# Copyright (c) 2017 The Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Laboratory # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import six from kmip.core import attributes from kmip.core import enums from kmip.core import objects from kmip.core import primitives from kmip.core import utils class DeriveKeyRequestPayload(primitives.Struct): """ A request payload for the DeriveKey operation. Attributes: object_type: The type of the object that should be derived. unique_identifiers: A set of unique IDs of managed objects to be used with the derivation process. derivation_method: The method that should be used to derive the new cryptographic object. derivation_parameters: A collection of settings relevant for the derivation method. template_attribute: A collection of attributes that should be set on the newly derived cryptographic object. """ def __init__(self, object_type=None, unique_identifiers=None, derivation_method=None, derivation_parameters=None, template_attribute=None): """ Construct a DeriveKey request payload struct. Args: object_type (ObjectType): An enumeration specifying the type of the object to derive. Optional, defaults to None. Required for encoding and decoding. unique_identifiers (list): A list of strings representing the IDs of managed objects (e.g., symmetric keys) to be used for derivation. Optional, defaults to None. At least one value is required for encoding and decoding. derivation_method (DerivationMethod): An enumeration specifying the type of derivation function to use (e.g., PBKDF2). Optional, defaults to None. Required for encoding and decoding. derivation_parameters (DerivationParameters): A structure containing cryptographic settings relevant for the derivation method. Optional, defaults to None. Required for encoding and decoding. template_attribute (TemplateAttribute): A structure containing a set of attributes (e.g., cryptographic algorithm, cryptographic length) that should be set on the newly derived cryptographic object. Optional, defaults to None. Required for encoding and decoding. """ super(DeriveKeyRequestPayload, self).__init__( enums.Tags.REQUEST_PAYLOAD ) self._object_type = None self._unique_identifiers = None self._derivation_method = None self._derivation_parameters = None self._template_attribute = None self.object_type = object_type self.unique_identifiers = unique_identifiers self.derivation_method = derivation_method self.derivation_parameters = derivation_parameters self.template_attribute = template_attribute @property def object_type(self): if self._object_type: return self._object_type.value else: return None @object_type.setter def object_type(self, value): if value is None: self._object_type = None elif isinstance(value, enums.ObjectType): self._object_type = primitives.Enumeration( enums.ObjectType, value=value, tag=enums.Tags.OBJECT_TYPE ) else: raise TypeError("object type must be an ObjectType enumeration") @property def unique_identifiers(self): if self._unique_identifiers: unique_identifiers = [] for i in self._unique_identifiers: unique_identifiers.append(i.value) return unique_identifiers else: return None @unique_identifiers.setter def unique_identifiers(self, value): if value is None: self._unique_identifiers = None elif isinstance(value, list): unique_identifiers = [] for i in value: if isinstance(i, six.string_types): unique_identifiers.append( primitives.TextString( value=i, tag=enums.Tags.UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER ) ) else: raise TypeError( "unique identifiers must be a list of strings" ) self._unique_identifiers = unique_identifiers else: raise TypeError("unique identifiers must be a list of strings") @property def derivation_method(self): if self._derivation_method: return self._derivation_method.value else: return None @derivation_method.setter def derivation_method(self, value): if value is None: self._derivation_method = None elif isinstance(value, enums.DerivationMethod): self._derivation_method = primitives.Enumeration( enums.DerivationMethod, value=value, tag=enums.Tags.DERIVATION_METHOD ) else: raise TypeError( "derivation method must be a DerivationMethod enumeration" ) @property def derivation_parameters(self): if self._derivation_parameters: return self._derivation_parameters else: return None @derivation_parameters.setter def derivation_parameters(self, value): if value is None: self._derivation_parameters = None elif isinstance(value, attributes.DerivationParameters): self._derivation_parameters = value else: raise TypeError( "derivation parameters must be a DerivationParameters struct" ) @property def template_attribute(self): if