From f7ba5abbcf7b54973d13d8403327a8f765a54373 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Peter Hamilton <>
Date: Sat, 14 Mar 2015 11:41:25 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] PyKMIP - Release 0.3.0

This update includes a bunch of new features and bug fixes:
* Add client support for the DiscoverVersions and Query operations
* Add client support for the CreateKeyPair and RekeyKeyPair operations
* Add support for registering and retrieving Public/PrivateKeys
* Add unit demos showing how to use individual KMIP client operations
* Add client custom configuration support
* Add inline documentation for new KMIP objects, attributes and payloads
* Add unit tests for new KMIP objects, attributes, and payloads
* Add a dependency for the six library to handle Python version support
* Update README with a condensed description and overview of the library
* Fix bug with unindexed format strings
* Fix missing example certificate files when installing library
 CHANGES.txt |  15 ++-
 README.rst  | 279 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------    |   4 +-
 tox.ini     |   2 +-
 4 files changed, 159 insertions(+), 141 deletions(-)

diff --git a/CHANGES.txt b/CHANGES.txt
index 793a7e5..39c5a72 100644
--- a/CHANGES.txt
+++ b/CHANGES.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,17 @@
-0.2.0 - November 12, 2014
+0.3.0 - March 14, 2015
+* Add client support for the DiscoverVersions and Query operations
+* Add client support for the CreateKeyPair and ReKeyKeyPair operations
+* Add support for registering and retrieving PublicKeys and PrivateKeys
+* Add unit demos demonstrating how to use individual KMIP client operations
+* Add custom configuration support to the KMIP client
+* Add inline documentation for new KMIP objects, attributes and payloads
+* Add additional unit test suites for new KMIP objects, attributes and payloads
+* Add dependency for the six library to handle Python version support
+* Update README with a condensed description and breakdown of the library
+* Fix bug with unindexed format strings (impacts Python 2.6)
+* Fix missing certificate file issue when installing library from PyPI
+0.2.0 - November 17, 2014
 * Add configuration file support
 * Add client support for the Locate operation
 * Update README with additional information and reStructuredText format
diff --git a/README.rst b/README.rst
index 7821a62..ad72350 100644
--- a/README.rst
+++ b/README.rst
@@ -1,145 +1,163 @@
 PyKMIP is a Python implementation of the Key Management Interoperability
-Protocol (KMIP) specification, supporting version 1.1 of the KMIP standard.
-The KMIP standard is governed by the `Organization for the Advancement of
-Structured Information Standards`_ (OASIS) and specifies a
-client/server-based protocol to perform key, certificate, and secret object
-management, including storage and maintenance operations.
+Protocol (KMIP). KMIP is a client/server communication protocol for the
+storage and maintenance of key, certificate, and secret objects. The standard
+is governed by the `Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information
+Standards`_ (OASIS). PyKMIP supports a subset of features in version 1.1 of
+the KMIP specification.
-The PyKMIP library currently provides a KMIP client and server supporting
-the following operations for the KMIP SymmetricKey managed object:
+The PyKMIP library provides a KMIP client supporting the following operations:
 * Create
-* Register
-* Get
+* CreateKeyPair
 * Destroy
+* DiscoverVersions
+* Get
+* Locate
+* Query
+* Register
+* RekeyKeyPair
-Note that KMIP specifies profiles that tailor the standard to specific use
-cases. The `KMIP Profile Support`_ section includes several profiles that
-need to be developed for PyKMIP to fully support symmetric key storage and
-generation capabilities.  A list of operations necessary for these profiles
-is included.
+The library also includes a software-based KMIP server, which supports basic
+versions of the following operations:
-The PyKMIP software-based KMIP server is intended for use only in testing
-and demonstration environments. Note that the PyKMIP server is **NOT**
-intended to be a substitute for secured, hardware-based KMIP appliances.
-The PyKMIP client should be used for operational purposes only with a
-hardware-based KMIP server. The development of the PyKMIP client and server
-should take place in parallel to facilitate testing of each operation as it
-is developed.
+* Create
+* Destroy
+* Get
+* Register
+For a high-level overview of KMIP, check out the `KMIP Wikipedia page`_. For
+comprehensive documentation from OASIS and information about the KMIP
+community, visit the `KMIP Technical Committee home page`_.
+The KMIP client can be configured to connect to a KMIP server using settings
+found in ``kmip/kmipconfig.ini``. Users can specify the connection
+configuration settings to use on client instantiation, allowing applications
+to support multiple key storage backends simultaneously, one client per
+An example client configuration settings block is shown below::
+  [client]
+  host=
+  port=5696
+  keyfile=/path/to/key/file
+  certfile=/path/to/cert/file
+  cert_reqs=CERT_REQUIRED
+  ssl_version=PROTOCOL_SSLv23
+  ca_certs=/path/to/ca/cert/file
+  do_handshake_on_connect=True
+  suppress_ragged_eofs=True
+  username=None
+  password=None
+Many of these settings correspond to the settings for ``ssl.wrap_socket``,
+which is used to establish secure connections to KMIP backends. For more
+information, check out the `Python SSL library documentation`_.
