBattleIntroSongName)
Dim regularLoopSong = GetSong(AfterBattleIntroSongName)
If battleIntroSong IsNot Nothing AndAlso battleIntroSong.Origin = regularLoopSong.Origin Then
If regularIntroSong IsNot Nothing AndAlso regularIntroSong.Origin = regularLoopSong.Origin Then
End If
If regularLoopSong IsNot Nothing Then
End If
playedSong = battleIntroSong
If regularIntroSong IsNot Nothing AndAlso regularIntroSong.Origin = regularLoopSong.Origin Then
If regularLoopSong IsNot Nothing Then
End If
playedSong = regularIntroSong
ElseIf regularLoopSong IsNot Nothing Then
playedSong = regularLoopSong
End If
End If
ElseIf playIntro = True Then
Dim introSong = GetSong("intro\" + songName)
Dim nextSong = GetSong(songName)
If Not introSong Is Nothing Then
If introSong.Origin = nextSong.Origin Then
' play the intro
If fadeSpeed > 0F Then
_isIntroStarted = False
_isFadingIn = True
FadeInto(introSong, fadeSpeed)
_isIntroStarted = True
_introEndTime = Date.Now + introSong.Duration
End If
Playlist.AddRange({introSong, nextSong})
playedSong = introSong
_isIntroStarted = False
_isFadingIn = False
End If
_isIntroStarted = False
_isFadingIn = False
End If
_isIntroStarted = False
_isFadingIn = False
End If
' intro was not requested or does not exist
If Not _isIntroStarted AndAlso Not _isFadingIn AndAlso AfterBattleIntroSongName = "" Then
Dim nextSong = GetSong(song)
If fadeSpeed > 0F Then
FadeInto(nextSong, fadeSpeed)
End If
playedSong = nextSong
End If
End If
Return playedSong
End Function
Public Shared Function SongExists(songName As String) As Boolean
Return Not GetSong(songName) Is Nothing
End Function
Private Shared Function GetCurrentSong() As String
' if the currently playing song is an intro, return the song that plays after the intro
' this prevents the same song from replaying if it starts playing while the intro is still in effect
' but if it's already fading, do not play the song if the song we are fading into is the same.
' also if we are fading into an intro, get the song that the intro would continue to
If Playlist IsNot Nothing Then
If Playlist.Count > 1 Then
If _isFadingOut Then
If _isFadingIn Then
Return Playlist(0).Name
Return Playlist(1).Name
End If
If _isIntroStarted Then
Return Playlist(1).Name
Return Playlist(0).Name
End If
End If
ElseIf Playlist.Count = 1 Then
Return Playlist(0).Name
End If
End If
End Function
Public Shared Function GetSong(songName As String) As SongContainer
Dim key = GetSongName(songName)
Dim cContent As ContentManager = ContentPackManager.GetContentManager("Songs\" & key, ".ogg,.mp3,.wma")
Dim contentSongFilePath = GameController.GamePath & "\" & cContent.RootDirectory & "\Songs\" & key
Dim gamemodeSongFilePath = GameController.GamePath & GameModeManager.ActiveGameMode.ContentPath & "Songs\" & key
Dim defaultSongFilePath = GameController.GamePath & "\Content\" & "Songs\" & key
Dim audiotype = ""
If _songs.ContainsKey(key) = True Then
Return _songs(key)
If System.IO.File.Exists(contentSongFilePath & ".ogg") = True OrElse System.IO.File.Exists(gamemodeSongFilePath & ".ogg") = True Or System.IO.File.Exists(defaultSongFilePath & ".ogg") = True Then
audiotype = ".ogg"
ElseIf System.IO.File.Exists(contentSongFilePath & ".mp3") = True OrElse System.IO.File.Exists(gamemodeSongFilePath & ".mp3") = True Or System.IO.File.Exists(defaultSongFilePath & ".mp3") = True Then
audiotype = ".mp3"
ElseIf System.IO.File.Exists(contentSongFilePath & ".wma") = True OrElse System.IO.File.Exists(gamemodeSongFilePath & ".wma") = True Or System.IO.File.Exists(defaultSongFilePath & ".wma") = True Then
audiotype = ".wma"
End If
End If
If File.Exists(contentSongFilePath & audiotype) Then
If AddSong(key, False) = True Then
Return _songs(key)
End If
ElseIf File.Exists(gamemodeSongFilePath & audiotype) Then
If AddSong(key, False) = True Then
Return _songs(key)
End If
ElseIf File.Exists(defaultSongFilePath & audiotype) Then
If AddSong(key, False) = True Then
Return _songs(key)
End If
If GameController.IS_DEBUG_ACTIVE = True Then
Logger.Debug("MusicManager.vb: Cannot find music file """ & songName & """. Return nothing.")
ElseIf songName.Contains("intro\") = False Then
Logger.Log(Logger.LogTypes.Warning, "MusicManager.vb: Cannot find music file """ & songName & """. Return nothing.")
