912 lines
43 KiB
912 lines
43 KiB
Imports P3D
Public Class PokemonForms
Private Shared _pokemonList As New List(Of PokemonForm)
Const PATH As String = "Data\Forms.dat"
Public Shared Sub Initialize()
If GameModeManager.ActiveGameMode.IsDefaultGamemode = False AndAlso File.Exists(GameController.GamePath & GameModeManager.ActiveGameMode.ContentPath & PATH) = True Then
LoadForm(GameController.GamePath & GameModeManager.ActiveGameMode.ContentPath & PATH)
LoadForm(GameController.GamePath & GameMode.DefaultContentPath & PATH)
End If
End Sub
''' <summary>
''' Loads a move from a file.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="file">The file to load the move from.</param>
Private Shared Sub LoadForm(ByVal file As String)
Dim content() As String = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(file)
Dim line As String = ""
'Go through lines of the file and set the properties depending on the content.
'Lines starting with any other character than { (excluding tabs and spaces) are comments.
For Each l As String In content
Dim form As New PokemonForm()
Dim setDexNumber As Boolean = False 'Controls if the form sets its DexNumber.
If l.Contains("|") = True AndAlso l.StartsWith("{") = True AndAlso l.EndsWith("}") = True Then
line = l.Remove(l.Length - 1, 1).Remove(0, 1)
Dim arguments() As String = line.Split("|")
If arguments.Count >= 1 Then
If arguments(0) <> "" AndAlso StringHelper.IsNumeric(arguments(0)) Then
setDexNumber = True
form.DexNumber = CInt(arguments(0))
End If
If arguments.Count >= 2 Then
form.AdditionalValue = arguments(1)
If arguments.Count >= 3 Then
If arguments(2).Contains(",") Then
Dim trigger() As String = arguments(2).Split(",")
For i = 0 To trigger.Count - 1
End If
If arguments.Count >= 4 Then
form.FormNamePrefix = arguments(3)
If arguments.Count >= 5 Then
form.FormNameSuffix = arguments(4)
If arguments.Count >= 6 Then
form.DataFileSuffix = arguments(5)
If arguments.Count >= 7 Then
form.MenuIconFile = arguments(6).GetSplit(0, ",")
Select Case arguments(6).Split(",").Count
Case 2
form.MenuIconPosition.X = CInt(arguments(6).GetSplit(1, ","))
Case 3
form.MenuIconPosition.X = CInt(arguments(6).GetSplit(1, ","))
form.MenuIconPosition.Y = CInt(arguments(6).GetSplit(2, ","))
End Select
If arguments.Count >= 8 Then
form.FrontBackSpriteFileSuffix = arguments(7)
If arguments.Count >= 9 Then
form.OverworldSpriteFileSuffix = arguments(8)
If arguments.Count >= 10 Then
form.CryFileSuffix = arguments(9)
If arguments.Count >= 11 Then
If arguments(10).Contains(",") Then
For Each trigger In arguments(10).Split(",")
End If
If arguments.Count >= 12 Then
Select Case arguments(11).ToLower
Case "normal"
form.TypeChange = Element.Types.Normal
Case "fighting"
form.TypeChange = Element.Types.Fighting
Case "flying"
form.TypeChange = Element.Types.Flying
Case "poison"
form.TypeChange = Element.Types.Poison
Case "ground"
form.TypeChange = Element.Types.Ground
Case "rock"
form.TypeChange = Element.Types.Rock
Case "bug"
form.TypeChange = Element.Types.Bug
Case "ghost"
form.TypeChange = Element.Types.Ghost
Case "steel"
form.TypeChange = Element.Types.Steel
Case "fire"
form.TypeChange = Element.Types.Fire
Case "water"
form.TypeChange = Element.Types.Water
Case "grass"
form.TypeChange = Element.Types.Grass
Case "electric"
form.TypeChange = Element.Types.Electric
Case "psychic"
form.TypeChange = Element.Types.Psychic
Case "ice"
form.TypeChange = Element.Types.Ice
Case "dragon"
form.TypeChange = Element.Types.Dragon
Case "dark"
form.TypeChange = Element.Types.Dark
Case "fairy"
form.TypeChange = Element.Types.Fairy
Case "shadow"
form.TypeChange = Element.Types.Shadow
Case Else
form.TypeChange = Element.Types.Blank
End Select
If arguments.Count >= 13 Then
If arguments(12) <> "" Then
form.IncludeBaseFormInDexCount = CBool(arguments(12))
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
If setDexNumber = True Then
Debug.Print("PokemonForms.vb: A form needs to at least have a Dex Number set (the first value), however a form loaded from """ & file & """ has no Dex Number set so it will be ignored.")