+The KMIP software server also pulls settings from ``kmip/kmipconfig.ini``.
+However, the server is intended for use only in testing and demonstration
+environments. The server is **not** intended to be a substitute for secure,
+hardware-based key management appliances. The PyKMIP client should be used
+for operational purposes **only** with a hardware-based KMIP server.
+An example server configuration settings block is shown below::
+  [server]
+  host=
+  port=5696
+  keyfile=/path/to/key/file
+  certfile=/path/to/cert/file
+  cert_reqs=CERT_NONE
+  ssl_version=PROTOCOL_SSLv23
+  ca_certs=/path/to/ca/cert/file
+  do_handshake_on_connect=True
+  suppress_ragged_eofs=True
+When used together, the KMIP client and KMIP server use certificate files
+found in ``kmip/demos/certs``. These files should be replaced with alternative
+certificates for standalone deployments.
+For examples of how to instantiate the KMIP client and how to use the
+different client operations, check out the unit demos found under
+The KMIP standard includes various profiles that tailor the standard for
+specific use cases (e.g., symmetric key storage with TLS 1.2). These profiles
+specify conformance to certain operations and attributes.
+The PyKMIP client provides full support for the following profile(s):
+* Basic Discover Versions Client KMIP Profile
+The development plan for PyKMIP follows the requirements for the following
+KMIP profiles. The foundation for symmetric and asymmetric key operation
+support is already built into the library.
+Client profiles:
+* Basic Baseline Client KMIP Profile
+* Basic Symmetric Key Store Client KMIP Profile
+* Basic Symmetric Key Foundry Client KMIP Profile
+* Basic Asymmetric Key Store Client KMIP Profile
+* Basic Asymmetric Key Foundry Client KMIP Profile
+Server profiles:
+* Basic Discover Versions Server KMIP Profile
+* Basic Baseline Server KMIP Profile
+* Basic Symmetric Key Store and Server KMIP Profile
+* Basic Symmetric Key Foundry and Server KMIP Profile
+* Basic Asymmetric Key Store Server KMIP Profile
+* Basic Asymmetric Key Foundry and Server KMIP Profile
+The PyKMIP test suite is composed of two parts: a unit test suite composed of
+over 500 unit tests, and an integration test suite that runs against
+instantiations of the software KMIP server. The tests are managed by a
+combination of the ``tox``, ``pytest``, and ``flake8`` libraries and cover
+approximately 80% of the code.
+There are several ways to run different versions of the tests. To run, use one
+of the following commands in the PyKMIP root directory.
+To run all of the tests::
+  $ tox
+To run the Python syntax and format compliance tests::
+  $ tox -e pep8
+To run the test suite against Python 2.7::
+  $ tox -e py27
+For more information and a list of supported ``tox`` environments, see
+``tox.ini`` in the PyKMIP root directory.
-PyKMIP has been tested and runs on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS.
+PyKMIP has been tested and runs on the following platform(s):
-.. _KMIP Profile Support:
-KMIP Profile Support
-The KMIP standard includes various profiles that tailor the standard for
-specific use cases (e.g., symmetric key storage with TLS 1.2). These
-profiles specify conformance to certain operations and attributes. The
-operations listed below are needed to support symmetric key profiles, which
-are also provided below. We would appreciate help in the development of
-these operations, and have listed our recommended order of development
-prioritization in descending order. Since active development of these
-features is already underway, please check the `code base`_ to assess the
-status of operations prior to development.
-KMIP operations to add to PyKMIP:
-* Discover Versions
-* List
-* Check
-* Revoke
-* Get Attributes
-* Get Attribute List
-* Add Attribute
-* Modify Attribute
-* Delete Attribute
-* Activate
-* Query
-Note that the Create, Register, Get, and Destroy operations were completed
-with the initial version of PyKMIP to allow very basic KMIP symmetric key
-Server Profiles
-Server profiles that support KMIP symmetric key operations:
-* `Basic Baseline Server KMIP Profile`_ (includes TLS 1.0+)
-  * Client-to-Server operations needed for this (see the `Baseline Server Clause`_) include:
-    * Locate
-    * Check
-    * Get
-    * Get Attributes
-    * Get Attribute
-    * List
-    * Add Attribute
-    * Modify Attribute
-    * Delete Attribute
-    * Activate
-    * Revoke
-    * Destroy
-    * Query
-    * Discover Versions
-* `Symmetric Key Store and Server TLS 1.2 Authentication KMIP Profile`_
-  * Client-to-Server operations needed for this (see the `Symmetric Key Store and Server Conformance Clause`_) include all operations from the `Basic Baseline Server KMIP Profile`_ and also the Register operation.