End If
End If
Return Nothing
End Function
Private Shared Function GetSongName(song As String) As String
Dim key = song.ToLowerInvariant()
Dim aliasMap = SongAliasMap
If aliasMap.ContainsKey(key) Then
key = aliasMap(key).ToLowerInvariant()
End If
Return key
End Function
Private Shared Function AddSong(ByVal Name As String, ByVal forceReplace As Boolean) As Boolean
Dim cContent As ContentManager = ContentPackManager.GetContentManager("Songs\" & Name, ".ogg,.mp3,.wma")
Dim loadSong As Boolean = False
Dim removeSong As Boolean = False
If _songs.ContainsKey(GetSongName(Name)) = False Then
loadSong = True
ElseIf forceReplace = True And _songs(GetSongName(Name)).IsStandardSong = True Then
removeSong = True
loadSong = True
End If
If loadSong = True Then
Dim songFilePath As String = Nothing
Dim audioType As String = Nothing
If System.IO.File.Exists(GameController.GamePath & "\" & cContent.RootDirectory & "\Songs\" & Name & ".ogg") = True Then
audioType = ".ogg"
ElseIf System.IO.File.Exists(GameController.GamePath & "\" & cContent.RootDirectory & "\Songs\" & Name & ".mp3") = True Then
audioType = ".mp3"
ElseIf System.IO.File.Exists(GameController.GamePath & "\" & cContent.RootDirectory & "\Songs\" & Name & ".wma") = True Then
audioType = ".wma"
Logger.Log(Logger.LogTypes.Warning, "MusicManager.vb: Song at """ & GameController.GamePath & "\" & cContent.RootDirectory & "\Songs\" & Name & """ was not found!")
Return False
End If
If Not audioType Is Nothing Then
songFilePath = GameController.GamePath & "\" & cContent.RootDirectory & "\Songs\" & Name & audioType
If removeSong = True Then
End If
Dim Duration = GetSongDuration(songFilePath)
_songs.Add(GetSongName(Name), New SongContainer(songFilePath, Name, Duration, cContent.RootDirectory, audioType))
End If
End If
Catch ex As Exception
Logger.Log(Logger.LogTypes.Warning, "MusicManager.vb: File at ""Songs\" & Name & """ is not a valid song file!")
Return False
End Try
Return True
End Function
Public Shared Sub LoadMusic(ByVal forceReplace As Boolean)
For Each musicFile As String In System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(GameController.GamePath & GameModeManager.ActiveGameMode.ContentPath & "Songs\", "*.*", IO.SearchOption.AllDirectories)
If musicFile.EndsWith(".ogg") = True Or musicFile.EndsWith(".mp3") = True Or musicFile.EndsWith(".wma") = True Then
Dim isIntro As Boolean = False
If musicFile.Contains("\Songs\intro\") = True Then
isIntro = True
End If
If isIntro = False Then
musicFile = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(musicFile)
musicFile = "intro\" & System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(musicFile)
End If
AddSong(musicFile, forceReplace)
End If
If Core.GameOptions.ContentPackNames.Count > 0 Then
For Each c As String In Core.GameOptions.ContentPackNames
Dim path As String = GameController.GamePath & "\ContentPacks\" & c & "\Songs\"
If System.IO.Directory.Exists(path) = True Then
For Each musicFile As String In System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(path, "*.*", IO.SearchOption.AllDirectories)
If musicFile.EndsWith(".ogg") = True Or musicFile.EndsWith(".mp3") = True Or musicFile.EndsWith(".wma") = True Then
Dim isIntro As Boolean = False
If musicFile.Contains("\Songs\intro\") = True Then
isIntro = True
End If
If isIntro = False Then
musicFile = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(musicFile)
musicFile = "intro\" & System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(musicFile)
End If
AddSong(musicFile, forceReplace)
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Shared Function GetSongDuration(songFilePath As String) As TimeSpan
Dim DurationOGG As VorbisWaveReader = Nothing
Dim DurationMP3 As Mp3FileReader = Nothing
Dim DurationWMA As MediaFoundationReader = Nothing
Dim SongDuration As TimeSpan = Nothing
If songFilePath.Contains(".ogg") Then
DurationOGG = New VorbisWaveReader(songFilePath)
SongDuration = DurationOgg.TotalTime
ElseIf songFilePath.Contains(".mp3") Then
DurationMP3 = New Mp3FileReader(songFilePath)
SongDuration = DurationMP3.TotalTime
ElseIf songFilePath.Contains(".wma") Then
DurationWMA = New MediaFoundationReader(songFilePath)
SongDuration = DurationWMA.TotalTime
End If
If DurationOGG IsNot Nothing Then
End If
If DurationMP3 IsNot Nothing Then
End If
If DurationWMA IsNot Nothing Then
End If
Return SongDuration
End Function
Private Shared ReadOnly Property SongAliasMap As Dictionary(Of String, String)
Return New Dictionary(Of String, String)() From
{"welcome", "RouteMusic1"},
{"battle", "johto_wild"},
{"batleintro", "battle_intro"},
{"johto_battle_intro", "battle_intro"},
{"darkcave", "dark_cave"},
{"showmearound", "show_me_around"},
{"sprouttower", "sprout_tower"},
{"johto_rival_appear", "johto_rival_encounter"},
{"ilex_forest", "IlexForest"},
{"union_cave", "IlexForest"},
{"mt_mortar", "IlexForest"},
{"whirlpool_islands", "IlexForest"},
{"tohjo_falls", "IlexForest"},
End Get
End Property
End Class