version.h file retains non win32 original code as it should; feature
added for win32 for ssh.exe to show build and date like sshd.exe rather
than a fixed date we had inserted before in version.h file.
Console API is now used for interactive tty mode. Thus ssh.exe client
can now pass each character to remote side as one types so that programs
like more works correctly. Control-c now will stop the remote program
instead of exiting the ssh.exe.
Fixes issues like cmd.exe shell not handling backspace, control-c.
Control-c is still a work in progress and will be fixed but backspace
processing works. This work when complete will make cmd.exe shell and
powershell work better for interactive users.
Will fix problems like new hosts to be added to known_hosts file which
was failing when .ssh directory did not exist. Also default user's
public keys like id_rsa pairs are picked up properly from the user's
homdir/.ssh base.