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@text.show(Hi there!*My research specialty~is DNA and genetics.)
@text.show(I recently made a major~break~breakthrough with some help~from my colleagues in Unova.*The special properties of the~Legendary Pokémon Kyurem make~its DNA really compatible~with that of the Pokémon~Zekrom and Reshiram.*So compatible infact that~I was able to design a machine~that would be able to combine~either of them with Kyurem to~unlock Kyurem's full potential.*The only problem is that all~three of these Pokémon are~extremely rare legendary~creatures.*The ones sighted in Unova have~all ready been captured.*Oh you have found and captured~them in Johto?*Marvelous!*It will take a few minutes to~get the equipment turned on but~once I do I can help you fuse~either Reshiram or Zekrom~with Kyurem.)
@text.show(I can defuse your Kyurem-<register.value(KyuremFused)>, if you would like?)
:if:<pokemon.number(<pokemon.selected>)>=646 <and> <pokemon.additionaldata(<pokemon.selected>)>=<register.value(KyuremFused)>
@text.show(Okay, I will be back~with your defused~Pokémon in just a~second.)
@text.show(Success!*Here is your~regular Kyurem.)
@text.show(And here is your Zekrom.)
@text.show(And here is your Reshiram.)
@text.show(Let me know if I can~fuse Kyurem for you~in the future!)
@text.show(That isn't the correct~Pokémon.*Please bring me your~Kyurem-<register.value(KyuremFused)> if you~want me to defuse it.)
@text.show(You will need space~in your party for both~of the formally fused~Pokémon.*Please make room before~returning.)
@text.show(I can fuse your Kyurem,~if you would like?)
@text.show(Okay I will need a~Kyurem to start the~process.)
@Text.show(I will also need a~Reshiram or a Zekrom.)
@text.show(Okay, I will be back~with your fused~Pokémon in just a~second.)
@text.show(Success!*Here is your~Kyurem-White.)
@text.show(Okay, I will be back~with your fused~Pokémon in just a second.)
@text.show(Success!*Here is your~Kyurem-Black.)
@text.show(I need a Reshiram~or a Zekrom to~perform the fusion.)
@text.show(I need a Kyurem to fuse.)
:end |