437 lines
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437 lines
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Public Class KeyBindings
Public Shared ForwardMoveKey As Keys = Keys.W
Public Shared LeftMoveKey As Keys = Keys.A
Public Shared BackwardMoveKey As Keys = Keys.S
Public Shared RightMoveKey As Keys = Keys.D
Public Shared RunKey As Keys = Keys.LeftShift
Public Shared OpenInventoryKey As Keys = Keys.E
Public Shared ChatKey As Keys = Keys.T
Public Shared SpecialKey As Keys = Keys.Q
Public Shared UpKey As Keys = Keys.Up
Public Shared DownKey As Keys = Keys.Down
Public Shared RightKey As Keys = Keys.Right
Public Shared LeftKey As Keys = Keys.Left
Public Shared CameraLockKey As Keys = Keys.C
Public Shared MuteAudioKey As Keys = Keys.M
Public Shared OnlineStatusKey As Keys = Keys.Tab
Public Shared GUIControlKey As Keys = Keys.F1
Public Shared ScreenshotKey As Keys = Keys.F2
Public Shared DebugKey As Keys = Keys.F3
Public Shared LightKey As Keys = Keys.F4
Public Shared PerspectiveSwitchKey As Keys = Keys.F5
Public Shared DisableControllerKey As Keys = Keys.F6
Public Shared FullScreenKey As Keys = Keys.F11
Public Shared DebugWalkKey As Keys = Keys.LeftControl
Public Shared EnterKey1 As Keys = Keys.Enter
Public Shared EnterKey2 As Keys = Keys.Space
Public Shared BackKey1 As Keys = Keys.E
Public Shared BackKey2 As Keys = Keys.E
Public Shared EscapeKey As Keys = Keys.Escape
Public Shared Sub LoadKeys()
'Check if the Keyboard.dat file exists in the save folder:
If IO.File.Exists(GameController.GamePath & "\Save\Keyboard.dat") = True Then
'Read lines from the file and try to assign the key to the correct Key field.
Dim Lines() As String = IO.File.ReadAllLines(GameController.GamePath & "\Save\Keyboard.dat")
For Each line As String In Lines
If line.StartsWith("[") = True Then
Dim key As String = line.GetSplit(0, "=")
Dim binding As Keys = GetKey(line.GetSplit(1, "="))
key = key.Remove(0, 1)
key = key.Remove(key.Length - 1, 1)
Select Case key.ToLower()
Case "forwardmove"
ForwardMoveKey = binding
Case "leftmove"
LeftMoveKey = binding
Case "backwardmove"
BackwardMoveKey = binding
Case "rightmove"
RightMoveKey = binding
Case "run"
RunKey = binding
Case "inventory"
OpenInventoryKey = binding
Case "chat"
ChatKey = binding
Case "special", "pokegear"
SpecialKey = binding
Case "muteaudio", "mutemusic"
MuteAudioKey = binding
Case "cameraleft"
LeftKey = binding
Case "cameraright"
RightKey = binding
Case "cameraup"
UpKey = binding
Case "cameradown"
DownKey = binding
Case "cameralock"
CameraLockKey = binding
Case "guicontrol"
GUIControlKey = binding
Case "screenshot"
ScreenshotKey = binding
Case "debugcontrol"
DebugKey = binding
Case "debugwalk"
DebugWalkKey = binding
Case "perspectiveswitch"
PerspectiveSwitchKey = binding
Case "fullscreen"
FullScreenKey = binding
Case "enter1"
EnterKey1 = binding
Case "enter2"
EnterKey2 = binding
Case "back1"
BackKey1 = binding
Case "back2"
BackKey2 = binding
Case "escape", "esc"
EscapeKey = binding
Case "onlinestatus"
OnlineStatusKey = binding
Case "lighting", "lightning"
LightKey = binding
End Select
End If
End If
End Sub
''' <summary>
''' Converts the name of a key to the actual Key class.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="keyStr">The key name to convert.</param>
''' <remarks>The default is Keys.None.</remarks>
Public Shared Function GetKey(ByVal keyStr As String) As Keys
For Each k As Keys In [Enum].GetValues(GetType(Keys))
If k.ToString().ToLower() = keyStr.ToLower() Then
Return k
End If
Return Keys.None
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Returns the name of a key.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="key">The key to get the name for.</param>
