45 lines
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45 lines
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@text.notification(Gentleman Alfred*Receiving call.......,500,5,5,phone,phone\021)
:if:<phone.callflag>=calling <or> <system.random(0,2)>>0
@Text.Show(Why, hello~Mr. <player.name>.*How are you doing?*It is quite nice~here in Olivine~right now.*How is it~where you are?*Talk to you again.)
@Text.Show(Why, hello~Ms. <player.name>.*How are you doing?*It is quite nice~here in Olivine~right now.*How is it~where you are?*Talk to you again.)
@Text.Show(Why, hello~my dear <player.name>.*How are you doing?*It is quite nice~here in Olivine~right now.*How is it~where you are?*Talk to you again.)
@Text.Show(Why, hello~Mr. <player.name>.*How are you doing?*I was wondering~if you would be~so kind as to~grace me with~a battle?*I will be~waiting in the~Glitter Lighthouse.)
@Text.Show(Why, hello~Ms. <player.name>.*How are you doing?*I was wondering~if you would be~so kind as to~grace me with~a battle?*I will be~waiting in the~Glitter Lighthouse.)
@Text.Show(Why, hello~my dear <player.name>.*How are you doing?*I was wondering~if you would be~so kind as to~grace me with~a battle?*I will be~waiting in the~Glitter Lighthouse.)
:end |