543 lines
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543 lines
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Imports System.Management
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Public Class Logger
Public Enum LogTypes
End Enum
Private Const CRASHLOGSEPARATOR As String = "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
Private Shared History As New List(Of String)
Public Shared DisplayLog As Boolean = False
Private Shared ErrorHeaders() As String = {"I AM ERROR!",
"Minecraft crashed.",
"1 ERROR",
"Fire attacks might be super effective...",
"Does this help?",
"Work! Pleeeeeeeease?",
"I find your lack of [ERROR] disturbing.",
"Blame Darkfire.",
"FEZ II announced.",
"At least it's not a Blue Screen.",
"Kernel PANIC",
"I'm sorry, Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that.",
"Never gonna give you up ~",
"Wouldn't have happend with Swift.",
"Team Rocket blasting off again!",
"Snorlax just sat on your computer!",
"Mojang buys Microsoft! Get your new Mojang operating system now. With more blocks and scrolls.",
"HλLF-LIFE 2 confirmed",
"(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻"}
Const LOGVERSION As String = "2.4"
Public Shared Sub Log(ByVal LogType As LogTypes, ByVal Message As String)
Dim currentTime As String = GetLogTime(Date.Now)
Dim LogString As String
If LogType = LogTypes.Entry Then
LogString = "]" & Message
LogString = LogType.ToString() & " (" & currentTime & "): " & Message
End If
Debug("Logger: " & LogString)
Dim Log As String = ""
If IO.File.Exists(GameController.GamePath & "\log.dat") = True Then
Log = IO.File.ReadAllText(GameController.GamePath & "\log.dat")
End If
If Log = "" Then
Log = LogString
Log &= Environment.NewLine & LogString
End If
IO.File.WriteAllText(GameController.GamePath & "\log.dat", Log)
Catch ex As Exception : End Try
End Sub
Public Shared Function LogCrash(ByVal ex As Exception) As String
Dim w32ErrorCode As Integer = -1
Dim w32 = TryCast(ex, System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception)
If w32 IsNot Nothing Then
w32ErrorCode = w32.ErrorCode
End If
Dim logName As String = ""
With My.Computer.Clock.LocalTime
Dim month As String = .Month.ToString()
If month.Length = 1 Then
month = "0" & month
End If
Dim day As String = .Day.ToString()
If day.Length = 1 Then
day = "0" & day
End If
Dim hour As String = .Hour.ToString()
If hour.Length = 1 Then
hour = "0" & hour
End If
Dim minute As String = .Minute.ToString()
If minute.Length = 1 Then
minute = "0" & minute
End If
Dim second As String = .Second.ToString()
If second.Length = 1 Then
second = "0" & second
End If
logName = .Year & "-" & month & "-" & day & "_" & hour & "." & minute & "." & second & "_crash.dat"
End With
Dim ContentPacks As String = "{}"
If Not Core.GameOptions Is Nothing Then
ContentPacks = Core.GameOptions.ContentPackNames.ArrayToString()
End If
Dim GameMode As String = "[No GameMode loaded]"
If Not GameModeManager.ActiveGameMode Is Nothing Then
GameMode = GameModeManager.ActiveGameMode.DirectoryName
End If
Dim OnlineInformation As String = "GameJolt Account: FALSE"
If Not Core.Player Is Nothing Then
OnlineInformation = "GameJolt Account: " & Core.Player.IsGameJoltSave.ToString().ToUpper()
If Core.Player.IsGameJoltSave = True Then
OnlineInformation &= " (" & GameJoltSave.GameJoltID & ")"
End If
End If
Dim ScriptInfo As String = "Actionscript: No script running"
If Not CurrentScreen Is Nothing Then
If CurrentScreen.Identification = Screen.Identifications.OverworldScreen Then
If CType(CurrentScreen, OverworldScreen).ActionScript.IsReady = False Then
ScriptInfo = "Actionscript: " & ActionScript.CSL().ScriptName & "; Line: " & ActionScript.CSL().CurrentLine
End If
End If
End If
Dim ServerInfo As String = "FALSE"
If ConnectScreen.Connected = True Then
ServerInfo = "TRUE (" & JoinServerScreen.SelectedServer.GetName() & "/" & JoinServerScreen.SelectedServer.GetAddressString() & ")"
End If
Dim GameEnvironment As String = "[No Game Environment loaded]"
If Not CurrentScreen Is Nothing Then
GameEnvironment = CurrentScreen.Identification.ToString()
End If
Dim IsSandboxMode As String = "False"
If Not Core.Player Is Nothing Then
IsSandboxMode = Core.Player.SandBoxMode.ToString()
End If
Dim gameInformation As String = GameController.GAMENAME & " " & GameController.GAMEDEVELOPMENTSTAGE & " version: " & GameController.GAMEVERSION & " (" & GameController.RELEASEVERSION & ")" & Environment.NewLine &
"Content Packs: " & ContentPacks & Environment.NewLine &
"Active GameMode: " & GameMode & Environment.NewLine &
OnlineInformation & Environment.NewLine &
"Playing on Servers: " & ServerInfo & Environment.NewLine &
"Game Environment: " & GameEnvironment & Environment.NewLine &
ScriptInfo & Environment.NewLine &
"File Validation: " & Security.FileValidation.IsValid(True).ToString() & Environment.NewLine &
"Sandboxmode: " & IsSandboxMode
Dim ScreenState As String = "[Screen state object not available]"
