2351 lines
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2351 lines
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Namespace GameJolt
Public Class PokegearScreen
Inherits Screen
Public Shared TradeRequestData As Integer = -1 ' This data gets set to the network ID of the user that requests a trade.
Public Shared BattleRequestData As Integer = -1 ' This data gets set to the network ID of the user that requests a battle.
Enum MenuScreens As Integer
Main = 0
PSS = 1
UserView = 2
PhoneList = 3
Frontier = 4
MiniMap = 5
Radio = 6
TradeRequest = 7
BattleRequest = 8
End Enum
Enum EntryModes As Integer
End Enum
Dim FunctionList As New List(Of String)
Dim width As Integer = 720
Dim heigth As Integer = 400
Dim Cursors() As Integer
Public menuIndex As MenuScreens = MenuScreens.Main
Public PublicKeys As String = ""
Public Sub New(ByVal currentScreen As Screen, ByVal EntryMode As EntryModes, ByVal Data() As Object)
Me.Identification = Identifications.PokegearScreen
Me.PreScreen = currentScreen
Me.MouseVisible = True
If Core.Player.IsGameJoltSave = True Then
Me.UserBanned = LogInScreen.UserBanned(Core.GameJoltSave.GameJoltID)
Dim APICall As New APICall(AddressOf GotPublicKeys)
APICall.GetKeys(False, "saveStorageV" & GameJolt.GamejoltSave.VERSION & "|*|*")
End If
If Me.UserBanned = False Then
If API.LoggedIn = True And Core.Player.IsGameJoltSave = True And Core.Player.Pokemons.Count > 0 Then
FunctionList.Add("Battle Spot")
End If
If (ActionScript.IsRegistered("pokegear_card_GTS") = True Or GameController.IS_DEBUG_ACTIVE = True) = True And API.LoggedIn = True And Core.Player.IsGameJoltSave = True Then
End If
If API.LoggedIn = True And Core.Player.IsGameJoltSave = True And Core.Player.Pokemons.Count > 0 Then
End If
End If
If ActionScript.IsRegistered("pokegear_card_radio") = True Or GameController.IS_DEBUG_ACTIVE = True Then
End If
If ActionScript.IsRegistered("pokegear_card_minimap") = True Or GameController.IS_DEBUG_ACTIVE = True Then
End If
If PlayerStatistics.CountStatistics() > 0 Then
End If
If ActionScript.IsRegistered("pokegear_card_frontier") = True Or GameController.IS_DEBUG_ACTIVE = True Then
End If
Cursors = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
Select Case EntryMode
Case EntryModes.MainMenu
Me.menuIndex = Player.Temp.LastPokegearPage
Case EntryModes.DisplayUser
Case EntryModes.TradeRequest
Case EntryModes.BattleRequest
End Select
End Sub
Private Sub InitializeUserView(ByVal Data() As Object)
' Data: NetworkID, GameJoltID, Name, Sprite
UserEmblem = Nothing
UserSprite = CType(Data(3), Texture2D)
UserName = CStr(Data(2))
UserOrigin = "Server"
UserNetworkID = CInt(Data(0))
menuIndex = MenuScreens.UserView
UserViewPreMenu = MenuScreens.Main
End Sub
Private Sub InitializeTradeRequest(ByVal Data() As Object)
' Data: NetworkID of the requester, GameJoltID
menuIndex = MenuScreens.TradeRequest
Me.TradeRequestNetworkID = CInt(Data(0))
Me.TradeRequestGameJoltID = CStr(Data(1))
SoundManager.PlaySound("Use_Item", False)
TradeRequestData = -1
End Sub
Private Sub InitializeBattleRequest(ByVal Data() As Object)
' Data: NetworkID of the requester, GameJoltID
menuIndex = MenuScreens.BattleRequest
Me.BattleRequestNetworkID = CInt(Data(0))
Me.BattleRequestGameJoltID = CStr(Data(1))
SoundManager.PlaySound("Use_Item", False)
BattleRequestData = -1
End Sub
Private Sub GotPublicKeys(ByVal result As String)
Me.PublicKeys = result
End Sub
Public Overrides Sub Draw()
Select Case Me.menuIndex
Case MenuScreens.Main
Case MenuScreens.PSS
Case MenuScreens.UserView
Case MenuScreens.PhoneList
Case MenuScreens.Frontier
Case MenuScreens.MiniMap
Case MenuScreens.Radio
Case MenuScreens.TradeRequest
Case MenuScreens.BattleRequest
End Select
End Sub
Public Overrides Sub Update()
Select Case Me.menuIndex
Case MenuScreens.Main
Case MenuScreens.PSS
Case MenuScreens.UserView
Case MenuScreens.PhoneList
Case MenuScreens.Frontier
Case MenuScreens.MiniMap
Case MenuScreens.Radio
Case MenuScreens.TradeRequest
Case MenuScreens.BattleRequest
End Select
If Me.menuIndex <> MenuScreens.TradeRequest Then
If KeyBoardHandler.KeyPressed(KeyBindings.SpecialKey) = True Or ControllerHandler.ButtonPressed(Buttons.Y) = True Then
If Me.menuIndex <> MenuScreens.UserView Then Player.Temp.LastPokegearPage = Me.menuIndex
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub DrawMain()
Dim startPos As Vector2 = GetStartPosition()
Canvas.DrawRectangle(New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X) - 1, CInt(startPos.Y) - 1, width + 2, heigth + 2), New Color(100, 100, 100))
Canvas.DrawGradient(New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X), CInt(startPos.Y), width, 30), New Color(11, 27, 61), New Color(21, 40, 96), False, -1)
Canvas.DrawGradient(New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X), CInt(startPos.Y) + 30, width, heigth - 30), New Color(225, 220, 94), New Color(210, 172, 73), False, -1)
Dim t As String = TimeHelpers.GetDisplayTime(Date.Now, True)
Dim t2 As String = "Pokégear"
Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, t, New Vector2(startPos.X + width - FontManager.MainFont.MeasureString(t).X - 5, startPos.Y + 4), Color.White)
Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, t2, New Vector2(startPos.X + 5, startPos.Y + 4), Color.White)
If API.LoggedIn = True Then
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\pokegear"), New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + 10 + FontManager.MainFont.MeasureString(t2).X), CInt(startPos.Y + 8), 16, 16), New Rectangle(80, 112, 16, 16), Color.White)
End If
If ConnectScreen.Connected = True Then
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\pokegear"), New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + 34 + FontManager.MainFont.MeasureString(t2).X), CInt(startPos.Y + 8), 16, 16), New Rectangle(112, 112, 16, 16), Color.White)
End If
Select Case World.GetTime
Case World.DayTimes.Night
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\pokegear"), New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + width - FontManager.MainFont.MeasureString(t).X - 34), CInt(startPos.Y + 6), 16, 16), New Rectangle(64, 112, 8, 8), Color.White)
Case World.DayTimes.Morning
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\pokegear"), New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + width - FontManager.MainFont.MeasureString(t).X - 34), CInt(startPos.Y + 6), 16, 16), New Rectangle(72, 112, 8, 8), Color.White)
Case World.DayTimes.Day
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\pokegear"), New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + width - FontManager.MainFont.MeasureString(t).X - 34), CInt(startPos.Y + 6), 16, 16), New Rectangle(64, 120, 8, 8), Color.White)
Case World.DayTimes.Evening
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\pokegear"), New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + width - FontManager.MainFont.MeasureString(t).X - 34), CInt(startPos.Y + 6), 16, 16), New Rectangle(72, 120, 8, 8), Color.White)
End Select
End Sub
#Region "MainMenu"
Private Sub DrawMainMenu()
Dim startPos As Vector2 = GetStartPosition()
Dim x As Integer = 0
Dim y As Integer = 0
For i = 0 To Me.FunctionList.Count - 1
Dim f As String = Me.FunctionList(i)
Dim t As Texture2D = Nothing
Dim displayText As String = ""
Select Case f
Case "PSS"
t = TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\pokegear", New Rectangle(64, 32, 32, 32), "")
displayText = "PSS"
Case "Wondertrade"
t = TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\pokegear", New Rectangle(0, 64, 32, 32), "")
displayText = "Wondertrade"
Case "Phone"
t = TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\pokegear", New Rectangle(96, 32, 32, 32), "")
displayText = "Phone"
Case "Radio"
t = TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\pokegear", New Rectangle(32, 32, 32, 32), "")
displayText = "Radio"
Case "GTS"
t = TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\pokegear", New Rectangle(64, 0, 32, 32), "")
displayText = "GTS"
Case "Frontier"
t = TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\pokegear", New Rectangle(32, 64, 32, 32), "")
displayText = "Frontier"
Case "Worldmap"
t = TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\pokegear", New Rectangle(64, 64, 32, 32), "")
displayText = "Worldmap"
Case "Minimap"
t = TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\pokegear", New Rectangle(96, 64, 32, 32), "")
displayText = "Minimap"
Case "Battle Spot"
t = TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\pokegear", New Rectangle(32, 96, 32, 32), "")
displayText = "BattleSpot"
Case "Statistics"
t = TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\pokegear", New Rectangle(32, 0, 32, 32), "")
displayText = "Statistics"
End Select
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\pokegear"), New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + (x * 152) + 80), CInt(startPos.Y + 80 + (y * 100)), 64, 64), New Rectangle(0, 0, 32, 32), Color.White)
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(t, New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + (x * 152) + 80), CInt(startPos.Y + 80 + (y * 100)), 64, 64), New Rectangle(0, 0, 32, 32), Color.White)
Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, displayText, New Vector2(CInt(startPos.X + (x * 152) + 80) + 32 - FontManager.MainFont.MeasureString(displayText).X / 2.0F, CInt(startPos.Y + 152 + (y * 100))), Color.Black)
If Cursors(0) = i Then
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\pokegear"), New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + (x * 152) + 80), CInt(startPos.Y + 80 + (y * 100)), 64, 64), New Rectangle(0, 32, 32, 32), Color.White)
End If
x += 1
While x > 3
x -= 4
y += 1
End While
End Sub
Private Sub UpdateMainMenu()
If Controls.Right(True, True, True, True, True, True) = True Then
Cursors(0) += 1
End If
If Controls.Left(True, True, True, True, True, True) = True Then
Cursors(0) -= 1
End If
If Controls.Up(True, True, False, True, True, True) = True Then
Cursors(0) -= 4
End If
If Controls.Down(True, True, False, True, True, True) = True Then
Cursors(0) += 4
End If
Cursors(0) = Cursors(0).Clamp(0, FunctionList.Count - 1)
If Controls.Accept(True, False, False) = True Then
Dim pressedIndex As Integer = -1
Dim startPos As Vector2 = GetStartPosition()
For x = 0 To 3
For y = 0 To 2
Dim r As New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + (x * 152) + 80), CInt(startPos.Y + 80 + (y * 100)), 64, 64)
If r.Contains(MouseHandler.MousePosition) = True Then
pressedIndex = x + y * 4
End If
If pressedIndex > -1 Then
If FunctionList.Count - 1 >= pressedIndex Then
If Cursors(0) = pressedIndex Then
Cursors(0) = pressedIndex
End If
End If
End If
End If
If Controls.Accept(False, True, True) = True Then
End If
If Controls.Dismiss(True, True) = True Then
End If
End Sub
Private Sub PressedMainMenuButton()
Select Case FunctionList(Cursors(0))
Case "PSS"
Me.menuIndex = MenuScreens.PSS
Case "Battle Spot"
Core.SetScreen(New TransitionScreen(Core.CurrentScreen, New RegisterBattleScreen(Core.CurrentScreen), Color.White, False))
Case "Phone"
Me.menuIndex = MenuScreens.PhoneList
Case "GTS"
