1136 lines
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1136 lines
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''' <summary>
''' This class serves the only purpose to convert a key form the Keys enumeration to an actual Char that the key represents on the currently loaded keyboard layout.
''' </summary>
Public Class KeyCharConverter
#Region "KeyConversion"
' This shit right here...
#Region "VirtualKeys"
Private Const QS_EVENT As Integer = &H2000
Private Const VK_CANCEL As Integer = &H3
Private Const VK_BACK As Integer = &H8
Private Const VK_CLEAR As Integer = &HC
Private Const VK_RETURN As Integer = &HD
Private Const VK_PAUSE As Integer = &H13
Private Const VK_CAPITAL As Integer = &H14
Private Const VK_KANA As Integer = &H15
Private Const VK_HANGEUL As Integer = &H15
Private Const VK_HANGUL As Integer = &H15
Private Const VK_JUNJA As Integer = &H17
Private Const VK_FINAL As Integer = &H18
Private Const VK_HANJA As Integer = &H19
Private Const VK_KANJI As Integer = &H19
Private Const VK_ESCAPE As Integer = &H1B
Private Const VK_CONVERT As Integer = &H1C
Private Const VK_NONCONVERT As Integer = &H1D
Private Const VK_ACCEPT As Integer = &H1E
Private Const VK_MODECHANGE As Integer = &H1F
Private Const VK_SPACE As Integer = &H20
Private Const VK_PRIOR As Integer = &H21
Private Const VK_NEXT As Integer = &H22
Private Const VK_END As Integer = &H23
Private Const VK_HOME As Integer = &H24
Private Const VK_LEFT As Integer = &H25
Private Const VK_UP As Integer = &H26
Private Const VK_RIGHT As Integer = &H27
Private Const VK_DOWN As Integer = &H28
Private Const VK_SELECT As Integer = &H29
Private Const VK_PRINT As Integer = &H2A
Private Const VK_EXECUTE As Integer = &H2B
Private Const VK_SNAPSHOT As Integer = &H2C
Private Const VK_INSERT As Integer = &H2D
Private Const VK_DELETE As Integer = &H2E
Private Const VK_HELP As Integer = &H2F
Private Const VK_0 As Integer = &H30
Private Const VK_1 As Integer = &H31
Private Const VK_2 As Integer = &H32
Private Const VK_3 As Integer = &H33
Private Const VK_4 As Integer = &H34
Private Const VK_5 As Integer = &H35
Private Const VK_6 As Integer = &H36
Private Const VK_7 As Integer = &H37
Private Const VK_8 As Integer = &H38
Private Const VK_9 As Integer = &H39
Private Const VK_A As Integer = &H41
Private Const VK_B As Integer = &H42
Private Const VK_C As Integer = &H43
Private Const VK_D As Integer = &H44
Private Const VK_E As Integer = &H45
Private Const VK_F As Integer = &H46
Private Const VK_G As Integer = &H47
Private Const VK_H As Integer = &H48
Private Const VK_I As Integer = &H49
Private Const VK_J As Integer = &H4A
Private Const VK_K As Integer = &H4B
Private Const VK_L As Integer = &H4C
Private Const VK_M As Integer = &H4D
Private Const VK_N As Integer = &H4E
Private Const VK_O As Integer = &H4F
Private Const VK_P As Integer = &H50
Private Const VK_Q As Integer = &H51
Private Const VK_R As Integer = &H52
Private Const VK_S As Integer = &H53
Private Const VK_T As Integer = &H54
Private Const VK_U As Integer = &H55
Private Const VK_V As Integer = &H56
Private Const VK_W As Integer = &H57
Private Const VK_X As Integer = &H58
Private Const VK_Y As Integer = &H59
Private Const VK_Z As Integer = &H5A
Private Const VK_LWIN As Integer = &H5B
Private Const VK_RWIN As Integer = &H5C
Private Const VK_APPS As Integer = &H5D
Private Const VK_POWER As Integer = &H5E
Private Const VK_SLEEP As Integer = &H5F
Private Const VK_NUMPAD0 As Integer = &H60
Private Const VK_NUMPAD1 As Integer = &H61
Private Const VK_NUMPAD2 As Integer = &H62
Private Const VK_NUMPAD3 As Integer = &H63
Private Const VK_NUMPAD4 As Integer = &H64
Private Const VK_NUMPAD5 As Integer = &H65
Private Const VK_NUMPAD6 As Integer = &H66
Private Const VK_NUMPAD7 As Integer = &H67