If Not CurrentScreen Is Nothing Then
ScreenState = "Screen state for the current screen (" & CurrentScreen.Identification.ToString() & ")" & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine &
End If
Dim architectureString As String = "32 Bit"
If Environment.Is64BitOperatingSystem = True Then
architectureString = "64 Bit"
End If
Dim specs As String = "Operating system: " & My.Computer.Info.OSFullName & " [" & My.Computer.Info.OSVersion & "]" & Environment.NewLine &
"Core architecture: " & architectureString & Environment.NewLine &
"System time: " & My.Computer.Clock.LocalTime.ToString() & Environment.NewLine &
"System language: " & Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.EnglishName & "(" & Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.ThreeLetterWindowsLanguageName & ") / Loaded game language: " & Localization.LanguageSuffix & Environment.NewLine &
"Decimal separator: " & GameController.DecSeparator & Environment.NewLine &
"Available physical memory: " & Math.Round((My.Computer.Info.TotalPhysicalMemory / Math.Pow(1024, 3)), 2).ToString() & " Gigabyte" & Environment.NewLine &
"Available logical processors: " & Environment.ProcessorCount.ToString()
Dim innerException As String = "NOTHING"
If Not ex.InnerException Is Nothing Then
innerException = ex.InnerException.Message
End If
Dim message As String = "NOTHING"
If Not ex.Message Is Nothing Then
message = ex.Message
End If
Dim source As String = "NOTHING"
If Not ex.Source Is Nothing Then
source = ex.Source
End If
Dim StackTrace As String = "NOTHING"
If Not ex.StackTrace Is Nothing Then
StackTrace = ex.StackTrace
End If
Dim helpLink As String = "No helplink available."
If Not ex.HelpLink Is Nothing Then
helpLink = ex.HelpLink
End If
Dim BaseException As Exception = ex.GetBaseException()
Dim data As String = "NOTHING"
If Not ex.Data Is Nothing Then
data = "Items: " & ex.Data.Count
If ex.Data.Count > 0 Then
data = ""
For i = 0 To ex.Data.Count - 1
If data <> "" Then
data &= Environment.NewLine
End If
data &= "[" & ex.Data.Keys(i).ToString() & ": """ & ex.Data.Values(i).ToString() & """]"
End If
End If
Dim informationItem As New ErrorInformation(ex)
Dim objDump As New ObjectDump(Core.CurrentScreen)
Dim screenDump As String = objDump.Dump
Dim content As String =
"Kolben Games Crash Log V " & LOGVERSION & Environment.NewLine &
GameController.GAMENAME & " has crashed!" & Environment.NewLine &
"// " & ErrorHeaders(Random.Next(0, ErrorHeaders.Length)) & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine &
CRASHLOGSEPARATOR & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine &
"Game information:" & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine &
gameInformation & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine &
CRASHLOGSEPARATOR & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine &
ScreenState & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine &
CRASHLOGSEPARATOR & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine &
"System specifications:" & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine &
specs & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine &
CRASHLOGSEPARATOR & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine &
".Net installation information:" & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine &
DotNetVersion.GetInstalled() & Environment.NewLine &
CRASHLOGSEPARATOR & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine &
GetGraphicsCardInformation() & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine &
CRASHLOGSEPARATOR & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine &
"Error information:" & Environment.NewLine &
Environment.NewLine & "Message: " & message &
Environment.NewLine & "InnerException: " & innerException &
Environment.NewLine & "BaseException: " & BaseException.Message &
Environment.NewLine & "HelpLink: " & helpLink &
Environment.NewLine & "Data: " & data &
Environment.NewLine & "Source: " & source &
Environment.NewLine & "Win32 Errorcode: " & w32ErrorCode.ToString() & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine &
CRASHLOGSEPARATOR & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine &
informationItem.ToString() & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine &
CRASHLOGSEPARATOR & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine &
"CallStack: " & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine &
StackTrace & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine &
CRASHLOGSEPARATOR & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine &
"Enviornment dump: " & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine &
screenDump & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine &
CRASHLOGSEPARATOR & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine &
"You should report this error." & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine & "Go to ""http://pokemon3d.net/forum/forums/6/create-thread"" to report this crash there."