''' <remarks>Returns String.Empty by default.</remarks>
Public Shared Function GetKeyName(ByVal key As Keys) As String
Return key.ToString()
Select Case key
Case Keys.A
Return "A"
Case Keys.B
Return "B"
Case Keys.C
Return "C"
Case Keys.D
Return "D"
Case Keys.E
Return "E"
Case Keys.F
Return "F"
Case Keys.G
Return "G"
Case Keys.H
Return "H"
Case Keys.I
Return "I"
Case Keys.J
Return "J"
Case Keys.K
Return "K"
Case Keys.L
Return "L"
Case Keys.M
Return "M"
Case Keys.N
Return "N"
Case Keys.O
Return "O"
Case Keys.P
Return "P"
Case Keys.Q
Return "Q"
Case Keys.R
Return "R"
Case Keys.S
Return "S"
Case Keys.T
Return "T"
Case Keys.U
Return "U"
Case Keys.V
Return "V"
Case Keys.W
Return "W"
Case Keys.X
Return "X"
Case Keys.Y
Return "Y"
Case Keys.Z
Return "Z"
Case Keys.F1
Return "F1"
Case Keys.F2
Return "F2"
Case Keys.F3
Return "F3"
Case Keys.F4
Return "F4"
Case Keys.F5
Return "F5"
Case Keys.F6
Return "F6"
Case Keys.F7
Return "F7"
Case Keys.F8
Return "F8"
Case Keys.F9
Return "F9"
Case Keys.F10
Return "F10"
Case Keys.F11
Return "F11"
Case Keys.F12
Return "F12"
Case Keys.Enter
Return "Enter"
Case Keys.Space
Return "Space"
Case Keys.Escape
Return "Escape"
Case Keys.Back
Return "Back"
Case Keys.Tab
Return "Tab"
Case Keys.Up
Return "Up"
Case Keys.Down
Return "Down"
Case Keys.Left
Return "Left"
Case Keys.Right
Return "Right"
End Select
Return ""
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Creates the default keyboard.dat file.
''' </summary>
Public Shared Sub CreateKeySave(ByVal force As Boolean)
If IO.Directory.Exists(GameController.GamePath & "\Save") = True Then
If IO.File.Exists(GameController.GamePath & "\Save\Keyboard.dat") = False Or force = True Then
Dim s As String = "[ForwardMove]=W" & Environment.NewLine &
"[LeftMove]=" & GetKeyName(Keys.A) & Environment.NewLine &
"[BackwardMove]=" & GetKeyName(Keys.S) & Environment.NewLine &
"[RightMove]=" & GetKeyName(Keys.D) & Environment.NewLine &
"[Run]=" & GetKeyName(Keys.LeftShift) & Environment.NewLine &
"[Inventory]=" & GetKeyName(Keys.E) & Environment.NewLine &
"[Chat]=" & GetKeyName(Keys.T) & Environment.NewLine &
"[Special]=" & GetKeyName(Keys.Q) & Environment.NewLine &
"[MuteAudio]=" & GetKeyName(Keys.M) & Environment.NewLine &
"[Up]=" & GetKeyName(Keys.Up) & Environment.NewLine &
"[Down]=" & GetKeyName(Keys.Down) & Environment.NewLine &
"[Left]=" & GetKeyName(Keys.Left) & Environment.NewLine &
"[Right]=" & GetKeyName(Keys.Right) & Environment.NewLine &
"[CameraLock]=" & GetKeyName(Keys.C) & Environment.NewLine &
"[GUIControl]=" & GetKeyName(Keys.F1) & Environment.NewLine &
"[ScreenShot]=" & GetKeyName(Keys.F2) & Environment.NewLine &
"[DebugControl]=" & GetKeyName(Keys.F3) & Environment.NewLine &
"[DebugWalkKey]=" & GetKeyName(Keys.LeftControl) & Environment.NewLine &
"[LightKey]=" & GetKeyName(Keys.F4) & Environment.NewLine &
"[PerspectiveSwitch]=" & GetKeyName(Keys.F5) & Environment.NewLine &
"[DisableController]=" & GetKeyName(Keys.F6) & Environment.NewLine &
"[FullScreen]=" & GetKeyName(Keys.F11) & Environment.NewLine &
"[Enter1]=" & GetKeyName(Keys.Enter) & Environment.NewLine &
"[Enter2]=" & GetKeyName(Keys.Space) & Environment.NewLine &
"[Back1]=" & GetKeyName(Keys.E) & Environment.NewLine &
"[Back2]=" & GetKeyName(Keys.E) & Environment.NewLine &
"[Escape]=" & GetKeyName(Keys.Escape) & Environment.NewLine &
"[OnlineStatus]=" & GetKeyName(Keys.Tab)
IO.File.WriteAllText(GameController.GamePath & "\Save\Keyboard.dat", s)
End If
End If
End Sub
''' <summary>
''' Saves the current keyboard configuration to the keyboard.dat file.