Core.SetScreen(New TransitionScreen(Core.CurrentScreen, New GTSMainScreen(Core.CurrentScreen), Color.White, False))
Case "Frontier"
Me.menuIndex = MenuScreens.Frontier
Case "Worldmap"
Dim argument As String = Screen.Level.CurrentRegion
If argument.Contains(",") = True Then
Dim regions As List(Of String) = argument.Split(CChar(",")).ToList()
Core.SetScreen(New TransitionScreen(Core.CurrentScreen, New MapScreen(Core.CurrentScreen, regions, 0, {"view"}), Color.White, False))
Dim startRegion As String = argument
Core.SetScreen(New TransitionScreen(Core.CurrentScreen, New MapScreen(Core.CurrentScreen, startRegion, {"view"}), Color.White, False))
End If
Case "Minimap"
Me.menuIndex = MenuScreens.MiniMap
Case "Radio"
Me.menuIndex = MenuScreens.Radio
Case "Wondertrade"
Core.SetScreen(New TransitionScreen(Core.CurrentScreen, New WonderTradeScreen(Core.CurrentScreen), Color.White, False))
Case "Statistics"
Core.SetScreen(New TransitionScreen(Core.CurrentScreen, New StatisticsScreen(Core.CurrentScreen), Color.White, False))
End Select
End Sub
#End Region
#Region "PSS"
Dim PSSmenuIndex As Integer = 0
Dim UserBanned As Boolean = False
Private Sub DrawPSS()
Select Case PSSmenuIndex
Case 0
Case 1
Case 2
End Select
End Sub
Private Sub UpdatePSS()
Select Case Me.PSSmenuIndex
Case 0
Case 1
Case 2
End Select
If Controls.Right(True, True, False, True, True, True) = True Then
PSSmenuIndex += 1
End If
If Controls.Left(True, True, False, True, True, True) = True Then
PSSmenuIndex -= 1
End If
Dim startPos As Vector2 = GetStartPosition()
Dim recRank As New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + 40), CInt(startPos.Y + 46), 184, 32)
Dim recFriends As New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + 40 + 200), CInt(startPos.Y + 46), 184, 32)
Dim recLocal As New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + 40 + 200 + 200), CInt(startPos.Y + 46), 184, 32)
If Controls.Accept(True, False, False) Then
If recRank.Contains(MouseHandler.MousePosition) Then
PSSmenuIndex = 0
End If
If recFriends.Contains(MouseHandler.MousePosition) Then
PSSmenuIndex = 1
End If
If recLocal.Contains(MouseHandler.MousePosition) Then
PSSmenuIndex = 2
End If
End If
If PSSmenuIndex > 2 Then
PSSmenuIndex = 0
End If
If PSSmenuIndex < 0 Then
PSSmenuIndex = 2
End If
If Controls.Dismiss(True, True, True) = True Then
Me.menuIndex = MenuScreens.Main
End If
End Sub
#Region "Ranklist"
Dim RankListScroll As Integer = 0
Dim RankListSelect As Integer = 0
Dim OwnRank As Integer = 0
Dim RankingList As New List(Of Emblem)
Dim InitializedRanklist As Boolean = False
Private Sub DrawRanklist()
Dim startPos As Vector2 = GetStartPosition()
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\pokegear"), New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + 40), CInt(startPos.Y + 46), 16, 32), New Rectangle(96, 112, 8, 16), Color.White, 0.0F, Vector2.Zero, SpriteEffects.FlipVertically, 0.0F)
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\pokegear"), New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + 40 + 16), CInt(startPos.Y + 46), 152, 32), New Rectangle(102, 112, 4, 16), Color.White, 0.0F, Vector2.Zero, SpriteEffects.FlipVertically, 0.0F)
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\pokegear"), New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + 40 + 16 + 152), CInt(startPos.Y + 46), 16, 32), New Rectangle(104, 112, 8, 16), Color.White, 0.0F, Vector2.Zero, SpriteEffects.FlipVertically, 0.0F)
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\pokegear"), New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + 40 + 200), CInt(startPos.Y + 46), 16, 32), New Rectangle(96, 112, 8, 16), Color.White)
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\pokegear"), New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + 40 + 200 + 16), CInt(startPos.Y + 46), 152, 32), New Rectangle(102, 112, 4, 16), Color.White)
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\pokegear"), New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + 40 + 200 + 16 + 152), CInt(startPos.Y + 46), 16, 32), New Rectangle(104, 112, 8, 16), Color.White)
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\pokegear"), New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + 40 + 200 + 200), CInt(startPos.Y + 46), 16, 32), New Rectangle(96, 112, 8, 16), Color.White)
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\pokegear"), New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + 40 + 200 + 200 + 16), CInt(startPos.Y + 46), 152, 32), New Rectangle(102, 112, 4, 16), Color.White)
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\pokegear"), New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + 40 + 200 + 200 + 16 + 152), CInt(startPos.Y + 46), 16, 32), New Rectangle(104, 112, 8, 16), Color.White)
Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, "PSS Ranklist", New Vector2(CInt(startPos.X + 48), CInt(startPos.Y + 48)), Color.Black)
Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, "PSS Friendlist", New Vector2(CInt(startPos.X + 48 + 200), CInt(startPos.Y + 48)), Color.Black)
Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, "PSS Passby", New Vector2(CInt(startPos.X + 48 + 200 + 200), CInt(startPos.Y + 48)), Color.Black)
If Core.Player.IsGameJoltSave = True Then
' Draw own information:
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\pokegear"), New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + 40), CInt(startPos.Y + 80), 16, 32), New Rectangle(96, 112, 8, 16), Color.White)
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\pokegear"), New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + 40 + 16), CInt(startPos.Y + 80), 480, 32), New Rectangle(102, 112, 4, 16), Color.White)
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\pokegear"), New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + 40 + 16 + 480), CInt(startPos.Y + 80), 16, 32), New Rectangle(104, 112, 8, 16), Color.White)
Dim ownE As New Emblem(Core.Player.Name, Core.GameJoltSave.GameJoltID, Core.GameJoltSave.Points, Core.GameJoltSave.Gender, Core.GameJoltSave.Emblem)
Dim ownFrameSize As New Size(CInt(ownE.SpriteTexture.Width / 3), CInt(ownE.SpriteTexture.Height / 4))
Dim ownFrameScale As Single = 1.0F
If ownE.SpriteTexture.Width = ownE.SpriteTexture.Height / 2 Then
ownFrameSize.Width = CInt(ownE.SpriteTexture.Width / 2)
ElseIf ownE.SpriteTexture.Width = ownE.SpriteTexture.Height Then
ownFrameSize.Width = CInt(ownE.SpriteTexture.Width / 4)
ownFrameSize.Width = CInt(ownE.SpriteTexture.Width / 3)
End If
If ownFrameSize.Width > 32 Then
ownFrameScale = 0.5F
End If
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(ownE.SpriteTexture, New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + 64 - (ownFrameSize.Width * ownFrameScale / 2)), CInt(startPos.Y + 96 - (ownFrameSize.Height * ownFrameScale / 2)), CInt(ownFrameSize.Width * ownFrameScale), CInt(ownFrameSize.Height * ownFrameScale)), New Rectangle(0, ownFrameSize.Height * 2, ownFrameSize.Width, ownFrameSize.Height), Color.White)
Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, ownE.Username, New Vector2(CInt(startPos.X + 88), CInt(startPos.Y + 80)), Color.Black)
If OwnRank > -1 Then
Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, "Rank " & OwnRank.ToString(), New Vector2(CInt(startPos.X + 332), CInt(startPos.Y + 80)), Color.Black)
End If
If UserBanned = False Then
If PublicKeys <> "" Then
For i = 0 To 8
Dim index As Integer = i + RankListScroll
Dim e As Emblem = Nothing
If index <= RankingList.Count - 1 Then
e = RankingList(index)
If Not e Is Nothing Then
Dim eff As SpriteEffects = SpriteEffects.None
If index = RankListSelect Then
eff = SpriteEffects.FlipVertically
End If
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\pokegear"), New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + 40), CInt(startPos.Y + 80 + 36 + i * 36), 16, 32), New Rectangle(96, 112, 8, 16), Color.White, 0.0F, Vector2.Zero, eff, 0.0F)
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\pokegear"), New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + 40 + 16), CInt(startPos.Y + 80 + 36 + i * 36), 480, 32), New Rectangle(102, 112, 4, 16), Color.White, 0.0F, Vector2.Zero, eff, 0.0F)
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\pokegear"), New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + 40 + 16 + 480), CInt(startPos.Y + 80 + 36 + i * 36), 16, 32), New Rectangle(104, 112, 8, 16), Color.White, 0.0F, Vector2.Zero, eff, 0.0F)
If e.DoneLoading = True Then
Dim frameSize As New Size(CInt(e.SpriteTexture.Width / 3), CInt(e.SpriteTexture.Height / 4))
Dim frameScale As Single = 1.0F
If e.SpriteTexture.Width = e.SpriteTexture.Height / 2 Then
frameSize.Width = CInt(e.SpriteTexture.Width / 2)
ElseIf e.SpriteTexture.Width = e.SpriteTexture.Height Then
frameSize.Width = CInt(e.SpriteTexture.Width / 4)
frameSize.Width = CInt(e.SpriteTexture.Width / 3)
End If
If frameSize.Width > 32 Then
frameScale = 0.5F
End If
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(e.SpriteTexture, New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + 64 - (frameSize.Width * frameScale / 2)), CInt(startPos.Y + 96 - (ownFrameSize.Height * ownFrameScale / 2) + 36 + i * 36), CInt(frameSize.Width * frameScale), CInt(frameSize.Height * frameScale)), New Rectangle(0, frameSize.Height * 2, frameSize.Width, frameSize.Height), Color.White)
Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, e.Username, New Vector2(CInt(startPos.X + 88), CInt(startPos.Y + 80 + 36 + i * 36)), Color.Black)
Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, "Rank " & (index + 1).ToString() & " (" & e.Points.ToString() & ")", New Vector2(CInt(startPos.X + 332), CInt(startPos.Y + 80 + 36 + i * 36)), Color.Black)
If e.startedLoading = False Then
End If
Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, "Loading" & LoadingDots.Dots, New Vector2(CInt(startPos.X + 48), CInt(startPos.Y + 80 + 36 + i * 36)), Color.Black)
End If
End If
End If
Canvas.DrawScrollBar(New Vector2(startPos.X + 570, startPos.Y + 88), 100, 9, RankListScroll, New Size(4, 300), False, New Color(252, 196, 68), New Color(217, 120, 18))
Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, "Loading" & LoadingDots.Dots, New Vector2(CInt(startPos.X + 48), CInt(startPos.Y + 80 + 36)), Color.Black)
End If
End If
Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, "You are not logged in with a GameJolt profile.", New Vector2(CInt(startPos.X + 48), CInt(startPos.Y + 88)), Color.Black)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub UpdateRanklist()
If InitializedRanklist = False Then
If RankingList.Count > 0 Then
Dim c As Integer = 1
If Controls.ShiftDown() = True Then
c = 5
End If
If Controls.Up(True, True, False, True, True, True) = True Then
If RankListSelect = RankListScroll Then
RankListScroll -= c
End If
RankListSelect -= c
End If
If Controls.Down(True, True, False, True, True, True) = True Then
If RankListSelect = RankListScroll + 8 Then
RankListScroll += c
End If
RankListSelect += c
End If
If Controls.Up(True, False, True, False, False, False) = True Then
RankListScroll -= c
RankListSelect -= c
End If