IO.File.WriteAllText(GameController.GamePath & "\" & logName, content)
MessageBox.Show(GameController.GAMENAME & " has crashed!" & Environment.NewLine & "---------------------------" & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine & "Here is further information:" &
Environment.NewLine & "Message: " & ex.Message &
Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine & "You should report this error. When you do this, please attach the crash log to the report. You can find the file in your ""Pokemon"" folder." & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine & "The name of the file is: """ & logName & """.",
"Pokémon3D crashed!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)
Process.Start("explorer.exe", "/select,""" & GameController.GamePath & "\" & logName & """")
'Returns the argument to start the launcher with:
Return """CRASHLOG_" & GameController.GamePath & "\" & logName & """ " &
"""ERRORTYPE_" & informationItem.ErrorType & """ " &
"""ERRORID_" & informationItem.ErrorID & """ " &
"""GAMEVERSION_" & GameController.GAMEDEVELOPMENTSTAGE & " " & GameController.GAMEVERSION & """ " &
"""CODESOURCE_" & ex.Source & """ " &
"""TOPSTACK_" & ErrorInformation.GetStackItem(ex.StackTrace, 0) & """"
Catch exs As Exception
MessageBox.Show(exs.Message & Environment.NewLine & exs.StackTrace)
End Try
Return ""
End Function
Shared longestStackEntryName As String = "GameModeManager.SetGameModePointer"
Public Shared Sub Debug(ByVal message As String)
Dim stackTraceEntry As String = Environment.StackTrace.SplitAtNewline()(3)
While stackTraceEntry.StartsWith(" ") = True
stackTraceEntry = stackTraceEntry.Remove(0, 1)
End While
stackTraceEntry = stackTraceEntry.Remove(0, stackTraceEntry.IndexOf(" ") + 1)
stackTraceEntry = stackTraceEntry.Remove(stackTraceEntry.IndexOf("("))
Dim pointString As String = stackTraceEntry.Remove(stackTraceEntry.LastIndexOf("."))
