* Add support for the GetAttributeList operation
* Add integration with Travis CI, Codecov/Coveralls, and Bandit
* Add client/server failover support using multiple IP addresses
* Add additional attribute unit tests
* Update implementations of KMIP primitives
* Reorganize server code to prepare for refactoring
* Remove use of exec when handling library version numbers
* Remove broken server script

0.4.0 - August 14, 2015
* Add the official Pie API for a simpler KMIP interface
* Add the ProxyKmipClient implementation of the Pie API
* Add key, secret, and opaque objects to the Pie object hierarchy
* Add unit demos for all ProxyKmipClient operations
* Add complete unit and integration test suites for the Pie package
* Add KMIPProxy client support/demos for the Activate and Revoke operations
* Add KMIPProxy client connection timeout support
* Add KMIPProxy integration tests for asymmetric key and secret/opaque objects
* Add improved request error logging for the KMIPServer
* Update README with additional information about the clients and Pie API
* Remove AUTHORS in favor of Git commit history
* Fix bug with dangling file handle when setting __version__
* Fix bug with dangling socket connection upon client destruction

0.3.3 - June 25, 2015
* Add the core ManagedObject class hierarchy for the new Pie API
* Add updated Boolean primitive implementation and test suite
* Add integration tests for symmetric key creation and registration
* Update demo and client logging to log at the INFO level by default
* Update README with improved testing instructions
* Fix bug causing enumerations to be encoded as signed integers
* Fix bug with mismatched EncodingOption tag
* Fix bug with relative path use for version number handling
* Fix bug with Integer primitive breaking on valid long integer values

0.3.2 - June 11, 2015
* Add support for registering and retrieving Certificates
* Update unit demos to work with Certificates
* Reorganize test suite into unit and integration test suites
* Remove old demo scripts
* Fix bug with incorrect KeyMaterialStruct tag
* Fix bug causing infinite recursion with object inheritance

0.3.1 - April 23, 2015
* Add KMIP profile information to the client
* Add support for registering/retrieving SecretData and Opaque objects
* Update the SecretFactory to build Public/PrivateKeys with user data

0.3.0 - March 14, 2015
* Add client support for the DiscoverVersions and Query operations
* Add client support for the CreateKeyPair and ReKeyKeyPair operations
* Add support for registering and retrieving PublicKeys and PrivateKeys
* Add unit demos demonstrating how to use individual KMIP client operations
* Add custom configuration support to the KMIP client
* Add inline documentation for new KMIP objects, attributes and payloads
* Add additional unit test suites for new KMIP objects, attributes and payloads
* Add dependency for the six library to handle Python version support
* Update README with a condensed description and breakdown of the library
* Fix bug with unindexed format strings (impacts Python 2.6)
* Fix missing certificate file issue when installing library from PyPI

0.2.0 - November 17, 2014
* Add configuration file support
* Add client support for the Locate operation
* Update README with additional information and reStructuredText format

0.1.1 - September 12, 2014
* Fix bug with auto-installing third party dependencies

0.1.0 - August 28, 2014
* Add support for Python 3.3 and 3.4
* Add support for KMIP client/server SSL connections
* Remove all Thrift library dependencies

0.0.1 - August 12, 2014
* Initial release
* Add support for Python 2.6 and 2.7
* Add KMIP client and server
* Add client/server support for Create, Get, Register, and Destroy operations
* Add unit test suite