599 lines
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599 lines
22 KiB
Imports System.Globalization
Public Class ActionScript
Public Scripts As New List(Of Script)
Public Class ScriptLevel
Public WaitingEndWhen As New List(Of Boolean)
Public Switched As New List(Of Boolean)
Public WaitingEndIf As New List(Of Boolean)
Public CanTriggerElse As New List(Of Boolean)
Public IfIndex As Integer
Public WhenIndex As Integer
Public WhileQuery As New List(Of Script)
Public WhileQueryInitialized As Boolean = False
Public ScriptVersion As Integer
Public CurrentLine As Integer
Public ScriptName As String
End Class
''' <summary>
''' Returns the current ScriptLevel based on the script index.
''' </summary>
Public Shared Function CSL() As ScriptLevel
Return ScriptLevels(ScriptLevelIndex)
End Function
Public Shared ScriptLevels(99) As ScriptLevel
Public Shared ScriptLevelIndex As Integer = -1
Public reDelay As Single = 0.0F
Dim LevelRef As Level
Public Sub New(ByVal LevelRef As Level)
Me.LevelRef = LevelRef
End Sub
Public Shared TempInputDirection As Integer = -1
Public Shared TempSpin As Boolean = False
Public Sub Update()
Dim unlock As Boolean = Me.IsReady
If Scripts.Count > 0 Then
End If
For i = 0 To Scripts.Count - 1
If i <= Scripts.Count - 1 Then
Dim s As Script = Scripts(i)
If s.IsReady = True Then
i -= 1
ScriptLevels(s.Level).CurrentLine += 1
If IsReady = False And s.CanContinue = True Then
GoTo nextScript
End If
End If
End If
If Me.IsReady = True Then
If unlock = False Then
Logger.Debug("Unlock Camera")
CType(Screen.Camera, OverworldCamera).YawLocked = False
CType(Screen.Camera, OverworldCamera).ResetCursor()
GameJolt.PokegearScreen.Call_Flag = ""
End If
If reDelay > 0.0F Then
reDelay -= 0.1F
If reDelay <= 0.0F Then
reDelay = 0.0F
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Public ReadOnly Property IsReady() As Boolean
If Scripts.Count > 0 Then
Return False
Return True
End If
End Get
End Property
Private Shared _scriptTrigger As String = ""
Public Shared Property ScriptTrigger() As String
Return _scriptTrigger
End Get
Set(value As String)
_scriptTrigger = value
End Set
End Property
Public Shared IsInSightScript As Boolean = False
''' <summary>
''' Starts a script.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="Input">The input string.</param>
''' <param name="InputType">Type of information; 0: Script path, 1: Text, 2: Direct input.</param>
Public Sub StartScript(ByVal Input As String, ByVal InputType As Integer, Optional ByVal CheckDelay As Boolean = True, Optional ByVal ResetInsight As Boolean = True, Optional ScriptTrigger As String = "")
Screen.Level.OwnPlayer.Opacity = 1
If Core.Player.IsRunning = True OrElse Screen.Level.Riding = True Then
Screen.Camera.Speed = 0.04F
End If
ScriptLevelIndex += 1
TempSpin = False
Dim arr(99) As Boolean
ScriptLevels(ScriptLevelIndex) = New ScriptLevel() With {.IfIndex = 0, .WhenIndex = 0, .ScriptVersion = 1, .WaitingEndIf = arr.ToList(), .WaitingEndWhen = arr.ToList(), .CurrentLine = 0, .ScriptName = "No script running", .CanTriggerElse = arr.ToList(), .Switched = arr.ToList()}
Dim l As ScriptLevel = ScriptLevels(ScriptLevelIndex)
ActionScript.ScriptTrigger = ScriptTrigger
If ResetInsight = True Then
IsInSightScript = False
End If
If reDelay = 0.0F Or CheckDelay = False Then
Select Case InputType
Case 0 ' Start a script from a file.
Logger.Debug("Start script (ID: " & Input & ")")
l.ScriptName = "Type: Script; Input: " & Input
Dim path As String = GameModeManager.GetScriptPath(Input & ".dat")
Security.FileValidation.CheckFileValid(path, False, "ActionScript.vb")
If System.IO.File.Exists(path) = True Then
Dim Data As String = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(path)
Data = Data.Replace(Environment.NewLine, "^")
Dim ScriptData() As String = Data.Split(CChar("^"))
Logger.Log(Logger.LogTypes.ErrorMessage, "ActionScript.vb: The script file """ & path & """ doesn't exist!")
