# Copyright (c) 2015 The Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Laboratory # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import logging import six from kmip.core import enums from kmip.core import objects as cobjects from kmip.core.factories import attributes from kmip.pie import api from kmip.pie import exceptions from kmip.pie import factory from kmip.pie import objects as pobjects from kmip.services.kmip_client import KMIPProxy class ProxyKmipClient(api.KmipClient): """ A simplified KMIP client for conducting KMIP operations. The ProxyKmipClient is a simpler KMIP client supporting various KMIP operations. It wraps the original KMIPProxy, reducing the boilerplate needed to deploy PyKMIP in client applications. The underlying proxy client is responsible for setting up the underlying socket connection and for writing/reading data to/from the socket. Like the KMIPProxy, the ProxyKmipClient is not thread-safe. """ def __init__(self, hostname=None, port=None, cert=None, key=None, ca=None, ssl_version=None, username=None, password=None, config='client'): """ Construct a ProxyKmipClient. Args: hostname (string): The host or IP address of a KMIP appliance. Optional, defaults to None. port (int): The port number used to establish a connection to a KMIP appliance. Usually 5696 for KMIP applications. Optional, defaults to None. cert (string): The path to the client's certificate. Optional, defaults to None. key (string): The path to the key for the client's certificate. Optional, defaults to None. ca (string): The path to the CA certificate used to verify the server's certificate. Optional, defaults to None. ssl_version (string): The name of the ssl version to use for the connection. Example: 'PROTOCOL_SSLv23'. Optional, defaults to None. username (string): The username of the KMIP appliance account to use for operations. Optional, defaults to None. password (string): The password of the KMIP appliance account to use for operations. Optional, defaults to None. config (string): The name of a section in the PyKMIP configuration file. Use to load a specific set of configuration settings from the configuration file, instead of specifying them manually. Optional, defaults to the default client section, 'client'. """ self.logger = logging.getLogger() self.attribute_factory = attributes.AttributeFactory() self.object_factory = factory.ObjectFactory() # TODO (peter-hamilton) Consider adding validation checks for inputs. self.proxy = KMIPProxy( host=hostname, port=port, certfile=cert, keyfile=key, ca_certs=ca, ssl_version=ssl_version, username=username, password=password, config=config) # TODO (peter-hamilton) Add a multiprocessing lock for synchronization. self._is_open = False def open(self): """ Open the client connection. Raises: ClientConnectionFailure: if the client connection is already open Exception: if an error occurs while trying to open the connection """ if self._is_open: raise exceptions.ClientConnectionFailure( "client connection already open") else: try: self.proxy.open() self._is_open = True except Exception as e: self.logger.exception("could not open client connection", e) raise e def close(self): """ Close the client connection. Raises: ClientConnectionNotOpen: if the client connection is not open Exception: if an error occurs while trying to close the connection """ if not self._is_open: raise exceptions.ClientConnectionNotOpen() else: try: self.proxy.close() self._is_open = False except Exception as e: self.logger.exception("could not close client connection", e) raise e def create(self, algorithm, length, operation_policy_name=None, name=None): """ Create a symmetric key on a KMIP appliance. Args: algorithm (CryptographicAlgorithm): An enumeration defining the algorithm to use to generate the symmetric key. length (int): The length in bits for the symmetric key. operation_policy_name (string): The name of the operation policy to use for the new symmetric key. Optional, defaults to None name (string): The name to give the key. Optional, defaults to None Returns: string: The uid of the newly created symmetric key. Raises: ClientConnectionNotOpen: if the client connection is unusable KmipOperationFailure: if the operation result is a failure TypeError: if the input arguments are invalid """ # Check inputs if not isinstance(algorithm, enums.CryptographicAlgorithm): raise TypeError( "algorithm must be a CryptographicAlgorithm enumeration") elif not isinstance(length, six.integer_types) or length <= 0: raise TypeError("length must be a positive integer") # Verify that operations can be given at this time if not self._is_open: raise exceptions.ClientConnectionNotOpen() # Create the template containing the attributes common_attributes = self._build_common_attributes( operation_policy_name ) key_attributes = self._build_key_attributes(algorithm, length) key_attributes.extend(common_attributes) if name: key_attributes.extend(self._build_name_attribute(name)) template = cobjects.TemplateAttribute(attributes=key_attributes) # Create the symmetric key and handle the results result = self.proxy.create(enums.ObjectType.SYMMETRIC_KEY, template) status = result.result_status.value if status == enums.ResultStatus.SUCCESS: uid = result.uuid.value return uid else: reason = result.result_reason.value message = result.result_message.value raise exceptions.KmipOperationFailure(status, reason, message) def create_key_pair(self, algorithm, length, operation_policy_name=None, public_name=None, private_name=None): """ Create an asymmetric key pair on a KMIP appliance. Args: algorithm (CryptographicAlgorithm): An enumeration defining the algorithm to use to generate the key pair. length (int): The length in bits for the key pair. operation_policy_name (string): The name of the operation policy to use for the new key pair. Optional, defaults to None. public_name (string): The name to give the public key. Optional, defaults to None. private_name (string): The name to give the public key. Optional, defaults to None. Returns: string: The uid of the newly created public key. string: The uid of the newly created private key. Raises: ClientConnectionNotOpen: if the client connection is unusable KmipOperationFailure: if the operation result is a failure TypeError: if the input arguments are invalid """ # Check inputs if not isinstance(algorithm, enums.CryptographicAlgorithm): raise TypeError( "algorithm must be a CryptographicAlgorithm enumeration") elif not isinstance(length, six.integer_types) or length <= 0: raise TypeError("length must be a positive integer") # Verify that operations can be given at this time if not self._is_open: raise exceptions.ClientConnectionNotOpen() # Create the common attributes that are shared common_attributes = self._build_common_attributes( operation_policy_name ) key_attributes = self._build_key_attributes(algorithm, length) key_attributes.extend(common_attributes) template = cobjects.CommonTemplateAttribute(attributes=key_attributes) # Create public / private specific attributes public_template = None if public_name: name_attr = self._build_name_attribute(name=public_name) public_template = cobjects.PublicKeyTemplateAttribute( names=name_attr ) private_template = None if private_name: name_attr = self._build_name_attribute(name=private_name) private_template = cobjects.PrivateKeyTemplateAttribute( names=name_attr ) # Create the asymmetric key pair and handle the results result = self.proxy.create_key_pair( common_template_attribute=template, private_key_template_attribute=private_template, public_key_template_attribute=public_template) status = result.result_status.value if status == enums.ResultStatus.SUCCESS: public_uid = result.public_key_uuid.value private_uid = result.private_key_uuid.value return public_uid, private_uid else: reason = result.result_reason.value message = result.result_message.value raise exceptions.KmipOperationFailure(status, reason, message) def register(self, managed_object): """ Register a managed object with a KMIP appliance. Args: managed_object (ManagedObject): A managed object to register. An instantiatable subclass of ManagedObject from the Pie API. Returns: string: The uid of the newly registered managed object. Raises: ClientConnectionNotOpen: if the client connection is unusable KmipOperationFailure: if the operation result is a failure TypeError: if the input argument is invalid """ # Check input if not isinstance(managed_object, pobjects.ManagedObject): raise TypeError("managed object must be a Pie ManagedObject") # Verify that operations can be given at this time if not self._is_open: raise exceptions.ClientConnectionNotOpen() # Extract and create attributes object_attributes = list() if hasattr(managed_object, 'cryptographic_usage_masks'): mask_attribute = self.attribute_factory.create_attribute( enums.AttributeType.CRYPTOGRAPHIC_USAGE_MASK, managed_object.cryptographic_usage_masks ) object_attributes.append(mask_attribute) if hasattr(managed_object, 'operation_policy_name'): opn_attribute = self.attribute_factory.create_attribute( enums.AttributeType.OPERATION_POLICY_NAME, managed_object.operation_policy_name ) object_attributes.append(opn_attribute) template = cobjects.TemplateAttribute(attributes=object_attributes) object_type = managed_object.object_type # Register the managed object and handle the results secret = self.object_factory.convert(managed_object) result = self.proxy.register(object_type, template, secret) status = result.result_status.value if status == enums.ResultStatus.SUCCESS: uid = result.uuid.value return uid else: reason = result.result_reason.value message = result.result_message.value raise exceptions.KmipOperationFailure(status, reason, message) def get(self, uid): """ Get a managed object from a KMIP appliance. Args: uid (string): The unique ID of the managed object to retrieve. Returns: ManagedObject: The retrieved managed object object. Raises: ClientConnectionNotOpen: if the client connection is unusable KmipOperationFailure: if the operation result is a failure TypeError: if the input argument is invalid """ # Check input if not isinstance(uid, six.string_types): raise TypeError("uid must be a string") # Verify that