If Controls.Down(True, False, True, False, False, False) = True Then
RankListScroll += c
RankListSelect += c
End If
If Controls.Accept(True, False, False) = True Then
Dim startPos As Vector2 = GetStartPosition()
For i = 0 To 8
Dim r As New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + 40), CInt(startPos.Y + 80 + i * 36), 510, 32)
If r.Contains(MouseHandler.MousePosition) Then
If RankListSelect = i + RankListScroll Then
RankListSelect = i + RankListScroll
End If
Exit For
End If
End If
If RankListScroll > RankListSelect Then
RankListScroll = RankListSelect
End If
If RankListScroll + 8 < RankListSelect Then
RankListScroll = RankListSelect - 8
End If
RankListScroll = RankListScroll.Clamp(0, RankingList.Count - 9)
RankListSelect = RankListSelect.Clamp(0, RankingList.Count - 1)
If Controls.Accept(False, True, True) = True Then
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub InitalizeRanklist()
If Me.PublicKeys <> "" Then
InitializedRanklist = True
If Core.Player.IsGameJoltSave = True And UserBanned = False Then
Dim APICall As New APICall(AddressOf GotDataRanklist)
APICall.FetchTable(100, "14908")
Dim APICallOwnRank As New APICall(AddressOf GotOwnRank)
APICallOwnRank.FetchUserRank("14908", Core.GameJoltSave.Points)
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub GotDataRanklist(ByVal result As String)
Dim list As List(Of API.JoltValue) = API.HandleData(result)
For Each Item As API.JoltValue In list
If Item.Name.ToLower() = "user" Then
RankingList.Add(New Emblem(Item.Value, PublicKeys, False))
End If
End Sub
Private Sub GotOwnRank(ByVal result As String)
Dim list As List(Of API.JoltValue) = API.HandleData(result)
For Each Item As API.JoltValue In list
If Item.Name.ToLower() = "rank" Then
OwnRank = CInt(Item.Value)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub PSSRanklistDisplayUser()
UserEmblem = RankingList(RankListSelect)
UserSprite = UserEmblem.SpriteTexture
UserName = UserEmblem.Username
UserOrigin = "GJ"
For Each p As Servers.Player In Core.ServersManager.PlayerCollection
If p.GameJoltId <> "" Then
If UserEmblem.GameJoltID = p.GameJoltId Then
UserOrigin &= "|Server"
UserNetworkID = p.ServersID
End If
End If
menuIndex = MenuScreens.UserView
UserViewPreMenu = MenuScreens.PSS
End Sub
#End Region
#Region "Friends"
Dim InitializedFriends As Boolean = False
Dim FriendList As New List(Of Emblem)
Dim FriendListScroll As Integer = 0
Dim FriendListSelect As Integer = 0
Private Sub DrawFriendList()
Dim startPos As Vector2 = GetStartPosition()
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\pokegear"), New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + 40), CInt(startPos.Y + 46), 16, 32), New Rectangle(96, 112, 8, 16), Color.White)
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\pokegear"), New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + 40 + 16), CInt(startPos.Y + 46), 152, 32), New Rectangle(102, 112, 4, 16), Color.White)
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\pokegear"), New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + 40 + 16 + 152), CInt(startPos.Y + 46), 16, 32), New Rectangle(104, 112, 8, 16), Color.White)
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\pokegear"), New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + 40 + 200), CInt(startPos.Y + 46), 16, 32), New Rectangle(96, 112, 8, 16), Color.White, 0.0F, Vector2.Zero, SpriteEffects.FlipVertically, 0.0F)
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\pokegear"), New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + 40 + 200 + 16), CInt(startPos.Y + 46), 152, 32), New Rectangle(102, 112, 4, 16), Color.White, 0.0F, Vector2.Zero, SpriteEffects.FlipVertically, 0.0F)
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\pokegear"), New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + 40 + 200 + 16 + 152), CInt(startPos.Y + 46), 16, 32), New Rectangle(104, 112, 8, 16), Color.White, 0.0F, Vector2.Zero, SpriteEffects.FlipVertically, 0.0F)
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\pokegear"), New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + 40 + 200 + 200), CInt(startPos.Y + 46), 16, 32), New Rectangle(96, 112, 8, 16), Color.White)
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\pokegear"), New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + 40 + 200 + 200 + 16), CInt(startPos.Y + 46), 152, 32), New Rectangle(102, 112, 4, 16), Color.White)
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\pokegear"), New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + 40 + 200 + 200 + 16 + 152), CInt(startPos.Y + 46), 16, 32), New Rectangle(104, 112, 8, 16), Color.White)
Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, "PSS Ranklist", New Vector2(CInt(startPos.X + 48), CInt(startPos.Y + 48)), Color.Black)
Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, "PSS Friendlist", New Vector2(CInt(startPos.X + 48 + 200), CInt(startPos.Y + 48)), Color.Black)
Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, "PSS Passby", New Vector2(CInt(startPos.X + 48 + 200 + 200), CInt(startPos.Y + 48)), Color.Black)
If Core.Player.IsGameJoltSave = True Then
' Draw own information:
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\pokegear"), New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + 40), CInt(startPos.Y + 80), 16, 32), New Rectangle(96, 112, 8, 16), Color.White)
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\pokegear"), New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + 40 + 16), CInt(startPos.Y + 80), 480, 32), New Rectangle(102, 112, 4, 16), Color.White)
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\pokegear"), New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + 40 + 16 + 480), CInt(startPos.Y + 80), 16, 32), New Rectangle(104, 112, 8, 16), Color.White)
Dim ownE As New Emblem(Core.Player.Name, Core.GameJoltSave.GameJoltID, Core.GameJoltSave.Points, Core.GameJoltSave.Gender, Core.GameJoltSave.Emblem)
Dim ownFrameSize As New Size(CInt(ownE.SpriteTexture.Width / 3), CInt(ownE.SpriteTexture.Height / 4))
Dim ownFrameScale As Single = 1.0F
If ownE.SpriteTexture.Width = ownE.SpriteTexture.Height / 2 Then
ownFrameSize.Width = CInt(ownE.SpriteTexture.Width / 2)
ElseIf ownE.SpriteTexture.Width = ownE.SpriteTexture.Height Then
ownFrameSize.Width = CInt(ownE.SpriteTexture.Width / 4)
ownFrameSize.Width = CInt(ownE.SpriteTexture.Width / 3)
End If
If ownFrameSize.Width > 32 Then
ownFrameScale = 0.5F
End If
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(ownE.SpriteTexture, New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + 64 - (ownFrameSize.Width * ownFrameScale / 2)), CInt(startPos.Y + 96 - (ownFrameSize.Height * ownFrameScale / 2)), CInt(ownFrameSize.Width * ownFrameScale), CInt(ownFrameSize.Height * ownFrameScale)), New Rectangle(0, ownFrameSize.Height * 2, ownFrameSize.Width, ownFrameSize.Height), Color.White)
Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, ownE.Username, New Vector2(CInt(startPos.X + 88), CInt(startPos.Y + 80)), Color.Black)
If OwnRank > -1 Then
Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, "Rank " & OwnRank.ToString(), New Vector2(CInt(startPos.X + 332), CInt(startPos.Y + 80)), Color.Black)
End If
If UserBanned = False Then
If PublicKeys <> "" Then
For i = 0 To 8
Dim index As Integer = i + FriendListScroll
Dim e As Emblem = Nothing
If index <= FriendList.Count - 1 Then
e = FriendList(index)
If Not e Is Nothing Then
Dim eff As SpriteEffects = SpriteEffects.None
If index = FriendListSelect Then
eff = SpriteEffects.FlipVertically
End If
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\pokegear"), New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + 40), CInt(startPos.Y + 80 + 36 + i * 36), 16, 32), New Rectangle(96, 112, 8, 16), Color.White, 0.0F, Vector2.Zero, eff, 0.0F)
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\pokegear"), New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + 40 + 16), CInt(startPos.Y + 80 + 36 + i * 36), 480, 32), New Rectangle(102, 112, 4, 16), Color.White, 0.0F, Vector2.Zero, eff, 0.0F)
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\pokegear"), New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + 40 + 16 + 480), CInt(startPos.Y + 80 + 36 + i * 36), 16, 32), New Rectangle(104, 112, 8, 16), Color.White, 0.0F, Vector2.Zero, eff, 0.0F)
If e.DoneLoading = True Then
Dim frameSize As New Size(CInt(e.SpriteTexture.Width / 3), CInt(e.SpriteTexture.Height / 4))
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(e.SpriteTexture, New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + 48), CInt(startPos.Y + 80 + 36 + i * 36), 32, 32), New Rectangle(0, frameSize.Height * 2, frameSize.Width, frameSize.Height), Color.White)
Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, e.Username, New Vector2(CInt(startPos.X + 88), CInt(startPos.Y + 80 + 36 + i * 36)), Color.Black)
Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, "Level " & Emblem.GetPlayerLevel(e.Points) & " (" & e.Points.ToString() & ")", New Vector2(CInt(startPos.X + 332), CInt(startPos.Y + 80 + 36 + i * 36)), Color.Black)
If e.startedLoading = False Then
End If
Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, "Loading" & LoadingDots.Dots, New Vector2(CInt(startPos.X + 48), CInt(startPos.Y + 80 + 36 + i * 36)), Color.Black)
End If
End If
End If
Canvas.DrawScrollBar(New Vector2(startPos.X + 570, startPos.Y + 88), FriendList.Count, 9, FriendListScroll, New Size(4, 300), False, New Color(252, 196, 68), New Color(217, 120, 18))
Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, "Loading" & LoadingDots.Dots, New Vector2(CInt(startPos.X + 48), CInt(startPos.Y + 80 + 36)), Color.Black)
End If
End If
Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, "You are not logged in with a GameJolt profile.", New Vector2(CInt(startPos.X + 48), CInt(startPos.Y + 88)), Color.Black)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub UpdateFriendList()
If InitializedFriends = False Then
If FriendList.Count > 0 Then
Dim c As Integer = 1
If Controls.ShiftDown() = True Then
c = 5
End If
If Controls.Up(True, True, False, True, True, True) = True Then
If FriendListSelect = FriendListScroll Then
FriendListScroll -= c
End If
FriendListSelect -= c
End If
If Controls.Down(True, True, False, True, True, True) = True Then
If FriendListSelect = FriendListScroll + 8 Then
FriendListScroll += c
End If
FriendListSelect += c
End If
If Controls.Up(True, False, True, False, False, False) = True Then
FriendListScroll -= c
FriendListSelect -= c
End If
If Controls.Down(True, False, True, False, False, False) = True Then
FriendListScroll += c
FriendListSelect += c
End If
If Controls.Accept(True, False, False) = True Then
Dim startPos As Vector2 = GetStartPosition()
For i = 0 To 8
Dim r As New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + 40), CInt(startPos.Y + 80 + i * 36), 510, 32)
If r.Contains(MouseHandler.MousePosition) Then
If FriendListSelect = i + FriendListScroll Then
FriendListSelect = i + FriendListScroll
End If
Exit For
End If
End If
If FriendListScroll > FriendListSelect Then
FriendListScroll = FriendListSelect
End If
If FriendListScroll + 8 < FriendListSelect Then