End If
Case 1 ' Display text.
Logger.Debug("Start Script (Text: " & Input & ")")
l.ScriptName = "Type: Text; Input: " & Input
Dim Data As String = "version=2^@text.show(" & Input & ")^" & ":end"
Dim ScriptData() As String = Data.Split(CChar("^"))
Case 2 ' Start a script from direct input.
Dim activator As String = Environment.StackTrace.Split(Environment.NewLine)(3)
activator = activator.Remove(activator.IndexOf("("))
Logger.Debug("Start Script (DirectInput; " & activator & ")")
l.ScriptName = "Type: Direct; Input: " & Input
Dim Data As String = Input.Replace(Environment.NewLine, "^")
Dim ScriptData() As String = Data.Split(CChar("^"))
End Select
End If
End Sub
Private Sub AddScriptLines(ByVal ScriptData() As String)
Dim i As Integer = 0
Dim l As ScriptLevel = ScriptLevels(ScriptLevelIndex)
For Each newScript As String In ScriptData
If i = 0 And newScript.ToLower().StartsWith("version=") Then
l.ScriptVersion = CInt(newScript.ToLower().Remove(0, ("version=").Length))
l.CurrentLine += 1
While newScript.StartsWith(" ") = True Or newScript.StartsWith(StringHelper.Tab) = True
newScript = newScript.Remove(0, 1)
End While
While newScript.EndsWith(" ") = True Or newScript.EndsWith(StringHelper.Tab) = True
newScript = newScript.Remove(newScript.Length - 1, 1)
End While
If newScript <> "" Then
Me.Scripts.Insert(i, New Script(newScript, ScriptLevelIndex))
i += 1
End If
End If
End Sub
Public Sub Switch(ByVal Answer As Object)
Dim l As ScriptLevel = ScriptLevels(ScriptLevelIndex)
Dim proceed As Boolean = False
Dim first As Boolean = True
While proceed = False
If Scripts.Count = 0 Then
Logger.Log(Logger.LogTypes.Warning, "ActionScript.vb: Illegal "":when"" construct. Terminating execution.")
Exit While
End If
Dim s As Script = Scripts(0)
Select Case s.ScriptType
Case Script.ScriptTypes.select
If first = False Then
l.WhenIndex += 1
l.WaitingEndWhen(l.WhenIndex) = True
l.Switched(l.WhenIndex) = True
End If
Case Script.ScriptTypes.Command
If s.ScriptV2.Value.ToLower().StartsWith("options.show(") = True And first = False Then
l.WhenIndex += 1
l.WaitingEndWhen(l.WhenIndex) = True
l.Switched(l.WhenIndex) = True
End If
Case Script.ScriptTypes.SwitchWhen, Script.ScriptTypes.when
If l.Switched(l.WhenIndex) = False Then
Dim equal As Boolean = False
Dim args() As String = Scripts(0).Value.Split(CChar(";"))
For Each arg As String In args
If (ScriptVersion2.ScriptComparer.EvaluateConstruct(arg).Equals(ScriptVersion2.ScriptComparer.EvaluateConstruct(Answer))) = True Then
equal = True
Exit For
End If
If equal = True Then
l.WaitingEndWhen(l.WhenIndex) = False
proceed = True
l.WaitingEndWhen(l.WhenIndex) = True
End If
End If
Case Script.ScriptTypes.SwitchEndWhen, Script.ScriptTypes.endwhen
l.WaitingEndWhen(l.WhenIndex) = False
l.Switched(l.WhenIndex) = False
l.WhenIndex -= 1
If l.WaitingEndWhen(l.WhenIndex) = False Then
proceed = True
End If
End Select
l.CurrentLine += 1
first = False
End While
End Sub
Public Sub ChooseIf(ByVal T As Boolean)
Dim l As ScriptLevel = ScriptLevels(ScriptLevelIndex)
Dim proceed As Boolean = False
While proceed = False
If Scripts.Count = 0 Then
Logger.Log(Logger.LogTypes.Warning, "ActionScript.vb: Illegal "":if"" construct. Terminating execution.")