End If
End If
Catch ex As Exception
'If an error occurs loading a move, log the error.
Logger.Log(Logger.LogTypes.ErrorMessage, "PokemonForms.vb: Error loading form from file """ & file & """: " & ex.Message & "; Last Key/Value pair successfully loaded: " & line)
End Try
End Sub
''' <summary>
''' Returns the initial Additional Data, if it needs to be set at generation time of the Pokémon.
''' </summary>
Public Shared Function GetInitialAdditionalData(ByVal P As Pokemon) As String
If _pokemonList.Count > 0 Then
For Each listP In _pokemonList
If listP.IsNumber(P.Number) = True Then
If listP.GetSeasonFormMatch(True) = "match" OrElse listP.GetGenderFormMatch(P, True) = "match" OrElse listP.GetEnvironmentFormMatch(True) = "match" OrElse (listP.GetSeasonFormMatch(True) = "" AndAlso listP.GetGenderFormMatch(P, True) = "" AndAlso listP.GetEnvironmentFormMatch(True) = "" AndAlso listP.ValueMatch(P.AdditionalData)) Then
Return listP.GetInitialAdditionalData(P)
End If
End If
End If
Return ""
End Function
Public Shared Function GetFormDataInParty(ByVal P As Pokemon) As String
If _pokemonList.Count > 0 Then
For Each listP In _pokemonList
If listP.IsNumber(P.Number) = True Then
If listP.GetSeasonFormMatch() = "match" OrElse listP.GetGenderFormMatch(P) = "match" OrElse listP.GetEnvironmentFormMatch() = "match" OrElse (listP.GetSeasonFormMatch() = "" AndAlso listP.GetGenderFormMatch(P) = "" AndAlso listP.GetEnvironmentFormMatch() = "" AndAlso listP.ValueMatch(P.AdditionalData)) Then
Return listP.GetFormDataInParty(P)
End If
End If
End If
Return ""
End Function
Public Shared Function GetGenderFormMatch(ByVal P As Pokemon) As String
If _pokemonList.Count > 0 Then
For Each listP In _pokemonList
If listP.IsNumber(P.Number) = True AndAlso listP.GetGenderFormMatch(P) = "match" Then
Return listP.GetGenderFormMatch(P)
End If
End If
Return ""
End Function
Public Shared Function GetTypeAdditionFromItem(ByVal P As Pokemon) As String
If _pokemonList.Count > 0 Then
For Each listP In _pokemonList
If listP.IsNumber(P.Number) = True Then
Return listP.GetTypeAdditionFromItem(P)
End If
End If
Return ""
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Returns the Animation Name of the Pokémon, the path to its Sprite/Model files.