FriendListScroll = FriendListSelect - 8
End If
FriendListScroll = FriendListScroll.Clamp(0, FriendList.Count - 9)
FriendListSelect = FriendListSelect.Clamp(0, FriendList.Count - 1)
If Controls.Accept(False, True, True) = True Then
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub InitializeFriends()
If PublicKeys <> "" Then
InitializedFriends = True
Dim friends() As String = Core.GameJoltSave.Friends.Split(CChar(","))
For Each friend_user_id As String In friends
Dim APICall As New APICall(AddressOf GotFriendListData)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub GotFriendListData(ByVal result As String)
Dim list As List(Of API.JoltValue) = API.HandleData(result)
For Each Item As API.JoltValue In list
Select Case Item.Name.ToLower()
Case "username"
FriendList.Add(New Emblem(Item.Value, PublicKeys, False))
FriendList = (From f In FriendList Order By f.Username Ascending).ToList()
Exit Sub
End Select
End Sub
Private Sub PSSFriendlistDisplayUser()
UserEmblem = FriendList(FriendListSelect)
UserSprite = UserEmblem.SpriteTexture
UserName = UserEmblem.Username
UserOrigin = "GJ"
For Each p As Servers.Player In Core.ServersManager.PlayerCollection
If p.GameJoltId <> "" Then
If UserEmblem.GameJoltID = p.GameJoltId Then
UserOrigin &= "|Server"
End If
End If
menuIndex = MenuScreens.UserView
UserViewPreMenu = MenuScreens.PSS
End Sub
#End Region
#Region "Local"
Dim LocalList As New List(Of LocalPlayer)
Dim InitializedLocals As Boolean = False
Dim LocalScroll As Integer = 0
Dim LocalSelect As Integer = 0
Class LocalPlayer
Public NetworkID As Integer = 0
Public Sprite As Texture2D
Public Name As String
Public GamejoltID As String = ""
Public Sub New(ByVal NetworkID As Integer)
Me.NetworkID = NetworkID
End Sub
Public Sub LoadOnlineSprite()
Dim t As New Threading.Thread(AddressOf DownloadSprite)
t.IsBackground = True
End Sub
Private Sub DownloadSprite()
If GamejoltID <> "" Then
Dim t As Texture2D = Emblem.GetOnlineSprite(GamejoltID)
If Not t Is Nothing Then
Me.Sprite = t
End If
End If
End Sub
End Class
Private Sub FillLocalList()
If ConnectScreen.Connected = True Then
For Each p As Servers.Player In Core.ServersManager.PlayerCollection
If p.ServersID <> Core.ServersManager.ID Then
Dim t As Texture2D
Dim tPath As String = NetworkPlayer.GetTexturePath(p.Skin)
If TextureManager.TextureExist(tPath) = True Then
t = TextureManager.GetTexture(tPath)
t = TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\NPC\0")
End If
Dim lP As New LocalPlayer(p.ServersID)
lP.GamejoltID = p.GameJoltId
lP.Name = p.Name
lP.Sprite = t
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub DrawLocalList()
Dim startPos As Vector2 = GetStartPosition()
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\pokegear"), New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + 40), CInt(startPos.Y + 46), 16, 32), New Rectangle(96, 112, 8, 16), Color.White)
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\pokegear"), New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + 40 + 16), CInt(startPos.Y + 46), 152, 32), New Rectangle(102, 112, 4, 16), Color.White)
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\pokegear"), New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + 40 + 16 + 152), CInt(startPos.Y + 46), 16, 32), New Rectangle(104, 112, 8, 16), Color.White)
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\pokegear"), New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + 40 + 200), CInt(startPos.Y + 46), 16, 32), New Rectangle(96, 112, 8, 16), Color.White)
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\pokegear"), New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + 40 + 200 + 16), CInt(startPos.Y + 46), 152, 32), New Rectangle(102, 112, 4, 16), Color.White)
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\pokegear"), New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + 40 + 200 + 16 + 152), CInt(startPos.Y + 46), 16, 32), New Rectangle(104, 112, 8, 16), Color.White)
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\pokegear"), New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + 40 + 200 + 200), CInt(startPos.Y + 46), 16, 32), New Rectangle(96, 112, 8, 16), Color.White, 0.0F, Vector2.Zero, SpriteEffects.FlipVertically, 0.0F)
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\pokegear"), New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + 40 + 200 + 200 + 16), CInt(startPos.Y + 46), 152, 32), New Rectangle(102, 112, 4, 16), Color.White, 0.0F, Vector2.Zero, SpriteEffects.FlipVertically, 0.0F)
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\pokegear"), New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + 40 + 200 + 200 + 16 + 152), CInt(startPos.Y + 46), 16, 32), New Rectangle(104, 112, 8, 16), Color.White, 0.0F, Vector2.Zero, SpriteEffects.FlipVertically, 0.0F)
Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, "PSS Ranklist", New Vector2(CInt(startPos.X + 48), CInt(startPos.Y + 48)), Color.Black)
Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, "PSS Friendlist", New Vector2(CInt(startPos.X + 48 + 200), CInt(startPos.Y + 48)), Color.Black)
Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, "PSS Passby", New Vector2(CInt(startPos.X + 48 + 200 + 200), CInt(startPos.Y + 48)), Color.Black)
If InitializedLocals = True Then
If LocalList.Count > 0 Then
For i = 0 To 8
Dim index As Integer = i + LocalScroll
If index <= LocalList.Count - 1 Then
Dim lP As LocalPlayer = LocalList(index)
Dim eff As SpriteEffects = SpriteEffects.None
If index = LocalSelect Then
eff = SpriteEffects.FlipVertically
End If
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\pokegear"), New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + 40), CInt(startPos.Y + 80 + i * 36), 16, 32), New Rectangle(96, 112, 8, 16), Color.White, 0.0F, Vector2.Zero, eff, 0.0F)
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\pokegear"), New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + 40 + 16), CInt(startPos.Y + 80 + i * 36), 480, 32), New Rectangle(102, 112, 4, 16), Color.White, 0.0F, Vector2.Zero, eff, 0.0F)
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\pokegear"), New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + 40 + 16 + 480), CInt(startPos.Y + 80 + i * 36), 16, 32), New Rectangle(104, 112, 8, 16), Color.White, 0.0F, Vector2.Zero, eff, 0.0F)
Dim frameSize As New Size(CInt(lP.Sprite.Width / 3), CInt(lP.Sprite.Height / 4))
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(lP.Sprite, New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + 48), CInt(startPos.Y + 80 + i * 36), 32, 32), New Rectangle(0, frameSize.Height * 2, frameSize.Width, frameSize.Height), Color.White)
Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, lP.Name, New Vector2(CInt(startPos.X + 88), CInt(startPos.Y + 80 + i * 36)), Color.Black)
End If
Canvas.DrawScrollBar(New Vector2(startPos.X + 570, startPos.Y + 88), LocalList.Count, 9, LocalScroll, New Size(4, 300), False, New Color(252, 196, 68), New Color(217, 120, 18))
If ConnectScreen.Connected = True Then
Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, "No other players connected to server" & Environment.NewLine & """" & JoinServerScreen.SelectedServer.GetName() & """.", New Vector2(CInt(startPos.X + 48), CInt(startPos.Y + 88)), Color.Black)
Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, "You are playing locally.", New Vector2(CInt(startPos.X + 48), CInt(startPos.Y + 88)), Color.Black)
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub UpdateLocalList()
If InitializedLocals = False Then
InitializedLocals = True
If LocalList.Count > 0 Then
Dim c As Integer = 1
If Controls.ShiftDown() = True Then
c = 5
End If
If Controls.Up(True, True, False, True, True, True) = True Then
If LocalSelect = LocalScroll Then
LocalScroll -= c
End If
LocalSelect -= c
End If
If Controls.Down(True, True, False, True, True, True) = True Then
If LocalSelect = LocalScroll + 8 Then
LocalScroll += c
End If
LocalSelect += c
End If
If Controls.Up(True, False, True, False, False, False) = True Then
LocalScroll -= c
LocalSelect -= c
End If
If Controls.Down(True, False, True, False, False, False) = True Then
LocalScroll += c
LocalSelect += c
End If
If Controls.Accept(True, False, False) = True Then
Dim startPos As Vector2 = GetStartPosition()
For i = 0 To 8
Dim r As New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + 40), CInt(startPos.Y + 80 + i * 36), 510, 32)
If r.Contains(MouseHandler.MousePosition) Then
If LocalSelect = i + LocalScroll Then
LocalSelect = i + LocalScroll
End If
Exit For
End If
End If
If LocalScroll > LocalSelect Then
LocalScroll = LocalSelect
End If
If LocalScroll + 8 < LocalSelect Then
LocalScroll = LocalSelect - 8
End If
LocalScroll = LocalScroll.Clamp(0, LocalList.Count - 9)
LocalSelect = LocalSelect.Clamp(0, LocalList.Count - 1)
If Controls.Accept(False, True, True) = True Then
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub PSSLocallistDisplayUser()
If LocalList(LocalSelect).GamejoltID <> "" Then
UserEmblem = New Emblem(LocalList(LocalSelect).GamejoltID, 0)
UserEmblem = Nothing
End If
UserSprite = LocalList(LocalSelect).Sprite
UserName = LocalList(LocalSelect).Name
UserOrigin = "Server"
UserNetworkID = LocalList(LocalSelect).NetworkID
menuIndex = MenuScreens.UserView
UserViewPreMenu = MenuScreens.PSS
End Sub
#End Region
#End Region
#Region "UserViewScreen"
Dim UserEmblem As Emblem = Nothing
Dim UserSprite As Texture2D = Nothing
Dim UserName As String = ""
Dim UserOrigin As String = ""
Dim UserViewPreMenu As MenuScreens = MenuScreens.Main
Dim UserNetworkID As Integer = -1
Private Sub DrawUserView()
Dim startPos As Vector2 = GetStartPosition()
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\pokegear"), New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + 40), CInt(startPos.Y + 46), 16, 32), New Rectangle(96, 112, 8, 16), Color.White)
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\pokegear"), New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + 40 + 16), CInt(startPos.Y + 46), 480, 32), New Rectangle(102, 112, 4, 16), Color.White)
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\pokegear"), New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + 40 + 16 + 480), CInt(startPos.Y + 46), 16, 32), New Rectangle(104, 112, 8, 16), Color.White)
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\pokegear"), New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + 40 + 16 + 200), CInt(startPos.Y + 46), 16, 32), New Rectangle(104, 112, 8, 16), Color.White)
Dim frameSize As New Size(CInt(UserSprite.Width / 3), CInt(UserSprite.Height / 4))
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(UserSprite, New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + 48), CInt(startPos.Y + 46), 32, 32), New Rectangle(0, frameSize.Height * 2, frameSize.Width, frameSize.Height), Color.White)
Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, UserName, New Vector2(CInt(startPos.X + 88), CInt(startPos.Y + 48)), Color.Black)
If UserOrigin.Contains("GJ") = True Then
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\pokegear"), New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + 284), CInt(startPos.Y + 46), 16, 16), New Rectangle(80, 112, 16, 16), Color.White)