Private Const VK_NUMPAD8 As Integer = &H68
Private Const VK_NUMPAD9 As Integer = &H69
Private Const VK_MULTIPLY As Integer = &H6A
Private Const VK_ADD As Integer = &H6B
Private Const VK_SEPARATOR As Integer = &H6C
Private Const VK_SUBTRACT As Integer = &H6D
Private Const VK_DECIMAL As Integer = &H6E
Private Const VK_DIVIDE As Integer = &H6F
Private Const VK_F1 As Integer = &H70
Private Const VK_F2 As Integer = &H71
Private Const VK_F3 As Integer = &H72
Private Const VK_F4 As Integer = &H73
Private Const VK_F5 As Integer = &H74
Private Const VK_F6 As Integer = &H75
Private Const VK_F7 As Integer = &H76
Private Const VK_F8 As Integer = &H77
Private Const VK_F9 As Integer = &H78
Private Const VK_F10 As Integer = &H79
Private Const VK_F11 As Integer = &H7A
Private Const VK_F12 As Integer = &H7B
Private Const VK_F13 As Integer = &H7C
Private Const VK_F14 As Integer = &H7D
Private Const VK_F15 As Integer = &H7E
Private Const VK_F16 As Integer = &H7F
Private Const VK_F17 As Integer = &H80
Private Const VK_F18 As Integer = &H81
Private Const VK_F19 As Integer = &H82
Private Const VK_F20 As Integer = &H83
Private Const VK_F21 As Integer = &H84
Private Const VK_F22 As Integer = &H85
Private Const VK_F23 As Integer = &H86
Private Const VK_F24 As Integer = &H87
Private Const VK_NUMLOCK As Integer = &H90
Private Const VK_SCROLL As Integer = &H91
Private Const VK_RSHIFT As Integer = &HA1
Private Const VK_BROWSER_BACK As Integer = &HA6
Private Const VK_BROWSER_FORWARD As Integer = &HA7
Private Const VK_BROWSER_REFRESH As Integer = &HA8
Private Const VK_BROWSER_STOP As Integer = &HA9
Private Const VK_BROWSER_SEARCH As Integer = &HAA
Private Const VK_BROWSER_FAVORITES As Integer = &HAB
Private Const VK_BROWSER_HOME As Integer = &HAC
Private Const VK_VOLUME_MUTE As Integer = &HAD
Private Const VK_VOLUME_DOWN As Integer = &HAE
Private Const VK_VOLUME_UP As Integer = &HAF
Private Const VK_MEDIA_NEXT_TRACK As Integer = &HB0
Private Const VK_MEDIA_PREV_TRACK As Integer = &HB1
Private Const VK_MEDIA_STOP As Integer = &HB2
Private Const VK_MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSE As Integer = &HB3
Private Const VK_LAUNCH_MAIL As Integer = &HB4
Private Const VK_LAUNCH_MEDIA_SELECT As Integer = &HB5
Private Const VK_LAUNCH_APP1 As Integer = &HB6
Private Const VK_LAUNCH_APP2 As Integer = &HB7
Private Const VK_PROCESSKEY As Integer = &HE5
Private Const VK_PACKET As Integer = &HE7
Private Const VK_ATTN As Integer = &HF6
Private Const VK_CRSEL As Integer = &HF7
Private Const VK_EXSEL As Integer = &HF8
Private Const VK_EREOF As Integer = &HF9
Private Const VK_PLAY As Integer = &HFA
Private Const VK_ZOOM As Integer = &HFB
Private Const VK_NONAME As Integer = &HFC
Private Const VK_PA1 As Integer = &HFD
Private Const VK_OEM_CLEAR As Integer = &HFE
Private Const VK_TAB As Integer = &H9
Private Const VK_SHIFT As Integer = &H10
Private Const VK_CONTROL As Integer = &H11
Private Const VK_MENU As Integer = &H12
Private Const VK_LSHIFT As Integer = &HA0
Private Const VK_RMENU As Integer = &HA5
Private Const VK_LMENU As Integer = &HA4
Private Const VK_LCONTROL As Integer = &HA2
Private Const VK_RCONTROL As Integer = &HA3
Private Const VK_LBUTTON As Integer = &H1
Private Const VK_RBUTTON As Integer = &H2
Private Const VK_MBUTTON As Integer = &H4
Private Const VK_XBUTTON1 As Integer = &H5
Private Const VK_XBUTTON2 As Integer = &H6
Private Const VK_OEM_1 As Integer = &HBA
Private Const VK_OEM_PLUS As Integer = &HBB
Private Const VK_OEM_COMMA As Integer = &HBC
Private Const VK_OEM_MINUS As Integer = &HBD
Private Const VK_OEM_PERIOD As Integer = &HBE
Private Const VK_OEM_2 As Integer = &HBF
Private Const VK_OEM_3 As Integer = &HC0
Private Const VK_C1 As Integer = &HC1
' Brazilian ABNT_C1 key (not defined in winuser.h).
