591 lines
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591 lines
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Namespace ScriptVersion2
Partial Class ScriptComparer
' --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Contains the <pokemon> constructs.
' --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Private Shared Function DoPokemon(ByVal subClass As String) As Object
Dim command As String = GetSubClassArgumentPair(subClass).Command
Dim argument As String = GetSubClassArgumentPair(subClass).Argument
Select Case command.ToLower()
Case "id", "number"
Dim index As Integer = int(argument.GetSplit(0))
Return Core.Player.Pokemons(index).Number
Case "data"
Dim index As Integer = int(argument.GetSplit(0))
Return Core.Player.Pokemons(index).GetSaveData().Replace(",", "§").Replace("[", "«").Replace("]", "»")
Case "gender"
Dim index As Integer = int(argument.GetSplit(0))
Return Core.Player.Pokemons(index).Gender
Case "genderchance"
Dim dexID As String = argument.GetSplit(0)
Dim dexAD As String = ""
If dexID.Contains("_") = True Then
dexAD = PokemonForms.GetAdditionalValueFromDataFile(dexID)
dexID = dexID.GetSplit(0, "_")
End If
Dim p As Pokemon = Pokemon.GetPokemonByID(CInt(dexID), dexAD)
Return p.IsMale
Case "level"
Dim index As Integer = int(argument.GetSplit(0))
Return Core.Player.Pokemons(index).Level
Case "hasfullhp"
Dim index As Integer = int(argument.GetSplit(0))
If Core.Player.Pokemons(index).HP = Core.Player.Pokemons(index).MaxHP Then
Return ReturnBoolean(True)
Return ReturnBoolean(False)
End If
Case "hp"
Dim index As Integer = int(argument.GetSplit(0))
Return Core.Player.Pokemons(index).HP
Case "atk"
Dim index As Integer = int(argument.GetSplit(0))
Return Core.Player.Pokemons(index).Attack
Case "def"
Dim index As Integer = int(argument.GetSplit(0))
Return Core.Player.Pokemons(index).Defense
Case "spatk"
Dim index As Integer = int(argument.GetSplit(0))
Return Core.Player.Pokemons(index).SpAttack
Case "spdef"
Dim index As Integer = int(argument.GetSplit(0))
Return Core.Player.Pokemons(index).SpDefense
Case "speed"
Dim index As Integer = int(argument.GetSplit(0))
Return Core.Player.Pokemons(index).Speed
Case "maxhp"
Dim index As Integer = int(argument.GetSplit(0))
Return Core.Player.Pokemons(index).MaxHP
Case "isegg"
Dim index As Integer = int(argument.GetSplit(0))
Return ReturnBoolean(Core.Player.Pokemons(index).IsEgg())
Case "additionaldata"
Dim index As Integer = int(argument.GetSplit(0))
Return Core.Player.Pokemons(index).AdditionalData
Case "nickname"
Dim index As Integer = int(argument.GetSplit(0))
If Core.Player.Pokemons(index).NickName <> "" Then
Return Core.Player.Pokemons(index).NickName
Return Core.Player.Pokemons(index).GetName
End If
Case "hasnickname"
Dim index As Integer = int(argument.GetSplit(0))
Return (Core.Player.Pokemons(index).NickName = "")
Case "name"
Dim index As Integer = int(argument.GetSplit(0))
Return Core.Player.Pokemons(index).OriginalName
Case "ot"
Dim index As Integer = int(argument.GetSplit(0))
Return Core.Player.Pokemons(index).OT
Case "trainer"
Dim index As Integer = int(argument.GetSplit(0))
Return Core.Player.Pokemons(index).CatchTrainerName
Case "itemid"
Dim index As Integer = int(argument.GetSplit(0))
If Core.Player.Pokemons(index).Item Is Nothing Then
Return 0
Return Core.Player.Pokemons(index).Item.ID
End If
Case "friendship"
Dim index As Integer = int(argument.GetSplit(0))
