171 lines
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171 lines
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Namespace BattleSystem
Public Class MathHPQueryObject
Inherits QueryObject
#Region "PVPData"
Dim Current As Integer = 0
Dim Max As Integer = 0
Dim Damage As Integer = 0
#End Region
Private _target As Integer
Private _amount As Integer = 1000
Private _delay As Single = 1.0F
Private _startamount As Integer = 1000
Private _position As Vector2
Public Sub New(ByVal Current As Integer, ByVal Max As Integer, ByVal Damage As Integer, ByVal position As Vector2)
Me.Current = Current
Me.Max = Max
Me.Damage = Damage
_amount = CInt((1000 / Max) * Current)
_startamount = _amount
Dim endState As Integer = Current - Damage
If endState < 0 Then
endState = 0
End If
_target = CInt((1000 / Max) * endState)
_position = position
End Sub
Public Overrides Sub Update(BV2Screen As BattleScreen)
If _target < _amount Then
_amount -= 8
If _amount < _target Then
_amount = _target
End If
Particles.Add(New Particle(New Vector2(CSng((_amount / 1000) * 300 + _position.X), _position.Y + Core.Random.Next(0, 34)), GetColor()))
Shake = New Vector2(Shake.X + (Core.Random.Next(0, 3) - 1), Shake.Y + (Core.Random.Next(0, 3) - 1))
End If
If _target > _amount Then
_amount += 8
If _amount > _target Then
_amount = _target
End If
End If
If _target = _amount Then
If _delay > 0.0F Then
Me._delay -= 0.01F
If _delay <= 0.0F Then
_delay = 0.0F
End If
If Controls.Accept(True, True) = True Then
_delay = 0.0F
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Particles As New List(Of Particle)
Private Shake As Vector2 = New Vector2(0, 0)
Public Overrides Sub Draw(BV2Screen As BattleScreen)
Canvas.DrawRectangle(New Rectangle(CInt(_position.X + Shake.X), CInt(_position.Y + Shake.Y), 300, 30), Color.White)
If _amount >= _target Then
Canvas.DrawScrollBar(New Vector2(_position.X + Shake.X, _position.Y + Shake.Y), 1000, _startamount, 0, New Size(300, 30), True, New Color(0, 0, 0, 0), Color.DarkGray)
End If
Canvas.DrawScrollBar(New Vector2(_position.X + Shake.X, _position.Y + Shake.Y), 1000, _amount, 0, New Size(300, 30), True, New Color(0, 0, 0, 0), GetColor())
Canvas.DrawBorder(4, New Rectangle(CInt(_position.X - 2 + Shake.X), CInt(_position.Y - 2 + Shake.Y), 304, 34), Color.Gray)
For i = 0 To Particles.Count - 1
If i <= Particles.Count - 1 Then
Dim p As Particle = Particles(i)
If p.CanBeRemoved = True Then
i -= 1
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Function GetColor() As Color
Dim percent As Integer = CInt((_amount / 1000) * 100)
If percent > 75 Then
Return New Color(64, 191, 0)
ElseIf percent <= 75 And percent > 50 Then
Return New Color(157, 191, 0)
ElseIf percent <= 50 And percent > 25 Then
Return New Color(222, 191, 0)
Return New Color(192, 63, 0)
End If
End Function
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property IsReady As Boolean
If _amount = _target Then
If _delay = 0.0F Then
Return True
End If
End If
Return False
End Get
End Property
Class Particle
Public Delay As Single = 0.0F
Public Position As Vector2
Public Color As Color
Public CanBeRemoved As Boolean = False
Public Sub New(ByVal position As Vector2, ByVal Color As Color)
Me.Position = position
Me.Color = Color
Me.Delay = 0.15F
End Sub
Public Sub Draw(ByVal offset As Vector2)
Me.Delay -= 0.01F
If Me.Delay <= 0.0F Then
Me.Delay = 0.0F
Me.CanBeRemoved = True
End If
Canvas.DrawRectangle(New Rectangle(CInt(Position.X + offset.X), CInt(Position.Y + offset.Y), 4, 4), Color)
End Sub
End Class
Public Overrides Function NeedForPVPData() As Boolean
Return True
End Function
Public Shared Shadows Function FromString(ByVal input As String) As QueryObject
Dim d() As String = input.Split(CChar("|"))
Return New MathHPQueryObject(CInt(d(0)), CInt(d(1)), CInt(d(2)), New Vector2(CSng(STSE(d(3))), CSng(STSE(d(4)))))
End Function
Public Overrides Function ToString() As String
Dim s As String = Me.Current.ToString() & "|" &
Me.Max.ToString() & "|" &
Me.Damage.ToString() & "|" &
SEST(Me._position.X.ToString()) & "|" & SEST(Me._position.Y.ToString())
Return "{MATHHP|" & s & "}"
End Function
Private Shared Function STSE(ByVal s As String) As String
Return s.Replace(".", GameController.DecSeparator)
End Function
Private Shared Function SEST(ByVal s As String) As String
Return s.Replace(GameController.DecSeparator, ".")
End Function
End Class
End Namespace |