38 lines
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38 lines
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@Text.show(Elm: Do you want~Totodile, the water~Pokémon?)
@Text.show(Elm: I think that's a~great Pokémon too!)
@pokemon.add(158,5,As a gift from Prof. Elm,5,at New Bark Town)
@Text.show(<player.name> received~Totodile!)
@Text.show(Mr. Pokémon lives near~Cherrygrove, the next~city.*It's almost a direct~route to there.)
@Text.show(If your Pokémon is~hurt, you should*heal it with this~machine.*Feel free to use~it anytime.)
@text.show(<player.name>~received Elm's number.)
@Text.show(<player.name> I'm~counting on you!)
@Text.show(Elm: Think it over~carefully.*Your partner is~important.)
@Text.show(It contains a~Pokémon caught by~Prof. Elm.)