diff --git a/kmip/services/server/engine.py b/kmip/services/server/engine.py
index 8b15de6..8536510 100644
--- a/kmip/services/server/engine.py
+++ b/kmip/services/server/engine.py
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ from kmip.core.factories import secrets
 from kmip.core.messages import contents
 from kmip.core.messages import messages
+from kmip.core.messages.payloads import create
 from kmip.core.messages.payloads import destroy
 from kmip.core.messages.payloads import discover_versions
 from kmip.core.messages.payloads import get
@@ -616,7 +617,9 @@ class KmipEngine(object):
     def _process_operation(self, operation, payload):
-        if operation == enums.Operation.REGISTER:
+        if operation == enums.Operation.CREATE:
+            return self._process_create(payload)
+        elif operation == enums.Operation.REGISTER:
             return self._process_register(payload)
         elif operation == enums.Operation.GET:
             return self._process_get(payload)
@@ -633,6 +636,92 @@ class KmipEngine(object):
+    @_kmip_version_supported('1.0')
+    def _process_create(self, payload):
+        self._logger.info("Processing operation: Create")
+        object_type = payload.object_type.value
+        template_attribute = payload.template_attribute
+        if object_type != enums.ObjectType.SYMMETRIC_KEY:
+            name = object_type.name
+            raise exceptions.InvalidField(
+                "Cannot create a {0} object with the Create operation.".format(
+                    ''.join([x.capitalize() for x in name.split('_')])
+                )
+            )
+        object_attributes = {}
+        if template_attribute:
+            object_attributes = self._process_template_attribute(
+                template_attribute
+            )
+        algorithm = object_attributes.get('Cryptographic Algorithm')
+        if algorithm:
+            algorithm = algorithm.value
+        else:
+            raise exceptions.InvalidField(
+                "The cryptographic algorithm must be specified as an "
+                "attribute."
+            )
+        length = object_attributes.get('Cryptographic Length')
+        if length:
+            length = length.value
+        else:
+            # TODO (peterhamilton) The cryptographic length is technically not
+            # required per the spec. Update the CryptographyEngine to accept a
+            # None length, allowing it to pick the length dynamically. Default
+            # to the strongest key size allowed for the algorithm type.
+            raise exceptions.InvalidField(
+                "The cryptographic length must be specified as an attribute."
+            )
+        usage_mask = object_attributes.get('Cryptographic Usage Mask')
+        if usage_mask is None:
+            raise exceptions.InvalidField(
+                "The cryptographic usage mask must be specified as an "
+                "attribute."
+            )
+        result = self._cryptography_engine.create_symmetric_key(
+            algorithm,
+            length
+        )
+        managed_object = objects.SymmetricKey(
+            algorithm,
+            length,
+            result.get('value')
+        )
+        managed_object.names = []
+        self._set_attributes_on_managed_object(
+            managed_object,
+            object_attributes
+        )
+        # TODO (peterhamilton) Set additional server-only attributes.
+        self._data_session.add(managed_object)
+        # NOTE (peterhamilton) SQLAlchemy will *not* assign an ID until
+        # commit is called. This makes future support for UNDO problematic.
+        self._data_session.commit()
+        response_payload = create.CreateResponsePayload(
+            object_type=payload.object_type,
+            unique_identifier=attributes.UniqueIdentifier(
+                str(managed_object.unique_identifier)
+            ),
+            template_attribute=None
+        )
+        self._id_placeholder = str(managed_object.unique_identifier)
+        return response_payload
     def _process_register(self, payload):
         self._logger.info("Processing operation: Register")
@@ -789,6 +878,7 @@ class KmipEngine(object):
         if enums.QueryFunction.QUERY_OPERATIONS in queries:
             operations = list([
+                contents.Operation(enums.Operation.CREATE),
diff --git a/kmip/tests/unit/services/server/test_engine.py b/kmip/tests/unit/services/server/test_engine.py
index b287c35..2f52207 100644
--- a/kmip/tests/unit/services/server/test_engine.py
+++ b/kmip/tests/unit/services/server/test_engine.py
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ from kmip.core.factories import attributes as factory
 from kmip.core.messages import contents
 from kmip.core.messages import messages
+from kmip.core.messages.payloads import create
 from kmip.core.messages.payloads import destroy
 from kmip.core.messages.payloads import discover_versions
 from kmip.core.messages.payloads import get
@@ -643,18 +644,21 @@ class TestKmipEngine(testtools.TestCase):
         e = engine.KmipEngine()
         e._logger = mock.MagicMock()
+        e._process_create = mock.MagicMock()
         e._process_register = mock.MagicMock()
         e._process_get = mock.MagicMock()
         e._process_destroy = mock.MagicMock()
         e._process_query = mock.MagicMock()
         e._process_discover_versions = mock.MagicMock()
+        e._process_operation(enums.Operation.CREATE, None)
         e._process_operation(enums.Operation.REGISTER, None)
         e._process_operation(enums.Operation.GET, None)
         e._process_operation(enums.Operation.DESTROY, None)
         e._process_operation(enums.Operation.QUERY, None)
         e._process_operation(enums.Operation.DISCOVER_VERSIONS, None)
+        e._process_create.assert_called_with(None)
@@ -1425,6 +1429,267 @@ class TestKmipEngine(testtools.TestCase):
+    def test_create(self):
+        """
+        Test that a Create request can be processed correctly.