Return Core.Player.Pokemons(index).Friendship.ToString()
Case "itemname", "item"
Dim index As Integer = int(argument.GetSplit(0))
If Core.Player.Pokemons(index).Item Is Nothing Then
Return ""
Return Core.Player.Pokemons(index).Item.Name
End If
Case "catchball"
Dim index As Integer = int(argument.GetSplit(0))
Return Core.Player.Pokemons(index).CatchBall.ID
Case "catchmethod"
Dim index As Integer = int(argument.GetSplit(0))
Return Core.Player.Pokemons(index).CatchMethod
Case "catchlocation"
Dim index As Integer = int(argument.GetSplit(0))
Return Core.Player.Pokemons(index).CatchLocation
Case "hasattackinparty"
Dim attackID As Integer = int(argument.GetSplit(0))
Dim i As Integer = 0
For Each p As Pokemon In Core.Player.Pokemons
For Each a As BattleSystem.Attack In p.Attacks
If a.ID = attackID Then
Return i
End If
i += 1
Return "-1"
Case "hasattack"
Dim index As Integer = int(argument.GetSplit(0))
Dim attackID As Integer = int(argument.GetSplit(1))
Dim has As Boolean = False
For Each a As BattleSystem.Attack In Core.Player.Pokemons(index).Attacks
If a.ID = attackID Then
has = True
Exit For
End If
Return ReturnBoolean(has)
Case "countattacks"
Dim index As Integer = int(argument.GetSplit(0))
Return Core.Player.Pokemons(index).Attacks.Count
Case "attackname"
Dim pokeIndex As Integer = int(argument.GetSplit(0))
Dim moveIndex As Integer = int(argument.GetSplit(1))
Return Core.Player.Pokemons(pokeIndex).Attacks(moveIndex).Name
Case "levelattacks"
Dim pokeIndex As Integer = int(argument.GetSplit(0))
Dim MaxLevel As Integer = Core.Player.Pokemons(pokeIndex).Level
Dim levelMoves As String = ""
If argument.Split(",").Count > 1 Then
If argument.GetSplit(1).ToLower = "-1" Then
MaxLevel = Core.Player.Pokemons(pokeIndex).Level
MaxLevel = CInt(argument.GetSplit(1))
End If
End If
For Each level As Integer In Core.Player.Pokemons(pokeIndex).AttackLearns.Keys
If level <= MaxLevel Then
For Each a As BattleSystem.Attack In Core.Player.Pokemons(pokeIndex).AttackLearns(level)
If levelMoves = "" Then
levelMoves = a.ID.ToString
levelMoves &= "," & a.ID.ToString
End If
End If
Return levelMoves
Case "canlearnattack"
Dim pokeIndex As Integer = int(argument.GetSplit(0))
Dim LearnAttack As BattleSystem.Attack = BattleSystem.Attack.GetAttackByID(int(argument.GetSplit(1)))
Dim canLearnMove As Boolean = False
For i = 0 To Core.Player.Pokemons(pokeIndex).AttackLearns.Count - 1
Dim aList As List(Of BattleSystem.Attack) = Core.Player.Pokemons(pokeIndex).AttackLearns.Values(i)
For lA = 0 To aList.Count - 1
If aList(lA).ID = LearnAttack.ID Then
canLearnMove = True
End If
For Each eggMoveID As Integer In Core.Player.Pokemons(pokeIndex).EggMoves
If eggMoveID = LearnAttack.ID Then
canLearnMove = True
End If
For Each TMMoveID As Integer In Core.Player.Pokemons(pokeIndex).Machines
If TMMoveID = LearnAttack.ID Then
canLearnMove = True
End If
Return ReturnBoolean(canLearnMove)
Case "isshiny"
Dim index As Integer = int(argument.GetSplit(0))
Return ReturnBoolean(Core.Player.Pokemons(index).IsShiny)
Case "nature"
Dim index As Integer = int(argument.GetSplit(0))
Return Core.Player.Pokemons(index).Nature.ToString()
Case "ownpokemon"
Dim index As Integer = int(argument.GetSplit(0))
If Core.Player.Pokemons(index).OT = Core.Player.OT Then
Return ReturnBoolean(True)
Return ReturnBoolean(False)
End If
Case "islegendary"
Dim index As Integer = int(argument.GetSplit(0))
Return ReturnBoolean(Pokemon.Legendaries.Contains(Core.Player.Pokemons(index).Number))
