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:if:<register.registered(postblueoak)>=false <and> <player.badges>=16
@text.show(Hello, you are begining~to hold the air of~a great Champion,~<player.name>.*It is time for your~Pokédex to match~who you are.*Let me see your~Pokédex for a moment.*I will upgrade your~Pokédex with the~National Mode.)
@text.show(<player.name> recieved~the National Pokédex!)
@text.show(It won't be easy to complete~the National Pokédex...*Infact I have another~gift to help you~do that!)
@text.show(That pass will allow~you to take the~Sea Gallop Ferries~from Vermilion to all~of the Sevii Islands.*I have heard many~ruins and secrets lie~on those islands.*I am sure visiting~those islands will be~an amazing experience!)
:if:<register.registered(beatred)>=true <and> <register.registered(kantostart)>=false
#Kanto starters
#This sets a flag for the evaldist script so that it knows where the call came from:
:end |