''' </summary>
Public Shared Function GetAnimationName(ByVal P As Pokemon) As String
If _pokemonList.Count > 0 Then
For Each listP In _pokemonList
If listP.IsNumber(P.Number) = True Then
Dim TypeAddition As String = GetTypeAdditionFromItem(P)
If GetTypeAdditionFromItem(P) <> "" OrElse listP.GetSeasonFormMatch() = "match" OrElse listP.GetGenderFormMatch(P) = "match" OrElse listP.GetEnvironmentFormMatch() = "match" OrElse (listP.GetSeasonFormMatch() = "" AndAlso listP.GetGenderFormMatch(P) = "" AndAlso listP.GetEnvironmentFormMatch() = "" AndAlso listP.TypeChange = Element.Types.Blank AndAlso listP.ValueMatch(P.AdditionalData) = True) Then
Return listP.GetAnimationName(P).ToLower
End If
End If
End If
Return CStr(P.Number)
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Returns the Cry Suffix of the Pokémon.
''' </summary>
Public Shared Function GetCrySuffix(ByVal P As Pokemon) As String
If _pokemonList.Count > 0 Then
For Each listP In _pokemonList
If listP.IsNumber(P.Number) = True Then
If listP.GetSeasonFormMatch() = "match" OrElse listP.GetGenderFormMatch(P) = "match" OrElse listP.GetEnvironmentFormMatch() = "match" OrElse (listP.GetSeasonFormMatch() = "" AndAlso listP.GetGenderFormMatch(P) = "" AndAlso listP.GetEnvironmentFormMatch() = "" AndAlso listP.ValueMatch(P.AdditionalData)) Then
Return listP.GetCrySuffix(P)
End If
End If
End If
Return ""
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Returns the English Name of the Pokémon.
''' </summary>
Public Shared Function GetFormName(ByVal P As Pokemon) As String
If _pokemonList.Count > 0 Then
For Each listP In _pokemonList
If listP.IsNumber(P.Number) = True Then
If listP.GetSeasonFormMatch() = "match" OrElse listP.GetGenderFormMatch(P) = "match" OrElse listP.GetEnvironmentFormMatch() = "match" OrElse (listP.GetSeasonFormMatch() = "" AndAlso listP.GetGenderFormMatch(P) = "" AndAlso listP.GetEnvironmentFormMatch() = "" AndAlso listP.ValueMatch(P.AdditionalData)) Then
Return listP.GetFormName(P)
End If
End If
End If
Return ""
End Function
Public Shared Function GetFrontBackSpriteFileSuffix(ByVal P As Pokemon) As String
If _pokemonList.Count > 0 Then
For Each listP In _pokemonList
If listP.IsNumber(P.Number) = True Then
If GetTypeAdditionFromItem(P) <> "" OrElse listP.GetSeasonFormMatch() = "match" OrElse listP.GetGenderFormMatch(P) = "match" OrElse listP.GetEnvironmentFormMatch() = "match" OrElse (listP.GetSeasonFormMatch() = "" AndAlso listP.GetGenderFormMatch(P) = "" AndAlso listP.GetEnvironmentFormMatch() = "" AndAlso listP.TypeChange = Element.Types.Blank AndAlso listP.ValueMatch(P.AdditionalData) = True) Then
Return listP.GetFrontBackSpriteFileSuffix(P)
End If
End If
End If
Return ""
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Returns the name of spritesheet containing the Pokémon's menu sprite.
''' </summary>
Public Shared Function GetSheetName(ByVal P As Pokemon) As String
If _pokemonList.Count > 0 Then
For Each listP In _pokemonList
If listP.IsNumber(P.Number) = True Then
If GetTypeAdditionFromItem(P) <> "" OrElse listP.GetSeasonFormMatch() = "match" OrElse listP.GetGenderFormMatch(P) = "match" OrElse listP.GetEnvironmentFormMatch() = "match" OrElse (listP.GetSeasonFormMatch() = "" AndAlso listP.GetGenderFormMatch(P) = "" AndAlso listP.GetEnvironmentFormMatch() = "" AndAlso listP.TypeChange = Element.Types.Blank AndAlso listP.ValueMatch(P.AdditionalData) = True) Then
Return listP.GetSheetName(P)
End If
End If
End If
Dim n As Integer = P.Number
Select Case n
Case 0 To 151
Return "Gen1"
Case 152 To 251
Return "Gen2"
Case 252 To 386
Return "Gen3"
Case 387 To 493
Return "Gen4"
Case 494 To 649
Return "Gen5"
Case 650 To 721
Return "Gen6"
Case 722 To 809
Return "Gen7"
Case 810 To 905
Return "Gen8"
Case Else
Return "Gen9"
End Select
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Returns the grid coordinates of the Pokémon's menu sprite.