Case "freeplaceinparty"
Return ReturnBoolean((Core.Player.Pokemons.Count < 6))
Case "nopokemon"
Return ReturnBoolean((Core.Player.Pokemons.Count = 0))
Case "count"
Return Core.Player.Pokemons.Count
Case "countbattle"
Dim c As Integer = 0
For Each p As Pokemon In Core.Player.Pokemons
If p.IsEgg() = False And p.HP > 0 And p.Status <> Pokemon.StatusProblems.Fainted Then
c += 1
End If
Return c
Case "has"
Dim has As Boolean = False
Dim PokemonID As Integer = int(argument.GetSplit(0))
For Each p As Pokemon In Core.Player.Pokemons
If p.Number = PokemonID Then
has = True
Exit For
End If
Return ReturnBoolean(has)
Case "selected"
Return PartyScreen.Selected
Case "selectedmove"
Return ChooseAttackScreen.Selected
Case "hasegg"
Dim hasEgg As Boolean = False
For Each p As Pokemon In Core.Player.Pokemons
If p.IsEgg = True Then
hasEgg = True
Exit For
End If
Return ReturnBoolean(hasEgg)
Case "maxpartylevel"
Dim maxLevel As Integer = 0
For Each p As Pokemon In Core.Player.Pokemons
If maxLevel < p.Level Then
maxLevel = p.Level
End If
Return maxLevel
Case "evhp"
Dim index As Integer = int(argument.GetSplit(0))
Return Core.Player.Pokemons(index).EVHP
Case "evatk"
Dim index As Integer = int(argument.GetSplit(0))
Return Core.Player.Pokemons(index).EVAttack
Case "evdef"
Dim index As Integer = int(argument.GetSplit(0))
Return Core.Player.Pokemons(index).EVDefense
Case "evspatk"
Dim index As Integer = int(argument.GetSplit(0))
Return Core.Player.Pokemons(index).EVSpAttack
Case "evspdef"
Dim index As Integer = int(argument.GetSplit(0))
Return Core.Player.Pokemons(index).EVSpDefense
Case "evspeed"
Dim index As Integer = int(argument.GetSplit(0))
Return Core.Player.Pokemons(index).EVSpeed
Case "ivhp"
Dim index As Integer = int(argument.GetSplit(0))
Return Core.Player.Pokemons(index).IVHP
Case "ivatk"
Dim index As Integer = int(argument.GetSplit(0))
Return Core.Player.Pokemons(index).IVAttack
Case "ivdef"
Dim index As Integer = int(argument.GetSplit(0))
Return Core.Player.Pokemons(index).IVDefense
Case "ivspatk"
Dim index As Integer = int(argument.GetSplit(0))
Return Core.Player.Pokemons(index).IVSpAttack
Case "ivspdef"
Dim index As Integer = int(argument.GetSplit(0))
Return Core.Player.Pokemons(index).IVSpDefense
Case "ivspeed"
Dim index As Integer = int(argument.GetSplit(0))
Return Core.Player.Pokemons(index).IVSpeed
Case "itemdata"
Dim data As String = ""
Dim index As Integer = int(argument)
If Not Core.Player.Pokemons(index).Item Is Nothing Then
data = Core.Player.Pokemons(index).Item.AdditionalData
End If
Return data
Case "mailsendername"
Dim index As Integer = int(argument)
Dim name As String = ""
If Not Core.Player.Pokemons(index).Item Is Nothing Then
If Core.Player.Pokemons(index).Item.IsMail Then
name = Core.Player.Pokemons(index).Item.AdditionalData.GetSplit(1, "\,")
End If
End If
Return name
Case "mailsenderot"
Dim index As Integer = int(argument)
Dim ot As String = ""
If Not Core.Player.Pokemons(index).Item Is Nothing Then
If Core.Player.Pokemons(index).Item.IsMail Then
ot = Core.Player.Pokemons(index).Item.AdditionalData.GetSplit(6, "\,")
End If
End If
Return ot
Case "counthalloffame"
Return HallOfFameScreen.GetHallOfFameCount()
Case "learnedtutormove"
Return ReturnBoolean(TeachMovesScreen.LearnedMove)
Case "totalexp"
Dim index As Integer = int(argument.GetSplit(0))
Return Core.Player.Pokemons(index).Experience
Case "needexp"