-* `Symmetric Key Foundry and Server TLS 1.2 Authentication KMIP profile`_
-  * Client-to-Server operations needed for this (see the `Symmetric Key Foundry and Server Conformance Clause`_) include all operations from the `Basic Baseline Server KMIP Profile`_ and also the Create operation.
-Client Profiles
-Client profiles that support KMIP symmetric key operations:
-* `Basic Baseline Client KMIP Profile`_ (includes TLS 1.0+)
-  * Client-to-Server operations needed for this (see the `Baseline Client Clause`_) include:
-    * Locate
-    * Check
-    * Get
-    * Get Attributes
-    * Get Attribute
-    * List
-    * Add Attribute
-    * Modify Attribute
-    * Delete Attribute
-    * Activate
-    * Revoke
-    * Destroy
-    * Query
-    * Discover Versions
-* `Symmetric Key Store Client TLS 1.2 Authentication KMIP Profile`_
-  * Client-to-Server operations needed for this (see the `Symmetric Key Store Client Conformance Clause`_) include all operations from the `Basic Baseline Client KMIP Profile`_ and also the Register operation.
-* `Symmetric Key Foundry Client TLS 1.2 Authentication KMIP Profile`_
-  * Client-to-Server operations needed for this (see the `Symmetric Key Foundry Client Conformance Clause`_) include all operations from the `Basic Baseline Client KMIP Profile`_ and also the Create operation.
-* `Storage Client TLS 1.2 Authentication KMIP Profile`_
-  * Client-to-Server operations needed for this (see the `Storage Client Conformance Clauses`_) include all operations from the `Basic Baseline Client KMIP Profile`_, the Register operation from the `Symmetric Key Store Client TLS 1.2 Authentication KMIP Profile`_, and the Create operation from the `Symmetric Key Foundry Client TLS 1.2 Authentication KMIP Profile`_.
+* Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
 The source code for PyKMIP is hosted on GitHub and the library is available
 for installation from the Python Package Index (PyPI):
-* `GitHub <>`_
-* `PyPI <>`_
+* `PyKMIP on GitHub <>`_
+* `PyKMIP on PyPI <>`_
 For more information on KMIP version 1.1, see the following documentation:
@@ -152,17 +170,6 @@ For more information on KMIP version 1.1, see the following documentation:
 .. _Key Management Interoperability Protocol Specification Version 1.1:
 .. _Key Management Interoperability Protocol Profiles Version 1.1:
 .. _Key Management Interoperability Protocol Test Cases Version 1.1:
-.. _Basic Baseline Server KMIP Profile:
-.. _Symmetric Key Store and Server TLS 1.2 Authentication KMIP Profile:
-.. _Symmetric Key Foundry and Server TLS 1.2 Authentication KMIP Profile:
-.. _Basic Baseline Client KMIP Profile:
-.. _Symmetric Key Store Client TLS 1.2 Authentication KMIP Profile:
-.. _Symmetric Key Foundry Client TLS 1.2 Authentication KMIP Profile:
-.. _Storage Client TLS 1.2 Authentication KMIP Profile:
-.. _Baseline Server Clause:
-.. _Symmetric Key Store and Server Conformance Clause:
-.. _Symmetric Key Foundry and Server Conformance Clause:
-.. _Baseline Client Clause:
-.. _Symmetric Key Store Client Conformance Clause:
-.. _Symmetric Key Foundry Client Conformance Clause:
-.. _Storage Client Conformance Clauses:
+.. _Python SSL library documentation:
+.. _KMIP Wikipedia page:
+.. _KMIP Technical Committee home page:
diff --git a/ b/
index d0a681c..3aeecdb 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ import setuptools
-    version='0.2.0',
+    version='0.3.0',
     description='KMIP v1.1 library',
     author='Peter Hamilton',
@@ -35,11 +35,9 @@ setuptools.setup(
         "Intended Audience :: Developers",
         "License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License",
         "Natural Language :: English",
-        "Operating System :: MacOS :: MacOS X",
         "Operating System :: POSIX",
         "Operating System :: POSIX :: BSD",
         "Operating System :: POSIX :: Linux",
-        "Operating System :: Microsoft :: Windows",
         "Programming Language :: Python",
         "Programming Language :: Python :: 2",
         "Programming Language :: Python :: 2.6",
diff --git a/tox.ini b/tox.ini
index 9f3a1a3..c33ab27 100644
--- a/tox.ini
+++ b/tox.ini
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-envlist = pep8,py27,py26,py33,py34
+envlist = pep8,py26,py27,py33,py34
 deps = -r{toxinidir}/requirements.txt