Exit While
End If
Dim s As Script = Scripts(0)
Select Case s.ScriptType
Case Script.ScriptTypes.if, Script.ScriptTypes.SwitchIf
l.IfIndex += 1
If l.WaitingEndIf(l.IfIndex - 1) = True Then
l.WaitingEndIf(l.IfIndex) = True
l.CanTriggerElse(l.IfIndex) = False
If T = True Then
proceed = True
l.WaitingEndIf(l.IfIndex) = False
l.CanTriggerElse(l.IfIndex) = False
l.WaitingEndIf(l.IfIndex) = True
l.CanTriggerElse(l.IfIndex) = True
End If
End If
Case Script.ScriptTypes.else, Script.ScriptTypes.SwitchElse
If l.CanTriggerElse(l.IfIndex) = True Then
l.WaitingEndIf(l.IfIndex) = False
proceed = True
l.WaitingEndIf(l.IfIndex) = True
End If
Case Script.ScriptTypes.endif, Script.ScriptTypes.SwitchEndIf
l.IfIndex -= 1
If l.WaitingEndIf(l.IfIndex) = False Then
proceed = True
End If
End Select
l.CurrentLine += 1
End While
If Scripts.Count > 0 Then
End If
End Sub
Public Sub AddToWhileQuery(ByVal RemovedScript As Script)
If CSL().WhileQueryInitialized = True And CSL().ScriptVersion = 2 Then
If RemovedScript.ScriptV2.ScriptType = ScriptV2.ScriptTypes.endwhile Then
Dim i As Integer = 0
For Each s As Script In CSL().WhileQuery
Me.Scripts.Insert(i, s.Clone())
i += 1
CSL().WhileQueryInitialized = False
End If
End If
End Sub
#Region "Registers"
Public Shared Function IsRegistered(ByVal i As String) As Boolean
If Core.Player.RegisterData.Contains(",") = True Then
Dim Data() As String = Core.Player.RegisterData.Split(CChar(","))
For Each d As String In Data
If d.StartsWith("[") = True And d.EndsWith("]") = False And d.Contains("]") = True Then
d = d.Remove(0, d.IndexOf("]") + 1)
If d = i Then
Return True
End If
If d = i Then
Return True
End If
End If
Return False
If Core.Player.RegisterData.StartsWith("[") = True And Core.Player.RegisterData.EndsWith("]") = False And Core.Player.RegisterData.Contains("]") = True Then
Dim d As String = Core.Player.RegisterData.Remove(0, Core.Player.RegisterData.IndexOf("]") + 1)
If d = i Then
Return True
End If
If Core.Player.RegisterData = i Then
Return True
End If
End If
Return False
End If
End Function
Private Shared Sub CheckTimeBasedRegisters()
If Core.Player.RegisterData <> "" Then
Dim Data As List(Of String) = {Core.Player.RegisterData}.ToList()
If Core.Player.RegisterData.Contains(",") = True Then
Data = Core.Player.RegisterData.Split(CChar(",")).ToList()
End If
Dim removedRegisters As Boolean = False
For i = 0 To Data.Count - 1
If i <= Data.Count - 1 Then
Dim d As String = Data(i)
If d.StartsWith("[TIME|") = True Then
Dim timeString As String = d.Remove(0, ("[TIME|").Length)
timeString = timeString.Remove(timeString.IndexOf("]"))
Dim timeData() As String = timeString.Split(CChar("|"))
Dim regDate As Date = UnixToTime(timeData(0))
Dim value As Integer = CInt(timeData(1))
Dim format As String = timeData(2)
Dim remove As Boolean = False
Dim date1 = Date.Now
Dim date2 = regDate
Dim diff = date1 - date2
Select Case format
Case "days", "day"
If CInt(diff.TotalDays) >= value Then
remove = True
End If
Case "minutes", "minute"
If CInt(diff.TotalMinutes) >= value Then
remove = True
End If
Case "seconds", "second"
If CInt(diff.TotalSeconds) >= value Then
remove = True
End If
Case "years", "year"
If CInt(Math.Floor(diff.TotalDays / 365)) >= value Then
remove = True
End If
Case "weeks", "week"
If CInt(Math.Floor(diff.TotalDays / 7)) >= value Then
remove = True
End If
Case "months", "month"
If ((date1.Year - date2.Year) * 12) + date1.Month - date2.Month >= value Then
remove = True
End If
Case "hours", "hour"
If CInt(diff.TotalHours) >= value Then
remove = True
End If
Case "dayofweek"
If CInt(Math.Floor(diff.TotalDays / 7)) >= value Then
remove = True
End If
End Select
If remove = True Then
i -= 1
removedRegisters = True
End If
End If
End If
If removedRegisters = True Then
Dim s As String = ""
If Data.Count > 0 Then
For Each d As String In Data
If s <> "" Then
s &= ","
End If
s &= d
End If
