
14 lines
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:if:<register.registered(fuji_charizarditeX)>=false <and> <Register.registered(oak_give_mega_bracelet)>=true
@text.show(Mr.Fuji: Welcome.*Hmm...*You appear to be raising your~Pokémon in a kind~and loving manner.*Please, accept this gift...)
@Text.show(It holds no value as a gem.*However, I am sure you will~find its true value*soon enough.)
@text.show(Mr.Fuji: Welcome.*Hmm...*You appear to be raising your~Pokémon in a kind~and loving manner.*Pokémon lovers come here~to pay their respects to~departed Pokémon.*Please offer condolences~for the souls of the~departed Pokémon.*I'm sure that will~make them happy.)