40 lines
2.6 KiB
40 lines
2.6 KiB
@text.show(Oh, <pokemon.displayname(0)>~appears as if it wants to~revert to its original form.*Would you like to recall~it from the motor?)
@text.show(It is a <storage.get(str,devicename)>.*It has an odd-shaped~motor on it.*Oh?*<pokemon.displayname(0)> appears~as if it wants to go~into the motor.*Allow it to enter the motor?)
@text.show(<pokemon.displayname(0)> reluctantly~gave up on entering~the <storage.get(str,devicename)>'s motor...)
@text.show(<pokemon.displayname(0)> reluctantly~gave up on entering~the <storage.get(str,devicename)>'s motor...)
@text.show(It is a <storage.get(str,devicename)>.*It has an odd-shaped~motor on it.)
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