Core.Player.RegisterData = s
End If
End If
End Sub
Public Shared Function UnixToTime(ByVal strUnixTime As String) As Date
Dim unixDate = New Date(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc)
strUnixTime = strUnixTime.Split(".")(0)
Dim a = Convert.ToInt64(strUnixTime)
unixDate = unixDate.AddSeconds(a)
unixDate = unixDate.ToLocalTime()
Return unixDate
End Function
Public Shared Function TimeToUnix(ByVal dteDate As Date) As String
Dim invC = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture
Return (dteDate.ToUniversalTime() - New Date(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc)).TotalSeconds.ToString(invC)
End Function
Public Shared Sub RegisterID(ByVal i As String)
Dim Data As String = Core.Player.RegisterData
If Data = "" Then
Data = i
Dim checkData() As String = Data.Split(CChar(","))
If checkData.Contains(i) = False Then
Data &= "," & i
End If
End If
Core.Player.RegisterData = Data
End Sub
Public Shared Sub RegisterID(ByVal name As String, ByVal type As String, ByVal value As String)
Dim Data As String = Core.Player.RegisterData
Dim reg As String = "[" & type.ToUpper() & "|" & value & "]" & name
If Data = "" Then
Data = reg
Dim checkData() As String = Data.Split(CChar(","))
If checkData.Contains(reg) = False Then
Data &= "," & reg
End If
End If
Core.Player.RegisterData = Data
End Sub
Public Shared Sub UnregisterID(ByVal i As String)
Dim checkData() As String = Core.Player.RegisterData.Split(CChar(","))
Dim Data As String = ""
Dim checkList As List(Of String) = checkData.ToList()
checkData = checkList.ToArray()
For a = 0 To checkData.Count - 1
If a <> 0 Then
Data &= ","
End If
Data &= checkData(a)
Core.Player.RegisterData = Data
End Sub
Public Shared Sub UnregisterID(ByVal name As String, ByVal type As String)
Dim Data() As String = Core.Player.RegisterData.Split(CChar(","))
Dim newData As String = ""
For Each line As String In Data
If line.StartsWith("[") = True And line.Contains("]") = True And line.EndsWith("]") = False Then
Dim lName As String = line.Remove(0, line.IndexOf("]") + 1)
Dim lType As String = line.Remove(0, 1)
lType = lType.Remove(lType.IndexOf("|"))
If lName <> name Or lType.ToLower() <> type.ToLower() Then
If newData <> "" Then
newData &= ","
End If
newData &= line
End If
If newData <> "" Then
newData &= ","
End If
newData &= line
End If
Core.Player.RegisterData = newData
End Sub
Public Shared Sub ChangeRegister(ByVal name As String, ByVal newValue As String)
Dim Data() As String = Core.Player.RegisterData.Split(CChar(","))
Dim newData As String = ""
For Each line As String In Data
If newData <> "" Then
newData &= ","
End If
If line.StartsWith("[") = True And line.Contains("]") = True And line.EndsWith("]") = False Then
Dim lName As String = line.Remove(0, line.IndexOf("]") + 1)
Dim lType As String = line.Remove(0, 1)
lType = lType.Remove(lType.IndexOf("|"))
If lName.ToLower() = name.ToLower() Then
newData &= "[" & lType & "|" & newValue & "]" & name
newData &= line
End If
newData &= line
End If
Core.Player.RegisterData = newData
End Sub
''' <summary>
''' Returns the Value and Type of a Register with value. {Value,Type}
''' </summary>
''' <param name="Name">The name of the register.</param>
Public Shared Function GetRegisterValue(ByVal Name As String) As Object()
Dim registers() As String = Core.Player.RegisterData.Split(CChar(","))
For Each line As String In registers
If line.StartsWith("[") = True And line.Contains("]") = True And line.EndsWith("]") = False Then
Dim lName As String = line.Remove(0, line.IndexOf("]") + 1)
If lName.ToLower() = Name.ToLower() Then
Dim lType As String = line.Remove(0, 1)
lType = lType.Remove(lType.IndexOf("|"))
Dim lValue As String = line.Remove(0, line.IndexOf("|") + 1)
lValue = lValue.Remove(lValue.IndexOf("]"))
Return {lValue, lType}
End If
End If
Return {Nothing, Nothing}
End Function
#End Region
End Class