End If
If UserOrigin.Contains("Server") = True Then
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\pokegear"), New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + 308), CInt(startPos.Y + 46), 16, 16), New Rectangle(112, 112, 16, 16), Color.White)
End If
Dim sameServer As Boolean = False
Dim sameConnection As Boolean = False
If Core.Player.IsGameJoltSave = True Then
If Not UserEmblem Is Nothing Then
sameConnection = True
End If
If UserEmblem Is Nothing Then
sameConnection = True
End If
End If
If ConnectScreen.Connected = True Then
For Each p As Servers.Player In Core.ServersManager.PlayerCollection
If p.Name = UserName Then
sameServer = True
End If
End If
For x = 0 To 4
Dim c As Color = Color.White
Dim t As String = ""
Dim texV As Vector2 = New Vector2
Select Case x
Case 0
t = "Battle"
If sameServer = False Then
c = Color.Gray
End If
texV = New Vector2(32, 96)
Case 1
t = "Trade"
If sameServer = False Or sameConnection = False Then
c = Color.Gray
End If
texV = New Vector2(0, 96)
Case 2
t = "PM"
If sameServer = False Then
c = Color.Gray
End If
Case 3
t = "Friend"
If UserEmblem Is Nothing Then
c = Color.Gray
End If
Case 4
t = "Favorite"
If UserEmblem Is Nothing Then
c = Color.Gray
End If
End Select
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\pokegear"), New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + (x * 96) + 76), CInt(startPos.Y + 100), 64, 64), New Rectangle(0, 0, 32, 32), c)
If texV <> Vector2.Zero Then
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\pokegear"), New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + (x * 96) + 76), CInt(startPos.Y + 100), 64, 64), New Rectangle(CInt(texV.X), CInt(texV.Y), 32, 32), c)
End If
If Cursors(1) = x Then
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\pokegear"), New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + (x * 96) + 76), CInt(startPos.Y + 100), 64, 64), New Rectangle(0, 32, 32, 32), Color.White)
End If
Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, t, New Vector2(CInt(startPos.X + (x * 96) + 76) + 32 - FontManager.MainFont.MeasureString(t).X / 2.0F, CInt(startPos.Y + 170)), Color.Black)
If Not UserEmblem Is Nothing Then
UserEmblem.Draw(New Vector2(startPos.X + 40, startPos.Y + 240), 4)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub UpdateUserView()
If Controls.Left(True, True) = True Then
Cursors(1) -= 1
End If
If Controls.Right(True, True) = True Then
Cursors(1) += 1
End If
Cursors(1) = Cursors(1).Clamp(0, 4)
If Controls.Accept(True, True, True) = True Then
Dim sameServer As Boolean = False
Dim sameConnection As Boolean = False
If Core.Player.IsGameJoltSave = True Then
If Not UserEmblem Is Nothing Then
sameConnection = True
End If
If UserEmblem Is Nothing Then
sameConnection = True
End If
End If
If ConnectScreen.Connected = True Then
For Each p As Servers.Player In Core.ServersManager.PlayerCollection
If p.Name = UserName Then
sameServer = True
End If
End If
Select Case Cursors(1)
Case 0
If sameServer = True Then
Core.SetScreen(New PVPLobbyScreen(Core.CurrentScreen, UserNetworkID, True))
End If
Case 1
If sameServer = True And sameConnection = True Then
Core.SetScreen(New DirectTradeScreen(Core.CurrentScreen, UserNetworkID, True))
End If
Case 2
If sameServer = True Then
Dim chat As New ChatScreen(CurrentScreen)
End If
Case 3
Case 4
End Select
End If
If Controls.Dismiss(True, True, True) = True Then
menuIndex = UserViewPreMenu
End If
End Sub
#End Region
#Region "Phone"
Public Shared Call_Flag As String = ""
Private PhoneContacts As New List(Of Contact)
Private InitializedPhone As Boolean = False
Private PhoneScroll As Integer = 0
Private PhoneSelect As Integer = 0
Private Sub DrawPhone()
Dim startPos As Vector2 = GetStartPosition()
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\pokegear"), New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + 40), CInt(startPos.Y + 46), 16, 32), New Rectangle(96, 112, 8, 16), Color.White)
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\pokegear"), New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + 40 + 16), CInt(startPos.Y + 46), 192, 32), New Rectangle(102, 112, 4, 16), Color.White)
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\pokegear"), New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + 40 + 16 + 192), CInt(startPos.Y + 46), 16, 32), New Rectangle(104, 112, 8, 16), Color.White)
Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, "Phone", New Vector2(CInt(startPos.X + 48), CInt(startPos.Y + 48)), Color.Black)
If PhoneContacts.Count > 0 Then
For i = 0 To 8
Dim index As Integer = i + PhoneScroll
If index <= PhoneContacts.Count - 1 Then
Dim C As Contact = PhoneContacts(index)
Dim eff As SpriteEffects = SpriteEffects.None
If index = PhoneSelect Then
eff = SpriteEffects.FlipVertically
End If
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\pokegear"), New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + 40), CInt(startPos.Y + 80 + i * 36), 16, 32), New Rectangle(96, 112, 8, 16), Color.White, 0.0F, Vector2.Zero, eff, 0.0F)
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\pokegear"), New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + 40 + 16), CInt(startPos.Y + 80 + i * 36), 584, 32), New Rectangle(102, 112, 4, 16), Color.White, 0.0F, Vector2.Zero, eff, 0.0F)
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\pokegear"), New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + 40 + 16 + 584), CInt(startPos.Y + 80 + i * 36), 16, 32), New Rectangle(104, 112, 8, 16), Color.White, 0.0F, Vector2.Zero, eff, 0.0F)
Dim _spriteTexture As Texture2D = TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\NPC\" & C.Texture)
Dim frameSize As New Size(CInt(_spriteTexture.Width / 3), CInt(_spriteTexture.Height / 4))
Dim frameScale As Single = 1.0F
If _spriteTexture.Width = _spriteTexture.Height / 2 Then
frameSize.Width = CInt(_spriteTexture.Width / 2)
ElseIf _spriteTexture.Width = _spriteTexture.Height Then
frameSize.Width = CInt(_spriteTexture.Width / 4)
frameSize.Width = CInt(_spriteTexture.Width / 3)
End If
If frameSize.Width > 32 Then
frameScale = 0.5F
End If
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(_spriteTexture, New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + 48), CInt(startPos.Y + 80 + 16 - (frameSize.Height * frameScale / 2) + i * 36), CInt(frameSize.Width * frameScale), CInt(frameSize.Height * frameScale)), New Rectangle(0, frameSize.Height * 2, frameSize.Width, frameSize.Height), Color.White)
Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, C.Name, New Vector2(CInt(startPos.X + 88), CInt(startPos.Y + 84 + i * 36)), Color.Black)
Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, "Location: " & C.Location, New Vector2(CInt(startPos.X + 320), CInt(startPos.Y + 84 + i * 36)), Color.Black)
End If
Canvas.DrawScrollBar(New Vector2(startPos.X + width - 32, startPos.Y + 88), PhoneContacts.Count, 9, PhoneScroll, New Size(4, 300), False, New Color(252, 196, 68), New Color(217, 120, 18))
End If
End Sub
Private Sub UpdatePhone()
If InitializedPhone = False Then
If PhoneContacts.Count > 0 Then
Dim c As Integer = 1
If Controls.ShiftDown() = True Then
c = 5
End If
If Controls.Up(True, True, False, True, True, True) = True Then
If PhoneSelect = PhoneScroll Then
PhoneScroll -= c
End If
PhoneSelect -= c
End If
If Controls.Down(True, True, False, True, True, True) = True Then
If PhoneSelect = PhoneScroll + 8 Then
PhoneScroll += c
End If
PhoneSelect += c
End If
If Controls.Up(True, False, True, False, False, False) = True Then
PhoneScroll -= c
PhoneSelect -= c
End If
If Controls.Down(True, False, True, False, False, False) = True Then
PhoneScroll += c
PhoneSelect += c
End If
If Controls.Accept(True, False, False) = True Then
Dim startPos As Vector2 = GetStartPosition()
For i = 0 To 8
Dim r As New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + 40), CInt(startPos.Y + 80 + i * 36), 510, 32)
If r.Contains(MouseHandler.MousePosition) Then
If PhoneSelect = i + PhoneScroll Then
PhoneSelect = i + PhoneScroll
End If
Exit For
End If
End If
If PhoneScroll > PhoneSelect Then
PhoneScroll = PhoneSelect
End If
If PhoneScroll + 8 < PhoneSelect Then
PhoneScroll = PhoneSelect - 8
End If
PhoneScroll = PhoneScroll.Clamp(0, PhoneContacts.Count - 9)
PhoneSelect = PhoneSelect.Clamp(0, PhoneContacts.Count - 1)
If Controls.Accept(False, True, True) = True Then
End If
End If
End If
If Controls.Dismiss(True, True, True) = True Then
menuIndex = MenuScreens.Main
End If
End Sub
Private Sub SelectPhoneContact()
Dim chosenID As String = PhoneContacts(PhoneSelect).ID
Call_Flag = "calling"
Player.Temp.PokegearPage = Me.menuIndex
CType(Core.CurrentScreen, OverworldScreen).ActionScript.StartScript("phone\" & chosenID, 0)
End Sub
Private Sub InitializePhone()
InitializedPhone = True
Dim reg() As String = Core.Player.RegisterData.Split(CChar(","))
Dim contactData() As String = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(GameModeManager.GetContentFilePath("Data\contacts.dat"))
For Each r As String In reg
If r.StartsWith("phone_contact_") = True Then
Dim newID As String = r.Remove(0, "phone_contact_".Length)
For Each line As String In contactData
If line.StartsWith(newID & "|") = True Then
Dim NCD() As String = line.Split(CChar("|"))
Dim newContact As New Contact With {.ID = NCD(0), .Name = NCD(1), .Texture = NCD(2), .Location = NCD(3), .CanRandomCall = CBool(NCD(4))}
End If
End If
PhoneContacts = (From c In PhoneContacts Order By c.ID Ascending).ToList()
End Sub
Private Structure Contact
Dim Name As String
Dim ID As String
Dim Texture As String
Dim Location As String
Dim CanRandomCall As Boolean
End Structure
Public Shared Sub CallID(ByVal ID As String, ByVal checkRegistered As Boolean, ByVal checkLocation As Boolean)
Dim reg() As String = Core.Player.RegisterData.Split(CChar(","))
Dim file As String = GameModeManager.GetContentFilePath("Data\contacts.dat")
Security.FileValidation.CheckFileValid(file, False, "PokegearScreen.vb")
Dim contactData() As String = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(file)
Dim tempContacts As New List(Of Contact)
For Each r As String In reg
If r.StartsWith("phone_contact_") = True Then
Dim newID As String = r.Remove(0, "phone_contact_".Length)
If newID = ID Then
For Each line As String In contactData
If line.StartsWith(newID & "|") = True Or checkRegistered = False Then
Dim NCD() As String = line.Split(CChar("|"))
Dim newContact As New Contact With {.ID = NCD(0), .Name = NCD(1), .Texture = NCD(2), .Location = NCD(3), .CanRandomCall = CBool(NCD(4))}
End If
End If
End If
Dim countPossibleContacts As Integer = 0
For Each c As Contact In tempContacts
If c.Location.ToLower() <> Level.MapName.ToLower() Or checkLocation = False Then
countPossibleContacts += 1
End If
If countPossibleContacts > 0 Then
Dim chosenID As String = "-1"
While chosenID = "-1"
Dim nC As Contact = tempContacts(Core.Random.Next(0, tempContacts.Count))
If nC.Location.ToLower() <> Level.MapName.ToLower() Or checkLocation = False Then
chosenID = nC.ID
End If
End While
Call_Flag = "receiving"