stackTraceEntry = stackTraceEntry.Remove(0, pointString.LastIndexOf(".") + 1)
Dim stackOutput As String = stackTraceEntry
If stackOutput.Length > longestStackEntryName.Length Then
longestStackEntryName = stackOutput
While stackOutput.Length < longestStackEntryName.Length
stackOutput &= " "
End While
End If
Diagnostics.Debug.Print(stackOutput & StringHelper.Tab & "| " & message)
History.Add("(" & GetLogTime(Date.Now) & ") " & message)
End Sub
Public Shared Sub DrawLog()
If DisplayLog = True And History.Count > 0 And Not FontManager.ChatFont Is Nothing Then
Dim items As New List(Of String)
Dim max As Integer = History.Count - 1
Dim itemCount As Integer = 10
If windowSize.Height > 680 Then
itemCount += CInt(Math.Floor((windowSize.Height - 680) / 16))
End If
Dim min As Integer = max - itemCount
If min < 0 Then
min = 0
End If
Dim maxWidth As Integer = 0
For i = min To max
Dim s As Single = FontManager.ChatFont.MeasureString(History(i)).X * 0.51F
If CInt(s) > maxWidth Then
maxWidth = CInt(s)
End If
Canvas.DrawRectangle(New Rectangle(0, 0, maxWidth + 10, (itemCount + 1) * 16 + 2), New Color(0, 0, 0, 150))
Dim c As Integer = 0
For i = min To max
SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.ChatFont, History(i), New Vector2(5, 2 + c * 16), Color.White, 0F, Vector2.Zero, 0.51F, SpriteEffects.None, 0F)
c += 1
End If
End Sub
Private Shared Function GetLogTime(ByVal d As Date) As String
Dim hour As String = d.Hour.ToString()
Dim minute As String = d.Minute.ToString()
Dim second As String = d.Second.ToString()
If hour.Length = 1 Then
hour = "0" & hour
End If
If minute.Length = 1 Then
minute = "0" & minute
End If
If second.Length = 1 Then
second = "0" & second
End If
Return hour & ":" & minute & ":" & second
End Function
Private Shared Function GetGraphicsCardInformation() As String
Dim CardName As String = ""
Dim CardRAM As String = ""
Dim WmiSelect As New ManagementObjectSearcher("root\CIMV2", "SELECT * FROM Win32_VideoController")
For Each WmiResults As ManagementObject In WmiSelect.Get()
If CardName <> "" Then
CardName &= "; "
CardRAM &= "; "
End If
CardName &= WmiResults.GetPropertyValue("Name").ToString()
CardRAM &= WmiResults.GetPropertyValue("AdapterRAM").ToString()
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
Return "Graphics Card information:" & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine &
"[CardName(s): """ & CardName & """]" & Environment.NewLine &
"[CardRAM(s) : """ & CardRAM & """]"
End Function
Public Class ErrorInformation
Public ErrorID As Integer = -1
Public ErrorType As String = ""
Public ErrorDescription As String = ""
Public ErrorSolution As String = ""
Public ErrorIDString As String = "-1"
Public Sub New(ByVal EX As Exception)
Dim stackTrace As String = EX.StackTrace
If Not stackTrace Is Nothing Then
Dim currentIndex As Integer = 0
Dim callSub As String = ""
callSub = GetStackItem(EX.StackTrace, currentIndex)
Select Case callSub
'asset issues (000-099):
Case "Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.ContentManager.OpenStream"
ErrorID = 1
ErrorDescription = "The game was unable to load an asset (a Texture, a Sound or Music)."
ErrorSolution = "Make sure the file requested exists on your system."
Case "P3D.MusicManager.PlayMusic"
ErrorID = 2
ErrorDescription = "The game was unable to play a music file."
ErrorSolution = "Make sure the file requested exists on your system. This might be caused by an invalid file in a ContentPack."
Case "Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.Texture.GetAndValidateRect"
ErrorID = 3
ErrorDescription = "The game was unable to process a texture file."
ErrorSolution = "Code composed by Microsoft caused this issue. This might be caused by an invalid file in a ContentPack."
Case "Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.Texture2D.CopyData[T]"
ErrorID = 4
ErrorDescription = "The game was unable to process a texture file."
ErrorSolution = "Code composed by Microsoft caused this issue. This might be caused by an invalid file in a ContentPack. Try to update your Graphics Card drivers."
Case "Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Media.MediaQueue.Play"
ErrorID = 5
ErrorDescription = "The game was unable to load or play a music file."
ErrorSolution = "It is likely that the Windows Media Player is not installed on your computer or is wrongly configured. Please reinstall the Windows Media Player."
'GameJoltIssues (100-199)
Case "P3D.GameJolt.APICall.SetStorageData"
ErrorID = 100
ErrorDescription = "The was unable to connect to a GameJolt server because you tried to send a command without being logged in to GameJolt."
ErrorSolution = "This happend because you got logged out from GameJolt due to connection problems. Ensure that your connection to the internet is constant."
'scripts (200-299)
Case "P3D.ScriptCommander.DoNPC"
ErrorID = 200
ErrorDescription = "The game crashed trying to execute an NPC related command (starting with @npc.)"
ErrorSolution = "If this happend during your GameMode, inspect the file mentioned under ""Actionscript""."