''' </summary>
Public Shared Function GetMenuImagePosition(ByVal P As Pokemon) As Vector2
If _pokemonList.Count > 0 Then
For Each listP In _pokemonList
If listP.IsNumber(P.Number) = True Then
If GetTypeAdditionFromItem(P) <> "" OrElse listP.GetSeasonFormMatch() = "match" OrElse listP.GetGenderFormMatch(P) = "match" OrElse listP.GetEnvironmentFormMatch() = "match" OrElse (listP.GetSeasonFormMatch() = "" AndAlso listP.GetGenderFormMatch(P) = "" AndAlso listP.GetEnvironmentFormMatch() = "" AndAlso listP.TypeChange = Element.Types.Blank AndAlso listP.ValueMatch(P.AdditionalData) = True) Then
Return listP.GetMenuImagePosition(P)
End If
End If
End If
Dim x As Integer = 0
Dim y As Integer = 0
Dim n As Integer = P.Number
Dim r As Integer = 0
Select Case n
Case 0 To 151
r = n
Case 152 To 251
r = n - 151
Case 252 To 386
r = n - 251
Case 387 To 493
r = n - 386
Case 494 To 649
r = n - 493
Case 650 To 721
r = n - 649
Case 722 To 809
r = n - 721
Case Else
r = n - 809
End Select
While r > 16
r -= 16
y += 1
End While
x = r - 1
Return New Vector2(x, y)
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Returns the size of the Pokémon's menu sprite.
''' </summary>
Public Shared Function GetMenuImageSize(ByVal P As Pokemon) As Size
If _pokemonList.Count > 0 Then
For Each listP In _pokemonList
If listP.IsNumber(P.Number) = True AndAlso listP.ValueMatch(P.AdditionalData) = True Then
Return listP.GetMenuImageSize(P)
End If
End If
Dim sheet As String = GetSheetName(P)
Dim _size As Integer = CInt(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\PokemonMenu\" & sheet).Width / 32)
Return New Size(_size, _size)
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Returns the addition to the Pokémon's overworld sprite name.
''' </summary>
Public Shared Function GetOverworldAddition(ByVal P As Pokemon) As String
If _pokemonList.Count > 0 Then
For Each listP In _pokemonList
If listP.IsNumber(P.Number) = True Then
If GetTypeAdditionFromItem(P) <> "" OrElse listP.GetSeasonFormMatch() = "match" OrElse listP.GetGenderFormMatch(P) = "match" OrElse listP.GetEnvironmentFormMatch() = "match" OrElse (listP.GetSeasonFormMatch() = "" AndAlso listP.GetGenderFormMatch(P) = "" AndAlso listP.GetEnvironmentFormMatch() = "" AndAlso listP.TypeChange = Element.Types.Blank AndAlso listP.ValueMatch(P.AdditionalData) = True) Then
Return listP.GetOverworldAddition(P)
End If
End If
End If
Return ""
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Returns the path to the Pokémon's overworld sprite.
