246 lines
12 KiB
246 lines
12 KiB
Imports P3D.Items
''' <summary>
''' Provides an interface to load additional GameMode items.
''' </summary>
Public Class GameModeItemLoader
'The default relative path to load items from (Content folder).
Const PATH As String = "Data\Items\"
'List of loaded items.
Shared LoadedItems As New List(Of GameModeItem)
''' <summary>
''' Load the attack list for the loaded GameMode.
''' </summary>
''' <remarks>The game won't try to load the list if the default GameMode is selected.</remarks>
Public Shared Sub Load()
If GameModeManager.ActiveGameMode.IsDefaultGamemode = False Then
If System.IO.Directory.Exists(GameController.GamePath & "\" & GameModeManager.ActiveGameMode.ContentPath & "\" & PATH) = True Then
For Each file As String In System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(GameController.GamePath & "\" & GameModeManager.ActiveGameMode.ContentPath & PATH, "*.dat")
End If
End If
If LoadedItems.Count > 0 Then
Logger.Debug("Loaded " & LoadedItems.Count.ToString() & " GameMode item(s).")
End If
End Sub
''' <summary>
''' Loads a item from a file.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="file">The file to load the item from.</param>
Private Shared Sub LoadItem(ByVal file As String)
Dim item As New GameModeItem
Dim content() As String = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(file)
Dim key As String = ""
Dim value As String = ""
Dim setID As Boolean = False 'Controls if the item sets its ID.
Dim setName As Boolean = False 'Controls if the item sets its ID.
Dim nonCommentLines As Integer = 0
'Go through lines of the file and set the properties depending on the content.
'Lines starting with # are comments.
For Each l As String In content
If l.Contains("|") = True And l.StartsWith("#") = False Then
nonCommentLines += 1
key = l.Remove(l.IndexOf("|"))
value = l.Remove(0, l.IndexOf("|") + 1)
Select Case key.ToLower()
Case "id"
item.gmID = "gm" & CInt(value).ToString
setID = True
Case "name"
item.gmName = value
setName = True
Case "pluralname"
item.gmPluralName = value
Case "description"
item.gmDescription = value
Case "type"
Select Case value.ToLower()
Case "standard", "0"
item.gmItemType = ItemTypes.Standard
Case "medicine", "1"
item.gmItemType = ItemTypes.Medicine
Case "plants", "2"
item.gmItemType = ItemTypes.Plants
Case "balls", "pokeballs", "3"
item.gmItemType = ItemTypes.Pokéballs
Case "machines", "4"
item.gmItemType = ItemTypes.Machines
Case "keyitems", "5"
item.gmItemType = ItemTypes.KeyItems
Case "mail", "6"
item.gmItemType = ItemTypes.Mail
Case "battleitems", "7"
item.gmItemType = ItemTypes.BattleItems
End Select
Case "textureindex"
Dim itemX As Integer = CInt(value)
Dim itemY As Integer = 0
Dim sheetWidth As Integer = CInt(TextureManager.GetTexture(item.gmTextureSource).Width / 24)
While itemX > sheetWidth - 1
itemX -= sheetWidth
itemY += 1
End While
item.gmTextureRectangle = New Rectangle(CInt(itemX * 24), CInt(itemY * 24), 24, 24)
Case "canbeused"
item.gmCanBeUsed = CBool(value)
Case "canbeusedinbattle"
item.gmCanBeUsedInBattle = CBool(value)
Case "useonpokemoninbattle"
item.gmBattleSelectPokemon = CBool(value)
Case "canbetossed"
item.gmCanBeTossed = CBool(value)
Case "canbeheld"
item.gmCanBeHeld = CBool(value)
Case "canbetraded"
item.gmCanBeTraded = CBool(value)
Case "price"
item.gmPrice = CInt(value)
Case "battlepointsprice"
item.gmBattlePointsPrice = CInt(value)
Case "catchmultiplier"
item.gmCatchMultiplier = CSng(value.ReplaceDecSeparator)
Case "maxstack"
item.gmMaxStack = CInt(value)
Case "flingdamage"
item.gmFlingDamage = CInt(value)
Case "ishealingitem"
item.gmIsHealingItem = CBool(value)
Case "ismail"
item.gmIsMail = CBool(value)
Case "healhpamount"
item.gmHealHPAmount = CInt(value)
Case "curestatus"
Dim StatusEffectList As New List(Of String)
Dim valueSplit As String() = value.Split(",")
For i = 0 To valueSplit.Count - 1
Select Case valueSplit(i).ToLower
Case "brn", "frz", "prz", "psn", "bpsn", "slp", "fnt", "confusion", "allwithoutfnt", "all"
End Select
If item.gmCureStatusEffects Is Nothing Then
item.gmCureStatusEffects = StatusEffectList
End If
Case "isevolutionitem"
item.gmIsEvolutionItem = CBool(value)
Case "evolutionpokemon"
Dim PokemonList As New List(Of Integer)
Dim valueSplit As String() = value.Split(CChar(","))
For i = 0 To valueSplit.Count - 1
If Pokemon.PokemonDataExists(valueSplit(i)) Then
End If
If item.gmEvolutionPokemon Is Nothing Then
item.gmEvolutionPokemon = PokemonList
End If
Case "script"
item.gmScriptPath = value
Case "istm"
item.gmIsTM = CBool(value)
Case "teachmove"
item.gmTeachMove = BattleSystem.Attack.GetAttackByID(CInt(value))
End Select
End If
Catch ex As Exception
'If an error occurs loading a item, log the error.
