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------ PyKMIP ------ |pypi-version| |travis-status| |codecov-status| |python-versions| PyKMIP is a Python implementation of the Key Management Interoperability Protocol (KMIP). KMIP is a client/server communication protocol for the storage and maintenance of key, certificate, and secret objects. The standard is governed by the `Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards`_ (OASIS). PyKMIP supports a subset of features in versions 1.0 - 1.4 of the KMIP specification. For a high-level overview of KMIP, check out the `KMIP Wikipedia page`_. For comprehensive documentation from OASIS and information about the KMIP community, visit the `KMIP Technical Committee home page`_. .. _Usage: Usage ===== Client ------ The KMIP client, ``kmip.pie.client.ProxyKmipClient``, provides support for the following operations: * ``Create`` * ``CreateKeyPair`` * ``Register`` * ``DeriveKey`` * ``Locate`` * ``Get`` * ``GetAttributes`` * ``GetAttributeList`` * ``Activate`` * ``Revoke`` * ``Destroy`` * ``Encrypt`` * ``Decrypt`` * ``Sign`` * ``SignatureVerify`` * ``MAC`` For examples of how to create and use the client, see the scripts in ``kmip/demos/pie``. Configuration ************* The KMIP client can be configured in different ways to connect to a KMIP server. The first method is the default approach, which uses settings found in the PyKMIP configuration file. The configuration file can be stored in several different locations, including: * ``<user home>/.pykmip/pykmip.conf`` * ``/etc/pykmip/pykmip.conf`` * ``<PyKMIP install>/kmip/pykmip.conf`` * ``<PyKMIP install>/kmip/kmipconfig.ini`` These locations are searched in order. For example, configuration data found in ``/etc`` will take priority over configuration information found in the PyKMIP installation directory. The ``kmipconfig.ini`` file name is supported for legacy installations. Users can specify the connection configuration settings to use on client instantiation, allowing applications to support multiple key storage backends simultaneously, one client per backend. An example client configuration settings block is shown below:: [client] host= port=5696 keyfile=/path/to/key/file certfile=/path/to/cert/file cert_reqs=CERT_REQUIRED ssl_version=PROTOCOL_SSLv23 ca_certs=/path/to/ca/cert/file do_handshake_on_connect=True suppress_ragged_eofs=True username=user password=password The second configuration approach allows developers to specify the configuration settings when creating the client at run time. The following example demonstrates how to create the ``ProxyKmipClient``, directly specifying the different configuration values:: client = ProxyKmipClient( hostname='', port=5696, cert='/path/to/cert/file/', key='/path/to/key/file/', ca='/path/to/ca/cert/file/', ssl_version='PROTOCOL_SSLv23', username='user', password='password', config='client' ) The KMIP client will load the configuration settings found in the ``client`` settings block by default. Settings specified at runtime, as in the above example, will take precedence over the default values found in the configuration file. Many of these settings correspond to the settings for ``ssl.wrap_socket``, which is used to establish secure connections to KMIP backends. For more information, check out the `Python SSL library documentation`_. Server ------ In addition to the KMIP client, PyKMIP provides a basic software implementation of a KMIP server, ``kmip.services.server.KmipServer``. However, the server is intended for use only in testing and demonstration environments. The server is **not** intended to be a substitute for a secure, hardware-based key management appliance. The PyKMIP client should be used for operational purposes **only** with a hardware-based KMIP server. The KMIP server provides support for the following operations: * ``Create`` * ``CreateKeyPair`` * ``Register`` * ``DeriveKey`` * ``Locate`` * ``Get`` * ``GetAttributes`` * ``Activate`` * ``Revoke`` * ``Destroy`` * ``Query`` * ``DiscoverVersions`` * ``Encrypt`` * ``Decrypt`` * ``Sign`` * ``SignatureVerify`` * ``MAC`` Configuration ************* The PyKMIP software server can be configured via configuration file, by default located at ``/etc/pykmip/server.conf``. An example server configuration settings block, as found in the configuration file, is shown below:: [server] hostname= port=5696 certificate_path=/path/to/certificate/file key_path=/path/to/certificate/key/file ca_path=/path/to/ca/certificate/file auth_suite=Basic policy_path=/path/to/policy/file enable_tls_client_auth=True tls_cipher_suites= TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256 TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384 logging_level=DEBUG The server can also be configured manually. The