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357 lines
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Imports System.Xml
Namespace BattleSystem
Public Class AnimationQueryObject
Inherits QueryObject
Public AnimationStarted As Boolean = False
Public AnimationEnded As Boolean = False
Public BattleFlipped As Boolean = Nothing
Public AnimationSequence As List(Of BattleAnimation3D)
Public SpawnedEntities As List(Of Entity)
Public CurrentEntity As Entity
Public StartPosition As New Vector3(0)
Public DrawBeforeEntities As Boolean
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property IsReady As Boolean
Return AnimationEnded
End Get
End Property
Public Sub New(ByVal entity As Entity, ByVal BattleFlipped As Boolean, Optional DrawBeforeEntities As Boolean = False)
Me.AnimationSequence = New List(Of BattleAnimation3D)
Me.SpawnedEntities = New List(Of Entity)
Me.DrawBeforeEntities = DrawBeforeEntities
Me.BattleFlipped = BattleFlipped
If entity IsNot Nothing Then
Me.CurrentEntity = entity
Me.StartPosition = entity.Position
End If
End Sub
Public Overrides Sub Draw(ByVal BV2Screen As BattleScreen)
Dim Backgrounds As New List(Of Entity)
Dim RenderObjects As New List(Of Entity)
For Each a As BattleAnimation3D In Me.AnimationSequence
If a.AnimationType = BattleAnimation3D.AnimationTypes.Background Then
End If
For Each entity As BattleAnimation3D In Me.SpawnedEntities
If RenderObjects.Count > 0 Then
RenderObjects = (From r In RenderObjects Order By r.CameraDistance Descending).ToList()
End If
For Each [Object] As Entity In Backgrounds
For Each [Object] As Entity In RenderObjects
End Sub
Public Overrides Sub Update(BV2Screen As BattleScreen)
If AnimationStarted = True Then
For i = 0 To AnimationSequence.Count - 1
If i <= AnimationSequence.Count - 1 Then
Dim a As BattleAnimation3D = AnimationSequence(i)
If a.CanRemove = True Then
i -= 1
End If
End If
If AnimationSequence.Count <= 0 Then
End If
For Each Animation As BattleAnimation3D In AnimationSequence
For Each Entity As Entity In SpawnedEntities
For i = 0 To Me.SpawnedEntities.Count - 1
If i <= SpawnedEntities.Count - 1 Then
Dim entity As Entity = SpawnedEntities(i)
If entity.CanBeRemoved = True Then
i -= 1
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Public Sub AnimationSequenceBegin()
AnimationStarted = True
End Sub
Public Sub AnimationSequenceEnd()
AnimationEnded = True
End Sub
Public Function SpawnEntity(ByVal Position As Vector3, ByVal Texture As Texture2D, ByVal Scale As Vector3, ByVal Opacity As Single, Optional ByVal startDelay As Single = 0.0F, Optional ByVal endDelay As Single = 0.0F, Optional ModelPath As String = "") As Entity
Dim NewPosition As Vector3
If Not Position = Nothing Then
If CurrentEntity IsNot Nothing Then
If BattleFlipped = True Then
Position.X *= -1
End If
NewPosition = CurrentEntity.Position + Position
NewPosition = Position
End If
If CurrentEntity IsNot Nothing Then
NewPosition = CurrentEntity.Position
NewPosition = New Vector3(0, 0, 0)
End If
End If
Dim SpawnedEntity = New BattleAnimation3D(NewPosition, Texture, Scale, startDelay, endDelay, False)
SpawnedEntity.Opacity = Opacity
SpawnedEntity.Visible = False
If ModelPath <> "" Then
SpawnedEntity.ModelPath = ModelPath
SpawnedEntity.Model = ModelManager.GetModel(SpawnedEntity.ModelPath)
SpawnedEntity.Scale *= ModelManager.MODELSCALE
If BattleFlipped = True Then
Dim FlipRotation As Integer = Entity.GetRotationFromVector(SpawnedEntity.Rotation)