CType(Core.CurrentScreen, OverworldScreen).ActionScript.StartScript("phone\" & chosenID, 0)
End If
End Sub
Public Shared Sub RandomCall()
If Core.CurrentScreen.Identification <> Identifications.OverworldScreen Then
Exit Sub
End If
Dim reg() As String = Core.Player.RegisterData.Split(CChar(","))
Dim file As String = GameModeManager.GetContentFilePath("Data\contacts.dat")
Security.FileValidation.CheckFileValid(file, False, "PokegearScreen.vb")
Dim contactData() As String = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(file)
Dim tempContacts As New List(Of Contact)
For Each r As String In reg
If r.StartsWith("phone_contact_") = True Then
Dim newID As String = r.Remove(0, "phone_contact_".Length)
For Each line As String In contactData
If line.StartsWith(newID & "|") = True Then
Dim NCD() As String = line.Split(CChar("|"))
Dim newContact As New Contact With {.ID = NCD(0), .Name = NCD(1), .Texture = NCD(2), .Location = NCD(3), .CanRandomCall = CBool(NCD(4))}
End If
End If
Dim countPossibleContacts As Integer = 0
For Each c As Contact In tempContacts
If c.CanRandomCall = True And c.Location.ToLower() <> Level.MapName.ToLower() Then
countPossibleContacts += 1
End If
If countPossibleContacts > 0 Then
Dim chosenID As String = "-1"
While chosenID = "-1"
Dim nC As Contact = tempContacts(Core.Random.Next(0, tempContacts.Count))
If nC.CanRandomCall = True And nC.Location.ToLower() <> Level.MapName.ToLower() Then
chosenID = nC.ID
End If
End While
Call_Flag = "receiving"
CType(Core.CurrentScreen, OverworldScreen).ActionScript.StartScript("phone\" & chosenID, 0)
End If
End Sub
#End Region
#Region "Frontier"
Class FrontierSymbol
Public Name As String
Public Texture As Texture2D
Public Description As String
End Class
Private FrontierList As New List(Of FrontierSymbol)
Private InitializedFrontier As Boolean = False
Private Sub DrawFrontier()
Dim startPos As Vector2 = GetStartPosition()
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\pokegear"), New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + 40), CInt(startPos.Y + 46), 16, 32), New Rectangle(96, 112, 8, 16), Color.White)
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\pokegear"), New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + 40 + 16), CInt(startPos.Y + 46), 192, 32), New Rectangle(102, 112, 4, 16), Color.White)
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\pokegear"), New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + 40 + 16 + 192), CInt(startPos.Y + 46), 16, 32), New Rectangle(104, 112, 8, 16), Color.White)
Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, "Frontier Emblems", New Vector2(CInt(startPos.X + 48), CInt(startPos.Y + 48)), Color.Black)
If FrontierList.Count > 0 Then
For x = 0 To FrontierList.Count - 1
Dim c As Color = Color.White
Dim t As String = FrontierList(x).Name
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(FrontierList(x).Texture, New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + (x * 96) + 83), CInt(startPos.Y + 107), 50, 50), c)
If Cursors(2) = x Then
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\pokegear"), New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + (x * 96) + 76), CInt(startPos.Y + 100), 64, 64), New Rectangle(0, 32, 32, 32), Color.White)
Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, t, New Vector2(CInt(startPos.X + (x * 96) + 76) + 32 - FontManager.MainFont.MeasureString(t).X / 2.0F, CInt(startPos.Y + 170)), Color.Black)
Canvas.DrawGradient(New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + 48), CInt(startPos.Y + 220), width - 100, heigth - 260), Color.White, Color.Gray, False, -1)
Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, FrontierList(x).Description, New Vector2(CInt(startPos.X + 55), CInt(startPos.Y + 225)), Color.Black)
End If
Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, "You don't own any Frontier Emblems yet.", New Vector2(CInt(startPos.X + 48), CInt(startPos.Y + 88)), Color.Black)
Canvas.DrawGradient(New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + 48), CInt(startPos.Y + 220), width - 100, heigth - 260), Color.White, Color.Gray, False, -1)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub UpdateFrontier()
If InitializedFrontier = False Then
If Controls.Right(True, True, True, True, True, True) = True Then
Cursors(2) += 1
End If
If Controls.Left(True, True, True, True, True, True) = True Then
Cursors(2) -= 1
End If
Cursors(2) = Cursors(2).Clamp(0, FrontierList.Count - 1)
End If
If Controls.Dismiss(True, True, True) = True Then
Me.menuIndex = MenuScreens.Main
End If
End Sub
Private Sub InitializeFrontier()
Me.InitializedFrontier = True
If ActionScript.IsRegistered("gold ability") = True Then
Me.FrontierList.Add(New FrontierSymbol() With {.Name = "Gold Ability", .Description = "You defeated the Frontier Brain of" & Environment.NewLine & "Battle Tower a second time and you've" & Environment.NewLine & "your real strength when it comes to battles.", .Texture = TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Badges", New Rectangle(50, 200, 50, 50), "")})
If ActionScript.IsRegistered("silver ability") = True Then
Me.FrontierList.Add(New FrontierSymbol() With {.Name = "Silver Ability", .Description = "You defeated the Frontier Brain of" & Environment.NewLine & "Battle Tower and showed him how" & Environment.NewLine & "you and your Pokémon really are.", .Texture = TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Badges", New Rectangle(0, 200, 50, 50), "")})
End If
End If
If ActionScript.IsRegistered("gold knowledge") = True Then
Me.FrontierList.Add(New FrontierSymbol() With {.Name = "Gold Knowledge", .Description = "This Emblem displays how great you can" & Environment.NewLine & "interact with Pokémon and how well" & Environment.NewLine & "you can adapt your strategy to a new situation.", .Texture = TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Badges", New Rectangle(150, 200, 50, 50), "")})
If ActionScript.IsRegistered("silver knowledge") = True Then
Me.FrontierList.Add(New FrontierSymbol() With {.Name = "Silver Knowledge", .Description = "Only few trainers achieved this emblem" & Environment.NewLine & "which shows what strength lies" & Environment.NewLine & "inside them.", .Texture = TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Badges", New Rectangle(100, 200, 50, 50), "")})
End If
End If
End Sub
#End Region
#Region "Minimap"
Private MiniMap As Minimap
Private InitializedMinimap As Boolean = False
Private Sub DrawMinimap()
Dim startPos As Vector2 = GetStartPosition()
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\pokegear"), New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + 365), CInt(startPos.Y + 46), 16, 32), New Rectangle(96, 112, 8, 16), Color.White)
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\pokegear"), New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + 365 + 16), CInt(startPos.Y + 46), 128, 32), New Rectangle(102, 112, 4, 16), Color.White)
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\pokegear"), New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + 365 + 16 + 128), CInt(startPos.Y + 46), 16, 32), New Rectangle(104, 112, 8, 16), Color.White)
Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, "Minimap", New Vector2(CInt(startPos.X + 372), CInt(startPos.Y + 48)), Color.Black)
If InitializedMinimap = True Then
Canvas.DrawBorder(1, New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + 49 - 32), CInt(startPos.Y + 79 - 32), 21 * 16 + 2, 21 * 16 + 2), Color.Black)
MiniMap.Draw(New Vector2(-(startPos.X + 48), -(startPos.Y + 80)))
End If
End Sub
Private Sub UpdateMinimap()
If InitializedMinimap = False Then
InitializedMinimap = True
MiniMap = New Minimap()
End If
If Controls.Dismiss(True, True, True) = True Then
Me.menuIndex = MenuScreens.Main
End If
End Sub
#End Region
#Region "Radio"
Class RadioStation
Enum ExpansionCards
End Enum
Public ChannelMin As Decimal
Public ChannelMax As Decimal
Public OverwriteMin As Decimal
Public OverwriteMax As Decimal
Public Name As String = ""
Public Region As String = ""
Public DayTimes As New List(Of World.DayTimes)
Public Expansions As New List(Of String)
Public Music As String = ""
Public Content As String = ""
Public CanBeOverwritten As Boolean = True
Public Activation As String = ""
Public ActivationRegister As String = ""
Public Sub New(ByVal input As String)
Dim data() As String = input.Split(CChar("|"))
If data(0).Contains("-") = True Then
Dim channelData() As String = data(0).Split(CChar("-"))
Me.ChannelMin = CDec(channelData(0).Replace(".", GameController.DecSeparator))
Me.ChannelMax = CDec(channelData(1).Replace(".", GameController.DecSeparator))
Me.ChannelMin = CDec(data(0).Replace(".", GameController.DecSeparator))
Me.ChannelMax = Me.ChannelMin
End If
If data(1).Contains("-") = True Then
Dim channelData() As String = data(1).Split(CChar("-"))
Me.OverwriteMin = CDec(channelData(0).Replace(".", GameController.DecSeparator))
Me.OverwriteMax = CDec(channelData(1).Replace(".", GameController.DecSeparator))
Me.OverwriteMin = CDec(data(1).Replace(".", GameController.DecSeparator))
Me.OverwriteMax = Me.OverwriteMin
End If
Me.Name = data(2)
Me.Region = data(3)
Dim lDayTimes() As String = data(4).Split(CChar(","))
For Each daytime As String In lDayTimes
If StringHelper.IsNumeric(daytime) = True Then
DayTimes.Add(CType(CInt(daytime), World.DayTimes))
End If
If data(5) <> "" Then
For Each exp As String In data(5).Split(CChar(","))
End If
Me.Music = data(6)
Me.Content = data(7)
Me.CanBeOverwritten = CBool(data(8))
Me.Activation = data(9)
Me.ActivationRegister = data(10)
End Sub
Public Function CanListen() As Boolean
' Need to check: Daytime, Region, Expansion Card, Activation
If Me.DayTimes.Contains(World.GetTime) = False Then
Return False
End If
Dim regions() As String = Screen.Level.CurrentRegion.ToLower().Split(CChar(","))
If regions.Contains(Me.Region.ToLower()) = False Then
Return False
End If
For Each exp As String In Me.Expansions
If exp.ToLower <> "radio" Then
If ActionScript.IsRegistered("pokegear_card_radio" & exp) = False Then
Return False
End If
End If
Select Case Activation
Case "1" ' Needs register in the level channels (only works when minChannel = maxChannel)
If Screen.Level.AllowedRadioChannels.Contains(Me.ChannelMin) = False Then
Return False
End If
Case "0"
' Channel is always available.
End Select
If Me.ActivationRegister <> "0" Then
If ActionScript.IsRegistered(Me.ActivationRegister) = False Then
Return False
End If
End If
Return True
End Function
Public Function OverwriteChannels(ByVal ChannelList As List(Of RadioStation)) As List(Of RadioStation)
If Me.CanListen() = False Then
Return ChannelList
End If
Dim newList As New List(Of RadioStation)
For Each c As RadioStation In ChannelList
If c.CanBeOverwritten = True Then
If c.ChannelMin < Me.OverwriteMin Or c.ChannelMax > Me.OverwriteMax Then
End If
End If
Return newList
End Function
Public Function IsInterfering(ByVal frequenz As Decimal) As Boolean
If frequenz >= Me.ChannelMin And frequenz <= Me.ChannelMax Then
Return True
End If
Return False
End Function
Public Function GenerateText() As List(Of String)
Dim output As String = "...~...~...~...~...~..."