''' </summary>
Public Shared Sub SaveKeys()
If IO.Directory.Exists(GameController.GamePath & "\Save") = True Then
Dim s As String = "[ForwardMove]=" & GetKeyName(ForwardMoveKey) & Environment.NewLine &
"[LeftMove]=" & GetKeyName(LeftMoveKey) & Environment.NewLine &
"[BackwardMove]=" & GetKeyName(BackwardMoveKey) & Environment.NewLine &
"[RightMove]=" & GetKeyName(RightMoveKey) & Environment.NewLine &
"[Run]=" & GetKeyName(RunKey) & Environment.NewLine &
"[Inventory]=" & GetKeyName(OpenInventoryKey) & Environment.NewLine &
"[Chat]=" & GetKeyName(ChatKey) & Environment.NewLine &
"[Special]=" & GetKeyName(SpecialKey) & Environment.NewLine &
"[MuteAudio]=" & GetKeyName(MuteAudioKey) & Environment.NewLine &
"[Up]=" & GetKeyName(UpKey) & Environment.NewLine &
"[Down]=" & GetKeyName(DownKey) & Environment.NewLine &
"[Left]=" & GetKeyName(LeftKey) & Environment.NewLine &
"[Right]=" & GetKeyName(RightKey) & Environment.NewLine &
"[CameraLock]=" & GetKeyName(CameraLockKey) & Environment.NewLine &
"[GUIControl]=" & GetKeyName(GUIControlKey) & Environment.NewLine &
"[ScreenShot]=" & GetKeyName(ScreenshotKey) & Environment.NewLine &
"[DebugControl]=" & GetKeyName(DebugKey) & Environment.NewLine &
"[LightKey]=" & GetKeyName(LightKey) & Environment.NewLine &
"[PerspectiveSwitch]=" & GetKeyName(PerspectiveSwitchKey) & Environment.NewLine &
"[DisableController]=" & GetKeyName(DisableControllerKey) & Environment.NewLine &
"[FullScreen]=" & GetKeyName(FullScreenKey) & Environment.NewLine &
"[Enter1]=" & GetKeyName(EnterKey1) & Environment.NewLine &
"[Enter2]=" & GetKeyName(EnterKey2) & Environment.NewLine &
"[Back1]=" & GetKeyName(BackKey1) & Environment.NewLine &
"[Back2]=" & GetKeyName(BackKey2) & Environment.NewLine &
"[Escape]=" & GetKeyName(EscapeKey) & Environment.NewLine &
"[OnlineStatus]=" & GetKeyName(OnlineStatusKey)
IO.File.WriteAllText(GameController.GamePath & "\Save\Keyboard.dat", s)
Logger.Debug("---Saved Keybindings---")
End If
End Sub
Shared holdDelay As Single = 3.0F
Shared holdKey As Keys = Keys.A
''' <summary>
''' Gets keyboard inputs.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="WhiteKeys">All keys that allow a valid return. If the list is empty, all keys are allowed by default.</param>
''' <param name="BlackKeys">All keys that are not allowed for a valid return. If this list is empty, all keys are allowed by default.</param>
''' <param name="Text">The current text that this function adds text to.</param>
''' <param name="MaxLength">The maximum length of the text. -1 means infinite length.</param>
''' <param name="TriggerShift">Checks if the Shift variant of a key gets considered.</param>
''' <param name="TriggerAlt">Checks if the Alt variant of a key gets considered.</param>
Public Shared Function GetInput(ByVal WhiteKeys() As Keys, ByVal BlackKeys() As Keys, Optional ByRef Text As String = "", Optional ByVal MaxLength As Integer = -1, Optional ByVal TriggerShift As Boolean = True, Optional ByVal TriggerAlt As Boolean = True) As String
Dim Keys() As Keys = KeyBoardHandler.GetPressedKeys()
For Each Key As Keys In Keys
If Key = Input.Keys.V And KeyBoardHandler.KeyPressed(Input.Keys.V) = True And (KeyBoardHandler.KeyDown(Input.Keys.LeftControl) = True Or KeyBoardHandler.KeyDown(Input.Keys.RightControl) = True) = True Then
If Windows.Forms.Clipboard.ContainsText() = True Then
Dim t As String = Windows.Forms.Clipboard.GetText().Replace(Environment.NewLine, " ")
Text &= Windows.Forms.Clipboard.GetText()
End If
If Key <> Input.Keys.Back Then
If KeyBlocked(WhiteKeys, BlackKeys, Key) = False Then
Dim cc As Char? = KeyCharConverter.GetCharFromKey(Key)