Private Const VK_C2 As Integer = &HC2
' Brazilian ABNT_C2 key (not defined in winuser.h).
Private Const VK_OEM_4 As Integer = &HDB
Private Const VK_OEM_5 As Integer = &HDC
Private Const VK_OEM_6 As Integer = &HDD
Private Const VK_OEM_7 As Integer = &HDE
Private Const VK_OEM_8 As Integer = &HDF
Private Const VK_OEM_AX As Integer = &HE1
Private Const VK_OEM_102 As Integer = &HE2
Private Const VK_OEM_RESET As Integer = &HE9
Private Const VK_OEM_JUMP As Integer = &HEA
Private Const VK_OEM_PA1 As Integer = &HEB
Private Const VK_OEM_PA2 As Integer = &HEC
Private Const VK_OEM_PA3 As Integer = &HED
Private Const VK_OEM_WSCTRL As Integer = &HEE
Private Const VK_OEM_CUSEL As Integer = &HEF
Private Const VK_OEM_ATTN As Integer = &HF0
Private Const VK_OEM_FINISH As Integer = &HF1
Private Const VK_OEM_COPY As Integer = &HF2
Private Const VK_OEM_AUTO As Integer = &HF3
Private Const VK_OEM_ENLW As Integer = &HF4
Private Const VK_OEM_BACKTAB As Integer = &HF5
#End Region
Private Shared Function GetVirtualKeyFromKey(ByVal k As Windows.Forms.Keys) As Integer
Dim virtualKey As Integer = 0
Select Case CInt(k)
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.Cancel
virtualKey = VK_CANCEL
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.Back
virtualKey = VK_BACK
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.Tab
virtualKey = VK_TAB
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.Clear
virtualKey = VK_CLEAR
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.[Return]
virtualKey = VK_RETURN
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.Pause
virtualKey = VK_PAUSE
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.Capital
virtualKey = VK_CAPITAL
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.KanaMode
virtualKey = VK_KANA
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.JunjaMode
virtualKey = VK_JUNJA
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.FinalMode
virtualKey = VK_FINAL
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.KanjiMode
virtualKey = VK_KANJI
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.Escape
virtualKey = VK_ESCAPE
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.IMEConvert
virtualKey = VK_CONVERT
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.IMENonconvert
virtualKey = VK_NONCONVERT
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.IMEAccept
virtualKey = VK_ACCEPT
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.IMEModeChange
virtualKey = VK_MODECHANGE
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.Space
virtualKey = VK_SPACE
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.Prior
virtualKey = VK_PRIOR
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.[Next]
virtualKey = VK_NEXT
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.[End]
virtualKey = VK_END
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.Home
virtualKey = VK_HOME
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.Left
virtualKey = VK_LEFT
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.Up
virtualKey = VK_UP
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.Right
virtualKey = VK_RIGHT
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.Down
virtualKey = VK_DOWN
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.[Select]
virtualKey = VK_SELECT
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.Print
virtualKey = VK_PRINT
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.Execute
virtualKey = VK_EXECUTE
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.Snapshot
virtualKey = VK_SNAPSHOT
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.Insert
virtualKey = VK_INSERT
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.Delete
virtualKey = VK_DELETE
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.Help
virtualKey = VK_HELP
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.D0
virtualKey = VK_0
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.D1
virtualKey = VK_1
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.D2
virtualKey = VK_2
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.D3
virtualKey = VK_3
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.D4
virtualKey = VK_4
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.D5
virtualKey = VK_5
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.D6
virtualKey = VK_6
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.D7
virtualKey = VK_7
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.D8
virtualKey = VK_8
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.D9
virtualKey = VK_9
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.A
virtualKey = VK_A
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.B
virtualKey = VK_B
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.C
virtualKey = VK_C
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.D
virtualKey = VK_D
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.E
virtualKey = VK_E
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.F
virtualKey = VK_F
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.G
virtualKey = VK_G
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.H
virtualKey = VK_H
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.I
virtualKey = VK_I
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.J
virtualKey = VK_J
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.K
virtualKey = VK_K
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.L
virtualKey = VK_L
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.M
