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:if:<register.registered(kantostart0)>=true <and> <register.registered(kantostart1)>=false
@Text.show(Oak: So, you're claiming the~Fire Pokémon Charmander?)
@Text.show(This pokemon is really quite~energetic!)
@pokemon.add(4,5,As a gift from Prof. Oak,5,at Pallet Town,0,<player.name>,517)
@Text.show(<player.name> received~Charmander!)
@Text.show(If a wild Pokémon appears,~your Pokémon can battle it.*With it at your side, you should~be able to reach the next town.*What am I saying? You already~know all this!*..............~..............)
@Text.show(Wait!*There is another gift I have~got for you.)
@Text.show(The Pokémon you just received~from me holds a very special~artifact called Mega Stone.*With the Mega Bracelet I just~gave you and the Mega Stones~that a Pokémon may hold, your~Pokémon will be able to achieve~a powerful boost called Mega~Evolution!*...once it has reached its final~evolved form, of course.)
@text.show(You don't have~space in your party~for this Pokemon!)
@Text.show(Oak: No need to hurry. Take~your time.)
@Text.show(It contains a~Pokémon caught by~Prof. Oak.)
:end |