Select Case Me.Content.ToLower()
Case "[pokedexentry]"
Dim triedIDs As New List(Of Integer)
Dim chosenID As Integer = -1
Dim chosenAD As String = ""
While chosenID = -1 And triedIDs.Count < Pokedex.PokemonMaxCount
Dim ID As Integer = Core.Random.Next(1, Pokedex.PokemonMaxCount + 1)
If triedIDs.Contains(ID) = False Then
If Pokedex.GetEntryType(Core.Player.PokedexData, Pokedex.PokemonIDs(ID)) < 2 Then
If Pokedex.PokemonIDs(ID).Contains("_") Then
chosenID = CInt(Pokedex.PokemonIDs(ID).GetSplit(0, "_"))
chosenAD = PokemonForms.GetAdditionalValueFromDataFile(Pokedex.PokemonIDs(ID))
ElseIf Pokedex.PokemonIDs(ID).Contains(";") Then
chosenID = CInt(Pokedex.PokemonIDs(ID).GetSplit(0, ";"))
chosenAD = Pokedex.PokemonIDs(ID).GetSplit(1, ";")
chosenID = ID
End If
End If
End If
End While
If chosenID > -1 Then
Dim p As Pokemon = Pokemon.GetPokemonByID(chosenID, chosenAD)
output = "Welcome to the Pokédex Show! Today, we are going to look at the entry of " & p.GetName() & "! Its entry reads:~""" & p.PokedexEntry.Text & """~Wow, that is interesting! Also, " & p.GetName() & " is " & p.PokedexEntry.Height & "m high and weights " & p.PokedexEntry.Weight & "kg.~Isn't that amazing?~" & p.GetName() & " is part of the " & p.PokedexEntry.Species & " species.~That's all the information we have. Tune in next time!"
End If
Case "[randompokemon]"
Dim levels() As String = {"route29.dat", "route30.dat", "route31.dat", "route32.dat", "route33.dat", "route36.dat", "route37.dat", "route38.dat", "route39.dat", "routes\route34.dat", "routes\route35.dat", "routes\route42.dat", "routes\route43.dat", "routes\route44.dat", "routes\route45.dat", "routes\route46.dat"}
Dim cLevel As String = levels(Core.Random.Next(0, levels.Count))
Dim p As Pokemon = Spawner.GetPokemon(cLevel, 0, False)
Dim levelName As String = cLevel
If levelName.Contains("\") = True Then
levelName = levelName.Remove(0, levelName.LastIndexOf("\") + 1)
End If
levelName = levelName.Remove(levelName.Length - 4, 4)
levelName = levelName(0).ToString().ToUpper() & levelName.Remove(0, 1)
levelName = levelName.Substring(0, 5) & " " & levelName.Remove(0, 5)
If Not p Is Nothing Then
output = "Professor Oak's Pokémon Talk! With Mary!~~Professor Oak: " & p.GetName() & " has been spotted on " & levelName & ".~Mary: " & p.GetName() & "! How smart! How inspiring!"
End If
Case "[unown]"
Dim words() As String = {"doom", "dark", "help", "join us", "stay", "lost", "vanish", "always there", "no eyes"}
output = ""
For x = 0 To 50
If output <> "" Then
output &= "~"
End If
If Core.Random.Next(0, 3) = 0 Then
output &= words(Core.Random.Next(0, words.Count))
output &= "... ... ..."
End If
Case "[luckychannel]"
output = "We are not broadcasting at the moment.~We will ensure that we can provide our service to you again as soon as possible."
Case "[placesandpeople]"
Dim phrases() As String = {" is actually great.", " is always happy.", " is cute.", " is definitely odd!", " is inspiring!", " is just my type.", " is just so-so.", " is kind of weird.", " is precious.", " is quite noisy.", " is right for me?", " is so cool, no?", " is sort of OK.", " is sort of lazy.", " is somewhat bold.", " is too picky!"}
Dim people() As String = {"Youngster Joey", "Youngster Mike", "Bug Catcher Don", "Schoolboy Danny", "Cooltrainer Quinn", "Bug Catcher Rob", "Bug Catcher Doug", "Bug Catcher Ed", "Youngster Warren", "Youngster Jimmy", "Firebreather Otis", "Firebreather Burt", "Pickniker Hope", "Bird Keeper Hank", "Picnicker Sharon", "Pokéfan Rex", "Pokéfan Allan", "Biker Dwayne", "Biker Harris", "Biker Zeke", "Super Nerd Sam", "Super Nerd Tom", "Picnicker Edna", "Camper Sid", "Camper Dean", "Hiker Tim", "Picnicker Heidi", "Hiker Sidney", "Pokéfan Robert", "Hiker Jim", "Psychic Fidel", "Youngster Jason", "Youngster Owen", "Psychic Herman", "Fisher Kile", "Fisher Martin", "Fisher Stephen", "Fisher Barney"}
output = "This is Places and People~with Lily.~Let's have a look at some~interesting people today."
For x = 0 To 10
Dim phrase As String = phrases(Core.Random.Next(0, phrases.Count))
Dim person As String = people(Core.Random.Next(0, people.Count))
output &= "~" & person & phrase
output &= "This is it for now.~Tune in next time."
Case Else
output = Content
End Select
Dim l As New List(Of String)
l = output.Split(CChar("~")).ToList()
Dim outputList As New List(Of String)
For Each e As String In l
outputList.AddRange(e.CropStringToWidth(FontManager.InGameFont, 480).SplitAtNewline())
outputList.Insert(0, "")
Return outputList
End Function
End Class
Private RadioStations As New List(Of RadioStation)
Private InitializedRadio As Boolean = False
Private RadioCursor As Decimal = 0D
Private CurrentSong As String = ""
Private CurrentStation As RadioStation = Nothing
Private BroadCastLines As New List(Of String)
Private LineDelay As Single = 0.0F
Private Sub DrawRadio()
Dim startPos As Vector2 = GetStartPosition()
Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, "Tuning: " & Me.RadioCursor.ToString(), New Vector2(startPos.X + 100, startPos.Y + 50), Color.Black)
Canvas.DrawRectangle(New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + 88), CInt(startPos.Y + 110), 420, 5), Color.Black)
For i = 0 To 21
Dim tP As Integer = CInt(i * 20)
Canvas.DrawRectangle(New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + 88 + tP), CInt(startPos.Y + 108), 2, 9), Color.Black)
Dim cursorPosition As Integer = CInt(RadioCursor * 20)
Canvas.DrawRectangle(New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + 86 + cursorPosition), CInt(startPos.Y + 105), 8, 15), Color.White)
Dim text1 As String = "...No channels found..."
If Not CurrentStation Is Nothing Then
text1 = "You are listening to:" & Environment.NewLine & CurrentStation.Name
End If
Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, text1, New Vector2(startPos.X + 150 - CInt(FontManager.MainFont.MeasureString(text1).X / 2), startPos.Y + 152), Color.Black)
Dim text2 As String = ""
If Screen.Level.IsRadioOn = True Then
text2 = "Background station:" & Environment.NewLine & Screen.Level.SelectedRadioStation.Name & "." & Environment.NewLine & "Press Accept to remove."
If Not CurrentStation Is Nothing Then
text2 = "Press Accept to listen" & Environment.NewLine & "to this station in" & Environment.NewLine & "the background."
End If
End If
If text2 <> "" Then
Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, text2, New Vector2(startPos.X + 480 - CInt(FontManager.MainFont.MeasureString(text2).X / 2), startPos.Y + 152), Color.Black)
End If
Dim CanvasTexture As Texture2D
CanvasTexture = TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\Menu", New Rectangle(0, 0, 48, 48), "")
Canvas.DrawImageBorder(CanvasTexture, 2, New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X) + 44, CInt(startPos.Y) + 260, 96 * 6, 96))
If BroadCastLines.Count > 0 Then
Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.InGameFont, BroadCastLines(0), New Vector2(CInt(startPos.X) + 44 + CInt(96 * 6 / 2) - CInt(FontManager.InGameFont.MeasureString(BroadCastLines(0)).X / 2), CInt(startPos.Y) + 286), Color.Black)
If BroadCastLines.Count > 1 Then
Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.InGameFont, BroadCastLines(1), New Vector2(CInt(startPos.X) + 44 + CInt(96 * 6 / 2) - CInt(FontManager.InGameFont.MeasureString(BroadCastLines(1)).X / 2), CInt(startPos.Y) + 320), Color.Black)
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub UpdateRadio()
If InitializedRadio = False Then
Dim iniCursor As Decimal = RadioCursor
If Controls.Right(True, True) = True Then
RadioCursor += 0.5D
If Controls.ShiftDown() = True Then
RadioCursor += 1.5D
End If
End If
If Controls.Left(True, True) = True Then
RadioCursor -= 0.5D
If Controls.ShiftDown() = True Then
RadioCursor -= 1.5D
End If
End If
RadioCursor = RadioCursor.Clamp(0D, 21D)
If iniCursor <> RadioCursor Then
End If
If Controls.Accept(True, True, True) = True Then
If CurrentSong = "" Then
Screen.Level.IsRadioOn = False
Screen.Level.SelectedRadioStation = Nothing
If Screen.Level.IsRadioOn = True AndAlso GetSelectedStation().IsInterfering(Screen.Level.SelectedRadioStation.ChannelMin) = True Then
Screen.Level.IsRadioOn = False
Screen.Level.SelectedRadioStation = Nothing
Screen.Level.IsRadioOn = Not Screen.Level.IsRadioOn
Screen.Level.SelectedRadioStation = CurrentStation
Player.Temp.RadioStation = Me.RadioCursor
End If
End If
End If
If Not CurrentStation Is Nothing Then
If BroadCastLines.Count = 0 Then
BroadCastLines = CurrentStation.GenerateText()
LineDelay = 13.0F
If LineDelay > 0.0F Then
LineDelay -= 0.1F
If LineDelay <= 0.0F Then
LineDelay = 13.0F
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
If Controls.Dismiss(True, True, True) = True Then
Me.menuIndex = MenuScreens.Main
End If
End Sub
Private Function GetSelectedStation() As RadioStation
For Each station As RadioStation In Me.RadioStations
If station.IsInterfering(RadioCursor) = True Then
Return station
End If
Return Nothing
End Function
Private Sub CheckForStation()
CurrentSong = ""
For Each station As RadioStation In Me.RadioStations
If station.IsInterfering(RadioCursor) = True Then
MusicManager.Play(station.Music, True)
CurrentSong = station.Music
CurrentStation = station
Exit For
End If
If CurrentSong = "" Then
CurrentStation = Nothing
End If
End Sub
Private Sub InitializeRadio()
Me.InitializedRadio = True
Dim radioData() As String = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(GameModeManager.GetContentFilePath("Data\channels.dat"))
For Each line As String In radioData
If line.StartsWith("{") = True And line.EndsWith("}") = True Then
line = line.Remove(line.Length - 1, 1).Remove(0, 1)
Dim r As New RadioStation(line)
Me.RadioStations = r.OverwriteChannels(Me.RadioStations)
End If
Me.RadioCursor = Player.Temp.RadioStation
Logger.Debug("Initialized Radio with " & Me.RadioStations.Count & " stations.")