''' </summary>
Public Shared Function GetOverworldSpriteName(ByVal P As Pokemon) As String
Dim path As String = "Pokemon\Overworld\Normal\"
If P.IsShiny = True Then
path = "Pokemon\Overworld\Shiny\"
End If
path &= P.Number.ToString() & GetOverworldAddition(P)
Return path
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Returns the Pokémon's data file.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="Number">The number of the Pokémon.</param>
''' <param name="AdditionalData">The additional data of the Pokémon.</param>
Public Shared Function GetPokemonDataFile(ByVal Number As Integer, ByVal AdditionalData As String) As String
Dim FileName As String = GameModeManager.GetPokemonDataFilePath(Number.ToString() & ".dat")
Dim Addition As String = ""
If _pokemonList.Count > 0 Then
For Each listP In _pokemonList
If listP.IsNumber(Number) = True AndAlso listP.ValueMatch(AdditionalData) = True Then
Addition = listP.GetDataFileAddition(AdditionalData)
End If
End If
If Addition <> "" Then
FileName = FileName.Remove(FileName.Length - 4, 4) & Addition & ".dat"
End If
If System.IO.File.Exists(FileName) = False Then
Number = 10
FileName = GameModeManager.GetPokemonDataFilePath(Number.ToString() & ".dat")
End If
Return FileName
End Function
Public Shared Function GetPokemonDataFileName(ByVal Number As Integer, ByVal AdditionalData As String, Optional ByVal AlsoCheckNonDataForms As Boolean = False) As String
Dim FileName As String = Number.ToString()
Dim FilePath As String = GameModeManager.GetPokemonDataFilePath(FileName & ".dat")
Dim Addition As String = ""
If _pokemonList.Count > 0 Then
For Each listP In _pokemonList
If listP.IsNumber(Number) = True AndAlso listP.ValueMatch(AdditionalData) = True Then
Addition = listP.GetDataFileAddition(AdditionalData)
End If
End If
If Addition <> "" Then
FilePath = FilePath.Remove(FilePath.Length - 4, 4) & Addition & ".dat"
FileName &= Addition
End If
If System.IO.File.Exists(FilePath) = False Then
If System.IO.File.Exists(GameModeManager.GetPokemonDataFilePath(Number.ToString) & ".dat") = False Then
FileName = "10"
FileName = Number.ToString
End If
End If
If Addition = "" AndAlso AdditionalData <> "" AndAlso AlsoCheckNonDataForms = True Then
If PokemonForms.GetAdditionalDataForms(Number) IsNot Nothing AndAlso PokemonForms.GetAdditionalDataForms(Number).Contains(AdditionalData) Then
FileName = Number.ToString & ";" & AdditionalData
End If
End If
Return FileName
End Function
Public Shared Function GetAdditionalDataForms(ByVal Number As Integer) As List(Of String)
Dim Forms As New List(Of String)
If _pokemonList.Count > 0 Then
For Each listP In _pokemonList
If listP.IsNumber(Number) = True AndAlso listP.AdditionalValue <> "" AndAlso listP.DataFileSuffix = "" Then
End If
End If
If Forms.Count > 0 Then
Return Forms
End If
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Shared Function GetDataFileForms(ByVal Number As Integer) As List(Of String)
Dim Forms As New List(Of String)
If _pokemonList.Count > 0 Then
For Each listP In _pokemonList
If listP.IsNumber(Number) = True AndAlso listP.AdditionalValue <> "" AndAlso listP.DataFileSuffix <> "" Then
End If
End If
If Forms.Count > 0 Then
Return Forms
End If
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Shared Function GetAdditionalValueFromDataFile(ByVal DataFile As String) As String
Dim CompareNumber As Integer = CInt(DataFile.GetSplit(0, "_"))
Dim CompareSuffix As String = ""