operations can be given at this time if not self._is_open: raise exceptions.ClientConnectionNotOpen() # Get the managed object and handle the results result = self.proxy.get(uid) status = result.result_status.value if status == enums.ResultStatus.SUCCESS: managed_object = self.object_factory.convert(result.secret) return managed_object else: reason = result.result_reason.value message = result.result_message.value raise exceptions.KmipOperationFailure(status, reason, message) def get_attributes(self, uid=None, attribute_names=None): """ Get the attributes associated with a managed object. If the uid is not specified, the appliance will use the ID placeholder by default. If the attribute_names list is not specified, the appliance will return all viable attributes for the managed object. Args: uid (string): The unique ID of the managed object with which the retrieved attributes should be associated. Optional, defaults to None. attribute_names (list): A list of string attribute names indicating which attributes should be retrieved. Optional, defaults to None. """ # Check input if uid is not None: if not isinstance(uid, six.string_types): raise TypeError("uid must be a string") if attribute_names is not None: if not isinstance(attribute_names, list): raise TypeError("attribute_names must be a list of strings") else: for attribute_name in attribute_names: if not isinstance(attribute_name, six.string_types): raise TypeError( "attribute_names must be a list of strings" ) # Verify that operations can be given at this time if not self._is_open: raise exceptions.ClientConnectionNotOpen() # Get the list of attributes for a managed object result = self.proxy.get_attributes(uid, attribute_names) status = result.result_status.value if status == enums.ResultStatus.SUCCESS: return result.uuid, result.attributes else: reason = result.result_reason.value message = result.result_message.value raise exceptions.KmipOperationFailure(status, reason, message) def get_attribute_list(self, uid=None): """ Get the names of the attributes associated with a managed object. If the uid is not specified, the appliance will use the ID placeholder by default. Args: uid (string): The unique ID of the managed object with which the retrieved attribute names should be associated. Optional, defaults to None. """ # Check input if uid is not None: if not isinstance(uid, six.string_types): raise TypeError("uid must be a string") # Verify that operations can be given at this time if not self._is_open: raise exceptions.ClientConnectionNotOpen() # Get the list of attribute names for a managed object. result = self.proxy.get_attribute_list(uid) status = result.result_status.value if status == enums.ResultStatus.SUCCESS: attribute_names = sorted(result.names) return attribute_names else: reason = result.result_reason.value message = result.result_message.value raise exceptions.KmipOperationFailure(status, reason, message) def destroy(self, uid): """ Destroy a managed object stored by a KMIP appliance. Args: uid (string): The unique ID of the managed object to destroy. Returns: None Raises: ClientConnectionNotOpen: if the client connection is unusable KmipOperationFailure: if the operation result is a failure TypeError: if the input argument is invalid """ # Check input if not isinstance(uid, six.string_types): raise TypeError("uid must be a string") # Verify that operations can be given at this time if not self._is_open: raise exceptions.ClientConnectionNotOpen() # Destroy the managed object and handle the results result = self.proxy.destroy(uid) status = result.result_status.value if status == enums.ResultStatus.SUCCESS: return else: reason = result.result_reason.value message = result.result_message.value raise exceptions.KmipOperationFailure(status, reason, message) def _build_key_attributes(self, algorithm, length): # Build a list of core key attributes. algorithm_attribute = self.attribute_factory.create_attribute( enums.AttributeType.CRYPTOGRAPHIC_ALGORITHM, algorithm) length_attribute = self.attribute_factory.create_attribute( enums.AttributeType.CRYPTOGRAPHIC_LENGTH, length) mask_attribute = self.attribute_factory.create_attribute( enums.AttributeType.CRYPTOGRAPHIC_USAGE_MASK, [enums.CryptographicUsageMask.ENCRYPT, enums.CryptographicUsageMask.DECRYPT]) return [algorithm_attribute, length_attribute, mask_attribute] def _build_common_attributes(self, operation_policy_name=None): ''' Build a list of common attributes that are shared across symmetric as well as asymmetric objects ''' common_attributes = [] if operation_policy_name: common_attributes.append( self.attribute_factory.create_attribute( enums.AttributeType.OPERATION_POLICY_NAME, operation_policy_name ) ) return common_attributes def _build_name_attribute(self, name=None): ''' Build a name attribute, returned in a list for ease of use in the caller ''' name_list = [] if name: name_list.append(self.attribute_factory.create_attribute( enums.AttributeType.NAME, name) ) return name_list def __enter__(self): self.open() return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): self.close()