+        """
+        e = engine.KmipEngine()
+        e._data_store = self.engine
+        e._data_store_session_factory = self.session_factory
+        e._data_session = e._data_store_session_factory()
+        e._logger = mock.MagicMock()
+        attribute_factory = factory.AttributeFactory()
+        # Build Create request
+        object_type = attributes.ObjectType(enums.ObjectType.SYMMETRIC_KEY)
+        template_attribute = objects.TemplateAttribute(
+            attributes=[
+                attribute_factory.create_attribute(
+                    enums.AttributeType.NAME,
+                    attributes.Name.create(
+                        'Test Symmetric Key',
+                        enums.NameType.UNINTERPRETED_TEXT_STRING
+                    )
+                ),
+                attribute_factory.create_attribute(
+                    enums.AttributeType.CRYPTOGRAPHIC_ALGORITHM,
+                    enums.CryptographicAlgorithm.AES
+                ),
+                attribute_factory.create_attribute(
+                    enums.AttributeType.CRYPTOGRAPHIC_LENGTH,
+                    256
+                ),
+                attribute_factory.create_attribute(
+                    enums.AttributeType.CRYPTOGRAPHIC_USAGE_MASK,
+                    [
+                        enums.CryptographicUsageMask.ENCRYPT,
+                        enums.CryptographicUsageMask.DECRYPT
+                    ]
+                )
+            ]
+        )
+        payload = create.CreateRequestPayload(
+            object_type,
+            template_attribute
+        )
+        response_payload = e._process_create(payload)
+        e._data_session.commit()
+        e._data_session = e._data_store_session_factory()
+        e._logger.info.assert_called_once_with(
+            "Processing operation: Create"
+        )
+        uid = response_payload.unique_identifier.value
+        self.assertEqual('1', uid)
+        # Retrieve the stored object and verify all attributes were set
+        # appropriately.
+        symmetric_key = e._data_session.query(
+            pie_objects.SymmetricKey
+        ).filter(
+            pie_objects.ManagedObject.unique_identifier == uid
+        ).one()
+        self.assertEqual(
+            enums.KeyFormatType.RAW,
+            symmetric_key.key_format_type
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(1, len(symmetric_key.names))
+        self.assertIn('Test Symmetric Key', symmetric_key.names)
+        self.assertEqual(256, len(symmetric_key.value) * 8)
+        self.assertEqual(
+            enums.CryptographicAlgorithm.AES,
+            symmetric_key.cryptographic_algorithm
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(256, symmetric_key.cryptographic_length)
+        self.assertEqual(2, len(symmetric_key.cryptographic_usage_masks))
+        self.assertIn(
+            enums.CryptographicUsageMask.ENCRYPT,
+            symmetric_key.cryptographic_usage_masks
+        )
+        self.assertIn(
+            enums.CryptographicUsageMask.DECRYPT,
+            symmetric_key.cryptographic_usage_masks
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(uid, e._id_placeholder)
+    def test_create_unsupported_object_type(self):
+        """
+        Test that an InvalidField error is generated when attempting to
+        create an unsupported object type.
+        """
+        e = engine.KmipEngine()
+        e._data_store = self.engine
+        e._data_store_session_factory = self.session_factory
+        e._data_session = e._data_store_session_factory()
+        e._logger = mock.MagicMock()
+        object_type = attributes.ObjectType(enums.ObjectType.PUBLIC_KEY)
+        payload = create.CreateRequestPayload(
+            object_type
+        )
+        args = (payload, )
+        regex = "Cannot create a PublicKey object with the Create operation."
+        self.assertRaisesRegexp(
+            exceptions.InvalidField,
+            regex,
+            e._process_create,
+            *args
+        )
+        e._logger.info.assert_called_once_with(
+            "Processing operation: Create"
+        )
+    def test_create_omitting_attributes(self):
+        """
+        Test that InvalidField errors are generated when trying to create
+        a symmetric key without required attributes.