FlipRotation += 2
If FlipRotation > 3 Then
FlipRotation -= 4
End If
SpawnedEntity.Rotation.Y = Entity.GetRotationFromInteger(FlipRotation).Y
End If
End If
Return SpawnedEntity
End Function
Public Sub RemoveEntity(Entity As Entity)
End Sub
Public Sub AnimationChangeTexture(ByVal Entity As Entity, RemoveEntityAfter As Boolean, ByVal Texture As Texture2D, ByVal startDelay As Single, ByVal endDelay As Single)
Dim TextureChangeEntity As Entity
If Entity Is Nothing Then
TextureChangeEntity = CurrentEntity
TextureChangeEntity = Entity
End If
Dim baEntityTextureChange As BAEntityTextureChange = New BAEntityTextureChange(TextureChangeEntity, RemoveEntityAfter, Texture, startDelay, endDelay)
End Sub
Public Sub AnimationMove(ByVal Entity As Entity, ByVal RemoveEntityAfter As Boolean, ByVal DestinationX As Single, ByVal DestinationY As Single, ByVal DestinationZ As Single, ByVal Speed As Single, ByVal SpinX As Boolean, ByVal SpinZ As Boolean, ByVal startDelay As Single, ByVal endDelay As Single, Optional ByVal SpinXSpeed As Single = 0.1F, Optional ByVal SpinZSpeed As Single = 0.1F, Optional MoveYSpeed As Single = 0.0F, Optional MovementCurve As Integer = 3)
Dim MoveEntity As Entity
Dim Destination As Vector3
If Entity Is Nothing Then
MoveEntity = CurrentEntity
MoveEntity = Entity
End If
If Not BattleFlipped = Nothing Then
If BattleFlipped = True Then
DestinationX *= -1.0F
If SpinZ = True Then
SpinXSpeed *= -1.0F
SpinZSpeed *= -1.0F
End If
End If
End If
If CurrentEntity Is Nothing Then
Destination = MoveEntity.Position + New Vector3(DestinationX, DestinationY, DestinationZ)
Destination = CurrentEntity.Position + New Vector3(DestinationX, DestinationY, DestinationZ)
End If
Dim baEntityMove As BAEntityMove = New BAEntityMove(MoveEntity, RemoveEntityAfter, Destination, Speed, SpinX, SpinZ, startDelay, endDelay, SpinXSpeed, SpinZSpeed, MovementCurve, MoveYSpeed)
End Sub
Public Sub AnimationOscillateMove(ByRef Entity As Entity, ByVal RemoveEntityAfter As Boolean, ByVal Distance As Vector3, ByVal Speed As Single, ByVal BothWays As Boolean, ByVal Duration As Single, ByVal startDelay As Single, ByVal endDelay As Single, Optional MovementCurve As Integer = 0, Optional ReturnToStart As Vector3 = Nothing)
Dim MoveEntity As Entity
Dim ReturnPosition As New Vector3(0)
If Entity Is Nothing Then
MoveEntity = CurrentEntity
MoveEntity = Entity
End If
If Not BattleFlipped = Nothing Then
If BattleFlipped = True Then
Distance.Z *= -1.0F
End If
End If
Dim DurationWhole = CSng(Math.Truncate(CDbl(Duration / 6.0F)))
Dim DurationFraction = CSng((Duration / 6.0F - DurationWhole) * 1000)
Dim DurationTime As TimeSpan = New TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, CInt(DurationWhole), CInt(DurationFraction))
Dim baEntityOscillateMove As BAEntityOscillateMove = New BAEntityOscillateMove(MoveEntity, RemoveEntityAfter, Distance, Speed, BothWays, DurationTime, startDelay, endDelay, MovementCurve, ReturnToStart)
End Sub
Public Sub AnimationSetPosition(ByVal Entity As Entity, ByVal RemoveEntityAfter As Boolean, ByVal PositionX As Single, ByVal PositionY As Single, ByVal PositionZ As Single, ByVal startDelay As Single, ByVal endDelay As Single)
Dim SetEntity As Entity
Dim SetPosition As Vector3
If Entity Is Nothing Then
SetEntity = CurrentEntity
SetEntity = Entity
End If
SetPosition = New Vector3(PositionX, PositionY, PositionZ) + BattleScreen.BattleMapOffset