self._template_attribute: return self._template_attribute else: return None @template_attribute.setter def template_attribute(self, value): if value is None: self._template_attribute = None elif isinstance(value, objects.TemplateAttribute): self._template_attribute = value else: raise TypeError( "template attribute must be a TemplateAttribute struct" ) def read(self, input_stream): """ Read the data encoding the DeriveKey request payload and decode it into its constituent parts. Args: input_stream (stream): A data stream containing encoded object data, supporting a read method; usually a BytearrayStream object. Raises: ValueError: Raised if the data attribute is missing from the encoded payload. """ super(DeriveKeyRequestPayload, self).read(input_stream) local_stream = utils.BytearrayStream(input_stream.read(self.length)) if self.is_tag_next(enums.Tags.OBJECT_TYPE, local_stream): self._object_type = primitives.Enumeration( enums.ObjectType, tag=enums.Tags.OBJECT_TYPE ) self._object_type.read(local_stream) else: raise ValueError( "invalid payload missing object type" ) unique_identifiers = [] while self.is_tag_next(enums.Tags.UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER, local_stream): unique_identifier = primitives.TextString( tag=enums.Tags.UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER ) unique_identifier.read(local_stream) unique_identifiers.append(unique_identifier) if not unique_identifiers: raise ValueError("invalid payload missing unique identifiers") else: self._unique_identifiers = unique_identifiers if self.is_tag_next(enums.Tags.DERIVATION_METHOD, local_stream): self._derivation_method = primitives.Enumeration( enums.DerivationMethod, tag=enums.Tags.DERIVATION_METHOD ) self._derivation_method.read(local_stream) else: raise ValueError( "invalid payload missing derivation method" ) if self.is_tag_next(enums.Tags.DERIVATION_PARAMETERS, local_stream): self._derivation_parameters = attributes.DerivationParameters() self._derivation_parameters.read(local_stream) else: raise ValueError( "invalid payload missing derivation parameters" ) if self.is_tag_next(enums.Tags.TEMPLATE_ATTRIBUTE, local_stream): self._template_attribute = objects.TemplateAttribute() self._template_attribute.read(local_stream) else: raise ValueError( "invalid payload missing template attribute" ) self.is_oversized(local_stream) def write(self, output_stream): """ Write the data encoding the DeriveKey request payload to a stream. Args: output_stream (stream): A data stream in which to encode object data, supporting a write method; usually a BytearrayStream object. Raises: ValueError: Raised if the data attribute is not defined. """ local_stream = utils.BytearrayStream() if self._object_type: self._object_type.write(local_stream) else: raise ValueError("invalid payload missing object type") if self._unique_identifiers: for unique_identifier in self._unique_identifiers: unique_identifier.write(local_stream) else: raise ValueError("invalid payload missing unique identifiers") if self._derivation_method: self._derivation_method.write(local_stream) else: raise ValueError("invalid payload missing derivation method") if self._derivation_parameters: self._derivation_parameters.write(local_stream) else: raise ValueError("invalid payload missing derivation parameters") if self._template_attribute: self._template_attribute.write(local_stream) else: raise ValueError("invalid payload missing template attributes") self.length = local_stream.length() super(DeriveKeyRequestPayload, self).write(output_stream) output_stream.write(local_stream.buffer) def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, DeriveKeyRequestPayload): if self.object_type != other.object_type: return False elif self.unique_identifiers != other.unique_identifiers: return False elif self.derivation_method != other.derivation_method: return False elif self.derivation_parameters != other.derivation_parameters: return False elif self.template_attribute != other.template_attribute: return False else: return True else: return NotImplemented def __ne__(self, other): if isinstance(other, DeriveKeyRequestPayload): return not (self == other) else: return NotImplemented def __repr__(self): args = ", ".join([ "object_type={0}".format(self.object_type), "unique_identifiers={0}".format(self.unique_identifiers), "derivation_method={0}".format(self.derivation_method), "derivation_parameters={0}".format( repr(self.derivation_parameters) ), "template_attribute={0}".format(repr(self.template_attribute)) ]) return "DeriveKeyRequestPayload({0})".format(args) def __str__(self): return str({ 