following example shows how to create the ``KmipServer`` in Python code, directly specifying the different configuration values:: server = KmipServer( hostname='', port=5696, certificate_path='/path/to/certificate/file/', key_path='/path/to/certificate/key/file/', ca_path='/path/to/ca/certificate/file/', auth_suite='Basic', config_path='/etc/pykmip/server.conf', log_path='/var/log/pykmip/server.log', policy_path='/etc/pykmip/policies', enable_tls_client_auth=True, tls_cipher_suites=[ 'TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256', 'TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256', 'TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384' ], logging_level='DEBUG' ) **NOTE:** The ``kmip_server.KMIPServer`` implementation of the software server is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of PyKMIP. The different configuration options are defined below: * ``hostname`` A string representing either a hostname in Internet domain notation or an IPv4 address. * ``port`` An integer representing a port number. Recommended to be ``5696`` according to the KMIP specification. * ``certificate_path`` A string representing a path to a PEM-encoded server certificate file. For more information, see the `Python SSL library documentation`_. * ``key_path`` A string representing a path to a PEM-encoded server certificate key file. The private key contained in the file must correspond to the certificate pointed to by ``certificate_path``. For more information, see the `Python SSL library documentation`_. * ``ca_path`` A string representing a path to a PEM-encoded certificate authority certificate file. If using a self-signed certificate, the ``ca_path`` and the ``certificate_path`` should be identical. For more information, see the `Python SSL library documentation`_. * ``auth_suite`` A string representing the type of authentication suite to use when establishing TLS connections. Acceptable values are ``Basic`` and ``TLS1.2``. **Note:** ``TLS1.2`` can only be used with versions of Python that support TLS 1.2 (e.g,. Python 2.7.9+ or Python 3.4+). If you are running on an older version of Python, you will only be able to use basic TLS 1.0 authentication. For more information, see the `Python SSL library documentation`_ and the `Key Management Interoperability Protocol Profiles Version 1.1`_ documentation. * ``config_path`` A string representing a path to a server configuration file, as shown above. Only set via the ``KmipServer`` constructor. Defaults to ``/etc/pykmip/server.conf``. * ``log_path`` A string representing a path to a log file. The server will set up a rotating file logger on this file. Only set via the ``KmipServer`` constructor. Defaults to ``/var/log/pykmip/server.log``. * ``policy_path`` A string representing a path to the filesystem directory containing PyKMIP server operation policy JSON files. * ``enable_tls_client_auth`` A boolean indicating whether or not extension checks should be performed on client certificates to verify that they can be used to derive client identity. This setting is enabled by default for backwards compatibility and must be explicitly disabled if this behavior is not desired. * ``tls_cipher_suites`` A list of strings representing the set of cipher suites to use when establishing TLS connections with new clients. Enable debug logging for more information on the cipher suites used by the client and server. * ``logging_level`` A string indicating what the base logging level should be for the server. Options include: DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL. The DEBUG log level logs the most information, the CRITICAL log level logs the least. **NOTE:** When installing PyKMIP and deploying the KMIP software server, you must manually set up the server configuration file. It **will not** be placed in ``/etc/pykmip`` automatically. Usage ***** The software server can be run using the ``bin/run_server.py`` startup script. If you are currently in the PyKMIP root directory, use the following command:: $ python bin/run_server.py If you need more information about running the startup script, pass ``-h`` to it:: $ python bin/run_server.py -h **NOTE:** You may need to run the server as root, depending on the permissions of the configuration, log, and certificate file directories. If PyKMIP is installed and you are able to ``import kmip`` in Python, you can copy the startup script and run it from any directory you choose. Identity & Ownership ******************** The software server determines client identity using the client's TLS certificate. Specifically, the common name of the certificate subject is used as the client ID. Additionally, the client certificate must have an extended key usage extension marked for client authentication. If this