virtualKey = VK_M
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.N
virtualKey = VK_N
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.O
virtualKey = VK_O
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.P
virtualKey = VK_P
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.Q
virtualKey = VK_Q
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.R
virtualKey = VK_R
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.S
virtualKey = VK_S
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.T
virtualKey = VK_T
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.U
virtualKey = VK_U
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.V
virtualKey = VK_V
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.W
virtualKey = VK_W
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.X
virtualKey = VK_X
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.Y
virtualKey = VK_Y
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.Z
virtualKey = VK_Z
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.LWin
virtualKey = VK_LWIN
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.RWin
virtualKey = VK_RWIN
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.Apps
virtualKey = VK_APPS
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.Sleep
virtualKey = VK_SLEEP
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.NumPad0
virtualKey = VK_NUMPAD0
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.NumPad1
virtualKey = VK_NUMPAD1
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.NumPad2
virtualKey = VK_NUMPAD2
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.NumPad3
virtualKey = VK_NUMPAD3
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.NumPad4
virtualKey = VK_NUMPAD4
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.NumPad5
virtualKey = VK_NUMPAD5
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.NumPad6
virtualKey = VK_NUMPAD6
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.NumPad7
virtualKey = VK_NUMPAD7
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.NumPad8
virtualKey = VK_NUMPAD8
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.NumPad9
virtualKey = VK_NUMPAD9
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.Multiply
virtualKey = VK_MULTIPLY
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.Add
virtualKey = VK_ADD
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.Separator
virtualKey = VK_SEPARATOR
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.Subtract
virtualKey = VK_SUBTRACT
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.[Decimal]
virtualKey = VK_DECIMAL
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.Divide
virtualKey = VK_DIVIDE
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.F1
virtualKey = VK_F1
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.F2
virtualKey = VK_F2
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.F3
virtualKey = VK_F3
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.F4
virtualKey = VK_F4
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.F5
virtualKey = VK_F5
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.F6
virtualKey = VK_F6
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.F7
virtualKey = VK_F7
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.F8
virtualKey = VK_F8
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.F9
virtualKey = VK_F9
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.F10
virtualKey = VK_F10
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.F11
virtualKey = VK_F11
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.F12
virtualKey = VK_F12
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.F13
virtualKey = VK_F13
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.F14
virtualKey = VK_F14
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.F15
virtualKey = VK_F15
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.F16
virtualKey = VK_F16
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.F17
virtualKey = VK_F17
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.F18
virtualKey = VK_F18
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.F19
virtualKey = VK_F19
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.F20
virtualKey = VK_F20
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.F21
virtualKey = VK_F21
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.F22
virtualKey = VK_F22
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.F23
virtualKey = VK_F23
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.F24
virtualKey = VK_F24
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.NumLock
virtualKey = VK_NUMLOCK
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.Scroll
virtualKey = VK_SCROLL
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.LShiftKey
virtualKey = VK_LSHIFT
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.RShiftKey
virtualKey = VK_RSHIFT
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.LControlKey
virtualKey = VK_LCONTROL
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.RControlKey
virtualKey = VK_RCONTROL
Exit Select
Case 164
virtualKey = VK_LMENU
Exit Select
Case 165
virtualKey = VK_RMENU
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.BrowserBack
virtualKey = VK_BROWSER_BACK
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.BrowserForward
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.BrowserRefresh
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.BrowserStop