If cc.HasValue = True Then
If holdDelay <= 0.0F And holdKey = Key Then
Text &= cc.ToString()
If KeyBoardHandler.KeyPressed(Key) = True Then
Text &= cc.ToString()
holdKey = Key
holdDelay = 3.0F
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
If Key = Input.Keys.Back And KeyBlocked(WhiteKeys, BlackKeys, Input.Keys.Back) = False Then
If holdDelay <= 0.0F And holdKey = Key Then
If Text.Length > 0 Then Text = Text.Remove(Text.Length - 1, 1)
If KeyBoardHandler.KeyPressed(Key) = True Then
If Text.Length > 0 Then Text = Text.Remove(Text.Length - 1, 1)
holdKey = Key
holdDelay = 3.0F
End If
End If
End If
End If
If KeyBoardHandler.KeyUp(holdKey) = True Then
holdDelay = 3.0F
holdDelay -= 0.1F
If holdDelay <= 0.0F Then
holdDelay = 0.0F
End If
End If
If MaxLength > -1 Then
While Text.Length > MaxLength
Text = Text.Remove(Text.Length - 1, 1)
End While
End If
Return Text
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Checks if the Key used is blocked by either the key whitelist or key blacklist.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="WhiteKeys">The key whitelist.</param>
''' <param name="BlackKeys">The key blacklist.</param>
''' <param name="Key">The key to be checked.</param>
Private Shared Function KeyBlocked(ByVal WhiteKeys() As Keys, ByVal BlackKeys() As Keys, ByVal Key As Keys) As Boolean
Dim MapWhite As Boolean = WhiteKeys.Length > 0
Dim MapBlack As Boolean = BlackKeys.Length > 0
'Check if key is whitelisted:
If MapWhite = False Or (MapWhite = True And WhiteKeys.Contains(Key) = True) = True Then
'Check if key is blacklisted:
If MapBlack = False Or (MapBlack = True And BlackKeys.Contains(Key) = False) = True Then
Return False
End If
End If
Return True
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Gets default text input.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="Text">The text to modify.</param>
''' <param name="MaxLength">The maximum length of the text. -1 means infinite length.</param>
''' <param name="TriggerShift">Checks if the Shift variant of a key gets considered.</param>
''' <param name="TriggerAlt">Checks if the Alt variant of a key gets considered.</param>
Public Shared Function GetInput(Optional ByRef Text As String = "", Optional ByVal MaxLength As Integer = -1, Optional ByVal TriggerShift As Boolean = True, Optional ByVal TriggerAlt As Boolean = True) As String
Return GetInput({},
{Keys.Enter, Keys.Up, Keys.Down, Keys.Left, Keys.Right, Keys.Tab, Keys.Delete, Keys.Home, Keys.End, Keys.Escape},
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Gets input for names.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="Text">The text to modify.</param>
''' <param name="MaxLength">The maximum length of the text. -1 means infinite length.</param>
''' <param name="TriggerShift">Checks if the Shift variant of a key gets considered.</param>
''' <param name="TriggerAlt">Checks if the Alt variant of a key gets considered.</param>
Public Shared Function GetNameInput(Optional ByRef Text As String = "", Optional ByVal MaxLength As Integer = -1, Optional ByVal TriggerShift As Boolean = True, Optional ByVal TriggerAlt As Boolean = True) As String
Return GetInput({Keys.NumPad0, Keys.NumPad1, Keys.NumPad2, Keys.NumPad3, Keys.NumPad4, Keys.NumPad5, Keys.NumPad6, Keys.NumPad7, Keys.NumPad8, Keys.NumPad9, Keys.Space, Keys.D1, Keys.D2, Keys.D3, Keys.D4, Keys.D5, Keys.D6, Keys.D7, Keys.D8, Keys.D9, Keys.D0, Keys.Back, Keys.A, Keys.B, Keys.C, Keys.D, Keys.E, Keys.F, Keys.G, Keys.H, Keys.I, Keys.J, Keys.K, Keys.L, Keys.M, Keys.N, Keys.O, Keys.P, Keys.Q, Keys.R, Keys.S, Keys.T, Keys.U, Keys.V, Keys.W, Keys.X, Keys.Y, Keys.Z},
End Function
End Class