'object_type': self.object_type, 'unique_identifiers': self.unique_identifiers, 'derivation_method': self.derivation_method, 'derivation_parameters': self.derivation_parameters, 'template_attribute': self.template_attribute }) class DeriveKeyResponsePayload(primitives.Struct): """ A response payload for the DeriveKey operation. Attributes: unique_identifier: The unique ID of the newly derived cryptographic object. template_attribute: A collection of attributes that were implicitly set by the server on the newly derived cryptographic object. """ def __init__(self, unique_identifier=None, template_attribute=None): """ Construct a DeriveKey response payload struct. Args: unique_identifier (string): A string representing the ID of the newly derived managed object. Optional, defaults to None. At least one value is required for encoding and decoding. template_attribute (TemplateAttribute): A structure containing a set of attributes (e.g., cryptographic algorithm, cryptographic length) implicitly set by the server on the newly derived cryptographic object. Optional, defaults to None. """ super(DeriveKeyResponsePayload, self).__init__( enums.Tags.RESPONSE_PAYLOAD ) self._unique_identifier = None self._template_attribute = None self.unique_identifier = unique_identifier self.template_attribute = template_attribute @property def unique_identifier(self): if self._unique_identifier: return self._unique_identifier.value else: return None @unique_identifier.setter def unique_identifier(self, value): if value is None: self._unique_identifier = None elif isinstance(value, six.string_types): self._unique_identifier = primitives.TextString( value=value, tag=enums.Tags.UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER ) else: raise TypeError("unique identifier must be a string") @property def template_attribute(self): if self._template_attribute: return self._template_attribute else: return None @template_attribute.setter def template_attribute(self, value): if value is None: self._template_attribute = None elif isinstance(value, objects.TemplateAttribute): self._template_attribute = value else: raise TypeError( "template attribute must be a TemplateAttribute struct" ) def read(self, input_stream): """ Read the data encoding the DeriveKey response payload and decode it into its constituent parts. Args: input_stream (stream): A data stream containing encoded object data, supporting a read method; usually a BytearrayStream object. Raises: ValueError: Raised if the data attribute is missing from the encoded payload. """ super(DeriveKeyResponsePayload, self).read(input_stream) local_stream = utils.BytearrayStream(input_stream.read(self.length)) if self.is_tag_next(enums.Tags.UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER, local_stream): self._unique_identifier = primitives.TextString( tag=enums.Tags.UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER ) self._unique_identifier.read(local_stream) else: raise ValueError( "invalid payload missing unique identifier" ) if self.is_tag_next(enums.Tags.TEMPLATE_ATTRIBUTE, local_stream): self._template_attribute = objects.TemplateAttribute() self._template_attribute.read(local_stream) self.is_oversized(local_stream) def write(self, output_stream): """ Write the data encoding the DeriveKey response payload to a stream. Args: output_stream (stream): A data stream in which to encode object data, supporting a write method; usually a BytearrayStream object. Raises: ValueError: Raised if the data attribute is not defined. """ local_stream = utils.BytearrayStream() if self._unique_identifier: self._unique_identifier.write(local_stream) else: raise ValueError( "invalid payload missing unique identifier" ) if self._template_attribute: self._template_attribute.write(local_stream) self.length = local_stream.length() super(DeriveKeyResponsePayload, self).write(output_stream) output_stream.write(local_stream.buffer) def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, DeriveKeyResponsePayload): if self.unique_identifier != other.unique_identifier: return False elif self.template_attribute != other.template_attribute: return False else: return True else: return NotImplemented def __ne__(self, other): if isinstance(other, DeriveKeyResponsePayload): return not (self == other) else: return NotImplemented def __repr__(self): args = ", ".join([ "unique_identifier='{0}'".format(self.unique_identifier), "template_attribute={0}".format(repr(self.template_attribute)) ]) return "DeriveKeyResponsePayload({0})".format(args) def __str__(self): return str({ 'unique_identifier': self.unique_identifier, 'template_attribute': self.template_attribute })