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:if:<register.registered(shrinecelebi)>=true <and> <register.registered(clubextendinvite)>=true <and> <register.registered(TRTPrematchTalk)>=false
@text.show(???: Hey, who are~you and what are you~doing here?*Don't dare disturb our~search, or else...)
@text.show(???: Prepare for trouble!)
@text.show(???: Make it double!)
@text.show(???: To protect the world~from devastation!)
@text.show(???: To unite all peoples~within our nation!)
@text.show(???: To denounce the~evils of truth and love!)
@text.show(???: To extend our reach~to the stars above!)
@text.show(Jessie: Jessie!)
@text.show(James: James!)
@text.show(Jessie: Team Rocket,~blast off at the~speed of light!)
@text.show(James: Surrender now,~or prepare to~fight!)
@text.show(Meowth: Meowth!~That's right!)
@text.show(Jessie: Wait a second,~you look familiar.)
@text.show(James: I'm sure I've seen~your face on TV!)
@text.show(Meowth: Do you think~you could help us?~We are looking~for our boss, but we've~got no clue!)
@text.show(Jessie: All we could track~down was that old radio~he left behind.)
@text.show(James: He might be miles~away by now.~How are we supposed to~figure this out?)
@text.show(Jessie: A battle club?~Hmmm...)
@text.show(James: We might as well~take some time off.)
@text.show(Meowth: We can get~stronger to make finding~our boss much easier.~Meowth!)
@text.show(Jessie: It's settled,~then!~We'll fight you there.)
@text.show(James: Be prepared for~our impressive power.)
@text.show(Meowth: Meowth!~That's right!)
@text.show(Team Rocket's blasting~off again!)