virtualKey = VK_BROWSER_STOP
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.BrowserSearch
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.BrowserFavorites
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.BrowserHome
virtualKey = VK_BROWSER_HOME
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.VolumeMute
virtualKey = VK_VOLUME_MUTE
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.VolumeDown
virtualKey = VK_VOLUME_DOWN
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.VolumeUp
virtualKey = VK_VOLUME_UP
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.MediaNextTrack
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.MediaPreviousTrack
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.MediaStop
virtualKey = VK_MEDIA_STOP
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.MediaPlayPause
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.LaunchMail
virtualKey = VK_LAUNCH_MAIL
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.SelectMedia
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.LaunchApplication1
virtualKey = VK_LAUNCH_APP1
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.LaunchApplication2
virtualKey = VK_LAUNCH_APP2
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.OemSemicolon
virtualKey = VK_OEM_1
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.Oemplus
virtualKey = VK_OEM_PLUS
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.Oemcomma
virtualKey = VK_OEM_COMMA
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.OemMinus
virtualKey = VK_OEM_MINUS
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.OemPeriod
virtualKey = VK_OEM_PERIOD
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.OemQuestion
virtualKey = VK_OEM_2
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.Oemtilde
virtualKey = VK_OEM_3
Exit Select
Case 193
virtualKey = VK_C1
Exit Select
Case 194
virtualKey = VK_C2
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.OemOpenBrackets
virtualKey = VK_OEM_4
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.OemPipe
virtualKey = VK_OEM_5
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.OemCloseBrackets
virtualKey = VK_OEM_6
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.OemQuotes
virtualKey = VK_OEM_7
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.Oem8
virtualKey = VK_OEM_8
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.OemBackslash
virtualKey = VK_OEM_102
Exit Select
Case 229
virtualKey = VK_PROCESSKEY
Exit Select
Case 240
' DbeAlphanumeric
virtualKey = VK_OEM_ATTN
Exit Select
Case 241
' DbeKatakana
virtualKey = VK_OEM_FINISH
Exit Select
Case 242
' DbeHiragana
virtualKey = VK_OEM_COPY
Exit Select
Case 243
' DbeSbcsChar
virtualKey = VK_OEM_AUTO
Exit Select
Case 244
' DbeDbcsChar
virtualKey = VK_OEM_ENLW
Exit Select
Case 245 'No Key here.
' DbeRoman
virtualKey = VK_OEM_BACKTAB
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.Attn
' DbeNoRoman
virtualKey = VK_ATTN
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.Crsel
' DbeEnterWordRegisterMode
virtualKey = VK_CRSEL
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.Exsel
' EnterImeConfigureMode
virtualKey = VK_EXSEL
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.EraseEof
' DbeFlushString
virtualKey = VK_EREOF
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.Play
' DbeCodeInput
virtualKey = VK_PLAY
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.Zoom
' DbeNoCodeInput
virtualKey = VK_ZOOM
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.NoName
' DbeDetermineString
virtualKey = VK_NONAME
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.Pa1
' DbeEnterDlgConversionMode
virtualKey = VK_PA1
Exit Select
Case Windows.Forms.Keys.OemClear
virtualKey = VK_OEM_CLEAR
Exit Select
Case Else
virtualKey = 0
Exit Select
End Select
Return virtualKey
End Function
#End Region
Private Enum MapType As UInteger
End Enum
Private Shared Function ToUnicode(wVirtKey As UInteger, wScanCode As UInteger, lpKeyState As Byte(), pwszBuff As System.Text.StringBuilder, cchBuff As Integer, wFlags As UInteger) As Integer
End Function
Private Shared Function GetKeyboardState(lpKeyState As Byte()) As Boolean
End Function
Private Shared Function MapVirtualKey(uCode As UInteger, uMapType As MapType) As UInteger
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Returns chars representing the keys pressed on a keyboard.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="key">The key. Returns nothing when no keypress was detected.</param>
Public Shared Function GetCharFromKey(key As Keys) As Char?
Return GetCharFromKey(CType(key, Windows.Forms.Keys))
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Returns chars representing the keys pressed on a keyboard.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="key">The key. Returns nothing when no keypress was detected.</param>
Public Shared Function GetCharFromKey(key As Windows.Forms.Keys) As Char?
Dim ch As Char? = Nothing
Dim virtualKey As Integer = GetVirtualKeyFromKey(key)
Dim keyboardState As Byte() = New Byte(255) {}
Dim scanCode As UInteger = MapVirtualKey(CUInt(virtualKey), MapType.MAPVK_VK_TO_VSC)
Dim stringBuilder As New System.Text.StringBuilder(2)
Dim result As Integer = ToUnicode(CUInt(virtualKey), scanCode, keyboardState, stringBuilder, stringBuilder.Capacity, 0)
Select Case result
Case -1
Exit Select
Case 0
Exit Select
Case 1
ch = stringBuilder(0)
Case Else
ch = stringBuilder(0)
End Select
Return ch
End Function
End Class