Dim index As Integer = int(argument.GetSplit(0))
Dim p As Pokemon = Core.Player.Pokemons(index)
Return p.NeedExperience(p.Level + 1) - p.Experience
Case "currentexp"
Dim index As Integer = int(argument.GetSplit(0))
Dim p As Pokemon = Core.Player.Pokemons(index)
Return p.Experience - p.NeedExperience(p.Level)
Case "generatefrontier"
Dim level As Integer = int(argument.GetSplit(0))
level = level.Clamp(1, CInt(GameModeManager.GetGameRuleValue("MaxLevel", "100")))
Dim pokemon_class As Integer = int(argument.GetSplit(1))
Dim IDPreset As List(Of Integer) = Nothing
If argument.CountSeperators(",") > 1 Then
For i = 2 To argument.CountSeperators(",")
Dim s As String = argument.GetSplit(i)
If s.Contains("-") = True Then
Dim min As Integer = int(s.Remove(s.IndexOf("-")))
Dim max As Integer = int(s.Remove(0, s.IndexOf("-") + 1))
For c = min To max
If IDPreset Is Nothing Then
IDPreset = {c}.ToList()
End If
If IDPreset Is Nothing Then
IDPreset = {int(argument.GetSplit(i))}.ToList()
End If
End If
End If
Return FrontierSpawner.GetPokemon(level, pokemon_class, IDPreset).GetSaveData().Replace(",", "§").Replace("[", "«").Replace("]", "»")
Case "spawnwild"
Return Spawner.GetPokemon(Screen.Level.LevelFile, CType(int(argument), Spawner.EncounterMethods)).GetSaveData().Replace(",", "§").Replace("[", "«").Replace("]", "»")
Case "spawn"
Dim ID As Integer = int(argument.GetSplit(0))
Dim level As Integer = int(argument.GetSplit(1))
Dim p As Pokemon = Pokemon.GetPokemonByID(ID)
p.Generate(level, True)
Return p.GetSaveData().Replace(",", "§").Replace("[", "«").Replace("]", "»")
Case "otmatch"
' Arguments: has: returns boolean, ID: returns Pokédex number, Name: returns name, maxhits: returns the maximum number of equal chars.
Dim maxDigits As Integer = 0
Dim maxName As String = "[EMPTY]"
Dim maxID As Integer = 0
Dim checkOT As String = argument.GetSplit(0)
While checkOT.Length < 5
checkOT = "0" & checkOT
End While
Dim d As String = checkOT
Dim checkDigits() = {d(0), d(1), d(2), d(3), d(4)}
Dim ps As List(Of Pokemon) = StorageSystemScreen.GetAllBoxPokemon()
For Each p As Pokemon In Core.Player.Pokemons
ps = ps.ToArray().Randomize().ToList()
For Each p As Pokemon In ps
Dim currentCount As Integer = 0
Dim pOT As String = p.OT
While pOT.Length < 5
pOT = "0" & pOT
End While
Dim pDigits() As String = {pOT(0), pOT(1), pOT(2), pOT(3), pOT(4)}
For i = 4 To 0 Step -1
If pDigits(i) = checkDigits(i) Then
currentCount += 1
Exit For
End If
If currentCount > maxDigits Then
maxDigits = currentCount
maxName = p.GetDisplayName()
maxID = p.Number
End If
Dim arg As String = argument.Split(CChar(","))(1)
Select Case arg.ToLower()
Case "has"
If maxDigits > 0 Then
Return ReturnBoolean(True)
Return ReturnBoolean(False)
End If
Case "id", "number"
Return maxID
Case "name"
Return maxName
Case "maxhits"
Return maxDigits
End Select
Case "randomot"
Dim n As String = Core.Random.Next(0, 100000).ToString()
While n.Length < 5
n = "0" & n
End While
Return n
Case "status"
Dim index As Integer = int(argument)
Return Core.Player.Pokemons(index).Status.ToString()
Case "canevolve"
Dim args() As String = argument.Split(CChar(","))
Dim triggerStr As String = "level"
If args.Count > 1 Then
triggerStr = args(1)
End If
Dim trigger As EvolutionCondition.EvolutionTrigger = EvolutionCondition.EvolutionTrigger.LevelUp
Dim evolutionArg As String = ""
If args.Count > 2 Then
evolutionArg = args(2)
End If