+        """
+        e = engine.KmipEngine()
+        e._data_store = self.engine
+        e._data_store_session_factory = self.session_factory
+        e._data_session = e._data_store_session_factory()
+        e._logger = mock.MagicMock()
+        attribute_factory = factory.AttributeFactory()
+        # Test the error for omitting the Cryptographic Algorithm
+        object_type = attributes.ObjectType(enums.ObjectType.SYMMETRIC_KEY)
+        template_attribute = objects.TemplateAttribute(
+            attributes=[
+                attribute_factory.create_attribute(
+                    enums.AttributeType.NAME,
+                    attributes.Name.create(
+                        'Test Symmetric Key',
+                        enums.NameType.UNINTERPRETED_TEXT_STRING
+                    )
+                ),
+                attribute_factory.create_attribute(
+                    enums.AttributeType.CRYPTOGRAPHIC_LENGTH,
+                    256
+                ),
+                attribute_factory.create_attribute(
+                    enums.AttributeType.CRYPTOGRAPHIC_USAGE_MASK,
+                    [
+                        enums.CryptographicUsageMask.ENCRYPT,
+                        enums.CryptographicUsageMask.DECRYPT
+                    ]
+                )
+            ]
+        )
+        payload = create.CreateRequestPayload(
+            object_type,
+            template_attribute
+        )
+        args = (payload, )
+        regex = (
+            "The cryptographic algorithm must be specified as an attribute."
+        )
+        self.assertRaisesRegexp(
+            exceptions.InvalidField,
+            regex,
+            e._process_create,
+            *args
+        )
+        e._logger.info.assert_called_once_with(
+            "Processing operation: Create"
+        )
+        e._logger.reset_mock()
+        # Test the error for omitting the Cryptographic Length
+        object_type = attributes.ObjectType(enums.ObjectType.SYMMETRIC_KEY)
+        template_attribute = objects.TemplateAttribute(
+            attributes=[
+                attribute_factory.create_attribute(
+                    enums.AttributeType.NAME,
+                    attributes.Name.create(
+                        'Test Symmetric Key',
+                        enums.NameType.UNINTERPRETED_TEXT_STRING
+                    )
+                ),
+                attribute_factory.create_attribute(
+                    enums.AttributeType.CRYPTOGRAPHIC_ALGORITHM,
+                    enums.CryptographicAlgorithm.AES
+                ),
+                attribute_factory.create_attribute(
+                    enums.AttributeType.CRYPTOGRAPHIC_USAGE_MASK,
+                    [
+                        enums.CryptographicUsageMask.ENCRYPT,
+                        enums.CryptographicUsageMask.DECRYPT
+                    ]
+                )
+            ]
+        )
+        payload = create.CreateRequestPayload(
+            object_type,
+            template_attribute
+        )
+        args = (payload, )
+        regex = (
+            "The cryptographic length must be specified as an attribute."
+        )
+        self.assertRaisesRegexp(
+            exceptions.InvalidField,
+            regex,
+            e._process_create,
+            *args
+        )
+        e._logger.info.assert_called_once_with(
+            "Processing operation: Create"
+        )
+        e._logger.reset_mock()
+        # Test the error for omitting the Cryptographic Usage Mask
+        object_type = attributes.ObjectType(enums.ObjectType.SYMMETRIC_KEY)
+        template_attribute = objects.TemplateAttribute(
+            attributes=[
+                attribute_factory.create_attribute(
+                    enums.AttributeType.NAME,
+                    attributes.Name.create(
+                        'Test Symmetric Key',
+                        enums.NameType.UNINTERPRETED_TEXT_STRING
+                    )
+                ),
+                attribute_factory.create_attribute(
+                    enums.AttributeType.CRYPTOGRAPHIC_ALGORITHM,
+                    enums.CryptographicAlgorithm.AES
+                ),
+                attribute_factory.create_attribute(
+                    enums.AttributeType.CRYPTOGRAPHIC_LENGTH,
+                    256
+                )
+            ]
+        )
+        payload = create.CreateRequestPayload(
+            object_type,
+            template_attribute
+        )
+        args = (payload, )
+        regex = (
+            "The cryptographic usage mask must be specified as an attribute."
+        )
+        self.assertRaisesRegexp(
+            exceptions.InvalidField,
+            regex,
+            e._process_create,
+            *args
+        )
+        e._logger.info.assert_called_once_with(
+            "Processing operation: Create"
+        )
+        e._logger.reset_mock()
     def test_register(self):
         Test that a Register request can be processed correctly.