End Sub
Public Shared Function StationCanPlay(ByVal station As RadioStation) As Boolean
Dim stations As New List(Of RadioStation)
Dim file As String = GameModeManager.GetContentFilePath("Data\channels.dat")
Security.FileValidation.CheckFileValid(file, False, "PokegearScreen.vb")
Dim radioData() As String = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(file)
For Each line As String In radioData
If line.StartsWith("{") = True And line.EndsWith("}") = True Then
line = line.Remove(line.Length - 1, 1).Remove(0, 1)
Dim r As New RadioStation(line)
stations = r.OverwriteChannels(stations)
End If
For Each s As RadioStation In stations
If s.ChannelMin = station.ChannelMin And s.ChannelMax = station.ChannelMax And s.Name = station.Name Then
Return True
End If
Return False
End Function
#End Region
#Region "TradeRequest"
Dim TradeRequestNetworkID As Integer = 0
Dim TradeRequestTexture As Texture2D = Nothing
Dim TradeRequestName As String = Nothing
Dim TradeRequestGameJoltID As String = ""
Dim TradeRequestCursor As Integer = 0
Private Sub DrawTradeRequest()
Dim startPos As Vector2 = GetStartPosition()
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\pokegear"), New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + 40), CInt(startPos.Y + 46), 16, 32), New Rectangle(96, 112, 8, 16), Color.White)
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\pokegear"), New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + 40 + 16), CInt(startPos.Y + 46), 192, 32), New Rectangle(102, 112, 4, 16), Color.White)
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\pokegear"), New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + 40 + 16 + 192), CInt(startPos.Y + 46), 16, 32), New Rectangle(104, 112, 8, 16), Color.White)
Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, "Trade", New Vector2(CInt(startPos.X + 48), CInt(startPos.Y + 48)), Color.Black)
If Not TradeRequestTexture Is Nothing Then
Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, "The player """ & TradeRequestName & """ wants to trade with you.", New Vector2(CInt(startPos.X + 84), CInt(startPos.Y + 80)), Color.Black)
Dim frameSize As New Size(CInt(TradeRequestTexture.Width / 3), CInt(TradeRequestTexture.Height / 4))
Dim frameScale As Single = 1.0F
If TradeRequestTexture.Width = TradeRequestTexture.Height / 2 Then
frameSize.Width = CInt(TradeRequestTexture.Width / 2)
ElseIf TradeRequestTexture.Width = TradeRequestTexture.Height Then
frameSize.Width = CInt(TradeRequestTexture.Width / 4)
frameSize.Width = CInt(TradeRequestTexture.Width / 3)
End If
If frameSize.Width > 32 Then
frameScale = 0.5F
End If
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(TradeRequestTexture, New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + 40), CInt(startPos.Y + 74), CInt(frameSize.Width * frameScale), CInt(frameSize.Height * frameScale)), New Rectangle(0, frameSize.Height * 2, frameSize.Width, frameSize.Height), Color.White)
For i = 0 To 1
Dim eff As SpriteEffects = SpriteEffects.None
If i = TradeRequestCursor Then
eff = SpriteEffects.FlipVertically
End If
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\pokegear"), New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + 40), CInt(startPos.Y + 152 + i * 64), 16, 32), New Rectangle(96, 112, 8, 16), Color.White, 0.0F, Vector2.Zero, eff, 0.0F)
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\pokegear"), New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + 40 + 16), CInt(startPos.Y + 152 + i * 64), 192, 32), New Rectangle(102, 112, 4, 16), Color.White, 0.0F, Vector2.Zero, eff, 0.0F)
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\pokegear"), New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + 40 + 16 + 192), CInt(startPos.Y + 152 + i * 64), 16, 32), New Rectangle(104, 112, 8, 16), Color.White, 0.0F, Vector2.Zero, eff, 0.0F)
Dim t As String = "Yes"
If i = 1 Then
t = "No"
End If
Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, t, New Vector2(CInt(startPos.X + 48), CInt(startPos.Y + 155 + i * 64)), Color.Black)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub UpdateTradeRequest()
Dim startPos As Vector2 = GetStartPosition()
Dim playerExists As Boolean = False
For Each p As Servers.Player In Core.ServersManager.PlayerCollection
If p.ServersID = TradeRequestNetworkID Then
playerExists = True
Exit For
End If
If playerExists = False Then
If TradeRequestTexture Is Nothing Then
For Each p As Servers.Player In Core.ServersManager.PlayerCollection
If p.ServersID = TradeRequestNetworkID Then
Dim t As Texture2D
Dim tPath As String = NetworkPlayer.GetTexturePath(p.Skin)
If TextureManager.TextureExist(tPath) = True Then
t = TextureManager.GetTexture(tPath)
t = TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\NPC\0")
End If
Me.TradeRequestTexture = t
Me.TradeRequestName = p.Name
Core.StartThreadedSub(AddressOf Me.DownloadTradeRequestSprite)
End If
If Controls.Down(True, True) = True Then
Me.TradeRequestCursor += 1
End If
If Controls.Up(True, True) = True Then
Me.TradeRequestCursor -= 1
End If
Me.TradeRequestCursor = Me.TradeRequestCursor.Clamp(0, 1)
If Controls.Accept(True, False, False) = True Then
For i = 0 To 1
If New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + 40), CInt(startPos.Y + 152 + i * 64), 160, 32).Contains(MouseHandler.MousePosition) = True Then
If i = Me.TradeRequestCursor Then
Select Case i
Case 0
Core.SetScreen(New DirectTradeScreen(Core.CurrentScreen, TradeRequestNetworkID, False))
Case 1
End Select
Me.TradeRequestCursor = i
End If
End If
End If
If Controls.Accept(False, True, True) = True Then
Select Case Me.TradeRequestCursor
Case 0
Core.SetScreen(New DirectTradeScreen(Core.CurrentScreen, TradeRequestNetworkID, False))
Case 1
End Select
End If
If Controls.Dismiss() = True Then
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub DownloadTradeRequestSprite()
If Me.TradeRequestGameJoltID <> "" Then
Dim t As Texture2D = Emblem.GetOnlineSprite(Me.TradeRequestGameJoltID)
If Not t Is Nothing Then
Me.TradeRequestTexture = t
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub CloseTradeRequest()
End Sub
#End Region
#Region "BattleRequest"
Dim BattleRequestNetworkID As Integer = 0
Dim BattleRequestTexture As Texture2D = Nothing
Dim BattleRequestName As String = Nothing
Dim BattleRequestGameJoltID As String = ""
Dim BattleRequestCursor As Integer = 0
Private Sub DrawBattleRequest()
Dim startPos As Vector2 = GetStartPosition()
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\pokegear"), New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + 40), CInt(startPos.Y + 46), 16, 32), New Rectangle(96, 112, 8, 16), Color.White)
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\pokegear"), New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + 40 + 16), CInt(startPos.Y + 46), 192, 32), New Rectangle(102, 112, 4, 16), Color.White)
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\pokegear"), New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + 40 + 16 + 192), CInt(startPos.Y + 46), 16, 32), New Rectangle(104, 112, 8, 16), Color.White)
Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, "Battle", New Vector2(CInt(startPos.X + 48), CInt(startPos.Y + 48)), Color.Black)
If Not BattleRequestTexture Is Nothing Then
Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, "The player """ & BattleRequestName & """ wants to battle with you.", New Vector2(CInt(startPos.X + 84), CInt(startPos.Y + 80)), Color.Black)
Dim frameSize As New Size(CInt(BattleRequestTexture.Width / 3), CInt(BattleRequestTexture.Height / 4))
Dim frameScale As Single = 1.0F
If BattleRequestTexture.Width = BattleRequestTexture.Height / 2 Then
frameSize.Width = CInt(BattleRequestTexture.Width / 2)
ElseIf BattleRequestTexture.Width = BattleRequestTexture.Height Then
frameSize.Width = CInt(BattleRequestTexture.Width / 4)
frameSize.Width = CInt(BattleRequestTexture.Width / 3)
End If
If frameSize.Width > 32 Then
frameScale = 0.5F
End If
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(BattleRequestTexture, New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + 40), CInt(startPos.Y + 74), CInt(frameSize.Width * frameScale), CInt(frameSize.Height * frameScale)), New Rectangle(0, frameSize.Height * 2, frameSize.Width, frameSize.Height), Color.White)
For i = 0 To 1
Dim eff As SpriteEffects = SpriteEffects.None
If i = BattleRequestCursor Then
eff = SpriteEffects.FlipVertically
End If
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\pokegear"), New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + 40), CInt(startPos.Y + 152 + i * 64), 16, 32), New Rectangle(96, 112, 8, 16), Color.White, 0.0F, Vector2.Zero, eff, 0.0F)
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\pokegear"), New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + 40 + 16), CInt(startPos.Y + 152 + i * 64), 192, 32), New Rectangle(102, 112, 4, 16), Color.White, 0.0F, Vector2.Zero, eff, 0.0F)
Core.SpriteBatch.Draw(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\Menus\pokegear"), New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + 40 + 16 + 192), CInt(startPos.Y + 152 + i * 64), 16, 32), New Rectangle(104, 112, 8, 16), Color.White, 0.0F, Vector2.Zero, eff, 0.0F)
Dim t As String = "Yes"
If i = 1 Then
t = "No"
End If
Core.SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, t, New Vector2(CInt(startPos.X + 48), CInt(startPos.Y + 155 + i * 64)), Color.Black)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub UpdateBattleRequest()
Dim startPos As Vector2 = GetStartPosition()
Dim playerExists As Boolean = False
For Each p As Servers.Player In Core.ServersManager.PlayerCollection
If p.ServersID = BattleRequestNetworkID Then
playerExists = True
Exit For
End If
If playerExists = False Then
If BattleRequestTexture Is Nothing Then
For Each p As Servers.Player In Core.ServersManager.PlayerCollection
If p.ServersID = BattleRequestNetworkID Then
Dim t As Texture2D
Dim tPath As String = NetworkPlayer.GetTexturePath(p.Skin)
If TextureManager.TextureExist(tPath) = True Then
t = TextureManager.GetTexture(tPath)
t = TextureManager.GetTexture("Textures\NPC\0")
End If
Me.BattleRequestTexture = t
Me.BattleRequestName = p.Name
Core.StartThreadedSub(AddressOf Me.DownloadBattleRequestSprite)
End If
If Controls.Down(True, True) = True Then
Me.BattleRequestCursor += 1
End If
If Controls.Up(True, True) = True Then
Me.BattleRequestCursor -= 1
End If
Me.BattleRequestCursor = Me.BattleRequestCursor.Clamp(0, 1)
If Controls.Accept(True, False, False) = True Then
For i = 0 To 1
If New Rectangle(CInt(startPos.X + 40), CInt(startPos.Y + 152 + i * 64), 160, 32).Contains(MouseHandler.MousePosition) = True Then
If i = Me.BattleRequestCursor Then
Select Case i
Case 0
Core.SetScreen(New PVPLobbyScreen(Core.CurrentScreen, BattleRequestNetworkID, False))
Case 1
End Select
Me.BattleRequestCursor = i
End If
End If
End If
If Controls.Accept(False, True, True) = True Then
Select Case Me.BattleRequestCursor
Case 0
Core.SetScreen(New PVPLobbyScreen(Core.CurrentScreen, BattleRequestNetworkID, False))
Case 1
End Select
End If
If Controls.Dismiss() = True Then
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub DownloadBattleRequestSprite()
If Me.BattleRequestGameJoltID <> "" Then
Dim t As Texture2D = Emblem.GetOnlineSprite(Me.BattleRequestGameJoltID)
If Not t Is Nothing Then
Me.BattleRequestTexture = t
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub CloseBattleRequest()
End Sub
#End Region
Private Function GetStartPosition() As Vector2
Return New Vector2(CInt(Core.windowSize.Width / 2 - width / 2), CInt(Core.windowSize.Height - heigth))
End Function
End Class
End Namespace |