Dim p As Pokemon = Core.Player.Pokemons(int(args(0)))
Select Case triggerStr
Case "level", "levelup", "level up", "level-up"
trigger = EvolutionCondition.EvolutionTrigger.LevelUp
Case "none"
trigger = EvolutionCondition.EvolutionTrigger.None
Case "itemuse", "item use", "item", "item-use"
trigger = EvolutionCondition.EvolutionTrigger.ItemUse
Case "trade", "trading"
trigger = EvolutionCondition.EvolutionTrigger.Trading
End Select
Return ReturnBoolean(p.CanEvolve(trigger, evolutionArg))
Case "type1"
Dim p As Pokemon = Core.Player.Pokemons(int(argument))
Return p.Type1.ToString()
Case "type2"
Dim p As Pokemon = Core.Player.Pokemons(int(argument))
Return p.Type2.ToString()
Case "istype"
Dim args() As String = argument.Split(CChar(","))
Dim p As Pokemon = Core.Player.Pokemons(int(args(0)))
Dim checkType As String = args(1)
Return ReturnBoolean(p.IsType(New Element(checkType).Type))
Case "displayname"
Dim index As Integer = int(argument.GetSplit(0))
Return Core.Player.Pokemons(index).GetDisplayName()
Case "menusprite"
'Dim index As Integer = int(argument.GetSplit(0))
'Dim p As Pokemon = Core.Player.Pokemons(index)
'Dim pos As Vector2 = PokemonForms.GetMenuImagePosition(p)
'Dim size As Size = PokemonForms.GetMenuImageSize(p)
'Dim sheet As String = "GUI\PokemonMenu"
'If p.IsShiny = True Then
'sheet = "GUI\PokemonMenuShiny"
'End If
'Return sheet & "|" & CStr(pos.X * 32) & "|" & CStr(pos.Y * 32) & "|" & CStr(size.Width) & "|" & CStr(size.Height)
Dim index As Integer = int(argument.GetSplit(0))
Dim p As Pokemon = Core.Player.Pokemons(index)
Dim v As Vector2 = PokemonForms.GetMenuImagePosition(p)
Dim s As Size = PokemonForms.GetMenuImageSize(p)
Dim sheet As String = PokemonForms.GetSheetName(p)
Dim shinypos As Integer = 0
If p.IsShiny = True Then
shinypos = 512
End If
Return "GUI\PokemonMenu\" & sheet & "|" & CStr(CInt(v.X) * 32 + shinypos) & "|" & CStr(CInt(v.Y) * 32) & "|" & CStr(s.Width) & "|" & CStr(s.Height)
Case "getsteps"
' <Pokemon.GetSteps(PokemonIndex)>
Dim index As Integer = int(argument.GetSplit(0))
If Core.Player.Pokemons.Count - 1 >= index Then
Return Core.Player.Pokemons(index).EggSteps
End If
Case "mastershinyrate"
Dim adjusted As Boolean = True
If argument <> "" Then
adjusted = CBool(argument)
End If
Return Pokemon.MasterShinyRate(adjusted)
Case "isroaming"
Dim RoamerID As String = argument
For Each line As String In Core.Player.RoamingPokemonData.SplitAtNewline()
If line.StartsWith(RoamerID) = True Then
Return ReturnBoolean(True)
End If
Return ReturnBoolean(False)
Case "fullyhealed"
Dim IsFullyHealed As Boolean = True
If argument = "" Then
For Each pokemon As Pokemon In Core.Player.Pokemons
If pokemon.Attacks.Count > 0 Then
For d = 0 To pokemon.Attacks.Count - 1
If pokemon.Attacks(d).CurrentPP < pokemon.Attacks(d).MaxPP Then
IsFullyHealed = False
End If
End If
If pokemon.HP < pokemon.MaxHP Then
IsFullyHealed = False
End If
If pokemon.Status <> Pokemon.StatusProblems.None Then
IsFullyHealed = False
End If
Dim pokemon As Pokemon = Core.Player.Pokemons(CInt(argument))
If pokemon.Attacks.Count > 0 Then
For d = 0 To pokemon.Attacks.Count - 1
If pokemon.Attacks(d).CurrentPP < pokemon.Attacks(d).MaxPP Then
IsFullyHealed = False
End If
End If
If pokemon.HP < pokemon.MaxHP Then
IsFullyHealed = False
End If
If pokemon.Status <> Pokemon.StatusProblems.None Then
IsFullyHealed = False
End If
End If
Return ReturnBoolean(IsFullyHealed)
End Select
End Function
End Class
End Namespace |