
118 lines
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:if:<register.registered(bill_encounter)>=true <and> <register.registered(pokegear_card_GTS)>=false
@text.show(Oh, hello there,~<player.name>.*The new GTS Card for~your Pokégear just arrived.*Here you go.)
@text.show(<player.name> received~the GTS Card!)
@text.show(With the GTS Card,~you can trade with~people all around the world.)
@text.show(Hello, and welcome to~the Pokémon Center.*We restore your tired~Pokémon to full health.*Would you like to rest~your Pokémon?)
@text.show(Good morning! Welcome~to the Pokémon Center.*We restore your tired~Pokémon to full health.*Would you like to rest~your Pokémon?)
@text.show(Hello, and welcome to~the Pokémon Center.*We restore your tired~Pokémon to full health.*Would you like to rest~your Pokémon?)
@text.show(Good evening! Welcome~to the Pokémon Center.*We restore your tired~Pokémon to full health.*Would you like to rest~your Pokémon?)
@text.show(We hope to see you~again!)
@text.show(OK, I'll take your~Pokémon for a few~seconds.)
@text.show(Thank you for waiting.*We've restored your~Pokémon to full health.)
@text.show(We hope to see you~again!)