Case "P3D.Trainer..ctor"
ErrorID = 201
ErrorDescription = "The game was unable to initialize a new instance of a trainer class."
ErrorSolution = "If this is caused by your GameMode, make sure the syntax in the trainer file is correct."
Case "P3D.ScriptComparer.GetArgumentValue"
ErrorID = 202
ErrorDescription = "The game crashed trying to process a script."
ErrorSolution = "If this is caused by your GameMode, make sure the syntax in the script or map file is correct."
'Crashes generated by game code (300-399)
Case "P3D.ForcedCrash.Crash"
ErrorID = 300
ErrorDescription = "The game crashed on purpose."
ErrorSolution = "Don't hold down F3 and C at the same time for a long time ;)"
Case "P3D.Security.ProcessValidation.ReportProcess"
ErrorID = 301
ErrorDescription = "A malicious process was detected. To ensure that you are not cheating or hacking, the game closed."
ErrorSolution = "Close all processes with the details given in the Data of the crashlog."
Case "P3D.Security.FileValidation.CheckFileValid"
ErrorID = 302
ErrorDescription = "The game detected edited or missing files."
ErrorSolution = "For online play, ensure that you are running the unmodded version of Pokémon3D. You can enable Content Packs."
'misc errors (900-999)
Case "Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.SpriteFont.GetIndexForCharacter"
ErrorID = 900
ErrorDescription = "The game was unable to display a certain character which is not in the standard latin alphabet."
ErrorSolution = "Make sure the GameMode you are playing doesn't use any invalid characters in its scripts and maps."
Case "P3D.Player.LoadPlayer"
ErrorID = 901
ErrorDescription = "The game failed to load a save state."
ErrorSolution = "There are multiple reasons for the game to fail at loading a save state. There could be a missing file in the player directory or corrupted files."
Case "Microsoft.Xna.Framework.BoundingFrustum.ComputeIntersectionLine"
ErrorID = 902
ErrorDescription = "The game failed to set up camera mechanics."
ErrorSolution = "This error is getting produced by an internal Microsoft class. Please redownload the game if this error keeps appearing."
Case "P3D.Pokemon.Wild"
ErrorID = 903
ErrorDescription = "The game crashed while attempting to generate a new Pokémon."
ErrorSolution = "This error could have multiple sources, so getting a solution here is difficult. If you made your own Pokémon data file for a GameMode, check it for invalid values."
Case "-1"
'No stack line found that applies to any error setting.
ErrorID = -1
ErrorDescription = "The error is undocumented in the error handling system."
ErrorSolution = "NaN"
Case Else
currentIndex += 1
GoTo analyzeStack
End Select
End If
If ErrorID > -1 Then
ErrorIDString = ErrorID.ToString()
While ErrorIDString.Length < 3
ErrorIDString = "0" & ErrorIDString
End While
End If
End Sub
Public Overrides Function ToString() As String
If ErrorID > -1 And ErrorID < 100 Then
ErrorType = "Assets"
ElseIf ErrorID > 99 And ErrorID < 200 Then
ErrorType = "GameJolt"
ElseIf ErrorID > 199 And ErrorID < 300 Then
ErrorType = "Scripts"
ElseIf ErrorID > 299 And ErrorID < 400 Then
ErrorType = "Forced Crash"
ElseIf ErrorID > 899 And ErrorID < 1000 Then
ErrorType = "Misc."
ErrorType = "NaN"
End If
Dim s As String = "Error solution:" & Environment.NewLine & "(The provided solution might not work for your problem)" & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine &
"Error ID: " & ErrorID & Environment.NewLine &
"Error Type: " & ErrorType & Environment.NewLine &
"Error Description: " & ErrorDescription & Environment.NewLine &
"Error Solution: " & ErrorSolution
Return s
End Function
Public Shared Function GetStackItem(ByVal stack As String, ByVal i As Integer) As String
If i >= stack.SplitAtNewline().Count Then
Return "-1"
End If
Dim line As String = stack.SplitAtNewline()(i)
Dim callSub As String = line
While callSub.StartsWith(" ") = True
callSub = callSub.Remove(0, 1)
End While
callSub = callSub.Remove(0, callSub.IndexOf(" ") + 1)
callSub = callSub.Remove(callSub.IndexOf("("))
Return callSub
End Function
End Class
End Class |