Logger.Log(Logger.LogTypes.ErrorMessage, "GameModeItemLoader.vb: Error loading GameMode Item from file """ & file & """: " & ex.Message & "; Last Key/Value pair successfully loaded: " & key & "|" & value)
End Try
If nonCommentLines > 0 Then
If setID = True AndAlso setName = True Then
If item.gmIsMegaStone = True AndAlso item.gmMegaPokemonNumber <> Nothing AndAlso item.gmDescription = "" Then
Dim MegaPokemonName As String = Pokemon.GetPokemonByID(item.gmMegaPokemonNumber).GetName
item.gmDescription = "One variety of the mysterious Mega Stones. Have " & MegaPokemonName & " hold it, and this stone will enable it to Mega Evolve during battle."
item.gmCanBeTossed = False
item.gmCanBeTraded = False
item.gmCanBeUsed = False
item.gmCanBeUsedInBattle = False
End If
If item.gmIsTM = True AndAlso item.gmTeachMove IsNot Nothing AndAlso item.gmDescription = "" Then
Dim AttackName As String = item.gmTeachMove.Name
item.gmDescription = "Teaches """ & AttackName & """ to a Pokémon."
item.gmItemType = ItemTypes.Machines
item.gmCanBeHeld = False
item.gmCanBeTossed = True
item.gmCanBeTraded = True
item.gmCanBeUsed = True
item.gmCanBeUsedInBattle = False
If item.gmName.StartsWith("TM ") Then
item.gmSortValue = CInt(item.gmName.Remove(0, 3)) + 190
ElseIf item.gmName.StartsWith("TM") Then
item.gmSortValue = CInt(item.gmName.Remove(0, 2)) + 190
End If
If item.gmName.StartsWith("HM ") Then
item.gmSortValue = -100000 + CInt(item.gmName.Remove(0, 3))
ElseIf item.gmName.StartsWith("HM") Then
item.gmSortValue = -100000 + CInt(item.gmName.Remove(0, 2))
End If
item.gmTextureSource = "Items\ItemSheet"
End If
If item.gmTextureRectangle = Nothing Then
Dim itemX As Integer = CInt(item.gmID.Remove(0, 2))
Dim itemY As Integer = 0
Dim sheetWidth As Integer = CInt(TextureManager.GetTexture(item.gmTextureSource).Width / 24)
While itemX > sheetWidth - 1
itemX -= sheetWidth
itemY += 1
End While
item.gmTextureRectangle = New Rectangle(CInt(itemX * 24), CInt(itemY * 24), 24, 24)
End If
LoadedItems.Add(item) 'Add the item.
Logger.Log(Logger.LogTypes.ErrorMessage, "GameModeItemLoader.vb: User defined Items must set their ID through the ""ID"" property and their Name through the ""Name"" property, however the item loaded from """ & file & """ has no ID or Name set so it will be ignored.")
End If
Debug.Print("GameModeItemLoader.vb: The item loaded from """ & file & """ has no valid lines so it will be ignored.")
End If
End Sub
''' <summary>
''' Returns a custom item based on its ID.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="ID">The ID of the custom item.</param>
''' <returns>Returns a item or nothing.</returns>
Public Shared Function GetItemByID(ByVal ID As String) As GameModeItem
For Each i As GameModeItem In LoadedItems
If i.gmID = ID Then
Return i
End If
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Shared Function GetItemByName(ByVal Name As String) As GameModeItem
For Each i As GameModeItem In LoadedItems
If i.gmName.ToLowerInvariant() = Name.ToLowerInvariant() Then
Return i
End If
Return Nothing
End Function
End Class