If DataFile.Contains("_") Then
CompareSuffix = DataFile.Remove(0, DataFile.IndexOf("_"))
End If
If _pokemonList.Count > 0 Then
For Each listP In _pokemonList
If listP.IsNumber(CompareNumber) = True AndAlso CompareSuffix = listP.DataFileSuffix Then
Return listP.AdditionalValue
End If
End If
Return ""
End Function
Public Shared Function GetCountForms(ByVal Number As Integer) As List(Of String)
Dim Forms As New List(Of String)
If _pokemonList.Count > 0 Then
For Each listP In _pokemonList
If listP.IsNumber(Number) = True AndAlso listP.IncludeBaseFormInDexCount = True Then
If listP.DataFileSuffix = "" Then
Forms.Add(Number.ToString & ";" & listP.AdditionalValue)
Forms.Add(Number.ToString & listP.DataFileSuffix)
End If
End If
End If
If Forms.Count > 0 Then
Return Forms
End If
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Shared Function GetDefaultOverworldSpriteAddition(ByVal Number As Integer) As String
Return ""
End Function
Public Shared Function GetDefaultImageAddition(ByVal Number As Integer) As String
Return ""
End Function
#Region "PokemonForm"
Private Class PokemonForm
Public DexNumber As Integer = -1
Public InPartyFormTriggers As New List(Of String)
Public AdditionalValue As String = ""
Public FormNamePrefix As String = ""
Public FormNameSuffix As String = ""
Public DataFileSuffix As String = ""
Public MenuIconFile As String = ""
Public MenuIconPosition As New Vector2(-1)
Public FrontBackSpriteFileSuffix As String = ""
Public OverworldSpriteFileSuffix As String = ""
Public CryFileSuffix As String = ""
Public WildFormTriggers As New List(Of String)
Public TypeChange As Element.Types = Element.Types.Blank
Public IncludeBaseFormInDexCount As Boolean = False
Public Overridable Function GetInitialAdditionalData(ByVal P As Pokemon) As String
If WildFormTriggers.Count > 0 Then
For i = 0 To WildFormTriggers.Count - 1
If WildFormTriggers(i).Contains(";") Then
Dim trigger() As String = WildFormTriggers(i).Split(";")
If trigger(0).ToLower = "random" Then
If trigger(1).Contains("-") Then
Dim randomMin As Integer = CInt(trigger(1).GetSplit(0, "-"))
Dim randomMax As Integer = CInt(trigger(1).GetSplit(1, "-"))
Return CStr(Core.Random.Next(randomMin, randomMax + 1))
Dim triggercount As Integer = 0
For t = 1 To trigger.Count
triggercount += 1
Dim randomMin As Integer = 1
Dim randomMax As Integer = triggercount
Return CStr(trigger(Core.Random.Next(randomMin, randomMax)))
End If
ElseIf trigger(0).ToLower = "gender" Then
If GetGenderFormMatch(P, True) = "match" Then
If TypeChange <> Element.Types.Blank Then
Return TypeChange.ToString
Return AdditionalValue
End If
End If
ElseIf trigger(0).ToLower = "season" Then
If GetSeasonFormMatch(true) = "match" Then
If TypeChange <> Element.Types.Blank Then
Return TypeChange.ToString
Return AdditionalValue
End If
End If
ElseIf trigger(0).ToLower = "environment" Then
Dim environmentlist As New List(Of World.EnvironmentTypes)
For e = 1 To trigger.Count - 1
environmentlist.Add(CType(CInt(trigger(e)), World.EnvironmentTypes))
If environmentlist.Contains(CType(Screen.Level.EnvironmentType, World.EnvironmentTypes)) Then
Return AdditionalValue
End If
End If
End If
End If
Return AdditionalValue
End Function
Public Overridable Function GetFormDataInParty(ByVal P As Pokemon) As String
If InPartyFormTriggers.Count > 0 Then
For i = 0 To InPartyFormTriggers.Count - 1
If InPartyFormTriggers(i).Contains(";") Then
Dim trigger() As String = InPartyFormTriggers(i).Split(";")