extension is not included in the client certificate and/or the client does not define a subject and common name, the server will fail to establish a client session. For more information on certificates and their use in authentication, see `RFC 5280`_. The client identity described above is used to anchor object ownership. Object ownership and access is governed by an object's operation policy, defined on object creation. By default the KMIP specification defines two operation policies, a ``default`` policy covering all objects and a ``public`` policy applied only to ``Template`` objects. For example, if user A creates a symmetric key, user B will only be able to retrieve that key if the key's operation policy indicates that the key is accessible to all users. If the operation policy specifies that the key is only available to the owner, only user A will be able to access it. Users can create their own operation policies by placing operation policy JSON files in the policy directory pointed to by the ``policy_path`` configuration option. The server will load all policies from that directory upon start up, allowing users to use those policies for their objects. A template for the operation policy JSON file can be found under ``examples``. Note that the ``default`` and ``public`` policies are reserved and cannot be redefined by a user's policy. Development =========== Testing ------- The PyKMIP test suite is composed of two parts, a unit test suite and an integration test suite that runs various tests against instantiations of the software KMIP server and real KMIP appliances. The tests are managed by a combination of the ``tox``, ``pytest``, and ``flake8`` libraries. There are several ways to run different versions of the tests. To run, use one of the following commands in the PyKMIP root directory. To run all of the unit tests:: $ tox To run the Python syntax and format compliance tests:: $ tox -e pep8 To run the unit test suite against Python 2.7:: $ tox -e py27 The integration tests require a configuration flag whose value corresponds to the name of a client configuration section in the ``pykmip.conf`` configuration file. See the Usage_ section for more information. To run the integration test suite with a specific configuration setup:: $ tox -e integration -- --config <section-name> For more information and a list of supported ``tox`` environments, see ``tox.ini`` in the PyKMIP root directory. Platforms ========= PyKMIP has been tested and runs on the following platform(s): * Ubuntu: 12.04 LTS, 14.04 LTS, 16.04 LTS PyKMIP is supported by Python 2.7 and 3.3 - 3.6. References ========== The source code for PyKMIP is hosted on GitHub and the library is available for installation from the Python Package Index (PyPI): * `PyKMIP on GitHub <https://github.com/OpenKMIP/PyKMIP>`_ * `PyKMIP on PyPI <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/PyKMIP>`_ For more information on KMIP version 1.1, see the following documentation: * `Key Management Interoperability Protocol Specification Version 1.1`_ * `Key Management Interoperability Protocol Profiles Version 1.1`_ * `Key Management Interoperability Protocol Test Cases Version 1.1`_ .. _code base: https://github.com/OpenKMIP/PyKMIP .. _Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards: https://www.oasis-open.org/ .. _Key Management Interoperability Protocol Specification Version 1.1: http://docs.oasis-open.org/kmip/spec/v1.1/os/kmip-spec-v1.1-os.html .. _Key Management Interoperability Protocol Profiles Version 1.1: http://docs.oasis-open.org/kmip/profiles/v1.1/os/kmip-profiles-v1.1-os.html .. _Key Management Interoperability Protocol Test Cases Version 1.1: http://docs.oasis-open.org/kmip/testcases/v1.1/cn01/kmip-testcases-v1.1-cn01.html .. _Python SSL library documentation: https://docs.python.org/dev/library/ssl.html#socket-creation .. _KMIP Wikipedia page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Key_Management_Interoperability_Protocol .. _KMIP Technical Committee home page: https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/tc_home.php?wg_abbrev=kmip .. _RFC 5280: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5280 .. |pypi-version| image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/pykmip.svg :target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pykmip :alt: Latest Version .. |travis-status| image:: https://travis-ci.org/OpenKMIP/PyKMIP.svg?branch=master :target: https://travis-ci.org/OpenKMIP/PyKMIP .. |codecov-status| image:: https://codecov.io/github/OpenKMIP/PyKMIP/coverage.svg?branch=master :target: https://codecov.io/github/OpenKMIP/PyKMIP?branch=master .. |python-versions| image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/pyversions/PyKMIP.svg :target: https://github.com/OpenKMIP/PyKMIP