Dim baEntitySetPosition As BAEntitySetPosition = New BAEntitySetPosition(SetEntity, RemoveEntityAfter, SetPosition, startDelay, endDelay)
End Sub
Public Sub AnimationColor(ByVal Entity As Entity, ByVal RemoveEntityAfter As Boolean, ByVal TransitionSpeedIn As Single, ByVal ReturnToFromWhenDone As Boolean, ByVal startDelay As Single, ByVal endDelay As Single, ByVal VectorColorTo As Vector3, Optional ByVal VectorColorFrom As Vector3 = Nothing, Optional TransitionSpeedOut As Single = -1)
Dim ColorEntity As Entity
If Entity Is Nothing Then
ColorEntity = CurrentEntity
ColorEntity = Entity
End If
Dim baEntityColor As BAEntityColor = New BAEntityColor(ColorEntity, RemoveEntityAfter, TransitionSpeedIn, ReturnToFromWhenDone, startDelay, endDelay, VectorColorTo, VectorColorFrom, TransitionSpeedOut)
End Sub
Public Sub AnimationColor(ByVal Entity As Entity, ByVal RemoveEntityAfter As Boolean, ByVal TransitionSpeedIn As Single, ByVal ReturnToFromWhenDone As Boolean, ByVal startDelay As Single, ByVal endDelay As Single, ByVal ColorTo As Color, Optional ByVal ColorFrom As Color = Nothing, Optional TransitionSpeedOut As Single = -1)
Dim ColorEntity As Entity
If Entity Is Nothing Then
ColorEntity = CurrentEntity
ColorEntity = Entity
End If
Dim VectorColorTo As Vector3 = ColorTo.ToVector3
Dim VectorColorFrom As Vector3 = Nothing
If ColorFrom <> Nothing Then
VectorColorFrom = ColorFrom.ToVector3
End If
Dim baEntityColor As BAEntityColor = New BAEntityColor(ColorEntity, RemoveEntityAfter, TransitionSpeedIn, ReturnToFromWhenDone, startDelay, endDelay, VectorColorTo, VectorColorFrom, TransitionSpeedOut)
End Sub
Public Sub AnimationFade(ByVal Entity As Entity, ByVal RemoveEntityAfter As Boolean, ByVal TransitionSpeed As Single, ByVal FadeIn As Boolean, ByVal EndState As Single, ByVal startDelay As Single, ByVal endDelay As Single, Optional ByVal startState As Single = -1.0F)
Dim FadeEntity As Entity
If Entity Is Nothing Then
FadeEntity = CurrentEntity
FadeEntity = Entity
End If
If startState = -1 Then startState = FadeEntity.NormalOpacity
Dim baEntityOpacity As BAEntityOpacity = New BAEntityOpacity(FadeEntity, RemoveEntityAfter, TransitionSpeed, FadeIn, EndState, startDelay, endDelay, startState)
End Sub
Public Sub AnimationRotate(Entity As Entity, ByVal RemoveEntityAfter As Boolean, ByVal RotationSpeedX As Single, ByVal RotationSpeedY As Single, ByVal RotationSpeedZ As Single, ByVal EndRotationX As Single, ByVal EndRotationY As Single, ByVal EndRotationZ As Single, ByVal startDelay As Single, ByVal endDelay As Single, ByVal DoXRotation As Boolean, ByVal DoYRotation As Boolean, ByVal DoZRotation As Boolean, ByVal DoReturn As Boolean)
Dim RotateEntity As Entity
If Entity Is Nothing Then
RotateEntity = CurrentEntity
RotateEntity = Entity
End If
Dim RotationSpeedVector As Vector3 = New Vector3(RotationSpeedX, RotationSpeedY, RotationSpeedZ)
Dim EndRotation As Vector3 = New Vector3(EndRotationX, EndRotationY, EndRotationZ)
Dim baEntityRotate As BAEntityRotate = New BAEntityRotate(RotateEntity, RemoveEntityAfter, RotationSpeedVector, EndRotation, startDelay, endDelay, DoXRotation, DoYRotation, DoZRotation, DoReturn)
End Sub
Public Sub AnimationTurnNPC(ByVal TurnSteps As Integer, ByVal startDelay As Single, ByVal endDelay As Single, Optional ByVal EndFaceRotation As Integer = -1, Optional ByVal TurnSpeed As Integer = 1, Optional ByVal TurnDelay As Single = 0.25F)
Dim TurnNPC As NPC = Nothing