If trigger(0).ToLower = "gender" Then
If GetGenderFormMatch(P) = "match" Then
If TypeChange <> Element.Types.Blank Then
Return TypeChange.ToString
Return AdditionalValue
End If
End If
ElseIf trigger(0).ToLower = "season" Then
If GetSeasonFormMatch() = "match" Then
If TypeChange <> Element.Types.Blank Then
Return TypeChange.ToString
Return AdditionalValue
End If
End If
ElseIf trigger(0).ToLower = "environment" Then
Dim environmentlist As New List(Of World.EnvironmentTypes)
For e = 1 To trigger.Count - 1
environmentlist.Add(CType(CInt(trigger(e)), World.EnvironmentTypes))
If environmentlist.Contains(CType(Screen.Level.EnvironmentType, World.EnvironmentTypes)) Then
If TypeChange <> Element.Types.Blank Then
Return TypeChange.ToString
Return AdditionalValue
End If
End If
Dim TypeAddition As String = GetTypeAdditionFromItem(P)
If TypeAddition <> "" Then
Return TypeAddition
If trigger(0).ToLower = "item" Then
If P.Item IsNot Nothing Then
If P.Item.IsGameModeItem = False Then
If P.Item.ID = CInt(trigger(1)) Then
Return AdditionalValue
End If
If P.Item.gmID = trigger(1) Then
Return AdditionalValue
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
Return ""
End Function
Public Function GetTypeAdditionFromItem(ByVal P As Pokemon) As String
If InPartyFormTriggers.Count > 0 Then
For i = 0 To InPartyFormTriggers.Count - 1
Dim trigger() As String = InPartyFormTriggers(i).Split(";")
If trigger(0).ToLower = "item" Then
If P.Item IsNot Nothing Then
If P.Item.IsGameModeItem = False Then
If P.Item.ID = CInt(trigger(1)) Then
If TypeChange <> Element.Types.Blank Then
Return CStr("type;" & TypeChange.ToString)
End If
End If
If P.Item.gmID = trigger(1) Then
If TypeChange <> Element.Types.Blank Then
Return CStr("type;" & TypeChange.ToString)
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
Return ""
End Function
Public Function GetSeasonFormMatch(Optional ByVal initial As Boolean = False) As String
If initial = False Then
If InPartyFormTriggers.Count > 0 Then
For i = 0 To InPartyFormTriggers.Count - 1
Dim trigger() As String = InPartyFormTriggers(i).Split(";")
If trigger(0).ToLower = "season" Then
If World.CurrentSeason = CType(CInt(trigger(1)), World.Seasons) Then
Return "match"
Return "nomatch"
End If
End If
End If
If WildFormTriggers.Count > 0 Then
For i = 0 To WildFormTriggers.Count - 1
Dim trigger() As String = WildFormTriggers(i).Split(";")
If trigger(0).ToLower = "season" Then
If World.CurrentSeason = CType(CInt(trigger(1)), World.Seasons) Then
Return "match"
Return "nomatch"
End If
End If
End If
End If
Return ""
End Function
Public Function GetEnvironmentFormMatch(Optional ByVal initial As Boolean = False) As String
If initial = False Then
If InPartyFormTriggers.Count > 0 Then
For i = 0 To InPartyFormTriggers.Count - 1
Dim trigger() As String = InPartyFormTriggers(i).Split(";")
If trigger(0).ToLower = "environment" Then
Dim environmentlist As New List(Of World.EnvironmentTypes)
For e = 1 To trigger.Count - 1
environmentlist.Add(CType(CInt(trigger(e)), World.EnvironmentTypes))
If environmentlist.Contains(CType(Screen.Level.EnvironmentType, World.EnvironmentTypes)) Then
Return "match"
Return "nomatch"
End If
End If
End If
If WildFormTriggers.Count > 0 Then
For i = 0 To WildFormTriggers.Count - 1
Dim trigger() As String = WildFormTriggers(i).Split(";")
If trigger(0).ToLower = "environment" Then
Dim environmentlist As New List(Of World.EnvironmentTypes)
For e = 1 To trigger.Count - 1