@@ -1912,23 +2177,27 @@ class TestKmipEngine(testtools.TestCase):
         e._logger.info.assert_called_once_with("Processing operation: Query")
         self.assertIsInstance(result, query.QueryResponsePayload)
-        self.assertEqual(4, len(result.operations))
+        self.assertEqual(5, len(result.operations))
-            enums.Operation.REGISTER,
+            enums.Operation.CREATE,
-            enums.Operation.GET,
+            enums.Operation.REGISTER,
-            enums.Operation.DESTROY,
+            enums.Operation.GET,
-            enums.Operation.QUERY,
+            enums.Operation.DESTROY,
+        self.assertEqual(
+            enums.Operation.QUERY,
+            result.operations[4].value
+        )
         self.assertEqual(list(), result.object_types)
@@ -1947,7 +2216,7 @@ class TestKmipEngine(testtools.TestCase):
         e._logger.info.assert_called_once_with("Processing operation: Query")
-        self.assertEqual(5, len(result.operations))
+        self.assertEqual(6, len(result.operations))
@@ -2019,6 +2288,129 @@ class TestKmipEngine(testtools.TestCase):
         self.assertEqual([], result.protocol_versions)
+    def test_create_get_destroy(self):
+        """
+        Test that a managed object can be created, retrieved, and destroyed
+        without error.
+        """
+        e = engine.KmipEngine()
+        e._data_store = self.engine
+        e._data_store_session_factory = self.session_factory
+        e._data_session = e._data_store_session_factory()
+        e._logger = mock.MagicMock()
+        attribute_factory = factory.AttributeFactory()
+        # Build a SymmetricKey for registration.
+        object_type = attributes.ObjectType(enums.ObjectType.SYMMETRIC_KEY)
+        template_attribute = objects.TemplateAttribute(
+            attributes=[
+                attribute_factory.create_attribute(
+                    enums.AttributeType.NAME,
+                    attributes.Name.create(
+                        'Test Symmetric Key',
+                        enums.NameType.UNINTERPRETED_TEXT_STRING
+                    )
+                ),
+                attribute_factory.create_attribute(
+                    enums.AttributeType.CRYPTOGRAPHIC_ALGORITHM,
+                    enums.CryptographicAlgorithm.AES
+                ),
+                attribute_factory.create_attribute(
+                    enums.AttributeType.CRYPTOGRAPHIC_LENGTH,
+                    256
+                ),
+                attribute_factory.create_attribute(
+                    enums.AttributeType.CRYPTOGRAPHIC_USAGE_MASK,
+                    [
+                        enums.CryptographicUsageMask.ENCRYPT,
+                        enums.CryptographicUsageMask.DECRYPT
+                    ]
+                )
+            ]
+        )
+        # Create the symmetric key with the corresponding attributes
+        payload = create.CreateRequestPayload(
+            object_type=object_type,
+            template_attribute=template_attribute
+        )
+        response_payload = e._process_create(payload)
+        e._data_session.commit()
+        e._data_session = e._data_store_session_factory()
+        e._logger.info.assert_called_once_with(
+            "Processing operation: Create"
+        )
+        uid = response_payload.unique_identifier.value
+        self.assertEqual('1', uid)
+        e._logger.reset_mock()
+        # Retrieve the created key using Get and verify all fields set
+        payload = get.GetRequestPayload(
+            unique_identifier=attributes.UniqueIdentifier(uid)
+        )
+        response_payload = e._process_get(payload)
+        e._data_session.commit()
+        e._data_session = e._data_store_session_factory()
+        e._logger.info.assert_called_once_with(
+            "Processing operation: Get"
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(
+            enums.ObjectType.SYMMETRIC_KEY,
+            response_payload.object_type.value
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(str(uid), response_payload.unique_identifier.value)
+        self.assertIsInstance(response_payload.secret, secrets.SymmetricKey)
+        key_block = response_payload.secret.key_block
+        self.assertEqual(
+            256,
+            len(key_block.key_value.key_material.value) * 8
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(
+            enums.KeyFormatType.RAW,
+            key_block.key_format_type.value
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(
+            enums.CryptographicAlgorithm.AES,
+            key_block.cryptographic_algorithm.value
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(
+            256,
+            key_block.cryptographic_length.value
+        )
+        e._logger.reset_mock()
+        # Destroy the symmetric key and verify it cannot be accessed again
+        payload = destroy.DestroyRequestPayload(
+            unique_identifier=attributes.UniqueIdentifier(uid)
+        )
+        response_payload = e._process_destroy(payload)
+        e._data_session.commit()
+        e._data_session = e._data_store_session_factory()
+        e._logger.info.assert_called_once_with(
+            "Processing operation: Destroy"
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(str(uid), response_payload.unique_identifier.value)
+        self.assertRaises(
+            exc.NoResultFound,
+            e._data_session.query(pie_objects.OpaqueObject).filter(
+                pie_objects.ManagedObject.unique_identifier == uid
+            ).one
+        )
+        e._data_session.commit()
+        e._data_store_session_factory()
     def test_register_get_destroy(self):
         Test that a managed object can be registered, retrieved, and destroyed