If CurrentEntity IsNot Nothing Then
TurnNPC = CType(CurrentEntity, NPC)
End If
If Not BattleFlipped = Nothing AndAlso BattleFlipped = True Then
EndFaceRotation += 2
TurnSpeed *= -1
End If
Dim BAEntityFaceRotate As BAEntityFaceRotate = New BAEntityFaceRotate(TurnNPC, TurnSteps, startDelay, endDelay, EndFaceRotation, TurnSpeed, TurnDelay)
End Sub
Public Sub AnimationScale(ByVal Entity As Entity, ByVal RemoveEntityAfter As Boolean, ByVal Grow As Boolean, ByVal EndSizeX As Single, ByVal EndSizeY As Single, ByVal EndSizeZ As Single, ByVal SizeSpeed As Single, ByVal startDelay As Single, ByVal endDelay As Single, Optional ByVal Anchors As String = "")
Dim ScaleEntity As Entity
If Entity Is Nothing Then
ScaleEntity = CurrentEntity
If ScaleEntity.Model IsNot Nothing Then
EndSizeX *= ModelManager.MODELSCALE
EndSizeY *= ModelManager.MODELSCALE
EndSizeZ *= ModelManager.MODELSCALE
SizeSpeed *= ModelManager.MODELSCALE
End If
ScaleEntity = Entity
End If
Dim Scale As Vector3 = ScaleEntity.Scale
Dim EndSize As Vector3 = New Vector3(EndSizeX, EndSizeY, EndSizeZ)
Dim baEntityScale As BAEntityScale = New BAEntityScale(ScaleEntity, RemoveEntityAfter, Scale, Grow, EndSize, SizeSpeed, startDelay, endDelay, Anchors)
End Sub
Public Sub AnimationPlaySound(ByVal sound As String, ByVal startDelay As Single, ByVal endDelay As Single, Optional ByVal stopMusic As Boolean = False, Optional ByVal IsPokemon As Boolean = False, Optional ByVal CrySuffix As String = "")
Dim baSound As BAPlaySound = New BAPlaySound(sound, startDelay, endDelay, stopMusic, IsPokemon, CrySuffix)
End Sub
Public Sub AnimationBackground(ByVal Texture As Texture2D, ByVal startDelay As Single, ByVal endDelay As Single, ByVal Duration As Single, Optional ByVal AfterFadeInOpacity As Single = 1.0F, Optional ByVal FadeInSpeed As Single = 0.125F, Optional ByVal FadeOutSpeed As Single = 0.125F, Optional ByVal DoTile As Boolean = False, Optional ByVal AnimationLength As Integer = 1, Optional ByVal AnimationSpeed As Integer = 4, Optional ByVal Scale As Integer = 4)
Dim baBackground As BABackground = New BABackground(Texture, startDelay, endDelay, Duration, AfterFadeInOpacity, FadeInSpeed, FadeOutSpeed, DoTile, AnimationLength, AnimationSpeed, Scale)
End Sub
Public Sub AnimationCameraChangeAngle(ByRef Battlescreen As BattleScreen, ByVal CameraAngleID As Integer, ByVal startDelay As Single, ByVal endDelay As Single)
Dim baCameraChangeAngle As BACameraChangeAngle = New BACameraChangeAngle(Battlescreen, CameraAngleID, startDelay, endDelay)
End Sub
Public Sub AnimationCameraOscillateMove(ByVal Distance As Vector3, ByVal Speed As Single, ByVal BothWays As Boolean, ByVal Duration As Single, ByVal startDelay As Single, ByVal endDelay As Single, Optional MovementCurve As Integer = 0, Optional ReturnToStart As Vector3 = Nothing)
Dim ReturnPosition As New Vector3(0)
If Not BattleFlipped = Nothing Then
If BattleFlipped = True Then
Distance.Z *= -1.0F
End If
End If
Dim DurationWhole = CSng(Math.Truncate(CDbl(Duration / 6.0F)))
Dim DurationFraction = CSng((Duration / 6.0F - DurationWhole) * 1000)
Dim DurationTime As TimeSpan = New TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, CInt(DurationWhole), CInt(DurationFraction))
Dim baCameraOscillateMove As BACameraOscillateMove = New BACameraOscillateMove(Distance, Speed, BothWays, DurationTime, startDelay, endDelay, MovementCurve, ReturnToStart)
End Sub
End Class
End Namespace |