environmentlist.Add(CType(CInt(trigger(e)), World.EnvironmentTypes))
If environmentlist.Contains(CType(Screen.Level.EnvironmentType, World.EnvironmentTypes)) Then
Return "match"
Return "nomatch"
End If
End If
End If
End If
Return ""
End Function
Public Function GetGenderFormMatch(ByVal P As Pokemon, Optional ByVal initial As Boolean = False) As String
If initial = False Then
If InPartyFormTriggers.Count > 0 Then
For i = 0 To InPartyFormTriggers.Count - 1
Dim trigger() As String = InPartyFormTriggers(i).Split(";")
If trigger(0).ToLower = "gender" Then
If P.Gender = CType(CInt(trigger(1)), Pokemon.Genders) Then
Return "match"
Return "nomatch"
End If
End If
End If
If WildFormTriggers.Count > 0 Then
For i = 0 To WildFormTriggers.Count - 1
Dim trigger() As String = WildFormTriggers(i).Split(";")
If trigger(0).ToLower = "gender" Then
If P.Gender = CType(CInt(trigger(1)), Pokemon.Genders) Then
Return "match"
Return "nomatch"
End If
End If
End If
End If
Return ""
End Function
Public Overridable Function GetAnimationName(ByVal P As Pokemon) As String
Return CStr(P.Number & OverworldSpriteFileSuffix)
End Function
Public Overridable Function GetFormName(ByVal P As Pokemon) As String
Return CStr(FormNamePrefix & P.Name & FormNameSuffix)
End Function
Public Overridable Function GetCrySuffix(ByVal P As Pokemon) As String
Return CryFileSuffix
End Function
Public Overridable Function GetFrontBackSpriteFileSuffix(ByVal P As Pokemon) As String
Return FrontBackSpriteFileSuffix
End Function
Public Overridable Function GetSheetName(ByVal P As Pokemon) As String
Dim n As Integer = P.Number
If MenuIconFile = "" Then
Select Case n
Case 0 To 151
Return "Gen1"
Case 152 To 251
Return "Gen2"
Case 252 To 386
Return "Gen3"
Case 387 To 493
Return "Gen4"
Case 494 To 649
Return "Gen5"
Case 650 To 721
Return "Gen6"
Case 722 To 809
Return "Gen7"
Case Else
Return "Gen8"
End Select
Return MenuIconFile
End If
End Function
Public Overridable Function GetMenuImagePosition(ByVal P As Pokemon) As Vector2
Dim x As Integer = 0
Dim y As Integer = 0
Dim n As Integer = P.Number
Dim r As Integer = 0
Select Case n
Case 0 To 151
r = n
Case 152 To 251
r = n - 151
Case 252 To 386
r = n - 251
Case 387 To 493
r = n - 386
Case 494 To 649
r = n - 493
Case 650 To 721
r = n - 649
Case 722 To 809
r = n - 721
Case Else
r = n - 809
End Select
If CInt(MenuIconPosition.X) <> -1 Then
r = CInt(MenuIconPosition.X)
End If
If CInt(MenuIconPosition.Y) <> -1 Then
y = CInt(MenuIconPosition.Y)
End If
While r > 16
r -= 16
y += 1
End While
If CInt(MenuIconPosition.X) = -1 Then
x = r - 1
x = r
End If
Return New Vector2(x, y)
End Function
Public Overridable Function GetMenuImageSize(ByVal P As Pokemon) As Size
Dim sheet As String = GetSheetName(P)
Dim _size As Integer = CInt(TextureManager.GetTexture("GUI\PokemonMenu\" & sheet).Width / 32)
Return New Size(_size, _size)
End Function
Public Overridable Function GetOverworldAddition(ByVal P As Pokemon) As String
Return OverworldSpriteFileSuffix
End Function
Public Overridable Function GetDataFileAddition(ByVal AdditionalData As String) As String
If Me.ValueMatch(AdditionalData) Then
Return DataFileSuffix
End If
Return ""
End Function
Public Function IsNumber(ByVal number As Integer) As Boolean
Return Me.DexNumber = number
End Function
Public Function ValueMatch(ByVal additionalValue As String) As Boolean
Return Me.AdditionalValue = additionalValue
End Function
End Class
#End Region
End Class