From a344fd6e410e3bb2d387d37d67a52d410f871bf5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Bruce Benjamin <>
Date: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 12:02:14 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] Updated REAME file

 README.rst | 177 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------
 1 file changed, 131 insertions(+), 46 deletions(-)

diff --git a/README.rst b/README.rst
index ea47b9d..6d2a385 100644
--- a/README.rst
+++ b/README.rst
@@ -1,46 +1,131 @@
-PyKMIP is a Python implementation of the Key Management Interoperability
-Protocol (KMIP) specification, supporting version 1.1 of the KMIP standard.
-The library currently provides a KMIP client, which supports the following
-operations for KMIP SymmetricKey managed objects:
-* create
-* register
-* get
-* destroy
-PyKMIP also provides a software-based KMIP server, which is intended for use
-in testing and demonstration environments. The server is NOT intended to be
-a substitute for secured hardware-based KMIP appliances.
-This distribution of PyKMIP is version 0.0.1. Future work includes adding
-support for basic KMIP profiles, including the basic supporting operations.
-For more information on KMIP profiles, see the `OASIS documentation for
-KMIP profiles
-PyKMIP has been tested and runs on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS.
-For more information on the KMIP specification, see the `OASIS documentation
-for KMIP
-Many thanks to the developers who created PyKMIP:
-Nathan Reller <>
-Peter Hamilton <>
-Kaitlin Farr <>
+PyKMIP is a Python implementation of the Key Management Interoperability
+Protocol (KMIP) specification, supporting version 1.1 of the KMIP standard.
+KMIP is an OASIS standard specifying a client/server-based protocol to perform
+key, certificate, or generic object management relating generally to storage
+and maintenance operations. The PyKMIP library currently provides a KMIP
+client and server supporting the following operations for the KMIP
+SymmetricKey managed object:
+* create
+* register
+* get
+* destroy
+Note that KMIP specifies profiles that tailor the standard to specific use
+cases. The KMIP Profile Support section below includes several profiles that
+need to be developed for PyKMIP to more fully support the symmetric key storage
+and generation capabilities.  A list of operations necessary for these profiles
+are also included.
+The PyKMIP software-based KMIP server is intended for use only in testing and
+demonstration environments. Note that the PyKMIP server is NOT intended to be
+a substitute for secured, hardware-based KMIP appliances.  The PyKMIP client
+should be used for operational purposes only with a hardware-based KMIP server.
+Earlier versions of PyKMIP are not intended to support KMIP profiles.  Work
+to further mature PyKMIP to add support for basic profiles is underway (see
+below.) For more information on KMIP profiles, see the OASIS documentation
+in the reference section.
+Note that development of the PyKMIP client and server should take place in
+parallel to facilitate testing of each operation as it is developed.
+PyKMIP has been tested and runs on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS.
+KMIP Profile Support
+The KMIP standard includes various profiles that tailor the standard for
+specific use cases, such as for symmetric key storage with TLS1.2 specified.
+These profiles specify conformance to certain operations and attributes. The
+operations listed directly below are needed to support symmetric key profiles
+also listed below.  We would appreciate help in the development of these
+operations, and have listed our recommended order of development prioritization
+to consider.  This list is in order of decending priority.  Since development
+is already underway, and code will be merged, please check the code base to
+assess the status of operations prior to development. Note that these operations
+support KMIP Profiles that are listed at the end of this document.
+KMIP Operations to add to PyKMIP, in our recommended order of priority:
+- Discover Versions
+- Locate
+- Check
+- Revoke
+- Get Attributes
+- Get Attribute List
+- Add Attribute
+- Modify Attribute
+- Delete Attribute
+- Activate
+- Query
+Note that Create, Register, Get, and Destroy operations were completed with the
+initial version of PyKMIP to allow very basic KMIP symmetric key operations.
+Profiles that support KMIP symmetric key opererations (see link in references
+4.2* "Basic Baseline Server KMIP Profile" (includes TLS 1.0+)
+Client to Server Operations needed for this (See 5.2*):
+Required operations include Locate, Check, Get, Get Attributes, Get Attribute
+List, Add Attribute, Modify Attribute, Delete Attribute, Activate, Revoke,
+Destroy, Query, and Discover Versions (but not Register or Create)
+4.14* "Symmetric Key Store and Server TLS 1.2 Authentication KMIP Profile"
+Client to Server Operations needed for this (See 5.4*)
+- All operations from *4.2 and also Register operation
+4.15* "Symmetric Key Foundry and Server TLS 1.2 Authentication KMIP profile"
+Client to Server Operations needed for this (See 5.5*)
+- All operations from *4.2 and also Create operation
+4.22* "Basic Baseline Client KMIP Profile" (includes TLS 1.0+)
+Client to Server Operations needed for this (See 5.12*):
+Required operations include Locate, Check, Get, Get Attributes, Get Attribute
+List, Add Attribute, Modify Attribute, Delete Attribute, Activate, Revoke,
+Destroy, Query, and Discover Versions (but not Register or Create)
+4.34* "Symmetric Key Store Client TLS 1.2 Authentication KMIP Profile"
+Client to Server Operations needed for this (See 5.14*)
+- All operations from *4.22 and also Register operation
+4.35* "Symmetric Key Foundry Client TLS 1.2 Authentication KMIP profile"
+Client to Server Operations needed for this (See 5.15*)
+- All operations from *4.22 and also Create operation
+4.42* "Storage Client TLS 1.2 Authentication KMIP Profile"
+Client to Server Operations needed for this (See 5.21*)
+- All operations from *4.22, Register from *4.34, and Create from *4.35
+* This designator points to a section in the Key Management Interoperability
+Profiles Version 1.1.  The link to this document is in the references section
+For more information on the KMIP specification, see the `OASIS documentation
+for KMIP
+Many thanks to the developers who created PyKMIP:
+Nathan Reller <>
+Peter Hamilton <>
+Kaitlin Farr <>